Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 110 The Heaven-Defying Dao Integration Flower, Served By Two Generations Of Luoshen Empress

A few days ago.

Although Su Changsheng killed the Great Sun Saint Lord, some of his belongings unexpectedly remained.

However, at that time, Su Changsheng was threatening the old Supreme and didn't pay attention to it immediately.

After the battle ended, Su Changsheng cleaned up the battlefield and accidentally discovered a token.

Through several days of research, Su Changsheng also discovered the secret of this token.

It was the inheritance left by the ancestor of the Luoshen clan.

The great opportunity contained within it is enough to make a cultivator become a Supreme.


Luoli blinked her beautiful eyes, shocked in her heart.

As the princess of the Luoshen clan and an extremely powerful genius, she naturally knew how terrifying a Supreme was.

Even the powerful Great Sun Saint Sect, towering above all, ruling over the ten major divine realms, casually mobilizing the three major divine clans to besiege the Luoshen clan, almost exterminating them.

And such a powerful force only had one Supreme sitting in it.

This was already the most top-grade force in the world.

And now, Su Changsheng was actually asking her if she wanted to become a Supreme?

"Lord Changsheng, Lier doesn't understand your meaning!" At this moment, Luoli finally came back to her senses. She shook her head in confusion and then continued.

"Lier naturally wants to become a Supreme.

Or rather, in this world, are there any cultivators who don't want to become a generation of Supreme?"

"If you want it, I can help you fulfill this wish!" Su Changsheng smiled slightly. Then, he raised his hand, a divine light flashed, and a moonlight jade pendant appeared in his hand.

This jade pendant was crystal clear and made of the most top-grade divine jade. It shimmered with moonlight, and there was a character "Luò" on it, emitting an extremely mysterious fluctuation.

Luoli blinked her eyes and stared at the jade pendant, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Could this jade pendant help her become a Supreme?

"This is the ancestral token of your Luoshen clan, the inheritance left by that Luoshen. Through this token, you can obtain the inheritance of that Luoshen!" Seeing Luoli's confusion and her cute and dumbfounded expression, Su Changsheng explained with a smile.

"What? The inheritance of the Luoshen ancestor?"

Upon hearing this, Luoli exclaimed in shock. How could she not know about the existence of the Luoshen ancestor?

The ancestral deity of the Luoshen clan, the object of admiration for countless clan members.

Just like Su Changsheng's position in the Su Family.

The inheritance left by the ancestral deity of Luoshen has always been highly valued by the Luoshen clan and is often studied in hopes of unlocking it.

However, millions of years have passed, and the inheritance of the ancestral deity of Luoshen has never been successfully unlocked, even by the Quasi-Emperors of past generations.

Over time, the Luoshen clan came to believe that the news of the inheritance was false and had long given up.

Luoli had also fantasized about it, but she knew deep down that it was impossible.

But now, Su Changsheng tells her that the inheritance of the ancestral deity of Luoshen is real. How could she not be shocked?

"Ah... Lord Changsheng, you're amazing!" With this thought, Luoli embraced Su Changsheng's neck and exclaimed with joy, extremely excited.

Her silver hair cascaded down, her petite body seemingly boneless, delicate and alluring.

A cool fragrance filled the air, instantly making Su Changsheng restless.

"So... shouldn't you thank me properly?" Su Changsheng's palm slid down, gently pinching, and then his voice sounded in Luoli's ear.

"..." Luoli's body trembled, her eyes misted with water, enchanting and hazy. Under the moonlight, she looked like a cold and ethereal immortal, incredibly beautiful, yet also like a fairy.

"Lord Changsheng... the flute technique you mentioned the day before yesterday, I learned some of it yesterday!"

Soon, a voice as soft as a mosquito's buzzed. Luoli lowered her head, her silver hair falling to cover her face, revealing only her delicate earlobes and blushing skin.

As flawless as a gem.

"Very good!" Su Changsheng's finger moved, revealing a smile.

On the third day, Su Changsheng brought Luoli, Ye Xian, and others to the depths of the Luoshen clan.

This was the ancestral land of the Luoshen clan, where many ancestors, Great Saints, and past Quasi-Emperors had left behind secret techniques.

Among them, there stood a towering and flawless female deity statue, the ancestral deity of the Luoshen clan, the image of the Luoshen Supreme.

This was her inheritance ground.

"Hey, little Luoli, you haven't been looking for me these past few days, but instead, you've been accompanying Senior Changsheng. How despicable, forgetting your friends for someone attractive!" Ye Xian walked alongside Luoli and transmitted his voice to her at the same time.

Although Ye Xian is younger, she is actually much older than Luo Li. She is already a Great Saint with a cultivation of two or three hundred years, and her strength is formidable.

In addition, she used the secret transmission technique of the Ye Clan, so even Luo Tianheng couldn't hear it.

"Ye Xian, don't talk nonsense!" Upon hearing this, Luo Li's face immediately turned red, and she transmitted her voice.

She remembered the scenes from two nights ago and couldn't help but want to scream in despair.

It was too embarrassing.


However, Luo Li forgot that although Ye Xian's transmission could deceive Luo Tianheng, she didn't have that ability.

Luo Tianheng's gaze fell, and although Luo Li didn't say anything, how could he not understand when he saw her expression? He shook his head inwardly and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The cabbage that he had just nurtured was ultimately taken by someone else.

"Cough...…" Thinking like this, Luo Tianheng coughed lightly to remind Luo Li to pay attention.

At this moment, Luo Tianheng had already regained his youth, with abundant vitality, living another life.

One day ago, the Great Sun Saint Sect had sent a divine medicine in advance according to Su Changsheng's request, as a gift to Luo Tianheng.

With the power of the divine medicine, Luo Tianheng revived for the second time and restored his peak state.

Hearing this voice, Luo Li's face stiffened. With her intelligence, she immediately realized what had happened. Her pretty face turned red, filled with shame.

It was so embarrassing.

Fortunately, she didn't say anything, but the Patriarch still heard it.

Ye Xian also showed a suppressed smile, but seeing Luo Li's embarrassed appearance, she didn't continue teasing her.

"Alright, we have arrived!" Su Changsheng's laughter came, and he glanced meaningfully at Ye Xian, making her feel uncomfortable. She quickly withdrew her gaze and looked at the towering statue.

From within that statue, he could feel an extremely terrifying Supreme power, much stronger than the old Supreme of the Great Sun Saint Sect.

Obviously, this Lord Luo was at least a peerless Supreme back then, not far from becoming an Emperor.

At the same time, the jade pendant on Su Changsheng's body also emitted a violent trembling sound, and a mysterious and astonishing fluctuation filled the air.

"Fellow Daoist Changsheng, this place is the ancestral inheritance site. I wonder if you have any way to open the inheritance?"

Beside him, Luo Tianheng's voice came, confirming Su Changsheng's statement.

Luo Li and Ye Xian also looked over.

"Naturally, Lier, you go forward!" Seeing this, Su Changsheng nodded and gestured for Luo Li to step forward.

"Yes, Lord Changsheng!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Li's small face tensed up, focused, and she immediately approached the statue.


With a wave of Su Changsheng's hand, the jade pendant was sent flying, soaring into the sky, radiating a brilliant divine light, and the fluctuation of the Supreme spread, instantly alarming the entire Luo God Clan.

"That is!"

Luo Tianheng was also shocked.

Although he didn't know what the token was, he could sense the aura of the Supreme from the jade pendant.

It was exactly the same as the power emanating from the statue.


The jade pendant emitted an immeasurable divine light, resonating with the statue. In an instant, various astonishing phenomena appeared, and the divine light illuminated the heavens and earth.

"What is happening?"

One by one, the elders of the Luo God Clan flew into the air, probing with their divine senses, but they were rejected and unable to extend their senses. They couldn't see the specific situation and were all very anxious.

"Luo Ancestor!!"

Inside the inheritance ground, Luo Tianheng's heart was filled with excitement. Under the gaze of everyone, a beautiful and incomparable figure appeared, dressed in white, unparalleled in elegance and grace.

A supreme divine might emanated from her.

"Not bad!"

Su Changsheng's eyes were also filled with astonishment. That figure in white was indeed beautiful, with silver hair like a waterfall, and a face that was flawlessly beautiful, exuding a sacred aura.

Like a peerless goddess.

Exquisite and flawless, she had a more mature and stunning temperament compared to the still young Luo Li.

This made Su Changsheng somewhat moved, wanting to possess her.

"Descendant of the Luo God Clan! You are quite impressive!"

At this moment, in the void, the figure in white spoke, her gaze falling on Luo Li, with a satisfied expression.

"In the past, I once obtained a damaged Dao Integration flower due to a great opportunity. Although it no longer has its peak effect, it can still help one ascend to the Quasi-Emperor realm and achieve the status of a Quasi-Emperor. In addition, I have also left behind a Supreme origin, which can assist you in your transformation!"

"If you refine it, within a few hundred years, you will be able to smoothly achieve the Supreme realm without any obstacles. However, the path after that will depend on your own efforts!"

Luoshen's voice was captivating, clear as water, gentle and charming, not cold like a mountain.

Her words shook everyone present, and even Su Changsheng was somewhat surprised.

Dao Integration flower.

This is an extraordinary divine object. Once consumed, a complete Dao Integration flower can instantly turn an ordinary person into a Supreme, and a Supreme cultivator can even achieve the status of an Emperor.

Moreover, there are no side effects.

Unfortunately, the Luoshen of that year only obtained a damaged Dao Integration flower.

She could only become a Quasi-Emperor, which was useless to her.

Otherwise, the current Luoshen Clan would not be a divine clan, but a powerful Emperor Clan.

Luotian Heng naturally also thought of this point, and a regretful expression appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Ancestor!"

Luoli showed a joyful expression, kneeling on the ground, her silver hair cascading down to her toes, respectfully speaking.

"You go forward and receive the inheritance!"

Luoshen pointed, and within the divine statue, a Dao Integration flower appeared, extremely brilliant, with a dense aura of the Great Dao permeating it, containing an extremely profound origin of the Dao.

Countless fragments of the Great Dao swirled around, incredibly mysterious.

Unfortunately, this Dao Integration flower was already half damaged, and its effect had been greatly reduced.

Luoli respectfully stepped forward.


Luoshen waved her hand, and the Dao Integration flower fell, entering Luoli's body. The power contained within the Dao Integration flower quickly transformed into Luoli's power as a Quasi-Emperor with her assistance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the next moment, everyone present witnessed a rocket-like advancement.

In almost an instant, Luoli's aura skyrocketed to the Quasi-Emperor Realm, her divine might surging, shaking the heavens and earth.

If it weren't for the Luoshen Clan's Supreme formation being repaired and restored, isolating this area,

I'm afraid that such divine power has already alarmed the divine realm on our side.



Luotianheng saw this scene, his face turned red, his eyes shining with divine light, very excited, almost wanting to shout out.

The Luoshen Clan finally has a second Quasi-Emperor.

Moreover, in the next few hundred years, they can quickly ascend to the Supreme.

Coupled with the protection of Su Changsheng.

In the future, the Luoshen Clan has a great possibility of becoming an Emperor Clan.


The phantom of Luoshen is also very satisfied. The talent of this young junior is beyond her expectations, not inferior to her back then.

Not only did he perfectly withstand the power of Dao Integration, but he also received a baptism and became stronger.


Immediately after, she waved her hand, and a huge origin appeared in the statue, filled with a terrifying aura, and a huge bloodline power.

This is what she left behind back then.

She originally had a great possibility of proving the Dao and becoming an emperor, but there was an accident back then, which led her into a dead end. Helplessly, she had to condense the origin as a last resort.

"Is this the origin? It seems harmless!" Seeing this scene, Su Changsheng extended his vast divine sense and carefully inspected it. After confirming its safety, he let it descend.

"So powerful!"

Luoshen also showed a surprised expression.

Looking at Su Changsheng, who was only at the second level of Quasi-Emperor, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Just a low-level Quasi-Emperor, but possessing a divine sense comparable to a Supreme?

"Fellow Daoist of the future, you are truly extraordinary, but unfortunately, I cannot be in the same generation as you!"

Luoshen spoke to Su Changsheng for the first time, sighing with regret.

A monster as terrifying as Su Changsheng, she had never seen in her lifetime, surpassing any Great Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, and even Immortals.

Naturally, she also yearned to be in the same era.

But unfortunately, this is already an impossible thing.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Su Changsheng's face showed a strange expression as he mysteriously replied.

Just now, after he probed with his divine sense, he unexpectedly discovered that there were still some remnants of the Primordial Spirit imprint left by Luoshen.

With this discovery, there was great potential.

You see, he possessed a Taiyin Origin that he had never used before. Perhaps it could serve as a vessel to revive Luoshen.

By then, he might be able to experience serving two generations of Luoshen Empresses.

"Fellow Daoist is joking. I entrust my descendants to you!" Luoshen spoke again.

She could sense the aura of both individuals, indicating a deep relationship. They were Dao companions, husband and wife, hence her words.


In no time, the origin descended and entered Luoli's body, forming an immensely huge cocoon of light.

Countless immortal lights surrounded it, and the aura of the origin of the Dao permeated, which was quite terrifying.

It seemed as if a dreadful transformation was taking place.

"My responsibility is now complete. I entrust the Luoshen clan to you!" Luoshen looked at the Luoshen clan one last time, revealing reluctance, and then her figure gradually dissipated.


Seeing this scene, Luotian Heng's eyes welled up with tears, and he couldn't help but tremble as he spoke.


The phantom completely dissipated, leaving behind some light spots that emitted a faint Primordial Spirit fluctuation. That was precisely the Primordial Spirit imprint, just before it was about to dissipate.

Su Changsheng made a move, extending a large hand and capturing all of them in his palm. Then, he activated his divine power to stabilize the imprint, preventing it from collapsing.

Immediately after, with a thought, an even more terrifying Taiyin Origin appeared. Su Changsheng divided it in half and embedded the Primordial Spirit imprint into one half of the Taiyin Origin, then put it away.

As for the remaining half, it was to be left for the Taiyin Great Emperor.

He hadn't forgotten about Bai Yuege, who also had the Primordial Spirit imprint of the Taiyin Great Emperor within her.

Now that he had the Reincarnation Divine Water, he could resolve everything when he returned this time.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you doing?"

On the side, Luo Tianheng was stunned when he saw this scene, not understanding why Su Changsheng would do such a thing.

At the same time, the fleeting origin of the Taiyin also made him feel extremely extraordinary.

"Fellow Daoist will know in the future!"

Su Changsheng didn't explain, just smiled mysteriously, and Luo Tianheng didn't ask further.

"As for Li'er, put her in the Emperor Cauldron and let me help her complete the transformation quickly!"

Su Changsheng looked at the cocoon, summoned the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, and put the cocoon into it to refine it with the Emperor Cauldron's assistance.

Otherwise, if it took too long, how could he get married?

"Luo Fellow Daoist, it seems that you will continue to trouble the Luo God Clan for a while."

Su Changsheng smiled.

Anyway, the women of the Su Family had his mysterious protection and the Emperor Weapon to protect them, so nothing would happen.

"Fellow Daoist Changsheng is joking. It's no problem for you to stay in the Luo God Clan for as long as you want!"

Luo Tianheng smiled and continued.

"By the way, among the eight great god clans, there are also some goddesses who hope to get to know Fellow Daoist Changsheng. I hope Fellow Daoist Changsheng won't mind!"

Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not!"

He was referring to the harem of the god clan, and he naturally didn't mind.

On the side, Ye Xian heard this and her pretty face darkened. She couldn't help but snort, feeling a bit unhappy.

She naturally understood.

"Haha, that's great. Now we just need to wait for Li'er to come out of seclusion and prepare for the wedding!"

Luo Tianheng laughed.

At the same time.

On the other side, in the Kunlun Holy Temple.

Celestial Roc Great Emperor stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm as he faced a group of Beast Race Quasi-Emperors.

"From today onwards, I am the master of this temple!"

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