Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 109 Supreme Bows His Head, Luoshen Empress, Eight Great Protoss Harem Groups


Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron appeared, not grand in scale, and did not unfold its true form, but the terrifying divine might emanating from it reached an extreme level.

It even overshadowed that Supreme.

In this world, countless rules and orders surged like tides, fluctuating unpredictably. In the face of this unparalleled divine might, it seemed as if everything was on the verge of annihilation.

"Get lost!"

Su Changsheng's voice resounded, immense and boundless.

The aura of Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron directly locked onto that old Supreme, ready to unleash an extreme dao strike at any moment.

In this world, countless cultivators trembled, holding their breath. In the face of this extreme divine might, they were like ants.

"Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon?"

"No, that's a Heavenly Emperor weapon, the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron controlled by Ancestor Changsheng. It was once used to suppress the incarnation of the Azure Lord!"

"Is this going to erupt into a great battle of the extreme dao? Could it be that a Supreme will be suppressed?!"

The Quasi-Emperors of the three major divine clans, numerous Great Saints, and even the powerful beings of the Luo Goddess Clan were all shocked.


The divine might of the extreme dao pervaded, its momentum extending beyond countless divine domains, all the way to thousands of realms. The first to bear the brunt was the old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect.

At this moment, he felt a wave of terrifying danger, causing his heart to race.

If he were to be struck by this extreme divine might, even as a Supreme, he would be stained with blood, suffer injuries, and have his Supreme essence splattered.

If the battle were to continue for a long time, he might even be suppressed by Su Changsheng, just like the incarnation of the Azure Lord.

With these thoughts in mind, the gaze of the old Supreme became solemn as he stared deeply at Su Changsheng. The Great Sun Saint Furnace seemed to sense it as well, violently shaking.


The Great Sun Saint Furnace trembled, and countless divine lights of order bloomed. Countless divine beings soared into the sky, erupting with the might of a Supreme, wanting to break free from Su Changsheng's grasp.

Su Changsheng's expression remained unchanged. With a slight squeeze of his palm, the Great Sun Saint Furnace trembled violently, emitting a mournful cry, and cracks appeared within it.

There were signs of it disintegrating and shattering.

This scene made the old Supreme's face change again, shrouded in an immeasurable divine light, extremely serious, and his heart trembled.

Su Changsheng's strength completely exceeded his expectations.

This is definitely Supreme-level combat power, not inferior to him at all, plus the Heavenly Emperor's Ding, he is definitely not an opponent.

"Fellow Daoist, all of this is the fault of that rebel. Since the rebel has been killed by Fellow Daoist, this old man will no longer interfere. You can let go of the Supreme doctor who came with me." The old Supreme sighed.

And these words also shocked countless cultivators. The old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect actually surrendered?

"Not enough, this Supreme Soldier 823 will be considered as compensation. In addition, I want one-third of the resources of the Holy Sect!" Su Changsheng said coldly.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you think this is going too far?" Hearing this, the old Supreme couldn't help but get angry. His voice became much louder, shaking the space and time.

Countless creatures were directly stunned and fainted at this moment.

One-third of the resources?

This is a Sacred Land with a Supreme sitting in it. One-third of the resources, how terrifying is that?

How could he agree to it!

"If you don't agree, I will immediately attack the Great Sun Saint Sect and destroy your sect. If you dare to retaliate, on the day I prove the Dao, it will be the end of your life. I will kill you from heaven to earth!" Su Changsheng's eyes were cold, and his voice was even louder than before.

At this moment, it was like the voice of the Great Dao, shaking the space and echoing throughout thousands of divine realms.

Countless cultivators, Great Saints, and even Quasi-Emperors could hear it, feeling an incredible shock.

The old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect was actually threatened by someone?

Moreover, this supreme imperial might was very similar to the one that erupted not long ago, the one that shook the Three Thousand Realms, Su Changsheng.

Could it be that Su Changsheng made a move again, this time against the Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect?

"Hiss, is Su Changsheng trying to defy the heavens?"

"He just suppressed the incarnation of the Azure Lord not long ago, and now he wants to make a move against the real Supreme?"

"So domineering, but with his talent as the number one monster of all ages, proving the Dao is only a matter of time!"

In thousands of divine realms, one powerful figure after another was shocked. Looking at it, although they couldn't see what was happening, they were all shocked by Su Changsheng's words.

How domineering this is, actually threatening a Supreme.

The old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect, once dominated the realms of countless gods, killing all over the world, in an era known as the top young Supreme.

This is a Supreme who has truly fought his way to the top.

They all want to know if this old Supreme will yield.

This world.

Whether it's the powerful beings of the three races, the Luoshen Clan, or the various Quasi-Emperors, Lu Tianheng, Ye Xian, and others all hold their breath.

Su Changsheng is too domineering.

Actually threatening an old Supreme in public, not giving the other party any face.

Ye Xian's eyes flickered.

Looking at Su Changsheng holding the Supreme weapon with one hand, not very tall, but at this moment an extremely majestic figure, she couldn't help but feel a strong heartbeat.

Luoli's heart also throbbed, her eyes shining, looking at Su Changsheng with admiration.

"Too incredible!"

Lu Tianheng was also shocked, unable to help but mutter.

That's a Supreme, even when the Luoshen Clan was at its peak, the ancestor was only a Supreme.


The old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect in that time and space was also shocked. Even though he was a Supreme, he was also intimidated by Su Changsheng's domineering words.

The originally angry state of mind now calmed down, and he suddenly felt a bit scared.

He almost acted impulsively.

If he offended Su Changsheng and escaped death, what about afterwards?

Su Changsheng will definitely be able to prove himself as an Emperor.

By then, with Su Changsheng's strength, plus the Heavenly Emperor's weapon, who in the Everlasting Heaven Realm can be his opponent?

And he is just a Supreme, already unable to make progress, and his vitality is withered, far from his peak period.

In the face of Su Changsheng, who is on the path of enlightenment, he is nothing more than an ant, and I estimate that he can be killed with just one or two moves.

Just thinking about this, the old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and feel a sense of fear.

It was almost over.

Although a Great Sun Saint Lord had fallen, with this Supreme here, they would eventually be able to cultivate another one, which was better than being wiped out by the sect.

"What Fellow Daoist said is true. I understand. I will offer one-third of our resources to the Su Family. As for this Supreme Soldier, it is my life weapon. I can exchange it for another one. What does Fellow Daoist think?"

Soon, the old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect spoke again, his voice somewhat bitter, choosing to lower his head.

When these words came out, the hearts of the powerful figures from all sides trembled.

Outside the heavens, divine thoughts came one after another, all from Quasi-Emperors, capturing some information between heaven and earth.

And at this moment, they all learned everything.

They were instantly shocked.

The old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect actually surrendered?


Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng's expression remained unchanged. After thinking for a moment, he released his palm, allowing the Great Sun Universe Furnace to leave his hand and fly towards the old Supreme.

Regarding this, Changsheng did not stop him.

He didn't believe the other party would dare not to give it.

If they didn't give it, he would directly attack the Great Sun Saint Sect and dismantle the sect.

When his strength broke through in the future and reached the level of a Quasi-Emperor, he would have the battle power comparable to a Great Emperor.

By then, he would truly fulfill his words and go anywhere, killing without hesitation.

Su Changsheng believed that the old Supreme could also understand this and would not make such a heavy decision.

"Indeed, you are the most terrifying genius in ten thousand ages. I have never seen anything like it in my life, Fellow Daoist Changsheng!"

The old Supreme took back the Great Sun Universe Furnace and looked at the exposed finger holes and numerous cracks. He sighed and surrendered to Su Changsheng.

"In the future, he will become the Heavenly Emperor, pushing aside the Three Thousand Realms, and even becoming an Immortal won't be difficult!"

"Fellow Daoist, excuse me, as for the resources, the Great Sun Saint Sect is too vast, and it may take some time to sort them out. However, within seven days at most, they will all be delivered to the Su Family!"

The old Supreme said, then waved his hand, and the void dissipated, disappearing from everyone's sight.

As for the powerful individuals from the three clans, including several Quasi-Emperors, he didn't spare them a second glance, let alone plead for mercy.

In fact, due to the trouble caused by the Great Sun Saint Lord, the entire Great Sun Saint Sect suffered a heavy loss, and this old Supreme had been holding back his anger.

How could he bother with a few ordinary Quasi-Emperors?

"He actually forced a Supreme to retreat?!" Luo Tianheng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene.

He had lived for so many years, but it was the first time he had witnessed such an astonishing scene.

A Quasi-Emperor actually threatened a Supreme head-on, forcing the Supreme to submit.


"Truly worthy of being the number one anomaly of all ages, Ancestor Changsheng is truly heaven-defying!"

"After today, the name of Ancestor Changsheng will resound throughout countless divine realms!"


Between heaven and earth, waves of Quasi-Emperor divine thoughts spread out, and they also witnessed this scene, all of them deeply shocked.

However, in order to avoid offending Su Changsheng, many divine thoughts congratulated him and then left.

In the end, only a group of completely dumbfounded Great Saint and Quasi-Emperor powerhouses from the three clans remained.

They were actually abandoned?


Su Changsheng's gaze fell on them, and the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron bloomed, surging with the aura of all things, instantly unleashing countless strands of Emperor's light.

With just one strike, all the powerhouses from the three clans, including many Great Saints and Quasi-Emperors, were completely obliterated, including Luo Qing. They were all wiped out with a single strike.

Even the Great Sun Saint Lord was crushed by him, and the old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect was forced to submit. Naturally, he wouldn't care about a group of insignificant ants from the three clans.

A single strike was enough to clear them all.

"Is it over just like that?"

"But that was the combined forces of the three major divine clans, and there were several Quasi-Emperors among them!"

"Is this Ancestor Changsheng?"

In the ancestral land of the Luoshen clan, countless clan members were dumbfounded, staring blankly at Su Changsheng, murmuring in a daze. They couldn't believe it.

And many female Luoshen clan members, beautiful young girls, cold goddesses, fairies, all looked at Su Changsheng with shining eyes full of admiration and adoration.

It can be imagined that from today onwards, all the young girls of the Luoshen clan will be captivated by Su Changsheng's charm and completely become his fans.


Just at this moment?

In the sky, Su Changsheng erupted with divine power, waves of divine thoughts surged out, instantly covering the entire Spirit Ancient God Domain, resounding in the ears of the strong from the seven major god clans.

"This seat is Su Changsheng!"

"From today onwards, Luoli will be the Empress of the Luoshen clan. All the strong from the seven major god clans must submit to Luoli and regard her as the Empress. The entire Spirit Ancient God Domain will be ruled by Luoli."

"Those who do not submit will be exterminated!"

"All those who participated in the siege of the Luoshen clan will be killed!"

This grand voice resounded, and for a while, the entire Spirit Ancient God Domain trembled.


At the same time, terrifying supreme divine power erupted. The Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron transformed into a magnificent Heavenly Emperor Cauldron, covering the entire divine domain, and then numerous Emperor Lights descended like celestial lights, sweeping down.

Every strand of Emperor Light was extremely terrifying, exuding the might of the Heavenly Emperor. Every time it swept down, it killed a strong member of the three clans.

This was intimidation.

Countless cultivators had this thought in their minds, but they trembled in their hearts, without the slightest desire to resist, all trembling and shivering.

In the end, all the leaders of the three major god clans were killed, and the upper echelons of the clans were greatly reduced.

"I, as the Spirit Ancient God Domain, offer a divine medicine to the Luoshen clan as a proposal. I wonder if Miss Luoli, the future Empress of the Luoshen clan, is satisfied!"

After doing all this, Su Changsheng raised his hand, the magnificent Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron shrank and fell into the Qi Sea, and then he walked step by step towards the stunned Luoli, smiling at her.

His face was exceptionally handsome, with eyebrows like a painting. The long starry robe rustled, as if a banished immortal had descended upon the mortal world.

This scene not only shocked Luo Li, but also all the members of the Luo God Clan.

The young girls of the Luo God Clan were even more dazzled, their eyes shining and their hearts pounding. They wished they could take the stage themselves and replace Luo Li to accept this honor.

Beside Luo Li, Ye Xian wore a smile of blessing, but for some reason, there was a hint of bitterness in his heart, a faint trace of jealousy.

This scene before their eyes was too shocking.

"What a clever move!"

Luo Tianheng also sighed in his heart, unable to help but admire. Under such a great momentum, Luo Li was destined to become the Empress of the God Clan and rule over the entire Spirit Ancient God Realm.

When Luo Li became Su Changsheng's wife, the Luo God Clan naturally became part of Su Changsheng's power.

The entire Spirit Ancient God Realm was also within Su Changsheng's grasp.

It had to be said that this kind of method was truly terrifying. Su Changsheng not only had extraordinary strength and talent, but also excelled in manipulating power.

However, although Luo Tianheng saw through this, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, by climbing up to Su Changsheng, even if it was as a subordinate, it was a great benefit for the Luo God Clan.


Faced with the future Su Changsheng, Luo Li was completely at a loss. Her eyes turned red, with tears in the corners, deeply moved, she nodded blankly.

It was not until Ye Xian patted her shoulder and pushed her towards Su Changsheng that she rushed into his arms.

The petite body of the silver-haired girl was delicate. Su Changsheng gently embraced her, lifting her up in his arms.

"Since the Empress Luo is so enthusiastic, then I won't be polite!" Su Changsheng chuckled, teasingly, causing the usually cold girl to blush.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, I wonder if the Luo God Clan welcomes me?" Su Changsheng, holding the shy Luo Li, smiled and looked at Luo Tianheng, asking.

"Hahaha, of course we welcome you. The Luo God Clan is grateful to Fellow Daoist Changsheng, and please, Fellow Daoist Changsheng, come in!" Upon hearing this, Luo Tianheng burst into laughter, knowing that Su Changsheng was giving him face. He accepted the title of Fellow Daoist.

After that, Su Changsheng tidied up the battlefield and followed Luo Tianheng into the Luo God Clan.

In the following days, Su Changsheng stayed in the Luoshen Clan, enjoying their hospitality.

During this time, high-level experts from the seven major god clans successively came to submit to Luo Li and Su Changsheng.

In addition, many beautiful young girls came to offer themselves, all of them being the pride of the Luoshen Clan, and they all wanted to dedicate themselves to Su Changsheng.

Any one of them, if placed in the outside world, would be a renowned and peerless goddess, looking down on all sides with disdain.

But at this moment, they were all extremely enthusiastic towards Su Changsheng.

Of course, Luo Li coldly stopped all of this, and Su Changsheng just shook his head and ignored it.

Although he didn't mind accepting, since Luo Li didn't like it, he wouldn't force it.

However, all of this was seen by the elders of the Luoshen Clan, who associated it with the rumors about Su Changsheng and seemed to be very interested in the goddesses.

Their hearts were suddenly moved.

Soon, a group of elders united and, after deliberation, made a decision to prepare to form a harem of goddesses, composed of the pride of the eight major god clans.

They were preparing to accompany Luo Li as dowry during the grand wedding.

The beautiful name was that the esteemed Princess Luo Li, the future Empress of the Luoshen Clan, couldn't possibly go alone, right?

That would be too shabby.

No, they must accompany her with a group of goddesses.

In order to gain approval, they also approached Luo Tianheng and obtained his consent. They also approached Luo Li and, after some persuasion, managed to deceive her.

Finally, this plan was set, causing a wave of excitement among the younger generation of the Luoshen Clan and the seven major god clans. Many beautiful goddesses all eagerly signed up.

Soon, the harem of the eight major god clans was formed.

After Su Changsheng learned about this later, he couldn't help but laugh and cry, but he accepted it.

As the saying goes, he wouldn't refuse.

"Lier, do you want to become Supreme?"

On this night, Su Changsheng gently stroked Luo Li's silver hair and smiled.

Luo Li's little face suddenly froze, feeling somewhat astonished.

Su Changsheng smiled mysteriously. He had obtained an item from the Great Sun Holy Lord.

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