Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9195: 830 stone statue group

The most terrifying thing about charm is that it can confuse any monk at any time and at any time. No matter how powerful the monk is, he may fall into it and be unable to extricate himself.

All living beings have emotions and desires, especially men, who love beautiful women.

You may say you don't like it, but your body is actually very honest. Even if one's self-control is quite strong, the desire that is suppressed deep in the heart is very likely to be brought out. Once this desire is brought out, things will develop in an extremely terrible direction.

, this will definitely be extremely terrifying and terrifying.

But now, the eyes are dazzling, and every move and every smile is full of unparalleled temptation. Who can resist this, but the more this time, the more dangerous the moment.

Even Lin Feng's strong willpower could not resist it. This is very abnormal. In fact, everything in Wushuang City is very abnormal.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible for something more abnormal to happen on this stone bridge.

Even if something more outrageous happens, it may be understandable.

And at this extremely critical moment, suddenly, a long roar suddenly grew out. This roaring sound was so timely, as if a bright light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and this sudden bright light is trying to dispel the darkness. Although it is difficult, at least this bright light shines.

There is a path out of the darkness.

Lin Feng's spiritual world was instantly inspired. He quickly activated the domineering magnetic field, clairvoyance, eye of origin and other means. Lin Feng was still chanting the Buddhist Heart Sutra in his heart.


With a flash of light in front of his eyes, the two beautiful women disappeared. Instead, a coquettish flower hovering on the stone bridge appeared in Lin Feng's sight. This coquettish flower was blood red all over.

It exudes a fishy smell. At this moment, this charming flower has opened its mouth, yes, it opens its mouth. This flower not only has a mouth, but there are even two dense rows of sharp teeth growing in its mouth.

The two rows of teeth look so ironic that they can easily bite someone's head off.

Fortunately, Lin Feng has woken up, otherwise he would have been in trouble.

Facing the attack of this charming flower, Lin Feng opened his mouth and sprayed.

Hoo **** ho!

The power of fire surged out and burned the world. The extremely coquettish flower was also shrouded by the sky fire spewed out by Lin Feng. Lin Feng originally wanted to use the sky fire to burn the flower into ashes, but unfortunately, he could not complete this task. flowers

It was indeed a bit weird. I don't know how to disperse the sky fire wrapped around it, and then the whole flower quickly shrank under the stone bridge and disappeared.

Lin Feng ignored the escaping demon flower and rubbed Beibei who was standing on his shoulder.

Just now, it was Beibei's roar that woke Lin Feng up from the illusion.

That's not to say Beibei won't fall for it.

In fact, Beibei is older and has a high probability of being hit.

But Beibei is young now and doesn't have that kind of idea about men and women.

The demon flower's methods are infinitely magnified here.

Therefore, even Lin Feng fell into the trap.

But it is difficult to have much impact on Beibei.

This can be considered a relatively fortunate thing. Fortunately, Lin Feng summoned Beibei before. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After defeating the demon flower's methods, Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and continued to rush forward quickly, trying to break out of the area covered by the stone bridge. Lin Feng's speed could be said to be extremely fast. Lin Feng was already about to rush out. The influence of the demon flower on him was basically the final test. Therefore, in the next distance, Lin Feng would no longer be able to rush out.

He successfully rushed out without any hindrance. After Lin Feng rushed out from the stone bridge, Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The stone bridge was really a crisis every step of the way, which really made him a little tired to deal with it, but the result was finally good, and he successfully left the stone bridge.

, reaching the position on the other side, Lin Feng turned around and looked behind.

His expression immediately changed slightly.

Because, the stone bridge disappeared unexpectedly. Previously, Lin Feng guessed that the stone bridge was probably an important test place for monks who wanted to enter the temple. If they failed, the failed person might be sent out, or even be robbed on the stone bridge, but this was just

Lin Feng was just guessing, and everything was uncertain.

But now it seems that these things are certain.

"Is nothing going to happen to Wuliang Taoist priests and the others?" Lin Feng's face was gloomy and quite ugly.

If Wuliang Taoist priests and the others fail and are sent back, it won't matter. At most, they will just stop participating in the temple affairs. This can be considered a relatively good result.

Just be afraid.

Wuliang Taoist priests and others are in danger.

Everyone in the team is extremely important to Lin Feng. Lin Feng does not want their lives to be in danger, but now these things are no longer something Lin Feng can decide.

The evil spirits in this place made Lin Feng feel helpless.

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh slightly. Now he could only pray for Wuliang Taoist Priest and others in his heart.

Lin Feng let Beibei return to time and space, and he flew towards the depths.

As a famous saying goes, things have already happened, so we have to look forward and look back. In the end, we will achieve nothing and let down our predecessors.

What a correct statement. While flying towards the depths, Lin Feng has been observing the situation in the depths. There is still a place shrouded in white mist, and the temple can still only see a vague outline, and the clearer content is a little bit clearer. See also

However, what is going on inside the temple is unknown.

When he came here, Lin Feng knew that it would not be easy to destroy the holy elephant. After all, the temple was too extraordinary.

If the so-called temple is just an ordinary-looking temple, then it would be relatively easy to destroy the sacred image.

Now it seems that it feels a bit tricky.

But no matter how difficult it was, Lin Feng had to give it a try.

If he can't complete the mission of Jinghong Shangxian, the poisonous oath alone will give him an extremely headache.

Lin Feng walked quickly through the white fog area.

Soon, Lin Feng saw huge stone statues appearing in the white fog area in front of him. Each of these stone statues had hideous and terrifying faces.

Scattered all around.

Everyone's eyes were wide open with anger. Although they were just stone statues, they made Lin Feng feel shuddering.

"There's something wrong with this group of stone statues. I have to get out of here quickly." Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself, he accelerated his speed and rushed forward, quickly passing by the group of stone statues.


But at this time, in the white mist area, the eyes of the stone statues suddenly lit up, and then, those stone statues disappeared. …

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