Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 105 Desolate Ancient Saint Body Ye Xian, A Family Of Heavenly Emperor, Uses A Piece Of God&#

Su Changsheng was shaken in his heart.

This was the first time he had encountered a quasi [Nine-Colored] destiny.

This kind of destiny was against the heavens, even surpassing Gu Qingge and Su Ziyuan.

According to the system's classification, [Nine-Colored] was the highest destiny, destined to achieve unparalleled greatness in the future.

And a quasi [Nine-Colored] destiny, although inferior, was still terrifying.

Of course, destiny only represented potential, not the ultimate limit.

Even lower-level destinies had the possibility of transforming into higher ones.

Gu Qingge and Su Ziyuan, if they developed along the normal trajectory, might not be much worse.

But even so, as the future Heavenly Emperor, the wife with a quasi [~Nine-Colored] destiny still made Su Changsheng's heart flutter.

"System, is this Desolate Ancient Saint Body the woman you mentioned before?" Su Changsheng asked in his heart.

He remembered when he obtained the Ancient Clan's grand gift package, the Desolate Ancient Saint Body that was mentioned by the system, which was said to be attracted by the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron. Now it seemed that it should be this Ye Xian.

The Longevity Immortal Clan, the abandoned person of the Ye family?

The Longevity Immortal Clan in this world had an unimaginable heritage, with true immortals sitting in power.

The Ye family was among the top, having produced more than one Heavenly Emperor, shaking the Three Thousand Realms.

Therefore, the Ye family was also known as the Heavenly Emperor's family.

"Yes!" the system's cold voice responded.

"It seems that I was right!" Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow. In that case, it should be easier for him to take her down.

"Lord Changsheng, the owner of the Reincarnation Divine Water is inside. You will know once you go in!" said the polite voice of the Great Saint powerhouse beside him, interrupting Su Changsheng's thoughts.

Su Changsheng nodded and quickly passed through the grand array, entering the palace. The space inside was incredibly vast, filled with various luxurious items.

Spiritual energy gushed out, resembling a fairyland.

Various formations are densely spread out, with countless divine lights swirling around, appearing beautiful and dreamlike.

Every palace room in the Ten Thousand Immortal Alliance is guarded by various powerful formations, ensuring both safety and secrecy.

With just a sweep of Su Changsheng's divine sense, he knew that no one was spying on this place, making it extremely secure.

At this moment, inside the palace, a group of people were waiting, led by two incredibly beautiful women.

One of them had waist-length silver hair and held a long sword in her hand. Her face was cold and exquisite, like an elf in the moonlight.

The other woman had flowing black hair and a tall and beautiful figure, exuding a sense of heroism. Her legs were exceptionally long, resembling a valiant female war goddess.

From within the black-haired woman, Su Changsheng could sense a terrifying surge of golden blood and a divine aura that was incomparably sacred.

Desolate Ancient Saint Body?

Su Changsheng's expression remained unchanged as his gaze swept over the two women, instantly understanding their identities.

The silver-haired girl was Luo Li, from the Luo God Clan.

As for the black-haired woman, she was Ye Xian, possessing the Desolate Ancient Saint Body, and she came from the Ye Family of Eternal Life.

In addition, there were several powerful individuals standing beside them, wearing silver-white robes adorned with beautiful divine patterns, all of them at the peak of the Great Saint realm.

They appeared to be elders.

"It seems that the buyer has arrived!"

Among them, an old man looked over. He was dressed in a silver-white robe, with white hair and an extraordinary demeanor. His eyes were filled with divine light, and there was a faint smile on his face.

As he spoke, everyone's gaze turned towards Su Changsheng.

However, when their eyes met Su Changsheng's, the expressions of several people suddenly changed.

"Su Changsheng!"

A Great Saint couldn't help but exclaim.

Upon hearing this, Ye Xian and Luo Li also showed shock on their faces.

Su Changsheng?

How could they not know this name?

In the current Three Thousand Realms, Su Changsheng's reputation has surpassed many powerhouses, even overshadowing many Great Emperors. He is truly a figure known to all.

Of course, most people only know his name and are still unaware of his appearance and specific background.

But for the Top Grade forces of the Everlasting Heaven Realm, it was easy to find information about Su Changsheng.

The Luoshen clan naturally also knew some, and recognized Su Changsheng's appearance upon seeing him.

"It's me!"

Seeing the other party calling out his name, Su Changsheng didn't mind and nodded slightly.

"I have seen Senior Changsheng!"

Upon hearing Su Changsheng's confirmation, everyone's hearts trembled, and they all stood up respectfully.

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected and the accomplished are revered as teachers.

Although Su Changsheng's cultivation was only at the peak of Great Saint, his terrifying combat power could kill a Quasi-Emperor and even suppress the incarnation of the Azure Lord.

Such combat power could rival the peak of a Quasi-Emperor.

Naturally, they had to treat him with respect, otherwise, if they accidentally offended him, it would be a great disaster.

"No need to be polite, please sit down!"

Su Changsheng shook his head, walked forward, and sat down in the middle.

Then he started pouring spiritual tea from the table, with elegant and leisurely movements.

Seeing this, the strong ones were somewhat uneasy and sat down with hidden excitement.

"Ancestor Changsheng, let me do it!" The old man who spoke earlier hurriedly said.

"No trouble!" Su Changsheng didn't stand on ceremony either. With a wave of his hand, the old man became excited and started brewing tea for Su Changsheng.

That appearance was completely unlike that of a Great Saint ancestor of a major force, but more like that of a young disciple.

However, the people present didn't feel that it was inappropriate.

On the side, Luoli sat down with a sword in her arms, her pretty face tense. She looked very aloof, but her gaze was somewhat restless, occasionally falling on Su Changsheng.

It contained a strange charm.

There was curiosity, admiration, excitement, astonishment, and many other complex emotions, and her heart was beating violently.

As for Ye Xian, she was very direct, staring at Su Changsheng with curiosity and a probing look.

From time to time, there were flickers of excitement in their eyes, occasionally nodding as if they were very satisfied.

"Are the two young ladies curious about me?" Su Changsheng smiled and looked at the two women, asking directly.

Upon hearing this, several Great Saints felt a tightness in their hearts, afraid that the two young ladies would say something wrong and unintentionally offend Su Changsheng.

"I am indeed curious. After all, Senior Changsheng is the number one anomaly of all time, known to have the qualifications of an Immortal King. This is my first time seeing him, so naturally I want to observe him closely!" Ye Xian was not polite at all, speaking directly and not caring about Su Changsheng's reputation.

"By the way, just call me Ye Xian. This person next to me is Luo Li. Don't be fooled by her cold appearance. In reality, she is cold on the outside but warm on the inside, and she admires you very much!"

"If you're interested, you can take her down!" Ye Xian said boldly, pulling the silent and cold Luo Li next to her. Her tone was straightforward.

That relaxed attitude.

It didn't seem like she was facing a powerful being, but rather treating an ordinary elder or peer.

Upon hearing this, the hearts of several Great Saint powerhouses turned cold.

The silver-robed old man who was pouring tea for Su Changsheng trembled even more, almost spilling the tea in his hand. He inwardly smiled bitterly.

Oh my, this is Ancestor Changsheng we're talking about, the super ruthless person who can counterattack and kill a Quasi-Emperor, the number one anomaly of all time!

Is this how you treat him so casually?

"Greetings, Senior Changsheng!" Luo Li, who was standing beside her, had a tight and cold expression, exuding a chilling aura. She spoke lightly, as if she didn't care.

Only her delicate earlobes were completely flushed, showing shyness.

In addition, Changsheng could feel the intense fluctuations of emotion from Luo Li.

Clearly, she wasn't as cold as she appeared on the surface.

"Oh? I am indeed interested. Thank you, Miss Ye Xian, for your guidance." Su Changsheng smiled ambiguously at Luo Li, almost making her blood surge and faint.

When several Great Saint powerhouses heard this, they were ecstatic. Was Su Changsheng serious with his words?

If so, the Luo God Clan would be saved!

"Well, Miss Ye Xian, how do you feel?"

At this moment, Su Changsheng looked at Ye Xian again, smiling, and was somewhat surprised in his heart.

Truly worthy of being a member of the immortal Ye family, the future Supreme Heavenly Emperor?

Facing such a powerful person, she could still remain calm. This kind of temperament is not something that ordinary geniuses can compare to.

"Very good-looking!"

Hearing this, Ye Xian did not hesitate to say.

Her beautiful eyes blinked as she looked at Su Changsheng's face, faintly sparkling with little stars, very radiant.

Very good-looking?

Su Changsheng's finger paused slightly, feeling somewhat strange. Was this a compliment?

But with his current appearance, he could indeed live up to this title.

"What else?"

Su Changsheng quickly relaxed and looked at her with a relaxed expression, continuing to ask.

"There's one more thing. There is a strong attraction from you that makes me unable to resist wanting to get close to you! It's really strange!" Ye Xian wrinkled her delicate nose and looked at Su Changsheng with a strange gaze, then she continued.

"And, you are no longer a Great Saint, right? Your speed of advancement is really outrageous, much more exaggerated than those freaks I know!"

And, Ye Xian could sense it.

Su Changsheng was not a reincarnation of an ancient Great Emperor, contrary to the rumors.


Upon hearing this, several powerful Great Saints, including the silver-robed old man, felt their hearts pounding.

In such a short time, Su Changsheng had already broken through to Quasi-Emperor?

Is this the heaven-defying power of the reincarnation of an ancient Great Emperor?

Now, with Su Changsheng's rise, many forces in the Everlasting Heaven Realm have thoroughly investigated his information.

From his rise to the present, they have almost completely understood every detail.

After understanding, all the forces unanimously believed that Su Changsheng was a reincarnation of an ancient Great Emperor, who has now returned to reclaim his past life's Dao Fruit.

Moreover, it is very likely that he is not just a Great Emperor, but a Heavenly Emperor!

"Your perception is very keen, remarkable. Indeed, I am already a Quasi-Emperor!"

Su Changsheng was somewhat surprised.

You see, although he had made a breakthrough, he had now concealed his aura, and ordinary Quasi-Emperors couldn't tell that he had made a breakthrough.

Ye Xian was only a Great Saint, yet she could perceive his cultivation level, which was indeed extraordinary.

No wonder she has a quasi-nine-colored destiny.

"I am just slightly stronger than an ordinary Primordial Spirit, able to perceive more things. Compared to seniors, this is nothing!" Ye Xian said calmly.

"Nothing? Hehe, that's good if that's the case!" Su Changsheng smiled ambiguously upon hearing this.

A quasi-nine-colored destiny, coupled with being a member of the Ye family, and he says it's nothing?

Feeling Su Changsheng's gaze, as if he could see through everything, Ye Xian's heart skipped a beat, unable to help but feel alarmed.

Could it be that Su Changsheng has figured out her origins?

"Alright, let's not talk about irrelevant matters. Everyone, are you selling the Reincarnation Divine Water? I wonder how much Reincarnation Divine Water you have and what the conditions are!"

Just as Ye Xian was feeling alarmed, Su Changsheng shifted his gaze away and looked at the silver-robed old man and the others, asking softly.

"Elder Changsheng, it's like this. Our clan is called the Luo..."

The silver-robed old man handed a cup of spiritual tea to Su Changsheng. When he saw Su Changsheng accept it, he felt relieved and then became serious, starting to explain.

Before long, Su Changsheng understood everything.

The other party was the Luo God Clan, one of the eight great god clans in the Spirit Ancient Divine Territory, with a Quasi-Emperor presiding over them.

The Spirit Ancient Divine Territory was an extremely powerful divine territory, ranking among the top hundred in the thousands of divine territories.

In the Spirit Ancient Divine Territory, there were eight great god clans, originally led by the Luo God Clan, with three Quasi-Emperors, and during its peak, there was even one Supreme who was close to proving the Dao.

However, in recent years, the Luo God Clan has rapidly declined.

Two Quasi-Emperors in the clan have fallen, and the only remaining one is extremely old, nearing the end of their life, while the younger generation has no new Quasi-Emperors being born.

Faced with the declining Luo God Clan, many other god clans have become restless.

A hundred years ago, the Great Sun God Clan, the Soul Reaper God Clan, and the Blood God Clan joined forces to besiege the Luo God Clan.

If it weren't for the former Quasi-Emperor's past strength, even if they are now in decline, they still have great deterrent power. I'm afraid the Luoshen Clan is about to be destroyed.

This time, they brought out the Reincarnation Divine Water in order to exchange for a divine medicine, so that the former Quasi-Emperor in the clan can live again.

Only by doing so can they continue to support the Luoshen Clan and prevent it from perishing.

"The Great Sun God Clan?!"

Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a hint of killing intent.

He remembered an "enemy".

The Saint Child of the Great Sun Saint Sect, the person who looked down on him back then, seemed to be the young master of the Great Sun God Clan.

However, the current Great Sun Saint Child should be the master of the Great Sun Saint Sect.


Su Changsheng couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't really care about the other party before, and couldn't be bothered to deal with them. But unexpectedly, they directly collided this time.

Well, it's good that the past grudges can be settled.

"Nine bottles of Reincarnation Divine Water are not worth a divine medicine!" Although Su Changsheng had made up his mind, he remained calm on the surface as he looked at everyone.

Although the divine medicine is not comparable to the Immortal Divine Medicine, it is still extremely precious. It can allow the Quasi-Emperor and Supreme to live again, and its value is astonishing.

The Luoshen Clan has nine bottles of Reincarnation Divine Water, which even the Quasi-Emperor would be envious of, but its value is not comparable to that of the divine medicine.

"We understand. Even a semi-divine medicine is acceptable!" Upon hearing this, the silver-robed old man smiled bitterly and then gritted his teeth.

A semi-divine medicine is also good, but it can only extend one's life by a thousand years, which is far inferior to a genuine divine medicine.

However, in this situation, they have no bargaining power when facing Su Changsheng.

"What about me? I am the Luoshen Sacred Body, with a good physique, and also the princess of the Luoshen Clan. My identity and talent should meet the requirements of the senior for immortality, right?" At this moment, Luoli, who had been silent and aloof, suddenly spoke up.

"Oh?" Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow in surprise and looked at Luoli. He saw her delicate face slightly blush, her small hand tightly gripping the long sword in her hand. She seemed calm, but was actually very nervous.

Her beautiful eyes, like moonlight, were staring at him intently.

Ye Xian became serious at this moment, no longer carefree, and frowned slightly.

The old man in the silver robe and others' hearts jumped wildly, nervously looking at Su Changsheng.

"The conditions of Miss Luo Li are naturally excellent, but I disdain using such means!" Su Changsheng shook his head.

If he really wants Luo Li, he either proposes directly or forcefully takes her.

Instead of using this exchange method.

Of course, this can also be said that he now has more choices because he has become stronger.

"I'm sorry... I have overstepped..." Upon hearing this, Luo Li's pretty face turned pale, her eyes faintly reddened, and she bit her lip in grievance.

"But a peerless beauty like Miss Luo Li, I have no reason not to like her. So let Su Family propose to the Luo God Clan and offer the entire Spirit Ancient Divine Realm and a divine medicine as a marriage proposal!" Just then, Su Changsheng's voice came with a hint of a smile, causing Luo Li's heart to tremble violently. Her beautiful eyes widened in astonishment as she looked at Su Changsheng.

"I wonder what Miss Luo Li thinks?" Su Changsheng asked with a smile.

On the side, Ye Xian smiled.

The old man in the silver robe and others trembled even more violently, filled with joy in their hearts.

Using the Spirit Ancient Divine Realm as a marriage proposal?

The meaning behind this is self-evident. It is to solve the crisis of the Luo God Clan.

"Okay!" Facing Su Changsheng's gaze, Luo Li's heart beat uncontrollably. She felt flustered, and her cheeks were burning hot, losing her usual calm and cold demeanor.

She could only speak softly.

On the other side, in the outside world, a group of powerful beings quietly descended, led by a Quasi-Emperor.

"The Holy Lord has ordered to quickly take down the Luo God Clan. Now that the princess of the Luo God Clan has left and arrived at the Chaos Kun Divine Domain, this is a great opportunity!"

"Capture her and use her to threaten the Luo God Clan!" The leading Quasi-Emperor said coldly.


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