Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 106 Su Changsheng Makes A Move, Kills Quasi-Emperor With One Finger, The Terrifying System O

This is a tall man.

He is wearing a golden divine robe, very majestic, with golden long hair, eyes wide open, shining brightly, like two radiant suns.

His body is engulfed in chaotic energy, making it impossible to see his true appearance, but a terrifying Quasi-Emperor aura permeates from him.

He deliberately restrains it, otherwise it would surely sweep through the divine realm and shake the four directions.

"Yes, Lord God!"

On the side, several powerful Great Saints follow him, their expressions serious.

They are the strong members of the Great Sun God Clan.

"It is said that the princess took away the Reincarnation Divine Water. Is she planning to save that old guy, Luo Tianheng? What a foolish wish," the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor sneered.

"But this is also an opportunity. The Reincarnation Divine Water, such a divine treasure, also has some use for me!"

The quantity of a small bottle of Reincarnation Divine Water is enough to make the powerful Great Saints jealous and fight over it.

And it is said that the Luo God Clan has a considerable amount of it, enough to make the Quasi-Emperor extremely tempted.

This time, if they can obtain it, it would also be a great opportunity for him.

"Lord God, I wonder why the Holy Lord is so anxious to take down the Luo God Clan!"

Beside him, a young Great Saint asked, he is the descendant of this Quasi-Emperor and highly valued by him.

"The Luo God Clan has an inheritance, it is said to be left by that Supreme ancestor, Luo Shen. The Holy Lord wants to obtain it and use it to further impact the peak of Quasi-Emperor!" the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor said lightly.

This is not a secret. The ancestor of the Luo God Clan, that peerless Luo Shen, was once a famous female Supreme in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

She was exceptionally beautiful and known as the number one beauty in the Longevity Heaven.

There were Great Emperors who proposed to her, but they were rejected, making her famous throughout the heavens.

And this female Supreme is said to have passed down an inheritance, containing the secrets of the Emperor's Dao, which can help reach the peak of Quasi-Emperor and achieve the Supreme realm.

Of course, this legend may not be true.

After all these years, the Luo God Clan has never produced a Supreme powerhouse.

"I see!"

The young Great Saint suddenly realized.

"Here they come!"

At this moment, the Quasi-Emperor in the golden robe's eyes flickered and swept towards a distant region beyond the sky.

There, a group of people appeared, dressed in magnificent attire. They were the powerful members of the Luoshen Clan, and among the crowd, a beautiful silver-haired girl stood out.

In addition, there was a young man whose body seemed to be enveloped in a layer of mist, making it difficult for even the Quasi-Emperor in the golden robe to see through. He couldn't help but furrow his brows.

The other several Great Saints also noticed at this time.

"Lord Shenzhu, should we take action?" One of the Great Saints' eyes brightened and they asked.

"No rush, let them leave this divine domain first!" The Quasi-Emperor in the golden robe was interrupted by this sudden question. His thoughts were interrupted, but he relaxed his brows and calmly said, "After all, this is the territory of the Wan Dao Immortal Alliance. Although the Immortal Alliance remains neutral and does not interfere in such matters, it wouldn't be good if it attracted the intervention of other Quasi-Emperors!"

With the amount of Reincarnation Divine Water possessed by the Luoshen Clan, if other Quasi-Emperors were to find out, it would inevitably lead to a big fight. He didn't want any accidents to happen.

As for that young man...

Although he seemed extraordinary, what could a fallen member of the Luoshen Clan possibly bring forth? Perhaps he was just a talented Great Saint with one or two Quasi-Emperor artifacts protecting him.

Not worth mentioning.


Soon, under the gaze of the Quasi-Emperor in the golden robe and the others, the powerful members of the Luoshen Clan opened a domain gate and headed towards the boundary wall of the Chaos Kun Divine Domain. Seeing this, they quickly followed.

"It's time to take action!"

Not long after, the Quasi-Emperor in the golden robe spoke. With his divine sense, he had already sensed that the Luoshen Clan's group of powerful individuals had reached the edge of the Chaos Kun Divine Domain.

They were about to tear through the boundary wall and leave.


Upon hearing the Quasi-Emperor in the golden robe speak, several Great Saints did not hesitate and immediately took action. Their hands covered the sky as they struck down.

With immeasurable divine might, the aura of peak Great Saints erupted, intertwining countless rules and sweeping out, shaking the heavens and earth for millions of miles.

"They couldn't hold back any longer!"

On the other side, Luoli and the others were shocked when they felt the aura of these several peak Great Saints.

But Su Changsheng remained calm and composed. He had long sensed the presence of powerful individuals probing.

"They are strong members of the Great Sun Divine Clan!"

"Act quickly!"

The silver-robed old man and the others' expressions changed, and they immediately let out a long roar and made their moves one by one.


The several members of the Luoshen clan were also peak Great Saints, and at this moment, their attacks were equally awe-inspiring, shattering one giant hand after another and causing a surging divine power.

The void was cracking, like a broken mirror, with terrifying large cracks spreading out.

Even the domain barrier was shaking violently.

"They actually sent someone to intercept us. Did the news leak?"

Beside them, Luo Li's face turned pale, unable to believe it.

You should know that their departure from the Luoshen clan was extremely secretive, known only to a few members of the entire clan.

Even Quasi-Emperor level experts would not be able to detect it.

Unless someone leaked the information, otherwise this matter would not have been exposed.

Could it be that there is a traitor in the Luoshen clan?

At the thought of this possibility, Luo Li felt uneasy. If there was a traitor, then the Luoshen clan would be in danger.

"Don't worry, I've got everything under control!"

Beside her, seeing Luo Li's face turn pale, Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow and quickly understood her worries, comforting her in a soft voice.

"That's right, Little Luo Li. Senior Changsheng is a Quasi-Emperor level expert who can defeat even the strongest peak Quasi-Emperors. The mere three major divine clans can be suppressed with a wave of his hand."

Ye Xian also spoke up.

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Luo Li's face relaxed, and her heart also calmed down a bit. Her gaze turned to Su Changsheng, filled with admiration, longing, and affection.


At the same time, several terrifying Great Saint auras descended, accompanied by astonishing pressure that dispersed all fluctuations and eliminated the shattered space.

Among them, several figures descended like gods, emitting a blazing golden light, like round suns, extremely hot.

They were the Great Saints of the Dari Sun clan, led by the Quasi-Emperor in golden robes.

"Why is the princess of the Luoshen clan in such a hurry to leave!"

Among the several Great Saints of the Dari Sun clan, a young Great Saint spoke up.

"Scum of the Great Sun God Clan, how did you know that we left the Luoshen Clan!"

Upon seeing these few individuals, the silver-robed old man's face immediately turned ugly, as he also thought of a possibility.

There was a traitor in the Luoshen Clan, and their status was extremely high.

"You old man, the Luoshen Clan is no longer capable. It's normal for someone not to want to be buried with them!" Upon hearing this, the young Great Saint sneered.

The golden-robed Quasi-Emperor frowned as he looked at Su Changsheng. For some reason, he felt a sense of unease.

But with a sweep of his divine sense, he realized that the other party was only a Great Saint, not worth mentioning.

Was it just an illusion?


Thinking like this, the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor's face turned cold. He took a step forward, and a terrifying Quasi-Emperor's aura swept out.

The heavens and earth trembled. This void was the extraterritorial space, and countless stars trembled, almost falling.

The silver-robed old man and the others at the forefront felt this boundless and terrifying power, as if they were ants. Their faces turned pale, and their Primordial Spirits were on the verge of shattering.

"Quasi-Emperor?!" The silver-robed old man couldn't help but exclaim.

To deal with them, the Great Sun God Clan actually dispatched a Quasi-Emperor powerhouse?

"Princess Luoli, come with me, you are important!" The golden-robed Quasi-Emperor spoke.

His voice was extremely majestic, resonating in this heaven and earth, causing this void, the extraterritorial space, and even billions of rules and orders to collapse, as if commanding the gods.

The silver-robed old man and the others were on the verge of spitting blood. Although it was just a simple statement, the immense power contained within it made them unable to bear it.


In the next second, the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor made his move. A large hand covered the sky, with divine power swirling and countless golden lights shining, as if a Divine King had descended with heavenly punishment.

He wanted to capture Luoli.

The silver-robed old man and the others felt an overwhelming power pressing down on them, as if they were about to be crushed.

There was no doubt that the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor wanted to crush them.

Although he was grabbing Luoli, the power emanating from the golden hand was enough to crush a group of Great Saints.

"Elder Changsheng, I implore you to lend a hand!" The silver-robed old man's heart trembled with fear, unable to help but shout.

As soon as this voice came out, the already somewhat uneasy golden-robed Quasi-Emperor was startled.

Then his pupils contracted, and he looked at the young man again. The originally misty face was now revealed and could be seen clearly.

That transcendent "immortal appearance" that surpassed the mortal world and surpassed the exiled immortals, as well as the widely known starry robe.

This image... isn't it Su Changsheng!

The one who shook the Three Thousand Realms, ranked first on the Holy List, and suppressed the incarnation of the Azure Lord, Ancestor Changsheng!

The number one evildoer of all time!


After recognizing the other party, the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor suddenly took a cold breath, stepped back, and felt as if his scalp had exploded. He was extremely shocked.

At this moment, he finally understood why he had been somewhat uneasy all along.

Damn, he had kicked an iron plate!


Just as the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor was shocked, Su Changsheng also made a move. A momentum comparable to a Supreme burst forth, magnificent and immeasurable, as if a Great Emperor was reigning.

This world, the entire divine realm, and the boundless starry sky were all trembling, with countless roars. Various great paths and billions of rules and orders were manifesting, as if they were submitting.


The golden-robed Quasi-Emperor exclaimed in shock, and he was not the only one.

This world, and even the entire divine realm, countless powerhouses were shocked and terrified, their hearts filled with fear.

Ye Xian was even more shocked.

As a member of the immortal Ye family, she had seen countless powerhouses and evildoers in her life. She had seen Great Emperors and even true immortals.

But someone like Su Changsheng, who had just broken through to Quasi-Emperor and could unleash the aura of a Supreme, she had never seen before.

Or perhaps, it was almost impossible to exist.

Is this the strength of the number one evildoer of all time?


The divine might swept through the heavens and earth. Before the golden hand could descend, it was shattered and instantly crushed. Such a huge disparity made the golden-robed Quasi-Emperor's face pale.

He couldn't believe it.

You should know that he was a Quasi-Emperor.

Even if Su Changsheng is strong, it is impossible for him to erase his attacks with just his momentum, right?

But the scene before him made it impossible for him not to believe.

"We must escape!"

The Golden Robed Quasi-Emperor trembled, filled with fear. At this moment, the only thought in his mind was to escape.

In the next instant, he turned around and left without hesitation, abandoning several powerful Great Saints of the Sun God Clan.

Or rather, he wanted to leave behind a few Great Saints to attract Su Changsheng's attention and give himself a chance to escape.

In an instant, he had already torn through the domain barrier and fled to the extremely distant Divine Realm.

"It's meaningless!"

Su Changsheng said indifferently, then pointed his finger. The two major systems of Immortal and Demon within his body instantly activated, and two surging divine powers collided, instantly increasing their power tenfold.

"One Finger of Immortal and Demon!"

After the collision of the two major systems' powers, the tenfold increase in power turned into a chaotic color, piercing through the eternal time and space, and piercing through countless heavens and earth in one finger.


With one strike, it pierced through countless dimensions.


The Golden Robed Quasi-Emperor howled in despair, feeling a deadly threat. He immediately burned his own origin, directly pushing his strength to the extreme.


A round of scorching sun appeared, vast and boundless, spanning billions of miles. The terrifying Quasi-Emperor's divine might bloomed, as if it could evaporate the starry sea.


But in an instant, the finger tore through and exploded the massive sun. The Quasi-Emperor divine weapon within it, along with the Golden Robed Quasi-Emperor, were all wiped out.

The immortal Quasi-Emperor's physical body and Primordial Spirit shattered and disappeared in an instant.

One finger, annihilating the Quasi-Emperor.

"A... A single strike annihilated a Quasi-Emperor?"

On the other side, the silver-robed old man was dumbfounded, watching this astonishing scene, and tremblingly said,

He was extremely shocked.

Even though Su Changsheng is terrifying, this scene is a bit too exaggerated.

Quasi-Emperors are difficult to kill.

Their physical bodies and Primordial Spirits are almost immortal.

Even high-level Quasi-Emperors can easily crush lower-level Quasi-Emperors in terms of strength.

But to truly kill them,

It still requires a great deal of effort, repeatedly attacking ten or dozens of times before they can be killed.

But Su Changsheng killed him with just one finger.

This kind of power is too exaggerated, it's even scarier than the peak of a Quasi-Emperor.

Ye Xian on the side also looked at Su Changsheng with eyes full of awe.

Only Luo Li's eyes shone brightly, filled with admiration.

" is this possible..."

On the other side, several Great Saints of the Great Sun Divine Clan were also extremely fearful, trembling as they watched this scene.


Su Changsheng remained calm, raised his hand and grabbed at the few people, directly crushing them with one grip, leaving only a strand of Primordial Spirit, and then proceeded to search their souls.


After obtaining the information he wanted, Su Changsheng directly crushed the Primordial Spirit, his eyes flickering with cold light.

"The Lord of the Great Sun Saint Sect, huh," Su Changsheng muttered to himself.

According to the memories of several members of the Great Sun Divine Clan,

The former Saint Child of the Great Sun, now the Lord of the Great Sun Saint Sect, had led powerful individuals to besiege the Luo Divine Clan.

However, they were temporarily blocked by the foundation of the Luo Divine Clan, and they wanted to capture Luo Li as a breakthrough point.

"So that's how it is, because of the Day Sacred Body!"

At the same time, he also learned from the memories that thousands of years ago, the Saint Child of the Great Sun had obtained a great opportunity and evolved his own physique, transforming into the Day Sacred Body.

On par with the Sun Sacred Body, it is a top-tier Sacred Body.

Therefore, in just a few thousand years, the Saint Child of the Great Sun made rapid progress, advancing all the way to become a Quasi-Emperor, and now he is already a high-level Quasi-Emperor.

Now, I want to rely on the inheritance of the Luoshen Clan to make a breakthrough to the peak of the Quasi-Emperor realm, or even the Supreme.

"A great opportunity?"

Su Changsheng couldn't help but sneer. This opportunity should have belonged to him in the first place.

Back then, when he left the True Saint Continent and traveled to a foreign land for training, he unexpectedly encountered a great opportunity, but it was forcibly taken by the Great Sun Saint Child.

If it weren't for someone pleading for him at that time, he would have been killed by the Great Sun Saint Child with a casual strike.

But even so, the Great Sun Saint Child still looked down on him and destroyed most of his foundation.

This also resulted in his subsequent lack of potential, and he failed to defeat the Saints in succession.

If it weren't for the system appearing, his life would have been wasted.

"After thousands of years, who will be the ant this time?"

Su Changsheng muttered to himself.

On the side, Luo Li, Ye Xian, and others could all sense the coldness emanating from Su Changsheng at this moment, and they all showed concern on their faces.

The silver-robed old man and others were even more frightened in their hearts.

Just the chilling aura emanating from Su Changsheng made them feel as if they were in an icy cave, and their Primordial Spirits were about to be frozen and shattered.

"The Luoshen Clan is in trouble, let's go quickly!"

At this moment, Su Changsheng noticed the worried expressions on Luo Li and the others' faces, and immediately restrained his coldness. He looked at Luo Li and the others with gentle eyes and said softly.

"The Luoshen Clan is in trouble?!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Li's face turned pale with worry.

"Don't worry, since I have already promised, the Luoshen Clan will be fine!"

Su Changsheng said, and then he took Luo Li and the others and quickly tore through the domain barrier to leave.

The Linggu Divine Realm, which is quite far from the Chaos Kun Divine Domain, has more than a dozen divine realms. But for Su Changsheng, it is just a flick of the finger to quickly cross over.


In the Linggu Divine Realm, the territory of the Luoshen Clan, countless terrifying auras surged and surged in this world. Terrifying attacks kept bombarding the great formation.

Powerful individuals stood in the void, exuding the aura of Great Saints, with a cold smile on their faces.

Among the many Great Saints, there are several Quasi-Emperors, led by a young man in a golden robe with a handsome face, wearing a divine crown, extremely powerful and majestic.

"Where is Lingyun? Why hasn't he returned yet?"

The handsome young man spoke up.

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