Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3652: Both sides lose

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in the past.

Fang Chen believes that there are three realms in Kendo.

The first situation is, Jian Yi Chong Xiao.

The second realm is that the sword is intended to communicate with the gods.

The third realm is that the sword is transformed.

These three realms include all Kendo practitioners and the Kendo practice system.

It is easy to reach the first realm of Kendo. Basically, as long as you have a little talent and diligent practice, you can achieve it.

And the second realm has plagued countless sword repairs.

Once this state is completed, it can basically cross the sword world.

As for the third realm.

Looking at the entire chaotic world, only Fu Jian Supreme has achieved it.

As for himself, it barely touched the threshold of the third realm.

However now.

Enlighten the sword way in the chaotic sword forest, Fang Chen's mind emerged with the sword light.

His body is full of swords and spirits, giving an extremely terrible feeling.

Boom Boom Boom!

Inside, the sword roared.

In front of him, the long sword was inserted on the ground, and a sound of swordsong sounded, seemingly responding to Fang Chen.


He suddenly opened his eyes and shot a terrible sword gas into his eyes, rushing towards the sky.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen muttered to himself.

In his previous life, no matter how he practiced, he could not reach the peak of Kendo.

Now, by chance, the bottleneck that has finally broken through has truly entered the third realm of Kendo.

call out!

He was awe-inspiring, the dense sword energy, instantly filled the void, and then under the control of Fang Chen, condensed into a huge sword shadow.

at the same time.

Invincible sword intention, enveloped the sword shadow, the sword pressed the earth.

At this moment Fang Chen, Invincible Kendo raised the threshold again, and his swordsmanship was full of killing power.


He also knows that there is a legendary fourth realm above the third realm of Kendo.


Only the legendary Fu Jian Supreme can set foot on it.

Under the world, there are very few people who can reach the third realm of Kendo, even in the original world.

Not to mention the chaotic world.


Fang Chen's mouth spit out a turbid breath.

He calmed his sword and slowly stood up.

"I didn't expect such a big harvest."

Fang Chen sighed, turned back to the dark eyes, staring at the chaotic sword forest.

After reaching the third realm of Kendo, the formation of the formation of sword intention within the chaotic sword forest has not posed any threat to him. His every move can induce the shaking of the sword formation.


He felt that outside the chaotic sword forest, there were swallowing demons approaching.

"come yet?"

Fang Chen said to himself, looking up.

He felt kendo in the chaotic sword forest, which caused a lot of movement. He wanted to come to Tianyuejun and Mingwangjun, and had already discovered this place.

"Well, let me try, how strong my true strength is."

Fang Chen muttered to himself, pulled out the long sword inserted on the ground, and stepped outside the chaotic sword forest step by step.

at this time.

Chaos sword forest outside.

Because of the fight for Lin Chen, both sides fought.

"You Ming Wangjun are really shameless enough to enter our Tianyue Mansion at will. This is already a violation of the rules of our allies, and dare to talk to us and steal people from us?"

"Huh, is it really true that our Sky Moon Army is vegetarian?"

"Since you want to fight, let's go to war directly."

Tianyuejun people are eager to try.

Anyway, this is the battlefield area of ​​the Tianyue Army, they occupy the absolute geographical and geographical advantages.

Even in terms of manpower, it is far more than that of Ming Wangjun.

Therefore, once the war broke out, they were able to crush the Ming army.

Ming Wangjun also seemed to realize this, and the person in charge frowned.

The war is on the verge.

The heads of both sides confront each other.


There was no one in the crowd who shouted.

Suddenly, large-scale fighting broke out between the two sides.


The person in charge of both parties took the lead, and each time they attacked, they could kill each other.

"Your opponent is me."

The two did not allow their own casualties, so they took the initiative to find each other.

During the scuffle, countless people fell into the pool of blood.


The blood pooled into a river, and it continued to flow towards the chaotic sword forest.

Fang Chen, who is coming out, feels wet under his feet.

When he looked down, he suddenly discovered that Cheng He's blood had flowed in from the outside.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly discovered that when the blood touched himself, he quickly penetrated into his body.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen exclaimed.

But soon, it was relieved.

The perfect bloodline is absorbing this blood.

Although most of them are not pure devour blood, but at least contain a trace.

Even a trace of it has great benefits for the perfect bloodline.

"Suck it."

Fang Chen took the initiative to absorb, and continuously got blood into his body.

The perfect bloodline was hidden by him, and he absorbed the blood of war cheerfully.


Fang Chen's powerful consciousness is also observing the situation on the battlefield.

For now, Ming Wangjun is at a disadvantage.

In addition to the person in charge, basically defeated across the board.

As long as the Tianyuejun is given a while, the Ming Wangjun will surely destroy the whole army.

In contrast, the strength of the person in charge of the Tianyue Army has reached the level of a holy saint.

"If I try my best to match the invincible sword technique, I should be able to kill it."

Fang Chen pondered secretly.

Since he rebuilt, Xiu Wei has stepped into the fourth-order Holy Emperor Realm, but because of his previous understanding of the invincible kendo in the chaotic sword forest, his strength has soared.

Invincible in the Holy Emperor hierarchy.

The person in charge of the Tianyue Army is a seventh-order saint, that is to say, he is the weakest saint.

Fang Chen still has faith in such a warrior.

"Let them fight first."

Fang Chen sneered.

Even if the person in charge of Ming Wangjun lost, he would definitely exhibit the taboo secret technique to force back the person in charge of Tianyuejun.

It is best to lose both sides, and then he takes advantage of the fisherman.


In the battle circle, the sound of killing is constantly heard.

Everyone has killed the red eye. They have long forgotten the purpose of this trip to capture the commander of the Xiaoyao Army.

"Kill the Bright King Army."

"This group of puppies dare to be wild on our site, and they are almost dead."

"They can't support it, kill."

The person in charge of the Ming Wangjun was hit hard, causing the morale of the Tianyue Army to be greatly boosted and to fight frantically.

The Ming Dynasty army retreated.

"grown ups."

Someone shouted anxiously, and at the same time his figure flashed, catching the person in charge of Ming Wangjun who was retreating.

"Withdraw, if we do not withdraw, we will destroy the whole army."

The person in charge of Ming Wangjun's face was somber to the extreme, and he stared at the person in charge of Tianyuejun fiercely.

"You will regret the people who killed me Ming Wangjun."

"Declare war?"

The person in charge of Tianyuejun sneered.

"My Tianyue House is afraid of you?"


The person in charge of Ming Wangjun took a ball from his arms and quickly threw it towards the Tianyuejun area.


The ball exploded in the void, terrible power swept the world.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the remnants of Ming Wangjun quickly fled.

"You fight for me, wouldn't it be polite if I didn't show up?"

Fang Chen said to himself, coldly.

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