Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 3653: How do you know that it was me who died?

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"Kill, don't let any one go."

The person in charge of the Tianyuejun drank low, his big hand flicked, the dust was flying, the terrible breath swept the world, his foot stomped, and his figure quickly swept away into the distance.

When Ming Wangjun and Tianyuejun fought because of Lin Chen, their alliance relationship had been interrupted.

Since it is not an ally, it is an enemy.

How can we miss such a good opportunity to wipe out the enemy?

As the morale of the Tianyue Army soared, everyone was chasing frantically, killing the sky.

of course.

When Ming Wangjun fled, the ball thrown out contained the power of the top saints. After the explosion, many people of the Tianyuejun were instantly killed.

If no one else evaded in time, and the person in charge of Ming Wangjun was somewhat hasty, the power of the ball was greatly reduced, and the power of the top saint, the Tianyuejun could not resist.


The sound of the killing shook the sky, the **** breath filled.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, and that is to kill the enemy.

They had long forgotten the original intention of coming here, and even ignored Lin Chen, the new commander of the Xiaoyao Army.


Chaos in the sword forest.

Fang Chen came out slowly. He was holding a long sword, surrounded by sword spirit, and his straight body, like a giant sword straight into the sky, was frightening.

"It's hilarious enough."

Fang Chen grinned, he stepped out, leaped into the crowd as fast as lightning.

at this time.

All the attention of the Tianyue Army was focused on the Ming Wangjun who were running away.


Fang Chen stabbed with a sword, and beheaded a person close to him easily.

The battlefield was too chaotic, and the people didn't even realize that at the end of them, there was a killing god.


Another sword, a warrior of the Tianyue Army, fell in the pool of blood.

In this way, after beheading five people in a row, they were finally discovered.


A man in the sky army at the end saw the companion was killed and became furious.

The first thing he thought of was that this person was a criminal of Ming Wangjun.

But soon, he seemed to realize something.

He looked up, and suddenly found that Fang Chen's body was surrounded by sword gas, too depressed.

"this is……"

Reminiscent of the chaotic sword forest at the rear, he was shocked.

"Xinyao Commander Lin Chen?"

He glared at Lin Chen.

"Damn it."

The man licked his dry lips and started directly with the other party.

In his view, he has reached the fifth-order Holy Emperor Realm and can crush Lin Chen with absolute strength.

"too weak."


It was a sword that responded to him.

"It's Lin Chen."

"Commander Xiaoyao appeared."

Finally, Tianyuejun began to boil.

Everyone shouted, and the person in charge of chasing Ming Wangjun at the forefront also stopped directly.


Leopard turned his head, his dark eyes filled with **** murderous intentions.

"Humph, waiting for you for a long time."

Compared with the commander-in-chief of the Xiaoyao Army, what are some of the Ming Wangjuns?


When the Tianyue Army was shocked, Fang Chen was not idle, casting invincible swordsmanship, slicing one sword after another.

Each sword will make one of them fall in the pool of blood.

In just a few seconds, he harvested more than ten lives.

"you wanna die."

At this time, Leopard Blue, the person in charge of the Tianyue Army, finally reacted.

He stomped on the soles of the feet, and the whole person directly crawled on, carrying unparalleled strength, and appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"Are you Lin Chen?"

There is nothing around, and there is stillness.

Only the anger of the Tianyuejun people is still spreading.

They surrounded Fang Chen, and did not give him any chance to escape.

Leopard Blue confronted Fang Chen.

Just now, he also saw the strength of Fang Chen.

The fourth-order Holy Emperor Realm is not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Fang Chen nodded.

After being affirmed, Leopard Blue was extremely angry.

"Well, is there no one available in Xiaoyao House? Actually choose such a weak guy to assume the position of commander?"

You know, the commander-in-chief is the master of the army, and its position is high, no one can compare.

At least, a saint can also serve.

He is only a person in charge of Leopard Blue, he has the realm of the sixth-order Saint Emperor.

The Tianyue Army and the Xiaoyao Army fight against the endless years.

Unexpectedly, the commander generation is not as good as the generation.

"Xiaoyaohou is old."

Leopard sneered.

"In this case, it is sufficient to abdicate the virtue directly, why do you have to occupy the territory of the Xiaoyao House and many resources are not allowed?

The origin, the power is divided by the government.

The master of each house has the strength of top saints and even invincible saints.

Xiaoyaohou is no exception.

Once, Xiaoyaohou alone occupied the nine invincible saints and became famous in one battle.

Today, it is reduced to this end.

At the same time, Leopard Lan was excited for Tianyue Mansion.

It won't take long for the Tianyue Army to win the war and completely destroy the Xiaoyao Mansion.

Fang Chen said nothing, he looked around and determined the number of the Tianyue Army.

There are about 80 people in the Tianyue Army here.

Among them, there are thirty in the Holy King Realm and fifty in the Holy King Realm.

The strongest is the leopard blue of the sixth-order Holy Emperor Realm.

Fang Chen secretly calculated that although his realm is not as good as Leopard Blue, he has invincible swordsmanship and two innate powers, and Yuanshen is much stronger than them.

If you try your best, with the help of formation, you should be able to knock them out.

Think of here.

In Fang Chen's mind, a bold thought flashed.

Has been in the dark, attacking the Sky Moon Army.

Why not confront this time head-on?

As long as the strongest man, Leopard Blue, is beheaded, the others are not at all afraid.

"I have to say, you have the strength to dare to mix into our Tianyue Army area, and the courage is commendable." Leopard Lan sneered. "But in this world, the strong is the most important, courage often makes people become reckless."

The source world is to swallow the demons.

After numerous generations, thousands of branches have emerged.

Each branch fights for its own survival.

Therefore, it is not surprising to see the battle of life and death between the two forces in the source world.


Only by killing the opponent can he have all his resources.

So as to make your own forces to a higher level.

The ultimate goal of all people is to be able to get the call of the Devouring Patriarch.

It is said.

Since ancient times, since the foundation of the origin.

Patriarch Devon only summoned three people. In the end, these three people, without exception, all became proselytized disciples of Patriarch Devon.

And their strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Qi Qi reached the level of invincible saint.

There are even rumors.

With the help of the Devouring Patriarch, the three of them are very likely to step into the legendary Chaos Supreme Realm together.

These news have accelerated the fight between the source circles.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

This has always been the principle of devouring demons.

and so.

Leopard looked at Fang Chen without any pity in his eyes, but only greed and anger.

"I'm dying, what else to say?"

Leopard asked.

"How do you know it was me who died?"

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