Immortal and Demon Cultivation

Chapter 66 Robber Yun Qiyou

Chapter 66 Robber Yun Qiyou

Outside the door of Guang Na Hall, a slim white figure stood in a dim corner where the moonlight could not reach. Yun Qiyou was listening to a fierce quotation in Guang Na Hall.

First, Zhu Changshui bought his tattered red hairpin at a high price of two thousand taels. Then the two rich dandy disciples began to compete for his purse, which was raised from two thousand taels to five thousand eight hundred. Two silver coins were finally bought by Zhao Shilin.

Ye Xiaochuan counted the banknotes and shouted in his heart: "Get rich! Get rich! I, Ye Xiaochuan, am also destined to be rich! With so much money, I can buy a big winery for my master. !”

After checking the number of banknotes, Ye Xiaochuan handed Yun Qiyou's purse to Zhao Shilin. He wandered around Guangna Hall for a while. When he saw someone reselling girls' jewelry, he waved his hand and spent three days. Bailiang bought a green hairpin and planned to give it to his sister Xiaochi to make her happy.

Then he found Senior Brother Liu who was buying drinks from him. He spent hundreds of taels of silver from the short and fat Senior Brother Liu and ordered dozens of jars of thirty-year-old Zhuangyuanhong for his old alcoholic master.

It was half past midnight, and Ye Xiaochuan was carrying a huge sum of money. He was walking proudly on the bluestone steps leading to the mountainside, humming a song, not to mention how beautiful he was.

There will be a competition tomorrow morning. Most of the disciples have taken a rest at this moment. Samsara Peak is quiet, with only a few rooms still lit with candles.

Suddenly, a gust of night wind blew by, and Ye Xiaochuan felt a chill. He turned around and saw a stone pavilion for resting in the shade next to the stone steps going up the mountain. In the stone pavilion, there seemed to be a woman in white standing there with her back on her back. To myself.

According to Ye Xiaochuan's usual character, when he met a female disciple in the middle of the night, he would definitely go up and tease her. However, seeing that the night was already dark and he would face Sun Yao for the second game tomorrow morning, he continued to climb up the stone steps. Walk.

After walking a few steps, a cold and frosty voice suddenly came slowly from behind, conveying a bit of icy coolness.

"Ye Xiaochuan, you must have made a lot of money tonight."

"Not much..."

Ye Xiaochuan answered subconsciously. After a moment, he stopped talking and stopped walking, feeling a chill on his back.

He slowly turned his head and looked at the back of the slim woman in white in the stone pavilion behind him. The back was very slender and his face could not be seen clearly, but Ye Xiaochuan saw the sword in the hand of the slim woman.

Zhan Chen!

"Yun...Senior Sister Yun?"

Ye Xiaochuan's heart suddenly suddenly turned around. He looked around and said tangledly: "This late at night... you... why are you here? What... I have a competition tomorrow, so take the first step."

Yun Qi turned around quietly, looked at Ye Xiaochuan, and said, "Try it."

Ye Xiaochuan was quite clever. He met Yun Qiyou on the stone steps going up the mountain in the middle of the night. Nothing bad would happen to him. He was ready to grease his feet and escape, but Yun Qiyou's words: "You try", it was like a thousand years. The melted black ice has a chill that penetrates the heart and mind.

He shivered, how could he dare to run away? He walked towards Shiting in mourning and said, "Senior Sister Yun, you wouldn't have waited for me here on such a late night, would you?"

Yun Qiyou glanced at Ye Xiaochuan with eyes colder than Yuehua and said, "Yes, I'm waiting for you here."

The bad feeling in Ye Xiaochuan's heart became more and more intense. He laughed dryly and said: "Well... how should I put it? We are not familiar with each other. If we are together in the middle of the night and let others see it, there may be some scandal. I It’s getting late depending on the weather. We have a competition tomorrow morning, so we should all go back and rest.”

An expression of disgust appeared on Yun Qiyou's face. Other women might just laugh at Ye Xiaochuan's inappropriate words, but Yun Qiyou had a cold personality and couldn't joke, so she felt a little disgusted with Ye Xiaochuan.

She said calmly: "Stop."

Ye Xiaochuan said: "Senior Sister Yun, what are you going to do? Our bet has been paid in full. You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. It's better for us not to interact with each other in the future!"

Yun Qiyou looked at Ye Xiaochuan's dodging expression and said calmly: "I don't want to have any contact with you. I am waiting for you here tonight. Don't you know why?"

Ye Xiaochuan pretended to be dumbfounded and said, "I don't know, I'm still depressed now."

Yun Qiyou said slowly: "Take it out."

Ye Xiaochuan was stunned and said: "What?"

Yun Qiyou didn't talk nonsense to him, and said straightforwardly: "You auctioned off my Zhu Chai and my purse, where is the money?"

Ye Xiaochuan was startled and hurriedly covered his heart and said: "You want to steal my banknote? We have agreed that I will help you activate the Beidou God-killing Sword Technique, and you will promise me anything. All I ask for is your hairpin and purse. In exchange for these two things, you can activate Beidou to kill the god. You won’t lose from this deal! Now you want to kill the donkey?”

Yun Qiyou was furious when she saw Ye Xiaochuan actually auctioning two of her personal accessories in public. When she saw Ye Xiaochuan's eyes widening at the sight of money, she stepped forward and grabbed Ye Xiaochuan without talking nonsense.

Ye Xiaochuan was caught off guard. He saw a white palm grabbing at him. He was too close to avoid it, so he had to stretch out his hand to block it.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qiyou grabbed Ye Xiaochuan's wrist and locked it with his backhand, instantly locking Ye Xiaochuan's life gate. Ye Xiaochuan's whole body went limp, all his strength was lost immediately, and he could not raise any real energy.

He begged: "Sister, please be gentle, my arm is about to be broken! I was wrong! I will never dare again! Just let me go this time!"

Yun Qiyou held Ye Xiaochuan's vital point with one hand, and reached into Ye Xiaochuan's arms with the other hand, took out a stack of banknotes and some other miscellaneous things, and put them into his arms.

Ye Xiaochuan saw that the huge amount of money he had finally obtained was taken away by Yun Qiyou, and he was anxious and angry, but now his vital point was held by Yun Qiyou and he could not move.

He had to shout: "Why did you take it all? Leave some for me! There are seven thousand taels in it! My entire life and property!"

Yun Qiyou said lightly: "What should I leave for you? This is ill-gotten gains. Today I will teach you a lesson and let you remember it."

After speaking, Yun Qiyou released his true power from his palm and released Ye Xiaochuan's arm. Ye Xiaochuan's whole arm was numb and weak. He turned around and saw that there was no trace of Yun Qiyou in the stone pavilion.

He jumped up and cursed: "Yun Qiyou! You are destroying the bridge after crossing the river! You have no sense of justice!"

Ye Xiaochuan cursed a few times, but there was no response from the people around him. Most likely, Yun Qiyou had already walked away.

He rummaged around in his arms for a while, and there was not even a scrap of paper in his arms. Not to mention the money he earned from the two auctions tonight, even the jade hairpin he bought later to give to his sister Xiaochi, and the receipts he bet on to win, were all robbed by Yun Qiyou.

At this moment, his pockets were cleaner than his face!

Ye Xiaochuan was furious and cursed loudly: "Robber! Bandit! Shameless scum! Yun Qiyou! I will never let you go!"

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