Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 122 The Daughter Is Called Su Ji, Madam, Let's Go To The Bridal Chamber Early

Su Changsheng was very pleased.

He looked at the incredulous expression on True Phoenix Empress's face, and a long-lost interest in playing with her surged in his heart.

After all, he had seen too many goddesses who came to him willingly over the years, and he was somewhat tired of it.

Although he would still accept them, unless they were particularly stunning, he wouldn't feel very surprised.

But this time was different.

Su Changsheng had never seen someone like True Phoenix Empress, who was deceived by her own people and filled with confusion and anger. It sparked great interest in his heart.

If it was an imperial princess with such an arrogant personality, looking down on others, it should also give him a greater sense of satisfaction if she were to submit to him, right?

"Su Changsheng! You shameless person!" True Phoenix Empress's face was filled with disbelief as she looked at Su Changsheng. Her golden, noble, and arrogant eyes were now full of anger.

As a dignified imperial princess, how could she not understand what Su Changsheng was plotting?

She immediately planned to counterattack.


In the next moment, a terrifying aura erupted from her body. It was the power of a Quasi-Emperor, like a vast ocean, pressing down on Su Changsheng.

She would rather die than submit to Su Changsheng.

As the imperial princess of the True Phoenix clan, she had practiced for much longer than Huang Xu Dao and was already a powerful Quasi-Emperor. Her strength was extremely strong.

At this moment, the Quasi-Emperor aura erupted, accompanied by an imperial shadow appearing. Countless orders followed, and there were terrifying divine lights everywhere, shaking the crowd.

Luo Tianheng was shocked.

Although he was a Quasi-Emperor at the fifth level, three levels higher than this imperial princess, he might not be her opponent in a real fight.

Obviously, True Phoenix Empress's talent was among the top among many imperial princes and princesses.


Countless runes appeared in this space, divine lights surged, all of them were Quasi-Emperor level imperial patterns, imprisoning this void and suppressing all power.

"Your Highness, please stop!"

The peak Quasi-Emperor powerhouse also paled in shock. He shouted and took a step forward, a more terrifying aura of peak Quasi-Emperor about to erupt.

In order to avoid clashes and angering Su Changsheng, he was willing to go against the odds and suppress the imperial princess.


"Your Highness, please calm down!"

"Please stop!"

A group of heavenly maidens were also in panic, completely unprepared for the strong reaction from the True Phoenix Empress.

A group of elders from the Luoshen Clan turned pale, facing an enraged Quasi-Emperor, they were no different from ants.

At this moment, an immensely vast and powerful aura descended, comparable to that of a true Supreme. It felt as if a Great Emperor was reigning over this void, suppressing all avenues.

The aura of the True Phoenix Empress, her dao, and that imperial shadow all collapsed and were suppressed.


She exclaimed in shock as an overwhelming divine might pressed down on her, causing her delicate body to tremble violently. She knelt on the ground, unable to move, her face filled with humiliation.

It was Su Changsheng who made a move.

With a smile on his lips, he sat leisurely in his seat, his eyes playfully watching the True Phoenix Empress.

An incredibly terrifying aura surged out from him, with no immortal radiance surrounding him, but countless avenues roaring, extremely majestic.

It was as if a Great Emperor had descended. Everyone present was shocked.


The Quasi-Emperor at the peak of his power, who was about to make a move, couldn't help but inhale sharply.

This aura was even more powerful than several of the clan's ancestors.

It must be noted that Su Changsheng's cultivation was only at the fifth level of Quasi-Emperor, while the ancestors were all at the Supreme level.

Quasi-Emperor surpassing Supreme.

This kind of heaven-defying strength was too exaggerated, almost like a myth.

No wonder several of the clan's ancestors were willing to anger the Great Emperor's ancestors and offer up the Empress.

He sighed inwardly.

With Su Changsheng's extraordinary performance, once he achieved enlightenment in the future, it would be a terrifying sight to behold.

At the very least, he would become a Heavenly Emperor.

A Heavenly Emperor with the qualifications of an Immortal King?

Just the thought of it made him tremble uncontrollably. They couldn't afford to provoke this lineage.

If they resisted to the end, they would only face destruction in the future.

"How is this possible?!"

The True Phoenix Empress's face was filled with disbelief. She tried her best to get up, but her whole body trembled and she couldn't move, especially when that gaze fell upon her.

It made her even more fearful.

That feeling, it's like facing her father, like facing a Great Emperor.


She finally understands the terror of Su Changsheng.

The other party is truly capable of standing shoulder to shoulder with a Great Emperor, an existence on the same level as her father.

"Senior Changsheng, please calm down. Princess Di has absolutely no intention of offending you. She is just overly happy. Please forgive her, Senior Changsheng!"

At this moment, the Quasi-Emperor peak also speaks up, fearing that Su Changsheng will blame them.

After all, they came to apologize and resolve the grievances. If they make a mistake and anger Su Changsheng, they might all die here today.

The whole scene falls silent.

Everyone present, on the side of the Luoshen Clan, dares not even breathe, only the majestic and overwhelming divine might surges like an ocean, suppressing the entire scene.

However, most of this pressure is directed at the True Phoenix Empress, while others only feel some pressure.

The strong members of the True Phoenix Clan are sweating profusely and dare not speak.

Only the Quasi-Emperor peak, at this moment, grits his teeth and looks at the smiling Su Changsheng, feeling immense pressure.

A group of heavenly maidens also blink their eyes, looking at Su Changsheng with curiosity and awe, feeling a mixture of joy and worry. They do not feel the pressure, but instead have a feeling of being bathed in a spring breeze.

Therefore, they are not afraid.

They are only worried about the matter of marriage.

This is naturally done by Su Changsheng, not suppressing them, but taking care of them - after all, they are the future wives.

"What is your name?"

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone, Su Changsheng, who had been silent and smiling, spoke up.

He looked at the True Phoenix Empress with a calm tone.

"Huang Ji!"

Upon hearing this, the True Phoenix Empress trembled in her mind. She felt humiliated, being suppressed on the ground. She didn't want to answer, but under Su Changsheng's gaze, she trembled and subconsciously replied.

This is a pressure like that of a Great Emperor.

Beings below the Supreme, they don't even have the ability to resist.

Although Su Changsheng still has some distance to go before reaching the level of a Great Emperor, suppressing the True Phoenix Empress is not a problem.

Huang Ji?

Su Changsheng is somewhat surprised. This name is completely reversed from the Ninth Princess.

"A good name indeed!" Although surprised in his heart, Su Changsheng's expression remained unchanged. He nodded with a faint smile and continued, "From now on, let's name our daughter Su Ji. My surname, combined with your name, hmm, she will definitely be a lovely girl!"

This shocked everyone present.

Several Quasi-Emperors from the True Phoenix Clan, including the peak Quasi-Emperor powerhouse, were overjoyed at this moment. The marriage alliance had been established.

The crisis of their lineage could now be resolved.

As for the feelings of the Imperial Princess?

Ahem, they naturally chose to bless the couple.

After all, Su Changsheng was so outstanding. This was also considered a high climb for the Imperial Princess.

"Su Ji?"

The Phoenix Princess trembled, feeling somewhat dumbfounded. Was her future daughter's name already decided?

Did this mean they had taken her for granted?

"I, the Imperial Princess, do not agree! I will not marry you!" However, the Phoenix Princess quickly bit her lip and firmly declared.

Even if Su Changsheng was on par with her father, the Phoenix Princess would never agree to the marriage.

This was a disgrace.

"Ji'er, don't you think this name is good? As our daughter's name?" Su Changsheng smiled playfully, his tone intimate, as he continued.

"And, our marriage has already been decided by the elders of your clan. You can't resist it!"

Elders of the clan!

Su Changsheng's meaningful words reminded the Phoenix Princess of what several high-ranking members had said to her.

At first, they had solemnly promised that it was only negotiations with Su Changsheng, requiring her esteemed status as an Imperial Princess.

But the result turned out to be a marriage alliance.

Thinking of this, anger surged in the Phoenix Princess's heart. She gritted her teeth, and her resentment towards the high-ranking members even surpassed that towards Su Changsheng.

"Hehe..." Seeing the angry look on the Phoenix Princess's face, Su Changsheng chuckled with amusement. He was also quite surprised by the audacity of the True Phoenix Clan's high-ranking members.

They dared to sell an Imperial Princess to him.

It had to be said that they were quite bold, but he did indeed like this gift.

Such a proud little True Phoenix, it would be interesting to train him.

Since that's the case, let's resolve our grievances.

"Go back and tell your ancestral elder that I agree to the marriage alliance. I agree with their thoughts, and we will cancel our grievances with each other!"

"But remember... there won't be a next time!"

With this in mind, Su Changsheng looked at the Quasi-Emperor peak powerhouse and said in a calm tone, "Thank you, Senior Changsheng!"

Upon hearing this, the Quasi-Emperor peak powerhouse's face immediately showed joy, and he quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, Senior Changsheng!"

This scene shocked the elders of the Luo Shen Clan.

This is the True Phoenix Clan, such a proud and noble race, but in order to ease the grievances with Lord Changsheng, they not only offered their imperial and celestial princesses, but also looked delighted.

This completely subverted their imagination.

Phoenix Ji also saw this scene. She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes in pain.

The dignified True Phoenix Clan actually bowed down like this, which disappointed and pained her.

Su Changsheng, on the other hand, remained calm.

That's how the world works. Whoever has the bigger fist is the boss.

So what if it's the True Phoenix Clan?

He is now even stronger, stronger than their entire lineage, with unlimited potential.

Therefore, they can only lick their wounds, bow down, and offer their imperial princesses in exchange for his forgiveness.

Otherwise, when Su Changsheng rises and becomes an emperor, they will have no choice but to be destroyed!

But if the roles were reversed.

If his strength was insufficient back then, how would he fare against the attacking Huang Xu Dao and the two Quasi-Emperors?

Not only would he die, but the entire Su Family would be mercilessly wiped out.

This is the cruelty of the fantasy world, the survival of the fittest. There is no such thing as noble bloodline, and anyone can always be on top.

The True Phoenix Clan is no exception.

However, even though that's the case, it also strengthens Su Changsheng's determination to constantly become stronger.

Otherwise, who knows if this scene before his eyes will be replayed on him in the future?

Su Changsheng would never allow such a situation to happen.

"Senior Changsheng, these are the heavenly maidens and the dowry for Her Imperial Highness..." The Quasi-Emperor at the peak interrupted quickly and presented a list.

Some of the names mentioned directly stunned Huang Ji, making her tremble with anger.

Because they were several Supreme treasures and heavenly materials that she had brought with her when she left.

Many of them were even left to her by her father, prepared for her future breakthrough to Supreme.

They all belonged to her.

They were just temporarily kept in the clan.

But they were all sold by a few old men, and treated as her dowry.

"Interesting!" Su Changsheng couldn't help but laugh. These high-level people were really talented.

"Ji'er, your dowry is really generous. I'm really happy!" Su Changsheng's gaze fell on Huang Ji, who had a face full of anger and humiliation, and his tone was playful.


Huang Ji felt even more humiliated and resentful at these words.

This intimate address, only her father would call her that when she was a child.

Others, even the several Supremes in the clan, could only address her as Her Highness.

However, although it was humiliating, she kept her mouth shut and didn't say anything.

Huang Ji knew that at this moment, no matter what she said, it would be useless.

On the contrary, it would make Su Changsheng even more pleased and continue to humiliate her.

Next, under the gaze of the elders of the Luo Shen Clan, Luo Tianheng, and others, the marriage was officially confirmed.

There were a total of eight heavenly maidens, and Huang Ji, the imperial princess, who had enemies.

In addition, there was a large amount of generous dowry, the value of which was higher than the entire Luo Shen Clan, which made them all amazed.

They could only sigh that the True Phoenix Clan was indeed wealthy and powerful, casually surpassing the Luo Shen Clan with a single move.

"Let's wait for Lier to come out of seclusion before discussing the matter of marriage. We can get married together then!" Su Changsheng said calmly.

"By the way, there might be an unexpected person appearing at that time," he added.

"Don't be too surprised," Su Changsheng looked at Luo Tianheng and the others with a meaningful expression.

Naturally, he was referring to Luoshen.

Nourished by the essence of the Taiyin Origin, her Primordial Spirit had gradually taken shape. As long as some more time passed, she would be able to reappear in the world.

With the addition of the Reincarnation Divine Water, as well as various divine objects and the Immortality Divine Medicine, Su Changsheng was confident in bringing her back to the world.

At that time, there would be another Luoshen among the brides of the Luoshen Clan!

"An unexpected person?" Luo Tianheng was a little puzzled when he heard this, but since Su Changsheng didn't explain further, he didn't pursue the matter and could only guess who Su Changsheng was referring to.

With the marriage settled, the strong members of the True Phoenix Clan soon left, leaving only the Phoenix Princess and a group of heavenly maidens.

Seeing this, Luo Tianheng and the others also took their leave, leaving only Su Changsheng, the Phoenix Princess, and the heavenly maidens in the hall.

Seeing that there were only Su Changsheng and the others in the hall, not only the heavenly maidens, but even the Phoenix Princess herself became a little nervous.

However, Su Changsheng's pressure still existed, and the Phoenix Princess could only kneel on the ground.

"Jier, get up!" Su Changsheng dissipated the pressure and said with a smile. The Phoenix Princess quickly stood up.

Her pretty face was slightly pale, and she was still a little uncomfortable. When she stood up, she couldn't help but stagger.

"Your Highness, be careful!" Several heavenly maidens from the True Phoenix Clan were nervous and hurriedly went forward to support her.

They respected the Imperial Princess and admired her, so naturally they couldn't let her lose face.

"I'm fine!" Seeing the worried expressions of the heavenly maidens, the Phoenix Princess's proud face softened slightly, but she still looked coldly at Su Changsheng.

"How do you plan to deal with us?" The heavenly maidens were also a little nervous.

Although Su Changsheng had a good reputation, they were still in an adversarial relationship beforehand, and coupled with the Phoenix Princess's previous offense against Su Changsheng, they were also worried.


"Of course, it's getting married and then having children!"

"Give me a few lovely girls, and, Jier, you should start calling me husband!"

Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow and then revealed a playful smile, saying with a smile.

Upon hearing these words, Huang Ji's pretty face turned pale, and she was shocked.

Su Changsheng is actually serious?


This title could make her feel goosebumps all over her body, she would never be able to call him that.

"You all should also start calling him husband!"

Su Changsheng's gaze also swept over several heavenly maidens, lingering a bit longer on the twins, and then he said.

"Hu... husband~"

Upon hearing Su Changsheng's words, several heavenly maidens felt shy in their hearts, but they had all accepted their fate, blushing, they softly said.

Especially the twins, with the same tone and a connection between their souls, it gave Su Changsheng a strange feeling.

It must be said that watching a group of beautiful True Phoenix heavenly maidens obediently calling him husband was truly enjoyable.

"Jier, what about you?" Thinking this way, Su Changsheng looked at Huang Ji, who remained silent, his gaze playful, but with a hint of firmness.


After a long time, Huang Ji's face showed unwillingness, her pretty face blushing slightly, her golden noble eyes filled with tears, she softly said, feeling humiliated.

That kind of appearance, clearly proud, but forced to bow her head, made Su Changsheng's eyes brighten.


In the next moment, Huang Ji exclaimed, being lifted up by Su Changsheng, in a panic.

"Jier, let's go to the bridal chamber early!"

Su Changsheng laughed.

Huang Ji's mind went blank, her heart pounding intensely, extremely shocked.

Go to the bridal chamber?

Isn't this too fast!

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