Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9684: The old woman is very unusual

The old woman said, "His new wife, his family, and his new wife's family also thought he was deceived, so they suppressed him forcibly, and then took him back to the family, and even I specifically looked for someone to check what was going on with him, but after careful inspection, I found nothing. He didn't seem to be confused. It seemed like he was really in love with someone else. If it took longer, he If his character were worse, many people might think that such a situation would not be a big deal, but the time was too short and there was something fishy about everything. 1

Poison Ancestor said, "Could it be because, that guy, everything he did before was all disguised? In fact, his inner world is really unsightly. 1.

"No 1

The old woman shook her head and said, "We know him, he is really a good person."

After a slight pause, the old woman said, "We don't know what happened to him. After he was brought back to the family, he ran out again and ran to the Narcissus Club."

Having said this, the old woman looked at Lin Feng and said, "Didn't you ask me before if this Narcissus Club is related to the Water Fairy Clan? I can tell you clearly that this Narcissus Club is indeed related to the Water Fairy Clan. The relationship itself was supported by the Fairy Clan in the Water. It was not as simple as a land of fireworks. They had attracted a large number of people and worked for them. It was also a news gathering place. It was at its peak back then, but it made him fall into madness. The person he is obsessed with is a woman from the Water Fairy Clan, who is also the number one in the Narcissus Club.

"After my friend discovered that her husband disappeared again, she once again took people to the Narcissus Club to make a fuss. But this time, they did not see her husband in the Narcissus Club, and the people at the Narcissus Club People also deny that the man entered the Narcissus Club! But my friend knew that her husband must have entered it, so she sent people to guard the Narcissus Club day and night, but after waiting for a long time, she was not seen. The shadow of my husband is really strange. It is impossible for a living person to disappear so easily.

"Later, someone discovered the bodies of some dead young men in the sea. The dead people were all potential figures, blessed with good luck, and each of them was extraordinary. Before they died, they all had extremely happy expressions. There is no pain at all. Some people suspect that it may be related to the water fairy clan, but the water fairy clan is too mysterious and lives in the sea. It is not easy to find them, and the sea area where they live is extremely dangerous. If you enter it, you will probably die here. However, my friend wants to find her husband, and the husband's family also wants to find their family's Qilinzi. They absolutely cannot watch the most talented person in the family. My son, died as tragically as those people.

"So, the two major families mobilized a large number of elite monks from the families and entered the depths of the sea together to look for the man 1.

Having said this, the old woman laughed again, but her laughter was filled with a sad taste.

She said, "My friend may be wrong. They shouldn't go looking for that man, because they experienced too many dangers in the process of entering the water demon fairy clan. The two major families, a large number of All the elite and strong people were lost on the road. They wanted to retreat, but they couldn't. They had to find a new way to exit that place. Watching a large number of people die, my friend felt so sad. It was like a knife being twisted, but she was unable to change anything.

"Not long after, they saw an island. That island was where the monks from the Water Demon Immortal Clan lived. The remaining members of the two major families landed on the island. So many members of the tribe had died. They had to take the man away. Otherwise, the clan members who died really died in vain.

"Sure enough, they saw the man on the island! They wanted to take the man away, but the man still had an extremely firm attitude and would not follow his wife life or death. The tribe left, and his wife complained bitterly, Do you know how many people from the two families died in order to find you? Many of them are your relatives, but the funny thing is, the man said that if you die, you will die. You are just to blame. Does it have anything to do with me?" "My friend was really heartbroken. She pulled out her sword and said she would take him away no matter what, even if it was a corpse! But she still couldn't bear to stab him, but that man... Haha... without any thought of pity for his former lover, he pulled out the sword and pierced my friend's heart directly. My friend fell down like that.

"So, you should also be able to see what a weird race the water demon fairy tribe is. Especially for you male monks, entering their territory is not much different from giving away someone's head. No one can Resist their erosion."

The old woman shook her head and said.

But she added, "Maybe eunuchs can, they can keep their true feelings1.

"Okay, let's end the story here. I will do a good deed and take you away from this never-ending road. Don't even think about going to the lair of the Water Fairy Monster Tribe. When you should look for opportunities, just look for opportunities. , when it’s time to leave here, leave here. As for the woman who was captured, I can only blame her for her bad luck. This may be her fate. Many times, many things are destined by God. You still forget that woman. Well, it's not your fault! It's all her own destiny, which you can't change. Don't throw your own life there because of it.

Lin Feng looked at the old woman and said, "Mother-in-law is too pessimistic. Sometimes life may take many directions. Some directions may seem to be the best, but we have no way to choose because those directions cannot follow our wishes." Our true intentions cannot convince our own hearts, so no matter how difficult the road ahead is, we must always try hard so that we will not leave any regrets. And I believe that with our strength and means, even if it is true If you encounter great trouble, you will definitely be able to escape in the end. 1.

"It's so stubborn and unteachable." The old woman seemed a little angry.

Lin Feng cupped his fists and bowed to the old woman.

The old woman ignored Lin Feng and walked forward. Lin Feng and others followed closely behind and also walked forward. Under the leadership of the old woman, Lin Feng and the others successfully escaped from that place. After walking out of the dead end road, the old woman disappeared silently.

It was as if she had never been there. (End of chapter)

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