Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9184: 819 past years

In the fourth secret room, there were actually two skeletons. These two skeletons were better preserved and were not scattered on the ground.

It can be clearly seen from these two skeletons that one skeleton is that of a woman and the other is that of a man.

The woman's skeleton was holding a dagger that shone with a cold light and pierced the man's chest. This should be the main cause of the man's death.

The man's skeleton was wearing a pair of gloves, and those gloves were obviously a treasure.

Lin Feng has a glove-type magic weapon.

The man's skeleton strangled the woman's neck. It seemed that he had broken the woman's neck before she died. There is no doubt that these two people are definitely masters among masters. The fight between the two sides must have been extremely fierce, so much so that the fourth secret room was extremely damaged. There were originally many cabinets and cabinets here. There are a lot of scrolls and jade tubes in there, which are most likely where Madam Gu Rui placed various top-level inheritances. It is estimated that there are various top-level inheritances that Madam Gu Rui has collected in her life, as well as Madam Gu Rui herself. create

All the top inheritances that came here were placed here, but the war was fierce and too many things were destroyed.

"The Ziyun dagger is Mrs. Gurui's dagger!".

The withered willow couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the dagger in the woman's hand.

Withered Liu quickly walked towards Mrs. Gu Rui, with endless sadness flowing in her eyes. Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. This kind of revelation of true feelings didn't seem like a lie. It seemed that the relationship between Kuliu and Mrs. Gu Rui back then was definitely not simple. It might even be a relatively close relationship. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so sad.

, let alone knowing the various secrets in the secret room. "It seems that those two people sneaked in when Madam Gu Rui was in seclusion and attacked Madam Gu Rui. Madam Gu Rui killed one of them first, and finally died together with the other one!" Wuliang Taoist priest made some suggestions


Everyone couldn't help but feel sorry for Mrs. Gu Rui.

In fact, the time when you are practicing in seclusion is the most avoidable time to be disturbed by others, because this time is so important to the monks, and even the slightest accident may make the monks irrecoverable.

Therefore, no matter who retreats, they need a relatively quiet environment.

Madam Gu Rui was so powerful back then, so Madam Gu Rui probably thought that no one would deal with her. After all, it was a life-threatening gamble.

But unfortunately, some people really did such a risky thing. "What about the Crystal of Eternal Life? It has been refined by Mrs. Gu Rui, right?" Young Master Huafan said. He was also thinking about this thing. Regardless of whether he would be able to benefit from it in the end, he at least wanted to see it. When I saw this legend

What does this level of treasure look like? Even within the Gate of Eternal Life, there are probably only a few people who have seen the Crystal of Eternal Life. "Maybe it's in the storage ring!" Wuliang Taoist said, he took off the storage ring from the woman's skeleton, and then his expression changed drastically. He said with an annoyed and regretful look, "The storage ring was stolen during the war.

Destroyed! ".

"Fuck...". Everyone collectively let out a curse. If so, it would be a pity, because the Crystal of Eternal Life is probably in that storage ring. Now the storage ring has been completely damaged, isn't it?

He said that the Crystal of Eternal Life was also destroyed. Anyone who encountered such a thing would probably be extremely depressed. At this time, Lin Feng looked at the skeleton. He planned to take off Madam Gu Rui’s dagger and study it. Lin Feng always felt that the dagger was not simple. After all, it was the dagger that killed a top powerhouse, and

When Lin Feng came into contact with Mrs. Gu Rui's skeleton, Lin Feng suddenly found that his vision suddenly went dark, and then countless noisy voices suddenly resounded in his mind, making Lin Feng feel a stabbing pain in his head.

Lin Feng calmed down and the noisy voice disappeared.

But he vaguely saw some pictures.

Lin Feng saw three people in a secret room, two women and one man.

One man and one woman were obviously working together and were besieging another woman. The situation of the woman being besieged was becoming increasingly dangerous.

However, at a very critical node. The besieged woman did not know what powerful means she used to control another woman. After being controlled, the woman immediately attacked her companions and injured herself.


But the strength of the woman's companion was also quite terrifying. Although he was injured, he was not seriously injured.

After being injured.

The man quickly launched a counterattack and fought with the woman.

The woman's strength is actually not as good as the man's.

The magic weapon in her hand was even restrained by the man's magic weapon. At this time, the female cultivator who controlled the woman threw a magic weapon to the woman, which was exactly the same as the dagger.

Plus her cooperation.

The nun controlling the woman's remote output.

The woman holding a dagger attacked at close range.

The two of them, one far away and the other close, directly suppressed the male monk.

The fight between the two sides was extremely fierce. The male monk seized the opportunity to strangle his female companion's neck, and with sudden force, he broke her neck.


Before the woman's neck was broken, the woman waved the dagger in her hand, and she stabbed the dagger hard into the chest of her male companion.

At this point, the two people who were originally accomplices ended up dying together.


The screen disappeared.

Lin Feng's consciousness returned to his true form.

At this time, everyone was still feeling sorry for "Mrs. Gu Rui's storage ring was damaged."

However, Lin Feng said, "The dead female monk was not Madam Gurui, but an accomplice of the dead male monk. These three people sneaked in and wanted to kill Madam Gurui, but they were killed in the end!".

"Ah? Is there still such a thing?". Everyone was quite surprised, not expecting such a situation at all.

Wuliang Taoist asked, "But why did these two people kill each other?". Lin Feng said, "It was Madam Gu Rui who used some secret technique to control this woman, and joined forces with the woman to deal with the man. In the end, the two of them died together. As for Madam Gu Rui, she most likely did not die.

During this battle, I didn't sense what happened next. I wonder if Mrs. Gu Rui has left here! ". Everyone looked at Kuliu. This guy said before that Mrs. Gurui had never left the house, but Mrs. Gurui mysteriously disappeared after the incident in the secret room. There was something fishy about this. Or maybe, this guy Kuliu had said that Mrs. Gurui had never left the house before. press

He didn't tell Lin Feng and the others the truth at all.

Kuliu said, "Don't look at me like this. What I told is the truth, but if Mrs. Gu Rui left here quietly, she might have been able to hide it from me. After all, she is the owner of this place." "Look, what is that?". Suddenly, Wuliang Taoist priest pointed to a corner of the secret room.

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