Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9685: You have to make a big fortune.

"This old woman is so elusive and so powerful." Shi Long couldn't help but frown slightly.

As the most powerful person in the Heavenly Group, he could only sense some energy, but could not fully capture the route the old woman took to disappear.

This is indeed surprising, and it is enough to reflect from the side how powerful this old woman is.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "He is also a miserable person.

The rest of the people were slightly silent. Everyone was not a fool. When the old woman told the story before, the old woman said that it was something that one of her friends had experienced. But if you think about it carefully, was it really what her friend had experienced? If it was her friend How could she, a person who was not involved in the events, tell the details so clearly about what she had experienced? This meant that the friend was a fabrication.

The person who experienced those tragic things was none other than the old woman herself.

This is something that makes people feel regretful and sad, especially since the old woman also helped Lin Feng and others. Lin Feng and others naturally have empathy.

But, this is life.

Everyone's life is different.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, knowing the warmth and coldness.

"Let's go and have a look at the Holy Island of Fire. I really want to see how powerful the Holy Island of Fire is." Lin Feng said.

The group continued to head deeper.

Half an hour later, they saw the Holy Island of Fire. From a distance, they saw endless flames burning, covering the entire island.

The people who live on the Holy Island of Fire are obviously monks from the Water Demon Immortal Tribe, and this tribe obviously likes water.

And many people have water-attributed bodies.

However, they happened to live on an island surrounded by flames. This was too weird. Lin Feng was a little confused about what this clan was about. Lin Feng guessed that there might be something wrong with this clan in the past. There must have been some unspeakable things that happened that led to this situation.

"What kind of flame is that? It's so weird. Although it's not a sky fire, it feels more destructive than many sky fires..." The Back Dragon King said.

Lin Feng said, "Ignore the flames. Later, I will cast the Sky Fire Rune to protect your bodies. In this way, you don't need to be afraid of those flames."

"Okay 1. Everyone nodded.

Lin Feng condensed the Sky Fire Rune with fifteen kinds of Sky Fire. Lin Feng's Sky Fire Rune is quite powerful. It not only protects against the damage caused by flames to the body, the power contained in the Sky Fire Rune itself can also play a normal attack and defense role. .

The monks can mobilize the power in the Skyfire Rune anytime and anywhere to enhance their combat effectiveness.

After everyone was blessed with the Heavenly Fire Rune, their confidence increased greatly.

Everyone quickly flew towards the island, and there was no need to hide, because when Lin Feng and the others were trapped on the never-ending road, Lin Feng knew that the people from the water fairy clan had definitely discovered them.

So, there is no need to hide it.

Just land on the island in an upright manner.

A twisted space was formed outside the island, and flames were densely covered in every corner of the twisted space. The twisted space and the dual power of the flames were enough to make many creator-level experts viciously attack the place. This kind of arrangement Lin Feng was still The first time I saw it, I was already amazed simply from the technique. It was indeed an ancient and powerful race, and some of the methods passed down were indeed powerful. I had to admit this.

It's just that these methods naturally have no useful effect on Lin Feng and the strongest heavenly group.

Lin Feng and the others successfully landed on the island.

"Look, a giant bull stone statue 1, Poison Ancestor points in one direction.

Everyone turned around and saw a huge stone statue, about thirty meters long and more than twenty meters high. Although it was just a stone statue, the pressure emanating from the stone statue made people feel suffocating. . This is the reason why it is relatively far away from the giant bull statue.

If the distance is relatively close.

The pressure everyone endures will become even stronger.

"It looks very similar to the giant bull we dealt with before. Could it be the statue of that giant bull?" someone said.

Lin Feng said, "I think there is a high probability that it may be the statue of the wild bull 1.

In the Great Wilderness, Lin Feng and others only heard of his name but never saw him.

I have also heard the legend of wild cattle in the wilderness.

Giant Niu and other powerful men are all monks under the command of Dahuang Barbarian Niu.

And the giant bull is already so terrifying, it is almost certain that the wild bull must be a fish leaping level existence.

Existences of this level, no matter in any era, are extremely terrifying and powerful.

This is the new era.

It was the same in the old days.

Lin Feng didn't know exactly what the relationship between the Wild Bull and the Fairy Clan in the Water was. Anyway, Lin Feng hoped that the Wild Bull would never appear on the island. If he did, it would definitely be a big trouble.

Lin Feng and the others continued to walk deeper. The deeper they went, the more terrifying the flames on the island became.

This island is very strange. Logically speaking, an island covered by flames should be bare with no vegetation, but that is not the case here. There are all kinds of vegetation growing here.

They are all fire-attributed vegetation.

Bathing in the flames does nothing. On the contrary, it can absorb the power of the flames and make the vegetation become more vibrant.

"Look, it's a Nine Fire Phoenix Grass! This is a legendary elixir 1. The Taoist Priest Wuliang pointed at a piece of elixir and exclaimed.

Dozens of elixirs grow there, lingering in flames and capable of transforming into a phoenix form.

Lin Feng has also heard of this kind of Nine Fire Phoenix Grass. It is rumored that it is the main medicine for forging the Blood God Pill. The Blood God Pill is very important. It can make the monk's bloodline power explode three to ten times instantly, and the combat power will also soar significantly. Get up, if you take that pill in the battle of life and death.

It can even turn the tide of the battle.

"Look, there are purple sparks, sun grass and other elixirs there...". Someone pointed in another direction and said.

Lin Feng and the others carefully observed the environment on the island. There were indeed many legendary elixirs growing here.

Many elixirs have long been invisible outside, but here they are full of life.

Naturally, these elixirs cannot be wild. They are most likely specially cultivated by the powerful water demon immortals on the Holy Island of Fire.

And the environment here is indeed very suitable for cultivating these rare treasures.

"How about we collect the elixir here first?" Wuliang Taoist priest said with a strange smile.

"Okay 1. Lin Feng nodded and had no opinion on this. The main reason is that the elixirs scattered in the mountains and forests are really too precious. If any one of them is taken out, it will probably cause a **** storm. Seeing the treasure mountain without entering. This kind of thing is not the way Lin Feng and others do things. They must make a big fortune. (End of Chapter)

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