Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9196: 831 appears

Lin Feng felt that he had not been able to reach the area where the temple was located after flying for a long time, which made Lin Feng frown a little. Although the temple was a little far away from him, Lin Feng felt that it was quite a lot at his speed.

The long journey should have almost reached the end, but the actual situation is not like this. The temple still looks very far away. It is really puzzling and people don't know what is going on. Lin Feng thought about it carefully, and he felt that there might be some special methods outside the temple, such as some maze formations. These methods can keep the monks out. If you want to enter the temple, you need to go through the maze formation.

, otherwise, it is simply impossible. After reading this, Lin Feng began to try to sense the surrounding world, trying to find the clues of the formation hidden in the dark. For an formation master of Lin Feng's level, if there really is such a method hidden in the secret

, it is impossible to hide it from him.

After Lin Feng searched for a while, he actually found a clue.

He discovered that there was some unknown power hidden in the fog. These unknown powers were probably the basic power of the maze.

Lin Feng used innate Bagua techniques and other methods to deduce, and used his heart to cooperate with it, trying to deduce three roadmaps.

Lin Feng immediately started to try.

Lin Feng followed the first road map, but ultimately failed.

Lin Feng then followed the second road map, but still ended in failure. Lin Feng then moved forward according to the route map for the third day. This time, Lin Feng rushed out of the foggy area. He saw the hazy temple in the distance. Although he rushed out of the foggy area, it seemed that he was still some distance away from the Templar Knights. distance

Lin Feng quickly flew towards the temple without wasting any time.

About half an hour later, Lin Feng suddenly heard the sound of Hong Zhong Dalu ringing from the front. Soon Lin Feng saw that a huge temple appeared in front of him.

He saw the Taoist Temple in Wushuang City before.

Needless to say, the strength of the Taoist Academy in the past was ridiculously strong.

As for this Wushuang City, the first layer of the city is equivalent to a world, so the appearance of temples is naturally extremely normal.

The roaring voice just now attracted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt that the treasure was a bit special, as if it had the power to directly penetrate the souls of monks.

As mentioned repeatedly before, some Buddhist methods, such as mental methods, magical powers, etc., and some magic weapons are methods to restrain various illusions.

Once these methods are used, all kinds of illusions can often be resolved, even those extremely confusing illusions can be resolved.

It was just like Lin Feng was charmed by those beads before.

Beibei's long whistle woke up Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt that if he mastered a treasure like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

It is impossible for him to be charmed by the other party.

Lin Feng landed outside the temple. At this moment, the door of the temple has been opened. I don’t know if anyone has entered the temple. This situation is normal. After all, some top terrifying powerful people have come in before. They

There is no reason not to explore this temple when you see it.

But even if they went into it to explore, it would be impossible to find all the opportunities. Just like Lin Feng went to a secret place to explore, it would be difficult to find all the opportunities.

Lin Feng thought to himself that maybe Hong Zhong Da Lu had no chance of being found.

Of course, even if this possibility really exists, you still have to be careful and don't be careless, otherwise, some extremely terrible situations may occur.

Lin Feng entered the temple cautiously.

This temple has a sense of age, with statues of Buddhist monks standing in many places.

Such as Arhat, Bodhisattva, etc.

But many statues have been seriously damaged.

I don’t know if it was destroyed by the monks who entered this place before.

Lin Feng went all the way deep.

As soon as he arrived in the second courtyard, he heard the sound of Hong Zhong Dalu ringing again. Lin Feng quickly locked the direction where the sound came from, and then flew quickly towards that direction.

It was a side courtyard.

When Lin Feng entered the side courtyard, he saw a huge ancient bronze bell hanging on the left side of the courtyard.

The ancient bronze bell has definitely existed for an extremely long time, and the bronze on it is already rusty, but it cannot conceal the extraordinary features of the bronze magic weapon.

"Haha, it seems that this treasure is destined for me!". Lin Feng couldn't help laughing. He quickly flew towards the ancient bronze bell, but after flying a few meters, Lin Feng felt that something was not right. If the ancient bronze bell was not taken away by anyone in a secret place in the temple, Also said

In the past, this ancient bronze bell was in the courtyard, so it wouldn’t make sense if someone didn’t get it.

Such a powerful magic weapon, as long as he is not blind, he will definitely take it away. It is absolutely impossible to let this magic weapon be left here.

But when Lin Feng wanted to leave the courtyard quickly, a terrifying existence suddenly emerged from the darkness. The existence was shrouded in darkness and struck Lin Feng with a palm. This surprised Lin Feng. He had not sensed this existence before. This existence was none other than the existence that had been following them before. Wuliang Taoist was the first to sense him. Later, Lin Feng's life layer

After completing the evolution for the first time, he could sense the existence of this statue. It was not until the existence on the stone bridge that he took action against Lin Feng, and was almost damaged in Lin Feng's hands. Lin Feng originally thought that this guy had left, but who would have thought that this guy had not left. Moreover, during the following journey, Lin Feng was not able to sense any aura from this statue. This was a bit strange. Lin Feng

He felt that either this guy's strength had been strengthened, or some changes that he didn't know about, but that were a good thing for this existence, allowed him to hide it from him again.

Lin Feng reacted extremely quickly, and quickly launched an attack on the being. He punched it and struck hard at the being shrouded in the darkness. Both sides killed an evenly matched person. . But Lin Feng then sneered. He could deal with this being before, and Lin Feng would not be afraid of him now. Lin Feng would summon the magic weapon such as Tianji Fairy Dust to deal with this being, but at this time, there was a wave of fear.

An unimaginably terrifying pressure enveloped him. When Lin Feng felt that pressure, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a creepy feeling.

The being that attacked him was kneeling on the ground, as if worshiping some powerful figure. Lin Feng looked behind him, and his expression suddenly changed, because Demon Lord Gengzi had appeared in the void behind him at some point, and his cold eyes were looking at him coldly.

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