Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3650: The blood left by the sages of Chaos

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Formation vortex.

Fang Chen felt his body was completely out of control.

In his body, qi and blood were disordered, and the perfect bloodline could not be suppressed at all. He broke out directly and resonated with the formation vortex.

In the vortex, Fang Chen felt very painful. He desperately wanted to break free, but he was too helpless because the pressure on him was too heavy.

The only thing that pleased him was.

After the perfect bloodline broke out, a part of it merged into the formation vortex, and the other part formed a rain cover around him.


I don't know how long it has passed, a heavy voice sounded.

Fang Chen's teeth were cracking, and pain swept the body.

He opened his eyes and hurriedly looked around.

Surprisingly, it was completely dark here, surrounded by hard walls.


The perfect blood in his body was even more agitated.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen frowned, a little anxious.

Once the perfect bloodline is exposed, it will inevitably be hunted down by all the swallowing demon clan in the whole source world, and will even disturb the swallowing demon clan chief.

Once that happens, the consequences are unbearable.

"go back."

He drank low and wanted to suppress the perfect blood.


Suddenly, a ripple spread from the darkness, and then Fang Chen saw a scarlet.

In the dark, scarlet looks extremely dazzling.

"That is……"

Fang Chen's body was a little trembling.

He couldn't control his body, there was a drop of blood that seemed to exist forever.


Fang Chen flashed, and came to the scarlet place.

"Chaotic blood?"

Fang Chen shook his head hard and looked at the blood seriously.

Around this drop of blood, there is a layer of prohibition, which can be seen, after the endless years of baptism, but still no condensation.

"Did someone ever come to the source world?"

In Fang Chen's mind, many memories emerged.

Da Zun once said that before the endless years, there were a lot of sages and powerful people in the chaotic world, trying every means to prevent the rise of the source world.

They have mixed themselves into the source world with no turning back, and want to destroy their plans.

However, they eventually disappeared in the long course of history.

This drop of blood is most likely left by a chaos sage.


The breath of perfect blood veins, when contacted with this drop of blood, the latter changed and the scarlet color disappeared, replaced by the golden light.

Even, the whole ground is illuminated.


Fang Chen spread his palms, and Jin Cancan's blood automatically floated and fell in his palm.

Suddenly, a familiar breath came.

This breath is unique to the chaotic world.

"I don't know which powerful person's blood?"

Fang Chen muttered to himself.


Jin Cancan's blood followed his palm directly into his body and merged with the perfect blood.


At this time, Fang Chen was shocked to find that Jin Cancan's blood spewed out a shocking force.

"this is……"

This power is above the invincible saint.

It is the legendary power of chaos.

"Is it ..."

He called out almost subconsciously.

Besides Fu Jian Supreme, who else?

Could it be that Fu Jian Supreme did not die?

Suddenly, Fang Chen's mind shook.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the ground, folded his hands together, and adjusted his qi and blood.

However, the perfect blood seemed to be uncontrolled and was drawn by the golden blood.


Two men of the sky and moon army are constantly searching in the forest.

"The breath just now came from here."

One of them is humane.

The other person nodded, staring at the broken wall.

"Did this ever be the remains of a powerful sect?"

The two of them looked at each other, and there was something in their eyes.

"Go inside and see."

The two joined together and entered the area of ​​the broken city wall.


Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

Around the dilapidated city wall, the yellow sand was everywhere, and the wall was slowly closing.

The two were shocked and retreated in a hurry.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

call out!

Ling Jian Jian Qi, criss-crossed, raging in the broken city wall.

"not good."

The two screamed secretly, and then tried their best to resist.

"My blood seems to be drying up."

The other person was also frightened. "Damn, why is our bloodline power suppressed."

In the yellow sand, the blood of the two of them is drying up at a rate invisible to the naked eye.

"Call for help."

The two took out the summoning Yu Pei and wanted to ask for help.


A cold light flashed through, blood splattered, and a cry of sorrow came out.

The palms of the two were cut off and fell to the ground.


At this time, the two talents discovered that there was a figure in Huang Sha.

"who are you?"

The two were panicked and filled with fear.

"The one who killed you."

Without saying anything, Fang Chen showed invincible swordsmanship, and his sword energy was vertical and horizontal. The two had no resistance at all and were strangled instantly.

After that, Fang Chen put away the bones of the two and disappeared into the void.

one day later.

Fang Chen stayed in front of a mountain stream.

"So strong."

Feeling the strengthening of the blood, Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Although I don't understand, which one of Jin Chancan's blood was left by the power.

But it is certain that this person must be a person in the chaotic world.

Moreover, it is the kind of strong man who stands on the peak of martial arts.

In order to chaotic world, sacrifice his life.

"Is Supreme Fu Jian?"

After absorbing the blood, Fang Chen felt that the perfect bloodline became stronger.

Moreover, this body has undergone a complete transformation, the physical body has become stronger, and the Yuanshen has undergone an essential leap.

His realm even stepped into the Holy Emperor Realm.

This trip can be described in terms of huge gains.

Fang Chen has been wondering whether the master of the golden blood is the legendary Fu Jian Supreme who was once in the chaotic world.

However, there is no clue to prove.

"I always feel that Fu Jian Supreme may not have fallen."

Fang Chen said to himself.

After experiencing this matter, he faintly felt such a profound and profound feeling.

After a long time.

Fang Chen no longer thinks.

At present, he is in the three continents and must be vigilant at all times.

Moreover, the bones of his enemies have not been collected enough, and they have to continue to collect them.

"Resume for one night and move on."


The edge of the Tianyue Army area.


Suddenly a gap appeared in a wind wall.

Immediately afterwards, there were silhouettes, and shuttled from them.

"The commander-in-chief of the Xiaoyao Army, our Ming Wangjun is bound to win, even the ally Tianyuejun can't stop it."


"However, this is the Tianyue Army site after all, we still have to be careful and retreat as soon as we succeed."

The leader did not forget to remind everyone.

If you can catch it alive, it is best.

The commander-in-chief of the army is of immense value to the Ming Dynasty.

"Relax, my lord, a holy king everywhere, I can capture him without any effort."

Everyone is confident.


But I don't know, there are already dozens of Tianyuejun who have lost Fangchen's hands.

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