Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9662: giant bull

"Haha, what you're talking about is really evil. Isn't it just charm or illusion? We sisters are also very good at it." Nian'er curled her lips and said.

Nian'er and Nu'er are indeed very good at this.

In addition, they were beautiful and their charm skills were invincible. Lin Feng had fallen into their trap before he mastered the spiritual field.

Ao Jue glanced at Nu'er and Nian'er and said, "What's different is that it's not just a simple charm, or creating illusions to influence others. I can't describe the methods of the Charming Queen. I can only Let me tell you one thing, the current ancestor of our Evil Dragon Island is a strong man in the 200 Immortal Palaces. Back then, he was far less powerful than he is now. He did not even break through the 50 Immortal Palaces, but he met the Charming Queen. After that, I received the guidance and reward from the Charming Queen, and then I made rapid progress, all the way to the level of two hundred fairy palaces. Can you imagine how incredible this progress is? Just imagine, if you just master the charm, Or do monks in the art of illusion have the ability to change a person's destiny and allow that person to quickly break through to two hundred immortal palaces?"

Hearing what Ao Jueyi said, the expressions of Lin Feng and others also became solemn. Upon hearing this, this so-called Charming Queen is indeed an extremely powerful person. Such an existence must have many incredible abilities. , whose methods are simply unpredictable.

Lin Feng continued to ask, "Then what does this woman mean by arresting others for sacrifice? Why should women embarrass women?".

Ao Jueyi said, "It is said that in order to resurrect an ancient existence, some special people need to sacrifice, but I don't know whether this statement is true or how credible it is."

"Sir, was this how Liu Ruyan was arrested?" Du Zu said.

Lin Feng nodded gloomily, this was an explanation that could explain the past.

"The Island of Fire must be full of dangers. Please tell me the specific situation of the Island of Fire." Lin Feng said.

Ao Jueyi said, "I don't know the specifics. I have never landed on the Holy Flame Island. Except for the ancestors of my clan who have landed on the island, no one else has ever landed on the island."

Lin Feng said, "Isn't your clan extremely closely connected with that island? Your cultivation level is pretty good, but you haven't even been to the island? This doesn't sound like the truth.

Ao Jueyi said quickly, "Sir, what I said is completely true, because the Charming Queen was transformed from a water fairy. All water fairies are women, and there are never men. This clan is extremely arrogant and has always liked Trampling men under our feet, how could we have a chance to land on the island? Even when our ancestors landed on the island, they were not allowed to look around. It can be said that we have suffered a lot of grievances, but there is no way. In the past, our evil dragon tribe almost The clan was wiped out because a strong man from the Water Fairy Monster Clan came to help, and our clan was able to survive, so we had to work for the Water Fairy Monster. Whatever they said, we could only do something."

"You mentioned them. It seems that there are still some members of this clan?" Lin Feng said.

"Yes, although there are not many members of the Water Fairy Demon Clan, there are still some. For example, the current Sea Monster Clan has a slight similarity with the Water Fairy Monster, but their abilities are completely different from those of the Water Fairy Monster. Eighteen thousand miles away, there is no way to compare.”


Lin Feng nodded, and then he said, "I'm quite satisfied with the information you gave me. That's good. Later I need you to take us to the Holy Flame Island. I'll give you a chance. Now take an oath to recognize me as Lord, this is the creation you have cultivated in your past and present lives1.

Ao Jueyi felt bitter in his heart and felt extremely unwilling. He complained to Lin Feng in his heart that only a devil would be willing to have such a good fortune, but he also knew that his life was now in Lin Feng's hands.

How can I have the strength to resist Lin Fengai?

Isn't this courting death?

Ao Jueyi said, "Okay, I swear! I! Ao Jueyi, am willing to recognize the young master as my master. From now on, I will be loyal and loyal. If I violate this oath, my soul will be shattered and I will not die well."

As soon as Ao Jue recognized his master, a powerful soul restriction immediately formed in his soul.

From now on, there was no way to betray Lin Feng.

Although Ao Jueyi has never been to the Holy Flame Island, Dragon Island has always been in the peripheral area of ​​the Water Demon Spirit Sea.

It can be regarded as a living map of this place. Having him lead the team can save a lot of trouble and time.

The next day.

Lin Feng and the others successfully entered the water demon spirit sea. Ao Jueyi said, "The outer area belongs to the area guarded by the evil dragon clan. Starting from the central area, the situation becomes more complicated. We will have to be more careful then. 1

'good'. Lin Feng nodded.

After flying for about half a day, Lin Feng and the others entered the central area. After entering the central area, the sea environment suddenly changed dramatically. In the outer area, although the fog was very heavy, they could still clearly see the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters. Condition.

But after reaching the central area, the visibility immediately shrank to just over one meter.

This is not a good thing

"Look at me blowing away this mist," Poison Ancestor said, opening his big mouth, blowing suddenly, and a strong wind swept out.

But the strong wind blown by Poison Ancestor was not able to change the direction of the thick fog at all.

Those thick fogs are very special. The wind cannot blow away the thick fog.

Lin Feng said, "Don't do useless work. There are secret laws here. These fogs should not be blown away. The fog here is too thick. Everyone should be careful."

"Good 1. Everyone responded.

Lin Feng and the others flew towards the depths. Because the fog was too thick, Lin Feng and others were extremely cautious in case danger suddenly appeared and caught them off guard.

After flying for a certain distance, Lin Feng and the others never encountered danger.

But after all, there is no way to avoid this kind of thing.

About three hours later, Lin Feng felt extremely uncomfortable.

He felt as if something terrible was watching them secretly.

Lin Feng followed this special feeling and looked in one direction. Lin Feng used the Eye of Truth and other means to pass through the thick fog. He saw a blurry shadow in the distance, rushing towards him quickly.

"No, something is coming." Lin Feng exclaimed.

The next moment, a huge thing rushed towards him. It turned out to be a giant bull. The giant bull's huge horns fiercely pushed towards Lin Feng.

This behemoth seemed to know that Lin Feng was the leader of the group.

So I specifically targeted Lin Feng to attack, and if Lin Feng was eliminated, the rest would be much simpler.

Lin Feng wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Lin Feng was hit hard in the body by the giant bull.

At that moment, Lin Feng felt as if he had become an ordinary person, and as an ordinary person, he was hit hard by a mountain.

He felt that his body was about to disintegrate the moment he was hit by the giant bull.

It was an indescribable pain. (End of chapter)

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