Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3649: Broken city

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Sanfu mainland.

Tianyuefu area.

Fang Chen lit a pile of firewood on a one-horned mountain with Yinyue hanging high.

It has been two days since I came here, and no one in Tianyue Man has seen it.

"How to find them?"

Fang Chen was helpless.

He disguised as a man in Tianyue Mansion and wanted to attack here, but in the end he could not find anyone.

call out!

at this time.

Suddenly, there was a shadow in the shadow of the distant sky.

In an instant, I came to the top of the mountain.


After seeing Fang Chen, the person came to frown. He didn't know Fang Chen, but he saw each other's clothes.

"Are you new here?"

The man asked.

Fang Chen nodded, the man's voice was a little harsh.

"Don't you know that you can't fire at night?"

The fire in the dark, the target is too obvious, and it will attract the other two powerful people who are hiding in Tianyue Mansion.

By then, it will be very dangerous.

"You don't understand such a basic thing. I doubt it very much. You are the traitor of the other two forces."

When the words fell, the man stepped forward and came to Fang Chen.

He grabbed Fang Chen's neckline and froze, "Say, who the **** are you?"

"I am under the command of Master Liu."

Fang Chen lied.

"Master Liu?"

The man's eyes rolled, and he seemed to be thinking.

Fang Chen was stunned, wouldn't it be so coincident?

A name that I said indiscriminately, there is exactly this person in Tianyue Fuchu?


He knew that this was his chance.

While the other party was still responding, Fang Chen first started to be strong. He punched out, carrying the terrible source power, and instantly blasted the other party.


This man finally reacted, but it was too late.

Fang Chen did not give him any chance to kill him.

Subsequently, he put away a bone.

In his merit medal, the merit value also increased accordingly.

"It finally opened."

Fang Chen licked his lips.

Anyway, this is a good start.


In the next few days, Fang Chen was finally no longer alone.

Almost every once in a while, he will meet a man from Tianyue Mansion. Under a sneak attack, he can easily kill the opponent.

His invincible swordsmanship has been condensed to the point of pure fire, with infinite power, and there are few opponents in the Holy Emperor Realm.

After half a month.

Fang Chen has harvested thirty bones of the Holy Realm.

His move was finally noticed by Tianyue Mansion.

Within the camp.

"what happened?"

The person in charge sitting at the top asked coldly.

"Why, during this time, our people are frequently killed?"

Below, everyone knows that the traitors of the other two forces have mixed in.

"Adult, will it be the people of Ming Dynasty?"

The Xiaoyao Army was overwhelmed by their own concerns, and their commander-in-chief entered the battlefield. They should retreat fully to protect the commander, and it was difficult to get distracted.

Therefore, the Ming Dynasty is the most suspected.

"I had a close talk with the Ming Wang Mansion before. They temporarily formed an alliance with us and would not take action against us, and promised me that their traitors in the Tianyue Mansion have all been evacuated."

The leader sitting at the top pondered.

Then, the answer is self-evident. The person who killed Tianyue Mansion is the one who is free to fight.

"Is it the new commander?"

Suddenly, such words came from the crowd.

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

The new commander?

He is just a holy king, he has the courage to enter the battlefield, would he dare to sneak into the Tianyue Palace area?

Many people do not believe it.

However, the leader sitting at the top was a little hesitant.

"I once investigated the new commander of the Xiaoyao Army. He was selected through different levels and stood out. Finally he was appointed as commander."

The chief said.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Fang Chen had defeated Ye Long head-on, and even Demon Mountain personally came forward, wanting to take him as a disciple.

One can imagine how strong his potential is?

Of course, what really makes the leader hesitant is that Mo Shanzun said personally that Fang Chen's strength is not weaker than Xiao He.

what does this mean?


Although Fang Chen was a holy king, he was able to leapfrog.

"If this is the case, can we not close the door and beat the dog?"

Everyone discussed for a moment and finally reached a consensus decision.

Regardless of whether the secret person is a new commander or not, he must act immediately.

"According to my order, from today, our Tianyue Army will fully retreat, and this area will be strictly guarded to prevent any flies from flying away."

Close the door and beat the dog.

Block the area, then dig the ground three feet to find the person.

If he is the commander of the Xiaoyao Army, then they will be able to solve it without much effort.


Fang Chen felt a little puzzled.

In the first half of the month, he beheaded 30 Sky Moon soldiers.

However, for more than ten days, no one came across.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen frowned.

Has his action already attracted the attention of the Tianyue Army?

Fang Chen shook his head. Anyway, he must be cautious next.


Fang Chen heard a strange voice.

He skimmed towards the front in doubt, and soon came to a dense forest.


His consciousness spread, and soon found a broken city in the forest.

The city is unrecognizable, and even the main building has been turned into dust. Only the broken walls around it can prove that it really existed.

Fang Chen came to the city and suddenly changed his face.

He was shocked to find.

The perfect bloodline in one's body actually happened, and wanted to break out.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen exclaimed and took a few steps back.

However, it is too late.

The perfect bloodline emerged from the body and resonated with the incomplete city, inspiring an ancient formation and drawing it into it.


After Fang Chen disappeared, the ruined city gradually returned to calm, and the ancient formation disappeared instantly.

Between heaven and earth, restore calm.

In the forest, it seems that there has never been an ancient city.

A hundred miles west of the forest.

"Strange, just now I seem to feel a breath that does not belong to our Tianyue Mansion?"

A black armored man frowned.

That kind of breath seems to restrain the blood in the body.

"Do you feel it too?"

The other person was also surprised.

Just at that moment, he felt his blood had coagulated.

However, the blink of an eye recovered.

"That breath seems to come from a hundred miles away."

The two looked at each other and then quickly skimmed towards the forest.

"Is it the commander of the Xiaoyao Army?"

The two were a little excited and flew quickly.

However, they did not find that there was a little turbidity in the blood in the body.

The turbidity spread quickly, filling the whole body, and their vitality also passed silently.


In the breeze, an eerie voice seemed to echo.

It seems to be talking.

It seems to be complaining again.

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