Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9661: Succubus Queen

"This, this, this...". The monks who were watching the excitement were now completely incoherent. Everyone knew that Lin Feng was powerful, but they did not expect that Lin Feng would be so powerful.

That was a strong man from the Evil Dragon Clan, a being at or above the level of a quasi-pioneer, and he also mobilized the power of the Island of Fire deep in the Water Demon Spiritual Sea. His combat power was terrifying, but in front of Lin Feng, he was like a chicken and a dog. There is no power to stir up trouble.

If it were replaced by someone else, for example, by a strong man with an old antique level, or even by a strong man with a lifespan of several epochs, it would not be unacceptable to everyone. The main reason is that Lin Feng is too young, which directly makes many people After doubting life, they didn't know how Lin Feng practiced.

"Spare your life, spare your life, as long as you don't kill me, you can do whatever you want." After this evil dragon was captured by Lin Feng, he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he had before. He immediately begged Lin Feng for mercy. It can be said that this guy is greedy for life and afraid of death. , but it can also be said that he can bend and stretch.

Lin Feng let go of the evil dragon, and it immediately transformed into a monk who looked to be in his thirties. The monk he transformed into was tall and thin, with a sinister face. At first glance, he looked like he was extremely difficult to mess with. , a cruel person.

Love comes from the heart!

When a monk changes his appearance, it has a lot to do with the inner world. All things in this world have their own cause and effect cycle, which is wonderful.

"Okay, let's talk while walking." Lin Feng looked at the evil dragon.

The evil dragon is now trembling with fear. How can he dare to say even half a word?

Lin Feng looked at the three pitiful girls and said, "You go back, there will be no more human sacrifices here in the future."

The three girls expressed their gratitude to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng headed overseas with the members of the Strongest Heavenly Group.

"Who is that young master? He is too powerful."

"I don't know, there are not many people who are so young but so powerful. Do you think they are the ones that are making a lot of noise in the South China Sea world?"

"You said he was the one who destroyed the Demonic Dragon Island in the South China Sea?"

"That's right, it's them 1.

"His...". Hearing this, many people couldn't help but take a breath.

Then someone whispered, "I have exclusive inside information. It is said that the person who destroyed the Demonic Dragon Island in the South China Sea was probably Lin Feng, the Lord of the Wasteland. I don't know whether it is true or not. 1.

"Ah? Is there still such a statement? If it is true, doesn't it mean that the young man just now is probably the Lin Feng in the rumors? His age... seems to be about 1. Many people exclaimed.

They had doubts about Lin Feng's identity, but Lin Feng didn't care about these things. In fact, when doing various things in the South China Sea world, the identity will inevitably be known by interested people, and they can't hide it even if they want to. For example, the devil is now The Lord of Demons most likely already knew that he had entered the Demonic Abyss and was determined to find a way to deal with him. Of course, Lin Feng was also thinking of a way to deal with the Demon Lord.

But this matter should not be so anxious. The Demon Lord himself is not simple, but this is not what worries Lin Feng the most. What Lin Feng is afraid of is the power behind him, which is the more terrifying background.

The ancient starry ship Xuanyuan was flying quickly.

Lin Feng and others sat in the cabin hall.

The monk transformed into an evil dragon knelt in front of Lin Feng. Now his heart felt as if it had hit rock bottom. He wondered how he could meet such a killing god. And the most important thing was that it seemed that Lin Feng was not the only one killing him. God, these people around Lin Feng all have fierce looks. Many of them seem to be stronger than him. If these people join forces, they can easily destroy the dragon island.

Lin Feng looked at the evil dragon and asked, "What is your name?".

The evil dragon quickly replied, "Reporting to your lord, my name is Ao Jueyi." "Your surname is Ao? Isn't it said that the Dongfang Shenlong clan only has the surname Ao?". Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Because Ao is definitely an extremely noble surname among the dragon clan, not all dragons can be named Ao casually, and special races like these have stricter control over surnames. The surnames often represent the ancestors. Glory cannot be desecrated by others.

Ao Jueyi said, "This is because our ancestors had the blood of the Shenlong clan, and later intermarried with the Evil Dragon clan. Over the years, there are two monks on Dragon Island. One is the Evil Dragon clan monks with the blood of the Shenlong. This part of the evil dragon clan The Dragon Clan monks have the surname Ao, and some of them do not have dragon blood, and these people have the surname Jiang 1.

Taoist Wuliang said, "The Jiang surname is also a common surname. It has an ancient heritage and is one of the most glorious surnames in the human race. It seems that this evil dragon tribe has stolen other people's surnames."

Lin Feng said, "These special races have many precautions, but when it comes to using things from the human race, they are as easy as picking one up."

Lin Feng looked at Ao Jueyi and continued, "Let me ask you, do you know that a woman named Liu Ruyan appears in the water demon spirit sea?".

"I never knew 1. Ao Jue shook his head.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. He didn't think Ao Jueyi was lying. Originally, Lin Feng was worried that Liu Ruyan would fall into the hands of the evil dragon.

That doesn't seem to be the case now.

Ao Jueyi immediately said, "If you are looking for a woman, it might have something to do with the Flame Holy Island."

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed and he said, "Is the Holy Flame Island you are talking about the island deep in the water demon spirit sea?".

Ao Jue nodded and said, "Yes, that is where God lives. God is great, mysterious, immortal, brilliant, and has boundless power. He is so high that no one can compete with him. It is said that every few years, God will... One or two special women will be captured and sacrificed1.

Although Ao Jueyi only said one sentence, he revealed too much information. First of all, there was actually a so-called "god" on the island.

This is a being served by a powerful evil dragon clan.

It is impossible to imagine how powerful it is.

Lin Feng asked, "Who is this **** you are talking about?".

Hearing Lin Feng ask about this god, Ao Jueyi's eyes suddenly showed deep fear.

Lin Feng could tell that this guy was definitely not pretending.

Really scared.

This is a tremor originating from the depths of the soul, a fear that even if you try to pretend, you can't.

Lin Feng said, "Don't worry, just tell me, no matter how powerful that **** is, he can't do anything to you if you are here."

Lin Feng's words seemed to give the evil dragon some courage.

The evil dragon said, "It is rumored that that **** is called the Succubus Queen. Anyone who looks at her will fall completely into despair and be willing to dedicate his soul to her...". (End of chapter)

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