Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 103: Destined To Become An Immortal Emperor? Supreme Level Combat Power, Can Challenge The G

This is a completely new realm, surpassing the three realms of the Holy Dao.

Once you step into it, it is a new territory.

If the Great Saint is a giant in one realm, revered in the Divine Realm.

Then the Quasi-Emperor can be considered a true powerhouse, even in the Three Thousand Realms.

Even among the Immortal Clan, the Quasi-Emperor is a high-level powerhouse and an indispensable force in battle.

With the word "Emperor" attached to Quasi-Emperor, every move and gesture carries the dignity of an emperor, possessing a terrifying power that overwhelms all Great Saint powerhouses.

Just like when Su Changsheng encountered the divine thoughts of the Quasi-Emperor before, it was just a strand, but it could easily suppress and kill the Great Saint overlords, truly crushing them.

The Great Saint wants to challenge the Quasi-Emperor.

Throughout history, there have not been many examples, only the Immortal Physique can contend. To defeat and kill, only someone with a physique as extraordinary as Su Changsheng can do it.


At this moment, the power within Su Changsheng surged, rapidly increasing at an alarming speed.

Every inch of flesh, bones, and Primordial Spirit undergoes astonishing transformations, evolving towards the Quasi-Emperor Divine Body.

Not only that, the Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique is also undergoing transformation, the terrifying power of the origin surges, revealing its true dominance.

"Changsheng, have you made a breakthrough?"

Beside him, Gu Qingge's expression suddenly changed as she looked at Su Changsheng's sudden surge in aura, feeling shocked.

It hasn't been long since then.

Su Changsheng is actually going to make another breakthrough, is he going to become a Quasi-Emperor?

Not only Gu Qingge, but the wives and concubines were also stunned.

Beside them, the Azure Lord and Yu Xin looked over, their eyes filled with incredulity.

It should be noted that not long ago, Su Changsheng was only at the peak of the Great Saint realm.

Although his realm was stable and his foundation was solid, rarely seen in ten thousand years, there was still a long way to go before breaking through to Quasi-Emperor. How could he suddenly make a breakthrough in an instant?

Although shocked, the Azure Lord quickly calmed down, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

If Su Changsheng breaks through to Quasi-Emperor, with his originally terrifying combat power, he might be able to rival higher-level Quasi-Emperors, especially with the Heavenly Emperor's Cauldron.

Perhaps he really can suppress his true body.

"Well, I have to go to the outer domain to do it!" Su Changsheng nodded in response, then looked towards the outer domain.

To know, when he previously broke through the Saint King and Great Saint, he had to experience incredibly terrifying tribulations.

Now that he's breaking through to Quasi-Emperor, the scene will only be more magnificent, truly engulfing everything.

If he breaks through on the earth, the boundless tribulations will probably cover and destroy the entire Chaos Kun Divine Domain.

Su Changsheng didn't hesitate and immediately tore through space to go to the outer domain.

"Could it be...?"

Gu Qingge looked at Su Changsheng leaving, then looked at the two newborn children, pondering in her heart.

She remembered that every time Su Changsheng's strength skyrocketed, it seemed to be when he was giving birth to a child.

Moreover, after she gave birth to Su Changge last time, not only did her cultivation suddenly soar, but her physique also became much stronger, almost comparable to an Immortal Physique.

In addition, Su Changsheng's physique is exactly the same as their daughter Su Changge.

Thinking back to Su Changsheng's crazy polygamy.

An incredible thought arose in Gu Qingge's mind.

Could it be... Su Changsheng has a heaven-defying ability to enhance his strength by marrying and having children?


At the same time, in the outer domain, Su Changsheng had already appeared. He was far away from the starry sky of the Chaos Kun Divine Domain and had been deep into the universe.

Along the way, he crossed billions of star domains, not just vast areas of trillions of light-years.

Finally, he arrived in a dim universe, countless broken dead stars rotating, filled with desolation.


In the next second, an immeasurable aura suddenly erupted from Su Changsheng's body.

In a true sense, it was infinitely more terrifying, far surpassing countless times what it was before.

Countless stars trembled, and this desolate universe was shaking, almost on the verge of destruction.

The vast heavens and earth, even the Chaos Kun Divine Domain and the nearby powerful domains, all felt an immense and vast aura, which alarmed the powerful beings.

"Has a new Supreme been born?"

"No, that's not right, it's a bit different from Supreme!"

"With such a powerful aura, it has already surpassed the peak of an ordinary Quasi-Emperor!"

Within Chaos Kun Academy, the dean was alarmed and somewhat surprised.

With his cultivation, in the face of this terrifying aura, he actually felt a trembling impulse.

That is something only a Supreme can achieve.

However, compared to a Supreme, this aura is obviously inferior, lacking the "complete" fluctuations of a Supreme.

Because a Supreme is only one step away from a Great Emperor, their grand dao is already perfect and flawless, only lacking enlightenment.

Therefore, their powerful aura emits a kind of "complete" fluctuation.

But this aura clearly doesn't have that feeling.


On the other side, outside the Chaos Kun Divine Domain, a group of people also arrived, preparing to tear through the domain barrier and enter the Chaos Kun Divine Domain.

Among them, a stunningly beautiful girl with pink hair, resembling a True Immortal, looked up and revealed a hint of surprise in her eyes.


She murmured, then closed her eyes. A mysteriously fluctuation emanated from her body, spreading far and deep into the boundless starry sky in an instant.

Then, she "saw" a majestic figure, bathed in endless thunder tribulation, emitting a terrifying fluctuation, with black and white colors flowing, blending the immortal and demonic.

Incredibly powerful.

Like a Heavenly Emperor reigning supreme, overlooking the eternal time and space, pushing aside all invincibly.


At this moment, as if sensing her gaze, a pair of eyes suddenly looked over, containing boundless power, as if the universe was collapsing.

A tremendous power surged forth.


The girl with pink hair suddenly groaned, receiving an extremely intense impact. Her delicate body shook for a moment, but it didn't cause much harm, only her aura fluctuated slightly.

"Your Excellency, are you alright, Holy Maiden?"

Beside her, several Quasi-Emperor powerhouses who had followed her were all greatly shocked by the situation.

It must be known that this Holy Maiden is extremely terrifying. Although she is only a Quasi-Emperor, she can fully unleash the power of a Supreme with her Heavenly Dao Sacred Body and special cultivation techniques.

But now, she unexpectedly suffered an impact and seemed to have suffered a loss, which shocked them all.

Could it be that they are the owner of that aura?

As Quasi-Emperor powerhouses, they naturally can sense the terrifying aura that is surging through the entire Divine Realm.

Seems like a Supreme.

"I am not obstructing!"

The pink-haired girl shook her head.

She is precisely the Dao Xuan Holy Maiden, the contemporary holy maiden of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

Or rather, her status within the entire Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple is very special, not inferior to a Supreme.

"Su Changsheng, indeed terrifying. No wonder it can make that old guy so fearful and nervous!"

The Dao Xuan Holy Maiden muttered to herself, recalling those eyes, she felt a sense of horror in her heart.

Although he is not very strong yet, only barely approaching Supreme, he gives her a feeling as if facing an Immortal King, or even a more terrifying existence.

That kind of feeling even makes her, who has the power of the Heavenly Dao, feel as if she is suffocating.

Even the Heavenly Dao itself is afraid.

She is now certain that Su Changsheng is truly terrifying and likely has some kind of horrifying origin.

This involves Immortal Kings, and even surpasses the level of Immortal Kings.

The Highest Existence?

The Dao Xuan Holy Maiden muttered to herself.

She dare not say those three words out loud. As the holy maiden of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple, her identity is special, and she knows many ancient secrets.

Even the Immortal World knows many of them.

She knows even more that above the Immortal Kings, there exists the Highest Existence.

That is the realm pursued by Immortal Kings.

And on Su Changsheng's body, she feels this aura that is seemingly surpassing Immortal Kings.

Is this an illusion?

"Let's go, to Chaos Kun Academy!"

Although shocked, the Dao Xuan Holy Maiden does not show any expression on the surface. She calmly says.

Soon, she leads several Quasi-Emperors to descend upon Chaos Kun Academy.


Chaos Kun Academy shook, and the dean, along with a group of Quasi-Emperors, were alarmed and appeared with seriousness to greet.

The Saintess of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple has arrived.

At this point, even Chaos Kun Academy dared not be careless, because the origin of the other party was terrifying.

Terrifying auras surged, and the chaos energy engulfed the heavens and earth, causing shock among many students.

Before long, Dao Xuan Saintess and others arrived and were personally greeted by the powerful figures led by the dean.


In the desolate expanse of the extraterrestrial sky, Su Changsheng bathed in boundless tribulation thunder, and every inch of his flesh and blood was undergoing transformation.

His cultivation, divine power, primordial spirit, and physical body were all rapidly increasing at a terrifying speed, as if there was no limit.

Not only that, the Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique also underwent a major transformation, forming two completely different systems, which gave birth to a new path for Su Changsheng.

A new path.

If the previous Su Changsheng cultivated immortality and followed the immortal path system.

Then now, he has gained an additional path of demonic cultivation.

It is the orthodox and supreme True Demon Path, not the so-called demonic cultivation path of the present.

This is equivalent to Su Changsheng having two selves, double the cultivation, and double the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

In addition, these two systems can complement each other and amplify each other, instantly increasing his strength several times or even dozens of times.

At this moment, Su Changsheng finally understood that this is the true manifestation of the immense power of the Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique.

As long as he takes this physique to the extreme, he can simultaneously push both paths to the limit of the Immortal King, form two Dao Fruits, and then merge them together to complement each other.

Ultimately achieving the highest level.

This is a supreme physique destined to achieve greatness.

"The so-called highest, is it the Immortal Emperor?"

Su Changsheng muttered to himself, not uttering these two words, feeling an inexplicable sense of crisis and awe--

He must not casually mention the highest.

"Immortal Physique?"

Su Changsheng muttered to himself, then chuckled lightly. This is something that the Immortal Physique simply cannot achieve.

Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique, this is definitely a level beyond the Immortal Physique.

Or, it can be said that the Immortal Physique evaluated by the system and the Immortal Physique defined in the current cultivation world may not be on the same level.

This is also why his combat power is so terrifying, able to easily counter a Quasi-Emperor!


Thinking of this, Su Changsheng let out a long roar, the power of the two systems boiling within his body, the resonance of the two forces of immortality and demonic energy, an endless chaotic aura surged.

Then, Su Changsheng's body suddenly expanded, transforming into a towering Heavenly Emperor.

Boundless divine might.

Looking down with his eyes, with just a single swallow, he easily devoured the vast and boundless peak Quasi-Emperor's thunder tribulation, instantly resolving it.


Immediately after, a breath comparable to a Supreme erupted from his body.

With the cultivation of the Quasi-Emperor's Second Heaven, he could challenge a Supreme with all his strength, engaging in a direct battle!

This is his current cultivation and combat power.

"Hahaha, so-called Great Accomplishment Sacred Body is nothing more than this?" Su Changsheng laughed heartily.

His voice resounded throughout the universe.

Countless stars trembled violently, then exploded.

That kind of power could make even the peak Quasi-Emperor's scalp tingle.

"Plus the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, even if the ancient Great Emperor doesn't appear, who in the world can do anything to me!"

"Even if the Great Emperor comes, I can still challenge them!"

Su Changsheng's eyes sparkled.

Of course, this is just talk, it is not yet realistic to challenge the Great Emperor.

But with the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron and the Azure Lotus Emperor Weapon in hand, there is still a chance to escape.


After a long time, Su Changsheng's towering figure returned to normal, then he waved his sleeves and prepared to return to the Su Family in the True Saint Continent.

"Hmm? The news of the Reincarnation Divine Water's whereabouts is actually from the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Alliance?"

However, when Su Changsheng arrived at the Chaos Kun Divine Domain, a piece of news reached him, causing him to show a delighted expression.

As early as before, he had been searching for the Reincarnation Divine Water.

Not only did Su Ziyuan need it, but the remnant soul of the Ancient Heavenly Emperor's Empress also needed the Reincarnation Divine Water.

However, such divine objects were extremely rare, and even the Chaos Kun Divine Domain didn't have many.

Even if there were some, it would only be one or two bottles, which was simply not enough.

In order to find the Reincarnation Divine Water as soon as possible, he had been searching through the Fangdao Immortal Alliance recently.

"The Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Alliance is truly efficient!" Su Changsheng muttered to himself, then he turned back and headed towards the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Alliance in the center of the Divine Domain.

The branch of the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Alliance he had contacted before was naturally not the one in the True Saint Continent.

Instead, it was the largest branch located in the center of the Chaos Kun Divine Domain.

The Sea of Reincarnation.

This was an extremely mysterious forbidden zone located in the Reincarnation Divine Domain, and it was extremely dangerous.

Even a Quasi-Emperor entering it could possibly perish.

And at this moment, in the center of the Sea of Reincarnation, stood an ancient and incomparably majestic palace.

This palace was very large, standing there, it towered into boundless clouds and mist, even the stars had to revolve around it.

The palace was very ancient, with many mottled ancient marks, exuding astonishing fluctuations.

In a trance, it seemed as if a Great Emperor was sleeping here.

Creak creak..."

And at this moment, in the palace, in a grand hall, the sound of bone-chilling chewing came out, as if gnawing on something, making people shudder involuntarily.

Looking deeper, among them, next to a huge bronze coffin, a figure with disheveled hair and emaciated body was sitting on the coffin.

At this moment, he was chewing on something, faintly visible was a blood-stained golden wing, with golden blood flowing, emitting a Quasi-Emperor's aura, terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Next to the ancient coffin, a simple and ancient halberd was inserted into the ground, covered in emperor patterns, with traces of the supreme path's aura permeating it.

In front of the ancient coffin, a middle-aged man in golden clothes was trembling and kneeling, his mind filled with extreme fear, trembling uncontrollably.

He was none other than the Heavenly Azure King.


At this moment, the thin and withered figure seemed to have finished eating. He slightly lifted his head, revealing a somewhat ferocious but vaguely handsome face.

"I never expected that after being suppressed by the Azure Emperor since the end of ancient times, I thought I was doomed to die. But unexpectedly, I accidentally broke through some seals with you two little fellows!" He looked at the Heavenly Azure King and spoke in a calm tone.

"For this, I have to thank you. If not for this, I wouldn't have had the chance to break free from the seal!" Upon hearing this, the Heavenly Azure King broke out in a cold sweat, becoming even more fearful.

Thank them? Does that mean he directly devoured the Golden Emperor as a way of thanking them?

The Heavenly Azure King would never forget that scene in his entire life. He had brought the Golden Emperor here to obtain the Heavenly Roc Trident.

It was an Emperor Weapon left behind by the ancestor of the Golden Winged Great Roc, the Celestial Roc Great Emperor.

He had accidentally learned about it and had been longing to obtain it, but his strength was not enough.

Later on, in order to avenge his son, he sensed the Golden Emperor and wanted to use him to seek revenge for his son.

However, what he didn't expect was that when they came here with the Golden Emperor to obtain the Heavenly Roc Trident, they accidentally triggered the seal and unleashed an extremely terrifying aura.

Of course, because the seal had been in place for too long, its power had long since diminished, and the Golden Emperor also had a trump card, erupting with a supreme technique to forcefully shake the seal.

They had thought they would obtain the Heavenly Roc Trident.

But instead, a thin and withered figure rushed out from the ancient coffin, extremely terrifying. With just a wave of his hand, he grabbed the Golden Emperor and devoured him alive right in front of him.

And it seemed that he was too weak, so he was spared.

"I have finally survived, but the Azure Emperor, you have already fallen early. What a pity. I can't seek revenge from you!" The thin figure sighed lightly, feeling regretful.

"Elder, someone has obtained the Emperor's inheritance!" Upon hearing this, the Heavenly Azure King's eyes brightened. Then, he gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Hmm?" In an instant, his gaze fell.


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