Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 102: The Immemorial Ancient King Falls, Sleeps With The Law Of Heaven? Birth Of Three Daught


This aura appeared so abruptly and was extremely terrifying, as if an unparalleled existence was resurrecting.

Su Changsheng's face stiffened as he could feel a chilling gaze fixed on him.

"Get out!"

A cold voice resounded.

Su Changsheng's gaze dropped, only to see Yu Xin's expression turning extremely cold, her beautiful face filled with a surge of coldness as she looked at him with a cold gaze.

He felt something strange in his heart.

Could it be that the memories of the Immemorial Ancient King have resurfaced?

Otherwise, why would Yu Xin undergo such a drastic change and emit such a terrifying aura?

"My lady, what's wrong with you?" Su Changsheng's mind raced, but his expression remained unchanged. Instead, he tightened his grip on her delicate hand and looked at her with gentle eyes, softly asking.

At the same time, with a thought, he activated the power of the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, and strands of supreme emperor's light surged, covering the space, ready to suppress everything.

If the memories of the Immemorial Ancient King have truly resurfaced and affected Yu Xin's consciousness, then he would definitely make a move to erase the memories of the Human King.

After all, he loved Yu Xin, not the so-called Human King.

It was impossible to confuse priorities.

"I am not your lady!"

The Immemorial Ancient King said coldly, his gaze flickering with indifference and ruthlessness, like an Immortal King looking down on Su Changsheng from a high position.

She was also filled with anger in her heart.

Her reincarnated body had already made early arrangements and had protective measures in place, so why was she still taken advantage of by others?

Just the thought of her consciousness awakening and encountering such a humiliating situation made her almost lose control.

She was the Human King, revered in the Primordial Era, almost invincible. How many immortal experts had fallen in her hands?

She had even fought against Immortal Kings, able to engage in direct combat without any fear.

But now, her reincarnated body had been defiled by a mere Great Saint.

To make matters worse, her consciousness happened to awaken at this moment, experiencing the process and sensations clearly.

This feeling was too terrible, causing her to feel immense humiliation, yet it was also incredibly clear.

If it weren't for her recent recovery and lack of strength, she would have slapped Su Changsheng to death long ago.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Yu Xin's consciousness has already fallen asleep and cannot withstand the previous impact. She cannot retreat and can only maintain this state.

"Step back, I can spare you!" Immemorial Ancient King said coldly, a terrifying and boundless aura surging and permeating, even surpassing that of the Great Emperor.

However, this power does not possess substantial strength, it is only a kind of intimidation.

This made Su Changsheng feel subtle and gave rise to some thoughts.

"What about Yu Xin?"

Su Changsheng's expression remained unchanged, his gaze continued to look at Yu Xin, and he suddenly asked.

"Her consciousness has already disappeared. Since I have returned, I naturally don't need the consciousness of a reincarnated body!" Immemorial Ancient King said coldly, her face indifferent. As if an Immortal King descended, ruthless and desireless, the Great Dao is ruthless.

"Give you another chance, step back, considering the relationship between the reincarnated body and you, I can spare you once!"

Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng smiled. He finally confirmed one thing.

This Immemorial Ancient King is just putting on an act.

"You're lying!"

Su Changsheng reached out and gently touched her face, a smile on his lips, his eyes teasingly looking at her.

"If you really had the strength, you would have acted first instead of using words to threaten here. Although your aura is intimidating, it doesn't pose any substantial threat!"

Su Changsheng said.

"And, Yu Xin's consciousness hasn't disappeared, but rather fallen asleep, right? I thought it was the recovery of memories that affected Yu Xin, causing her temperament to change drastically, replaced by memories from her past life!"

"But now it seems that the thing I was worried about didn't happen, right, Immemorial Ancient King!"

After speaking, Immemorial Ancient King's expression changed drastically, shocked in her heart.

She wasn't surprised that Su Changsheng discovered her act.

Anyone with a brain could basically see it.

What truly shocked her was that Su Changsheng actually knew her true origin.

Who exactly is Su Changsheng?

Could it be that those few Immortal Kings who were placed as pawns in the mortal realm have now set their sights on her?

"Alright, Senior Human King, now it's our wedding night. It's really not appropriate to discuss such topics. Let's continue, shall we?"

Just as Immemorial Ancient King's emotions were in turmoil, Su Changsheng's voice continued to come through.

Continue? Immemorial Ancient King was momentarily stunned and didn't react immediately.

Yu Xin's cultivation was too weak, and she had just recovered. Her consciousness was not strong, and now in the midst of chaos, she was somewhat slow and confused.


But soon, her mind cleared, and she subconsciously called out.

"Su Changsheng!"

She was extremely angry.

Before, it could be explained that Su Changsheng didn't know her identity, but now that he knew she was the reincarnation of Immemorial Ancient King, he dared to be so disrespectful and profane towards her.

"Senior Human King, I have mastered a lot of knowledge. Let's try it all next!"

Su Changsheng chuckled.

Upon hearing this, Immemorial Ancient King's face stiffened, her pupils contracted violently, and she felt even more uneasy.

"You insolent person!"

She was extremely annoyed, but in her current state of not having fully recovered her cultivation, she had no capital to resist and could only increase her humiliation.

In the following time, it was basically Su Changsheng unilaterally beating her up, until she lost consciousness in embarrassment and Yu Xin regained control of her body.

During this period, Su Changsheng also activated his divine power, manipulated the laws of time, and affected the flow of time in this place.

Quietly, three days passed, but outside, it was only about the time it takes to burn an incense stick.

"Su Changsheng, if you let me go, the karma between us can be resolved. I promise that the Sacred Land of Chaos will never trouble you again!"

Not long after, in another bridal chamber, Su Changsheng had already arrived here, and the face of the Azure Lord was pale, her tone urgent and flustered.

She really didn't want to experience that kind of thing.

For her, it was too distant, too terrifying, and it was simply difficult to accept even after experiencing life and death battles.

"Madam, you should call me husband. We have already gone through the wedding ceremony and exchanged vows. Now it's time to drink the ceremonial wine. If you continue to be ignorant, I will have to teach you a lesson!" Su Changsheng said with a half-smile as he handed over the wine.

The Heavenly Dragon Empress was filled with anger and shame.

Under Su Changsheng's intense gaze, she reluctantly accepted the wine and quickly drank it.

"Su Changsheng, you will regret this sooner or later... Ah..." The Heavenly Dragon Empress gritted her teeth and coldly said, but before she could finish, she couldn't help but let out a shocked cry.

Her beautiful eyelashes trembled, and tears involuntarily fell from the corners of her eyes.

This was the first time she had shed tears since she grew up and cultivated, leaving the Heavenly Dragon Empress feeling somewhat dazed.


"I never regret!" Su Changsheng's voice came from beside her, and immediately after, the Heavenly Dragon Empress's mind went blank.

She couldn't think of anything anymore.

However, Su Changsheng's mood was somewhat complicated. He thought of the Heavenly Dragon Empress's incarnation, known as the incarnation of the blue sky.

The blue sky, that was one of the heavenly paths.

Looking at it this way, was he persuading the heavenly path?

"Su Changsheng, I originally hated you!"

"I was just forced, don't think I will submit!"

"Lord Changsheng..."

Next, Su Changsheng, like a diligent little bee, diligently moved between the bridal chambers, working hard.

However, the Heavenly Dragon Empress and Yan Ji were still somewhat resistant and stubborn, while the nine Quasi-Emperor Phoenix Guardians were obedient and well-behaved.

Su Changsheng felt the warmth of the True Phoenix Clan and truly felt something.

In the following period of time, Su Changsheng stayed with each of his new brides, trying his best to impregnate them.

After all, this was the main source of his strength improvement. Only by having children could he quickly become stronger.

During this period, he often took time to accompany Su Changge, Su Qingyue, and other daughters, as well as play with Gu Qingge and other women, traveling to various places, experiencing many beautiful sceneries, and cultivating their relationships.

It can be said that every day, he either worked hard in the bridal chambers or accompanied his wives and children, enjoying the tenderness of the mortal world.

Finally, after half a year of effort, several Phoenix Guardian escorts became pregnant.

However, after becoming pregnant, Princess Nine must take a trip back to the Everlasting Imperial Court with her nine companions.

Su Changsheng did not stop her and left a divine thought on each of them to protect them at all times.

If there is any accident, Su Changsheng will immediately rush over.

Not long after Princess Nine and the others left, Heavenly Dragon Empress and Azure Blue Lord also became pregnant one after another.

Heavenly Dragon Empress is fine.

Su Changsheng is worthy of her in all aspects, and she even feels a bit out of her league. Her initial resistance was only because Su Changsheng had too many wives.

Now that she is pregnant, although it feels a bit strange, she has accepted it.

She just feels a bit sorry for her aunt.

Clearly, she came here to seek revenge on her aunt's behalf, but ended up falling in love and getting pregnant with the enemy's child.

Is this disappointing her aunt's expectations?

"I should persuade my aunt when the time comes!" Heavenly Dragon Empress touched her belly and sighed inwardly.

She knows Su Changsheng's strength.

If her aunt insists on going against him, she will eventually be suppressed by Su Changsheng.

Facing her aunt, Su Changsheng may not be so easy to talk to.

To avoid the worst outcome, she can only let her aunt give up her grudge.

Of course, if her aunt refuses and insists on going against him, she will stand on Su Changsheng's side.

She can no longer go back.

As for Azure Blue Lord, it is unbelievable, feeling the life energy growing inside her belly.

Her pretty face is filled with complexity, resentment, conflict, pain, and a hint of sweetness.

"Su Changsheng!"

"You must let the original body also experience this feeling!"

Finally, Azure Blue Lord, as if broken, said in a low voice to Su Changsheng.


Su Changsheng was a little stunned, he looked at Azure Blue Lord, feeling a hint of worry in his heart.

Could it be that something really went wrong?

Although it was initially a forced idea, she is now his wife, and she is pregnant with his child. He also has some feelings for the Azure Lord.

Naturally, he doesn't want anything to happen to her.

"I'm fine, I just feel that this kind of result shouldn't be borne by me alone. The original body should also taste it!" The Azure Lord sneered.

Her cold and beautiful face no longer appeared indifferent and aloof. It seemed as if a deity had fallen into the mortal world, tainted by the worldly atmosphere.


Su Changsheng looked at her deeply and realized that she really didn't have any problems.

He just needed some time to accept it.

With a light sigh in his heart, he decided to spend some time cultivating relationships with them.

In the following days, Su Changsheng accompanied the Azure Lord, Yu Xin, and others, traveling through the mortal world, witnessing many bustling and beautiful sceneries.

They also traveled to various places in the Chaos Kun Divine Domain, cultivating their relationships with each other.

Finally, under Su Changsheng's efforts, the attitudes of the Azure Lord and the Immemorial Ancient King gradually softened. They became more proactive and no longer resisted each other. They developed some feelings for each other.

Soon, a year passed, and Yu Xin also became pregnant. All twelve brides were pregnant.

The other wives, such as Chu Yue and Yan Ruyu, who were originally not pregnant, except for Gu Qingge and the departed Ninth Princess, all became pregnant this time.

This surprised Su Changsheng.

It should be known that the stronger the cultivator, the more difficult it is to conceive.

With his cultivation level, it would be normal to not be able to conceive for ten or a hundred years.

But unexpectedly, they all became pregnant in just a year and a half.

This made him somewhat emotional.

However, after the women became pregnant, the previously scheduled intimate activities were no longer possible.

And Gu Qingge alone couldn't bear it.

After thinking for a moment, Su Changsheng extended his claws towards the attendants of the Sun Clan.

It should be noted that various Great Saints, Quasi-Emperors, and many forces had sent a large number of divine maidens, totaling tens of thousands.

However, most of these physique are only ordinary Spirit Ascension bodies, occasionally some top Divine Bodies, which Su Changsheng did not choose as his wife, but rather took them as maidservants.

However, strictly speaking, even though they are just maidservants, they are also one of his potential wives.

At this time, this large group of goddesses has already proven useful.


On this day, in a palace, accompanied by a loud cry, one of Su Changsheng's children was born.

It was not Su Ziyuan or Lu Qingchan, but the three ordinary Spirit Ascension wives who were previously pregnant.

Their physique is not very powerful.

Therefore, the pregnancy period is not long, faster than Gu Qingge.

"It's a daughter, a top Divine Body? That's quite normal!"

When the child was just born, Su Changsheng had already sensed it through divine sense, his eyebrows slightly raised, not surprised.

After all, the talent of a child, although influenced by both parents, is not absolute.

Even if the parents have extraordinary talent, they may still give birth to mediocre children.

It is impossible to have extraordinary offspring every time.

And this time, the mother's talent is not strong, just a Divine Body.

Su Changsheng was not surprised to have a daughter with a top Divine Body. Anyway, it doesn't matter to him whether he can have an extraordinary physique or not.

As long as he accumulates little by little, he will eventually become extraordinary.

However, why is it a daughter this time?

Could it be that the next few children will also be daughters?

Su Changsheng held his adorable little daughter and couldn't help but feel a bit subtle in his mood.

"Husband, what should we name the child?"

At this moment, a gentle voice came, and Su Changsheng looked over to see his wife looking at him with loving eyes, full of expectation.

Her name is Yun Cai'er, a goddess from a powerful force. She should have been highly regarded and pursued by countless heavenly geniuses, but now she is just one of his many wives.

She is even not valued.

With these thoughts, Su Changsheng suddenly felt guilty in his heart, except for Gu Qingge, the Daughter of Destiny. He didn't really value his other wives who were just ordinary Spirit Ascension cultivators. Although they were still good, they were far from being like Gu Qingge and the others. But for Yun Cai'er and the others, Su Changsheng was everything to them.

"Let's call her Nian Cai, Jin Cai!" Su Changsheng sat on the side, holding Yun Cai'er in his arms, and said gently.

"Nian Cai? What a good name, it's really nice!" Upon hearing this, Yun Cai'er's heart trembled, her eyes turned red, and she kept repeating the name in her mouth, with a happy expression on her face.

"You will all be with me forever, until eternity!" Su Changsheng said firmly.

Although there wasn't much affection at first, Su Changsheng firmly believed that in the long future, he would make up for everything and not miss anything.

"Mm!" Yun Cai'er responded softly.

In the following time, the other two wives with Divine Bodies also gave birth to a daughter one after another. They were named Su Nianqing and Su Nianying respectively.

The names of the two mothers were Lin Qing and Zhao Ying, which meant writing a journey in the clouds.

The physique of the two daughters was both top-tier Divine Bodies, not amazing, but not bad either. Moreover, because they inherited Su Changsheng's bloodline, even though they were top-tier Divine Bodies, their actual aptitude would not be much worse than that of ordinary Sacred Bodies.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the birth of the fourth child.]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the birth of the fifth child, physique: Burning Heaven Divine Body, evaluated as a top-tier Divine Body!]

[Ding, you have received a reward, a thousand years of cultivation, and the immortality elixir!]

Soon, the system's prompt sounded, and three thousand years of cultivation poured into Su Changsheng's body with the birth of three consecutive children.


In an instant, Su Changsheng's aura soared, reaching the pinnacle of a Great Saint, and then breaking through the limit.

He broke through to the Quasi-Emperor realm.

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