Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 123: The Empress Is Not Weaker In Her Life, Two Generations Of Luoshen Married Together

"Su Changsheng!!"

Huang Ji screamed, her face flushed, struggling fiercely.

A pair of pink fists came crashing down.

But her counterattack at this moment had no effect on Su Changsheng at all, as if they were just playing around.

The group of heavenly maidens were also stunned.

They watched the two of them, who seemed to be fooling around, and their hearts were pounding, feeling very nervous.

Could it be that they really had to do something that would make their faces blush and hearts race?

"You all come over too!"

Su Changsheng turned his head and looked at the stunned heavenly maidens, giving orders.

The women snapped out of their daze.

Although their faces were red, they quickly followed and approached Su Changsheng.

As soon as they got close, various pleasant fragrances rushed over, all coming from the women, full of temptation.


Seeing this, Su Changsheng smiled slightly, tearing through space and taking the women away from here, returning to the original divine island, without going to find Tianhu Supreme and the others.

Instead, he went straight into a new room and immediately threw Huang Ji onto the bed.

"Su Changsheng! What are you doing!"

As soon as Huang Ji landed on the bed, she immediately retreated, looking very frightened. The arrogance that used to be on her face was now replaced with panic, and her golden eyes were filled with tears.

As for her cultivation, it had already been sealed by Su Changsheng earlier, so she couldn't resist at all.

The group of heavenly maidens also followed closely, watching the scene in front of them, unable to help their hearts pounding.

"Lady, naturally it's the bridal chamber. Although it's not a night of candles and flowers, it can still be a joyful event!" Su Changsheng said with a smile.

His unparalleled handsome face, illuminated by immortal light, was even more transcendent than the immortals in the heavens.

But in Huang Ji's eyes, he was more terrifying than the most despicable enemy.

"I, the Empress, refuse!"

Huang Ji screamed, resisting with all her might.

Afterwards, there was a fierce battle, but Huang Ji couldn't do anything to resist and was simply overwhelmed by Su Changsheng's dominance.

Of course, it was called the bridal chamber, but in reality, Su Changsheng did not go all the way.

After all, if he were to take down this proud little True Phoenix so hastily, it would be a bit of a waste.

Su Changsheng did this just to strike a blow to her arrogance, to tease her a little.

However, even so, Huang Ji was bullied to the point of crying several times.

Whimpering and crying.

With a tear-stained pretty face, she appeared even more delicate and beautiful, like a imprisoned princess or queen.

This made several heavenly maidens unable to resist their hearts being moved. This imperial princess made them feel a strong desire to protect her, as well as an impulse to bully her.

And Su Changsheng, upon seeing this, bullied her even more fiercely.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, three days had passed. Su Changsheng had not left the room all this time.

Until three days later.

Su Changsheng finally took Huang Ji and several heavenly maidens to meet with the Dragon Princess, Supreme Fox, and other women.

After three days of teasing, Huang Ji had become much more obedient, but her face was still cold, and from time to time her eyes were proud, and her words carried a sharpness as she retorted against Su Changsheng.

She still did not submit.

As for the several heavenly maidens, they had matured a lot, with a charming demeanor, like obedient young wives.

Unlike Huang Ji, who had not yet been tamed, they had already been obediently devoured.

"Hmph, bad person, you finally show up!"

As soon as she appeared, the Dragon Princess pouted, looking displeased at Su Changsheng, very resentful of his three-day disappearance.

Especially when she looked at the group of True Phoenix clan heavenly maidens, her eyes seemed as if she wanted to draw a knife.

"Bad person?"

Su Changsheng remained calm, his eyes slightly narrowed as he looked at her with a playful expression, containing a hint of pressure.


The next second, the Dragon Princess covered her forehead, let out a painful cry, and with teary eyes, leaned towards Tu Shan Sikong seeking comfort.

It must be said that although the Dragon Princess was already a Quasi-Emperor, perhaps due to her race, she, with her petite figure, still had a personality like that of an innocent young girl.

Her heart was very pure.

"Your Highness, welcome back!"

Tu Shan Sikong comforted her with a wry smile, then looked at Su Changsheng with a gentle tone.

However, when his gaze fell upon the group of True Phoenix clan heavenly maidens, there was still a hint of resentment hidden within.

Clearly, they were the ones who arrived first.

"Your Highness, are they the marriage partners of the True Phoenix Clan?" Qingqiu Jiuyue also asked.

Although she could also see it.

On the other side, the Supreme Sky Fox sat in the distance, with a smile on her lips, gently watching this scene.

"Your Highness!"

A group of Sky Fox women also approached, charming and affectionate in their eyes.

Each one was incredibly beautiful, a peerless beauty, each with their own charm.

This scene made the Phoenix Clan Heavenly Maidens somewhat wary.

Although these Sky Fox women may not have the same talent as them, their beauty was not lacking at all, and their large numbers put pressure on them.

Especially those two Quasi-Emperors, and the most beautiful Supreme Sky Fox, gave them a great sense of crisis.

But when they thought about their own Imperial Princess, they also felt relieved.

The Imperial Princess is not inferior to anyone in her life!

"That's right, let me introduce you, from now on, you will be sisters, so get along well!"

Su Changsheng clapped his hands and laughed lightly.

When the Sky Fox women heard Su Changsheng's words, their eyes lit up with excitement.

You see, they are different from Tushan Sikong and the others. They don't have a marriage contract with Su Changsheng, so they have always been uneasy, afraid of being abandoned by Su Changsheng.

But now that Su Changsheng said this, it undoubtedly meant that he recognized them, which naturally made them very happy.


In the distance, the Supreme Sky Fox saw this scene, a smile on her face, but a sigh in her heart.

The Sky Fox Clan has indeed reached this point.

Although she has done her best to protect them, the Sky Fox women have ultimately become playthings for men.

And it all fell into the hands of Su Changsheng.

She also remembered what Su Changsheng said not long ago, and sighed inwardly.

But the only good thing is that Su Changsheng is not a person like the Celestial Roc Great Emperor, who is heartless and unscrupulous.

With that in mind, she can entrust them to him.

In the following days, Su Changsheng spent time with the women, either playing, giving them lectures, helping them cultivate, or cultivating together.

The days were very enjoyable.

And during this period, Luo Li's transformation is also nearing its end. Upon receiving this news, the Luo Shen Clan was also in an uproar.

Luo Tianheng and the elders were all excited. This meant that the marriage between Su Changsheng and Luo Li could officially begin.

Although the marriage had already been arranged beforehand, Luo Tianheng and the others were still somewhat uneasy until it was completed, fearing that something unexpected might happen.

But now, they could finally rest assured.


Soon, the Luo Shen Clan also became lively. The entire clan mobilized to prepare for the wedding banquet.

And this news was also spread by the Luo Shen Clan. The entire Three Thousand Divine Realms were in motion, and countless major forces were stirred, wanting to rush over to attend the wedding banquet.

Numerous powerhouses were eager to come and participate, hoping to meet Su Changsheng.

However, due to the large number of participating forces, the Luo Shen Clan imposed significant restrictions.

Powers below the Great Saint level were not allowed to participate.

Although the conditions were strict, there were still countless forces that came to participate. Emperor Grade powers were quite common, and there were also many Supremes.

In addition, there were the four major Emperor Grade powers, and even the True Phoenix Clan, such powerful races.

The Su Family also came. They received Su Changsheng's message and dispatched a group of powerhouses to attend.


On this day, within the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, surging immortal radiance shone brilliantly. Within a vast cocoon of light, a terrifying aura surged, countless rules and orders surrounded it, as if it were the embodiment of the Dao.

And at this moment, this cocoon of light broke open, and a terrifying aura bloomed, sweeping through the heavens and earth, causing the primordial qi of this space to boil.

Within it, a figure of unparalleled beauty walked out.

Silver hair cascaded, fluttering between heaven and earth.

A face of unparalleled beauty exuded an immortal aura, with eyes that blinked like two divine moons, bright and captivating.

She stood there, exuding a cold and ethereal temperament, like a fairy descending to the mortal world.

A powerful Quasi-Emperor's aura permeated, causing Su Changsheng's eyes to brighten.

This was Luo Li.

If the previous Luo Li was a divine maiden, stunning beyond compare but still immature, then now she had become a generation's empress.

Her temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes, possessing the charm of the Luo Shen to some extent.

Even compared to the Luo Shen Ancestor, she was only slightly immature and not much different.

"Your Highness!"

Soon, Luo Li's eyes flickered.

Upon seeing Su Changsheng, her eyes brightened, instantly breaking free from the unattainable status of a goddess and empress, and happily pounced towards him.

Her delicate body threw itself into Su Changsheng's embrace, her beautiful face filled with affection.

"Li'er, congratulations. You truly possess the power of an empress and can be the emperor of the Luo Shen Clan!" Su Changsheng stroked her silver hair, his face filled with contentment.

Quasi-Emperor Triple Heaven.

This is Luo Li's current cultivation level.

It can be said that among his women, besides Changyue, the ancient empress, she is already the strongest alongside the dragon girl.

Of course, if Luoshen were to appear, she would undoubtedly be stronger, perhaps possessing the cultivation level of Supreme.

"Li'er, did you not disappoint His Highness?" Luo Li looked up, her face filled with anticipation as she gazed at Su Changsheng.

Su Changsheng nodded with a smile. Then, under Luo Li's nervous gaze, he lowered his head and savored the taste of the newly born Luoshen Empress.

On the other side, the ancient empress Changyue was also alarmed by this commotion. She extended her divine sense, intending to investigate, but upon witnessing this scene, she couldn't help but snort coldly.

Then, she closed her eyes and continued to restore her cultivation.

However, she didn't know why.

The state she could quickly enter into meditation was now delayed, as if a fire was burning in her heart.

"What's going on?"

Changyue opened her eyes, feeling displeased as she internally examined her many thoughts.

Soon, she fell silent, and a ridiculous idea arose in her mind.

Could it be that she was jealous?

How could that be possible?

Changyue wanted to deny it, thinking it was a ridiculous thought, but deep down, her heart told her it was true.

She was truly jealous.

"Hmph, as an empress, how could I still be sitting here at a time like this?"

After a long time, Changyue snorted coldly. She stood up straight, her imperial might overwhelming, and quickly approached Su Changsheng and Luo Li, her astonishing power surging.

Dressed in white, she appeared like the Empress of the Cold Moon descending.

"Who are you?"

Luo Li was startled. She looked up with a serious expression and a slightly hostile gaze at Chang Yue.

The other party, whether in cultivation or appearance, surpassed her by more than a bit at this moment.

This made Luo Li feel a sense of crisis.

"It seems that I have come at an inappropriate time, interrupting your good time with this little girl!" Chang Yue looked down on the two of them, her tone indifferent.

Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow, finding it somewhat amusing.

Although Chang Yue's tone was indifferent and she looked down on them as if she didn't care, Su Changsheng could tell that she was jealous.

This seemingly cold and proud ancient empress seemed to have been pried open by him in her heart.

"No, you came at the right time!" Su Changsheng laughed and raised his hand. Chang Yue frowned, wanting to approach, but her pride made her somewhat reserved and she didn't immediately step forward.

Seeing this, Su Changsheng took the initiative and quickly pulled Chang Yue over.

Embracing them from both sides.

In the following days, Su Changsheng stayed in the space of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, not only enjoying sweet moments with Luo Li, but also teaching Luo Li and Chang Yue about having children.

He was also waiting for the recovery of the Goddess Luo.

Indeed, with the nurturing of the Taiyin Origin and Su Changsheng's strong assistance, the Goddess Luo was about to recover.


On this day, accompanied by a vast divine light, the Goddess Luo appeared. Her figure was unparalleled, and her extraordinary appearance and elegance were no less than Chang Yue's.

Even Luo Li was slightly inferior.

Of course, this was also because she had not fully grown up yet. If she reached her peak, she would be even more stunning.

"Didn't I already dissipated?"

Seeing her own recovery, the Goddess Luo was a bit confused. Her memory was still stuck at the moment the inheritance ended.

But now, not only had she fully recovered, her cultivation had also returned to the Supreme level. Although it was still not comparable to her peak, it was already very formidable.

Moreover, there was an additional grand dao inside her body, leading directly to the path of the Supreme God.

This was the Taiyin Grand Dao.


Upon seeing the appearance of the goddess, Lu Li's heart was filled with joy and she quickly spoke up.

"It's you!?"

Upon hearing this, the goddess looked over and when she saw Su Changsheng and the others, her heart trembled and she quickly realized.

"Fellow Daoist, why did you have to do this?"

The goddess sighed lightly and looked at Su Changsheng, understanding that he had saved her.

"A peerless beauty like Fellow Daoist, it would be such a waste if you were to just perish like that!"

Su Changsheng said with a faint smile.

Beside them, Chang Yue snorted coldly. She was in the same situation, tricked by Su Changsheng. Not only did she lose her virginity, but she also had to bear his child, and now her heart was gradually falling for him.

"So, what does Fellow Daoist want from me after paying such a great price?"

The goddess was taken aback, then smiled slightly, incredibly beautiful, and asked as if she didn't care.

"Marry me and bear my child!"

Su Changsheng said.

This was also his goal, to marry and have children.

"Bear your child..."

Upon hearing this, the goddess fell silent. She didn't expect that Su Changsheng would have such a reason.

You must know that the price Su Changsheng paid to resurrect her was not small at all. Just the Taiyin Grand Dao within her body could prove everything.

This was a supreme opportunity that pointed directly to the Great Emperor, and his future had the hope of becoming an immortal.

Even during her peak period, it would be difficult for her to obtain it, and yet he paid such a price just to make her bear his child.

This was somewhat absurd, but surprisingly, she didn't dislike it.


After a long time, the goddess chuckled lightly and agreed.

Since Su Changsheng had intentions towards her and had saved her, and she herself didn't dislike Su Changsheng, why not agree?

This was naturally not for the sake of repaying a debt.

She is such a person, naturally she would not sacrifice herself for such a reason.

The reason for this is also due to curiosity about Su Changsheng and a slight fondness.

This is the key point.

Luoli beside her fell silent.

If that's the case.

How should she and the ancestral Luoshen be addressed? Could it be that they should be called sisters?

On the side, compared to the silent Luoli, Su Changsheng was quite satisfied. His actions this time could be considered perfect.

The outside world.

Three days later, the Luoshen Clan opened up, and powerful figures from various major forces in the Everlasting Heaven Realm came knocking on their door.


One terrifying divine light after another streaked across the sky, covering the firmament and filling the sky. There were countless of them, and any one of them came from a major force.

"The True Phoenix Clan is here..."

"The Everlasting Imperial Court..."

"The Crimson Blood Imperial Court..."

Soon, with one dominant force after another making their appearance, countless powerful figures were shocked, causing a sensation in the Everlasting Heaven Realm.

The Luoshen Clan was extremely nervous and made every effort to welcome them.

"This, this, this..."

"Lord Luoshen, you..."

At the same time, within the Luoshen Clan, several ancestral Luoshen and elders like Luotianheng were all dumbfounded, looking in shock at a stunning figure.

That was the long-lost Luoshen, completely overturning their imagination.

"So that's how it is!"

At this moment, Luotianheng suddenly remembered what Su Changsheng had said not long ago, and he suddenly realized.

So he was actually referring to the ancestral Luoshen.

"I, along with Lier, will marry Su Changsheng!"

The next moment, Luoshen's words instantly struck Luotianheng and the others like a thunderbolt, leaving them stunned in place.


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