Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 128: Sea God Palace Was Robbed, Three Great Emperors Surrounded And Killed, Chaos Great Empe

Sea God Palace, the realm of the misty sea and clouds.

At the bottom of the vast Sea God Palace, in the deepest depths, there is an unending underwater fairy palace.

Its architectural form, different from the land, consists of exquisite and peculiar shell-like and crystal-like palaces.

Among the countless palaces, groups of sea creatures wearing armor and wielding long halberds patrol around.

From time to time, powerful sea beasts with immense aura swim by, their massive bodies covering the area.

Deep within the palace, in a crystal fairy palace, beautiful mermaids swim in groups of two or three, frolicking and playing.

They are the descendants of the Sea God, one of the owners of Sea God Palace, the mermaid clan.

In addition, there is another race, the silver dragon clan, also one of the owners of Sea God Palace, but in smaller numbers.

"Ah, where has Qing'er gone after leaving Sea God Palace for so long?"

At this moment, in the deepest part of Sea God Palace, a magnificent fairy palace, a stunning woman sits on a crystal jade throne, supporting her forehead with a look of distress.

The woman is incredibly beautiful, with a flawless delicate face and a pair of sapphire-like eyes.

She is dressed in a sea blue fairy robe, exposing her flawless jade arms. She wears a magnificent crown on her head, and her sea blue long hair falls to her waist, full of exotic style.

Her upper body is in human form, while her lower body is that of a fish, a mermaid.

Or rather, she is a member of the royal family among the mermaids, an extremely powerful clan within the sea creatures.

She is the ruler of Sea God Palace, the Sea God Empress.

"The ceremony of the Holy Maiden is about to begin. If she doesn't come back soon, it will be delayed for another thirty thousand years!"

The Sea God Empress mutters to herself.

Sea God Palace has two great foundations, one is the authority of the Sea God, and the other is the inheritance of the Holy Maiden.

These are the legacies left behind by the founders of Sea God Palace, the two Supremes.

The authority of the Sea God.

The Sea God, the founder of Sea God Palace, gathered the rules of the ten thousand realms from three hundred Sea God domains through the means of seizing the heavens and earth, condensing them into the authority of the Sea God.

By wielding the authority of the Sea God, one can mobilize the power of the rules of the three hundred Sea God domains.

Within this range, they are nearly invincible under the Great Emperor, capable of fighting even against the Supreme of the era.

Throughout history, the Sea Goddess Empress has been able to control the power of the Sea God, even as a Quasi-Emperor, she can contend against a Supreme.

The lineage of the Holy Maiden is the foundation of the Silver Dragon Clan. As a Holy Maiden, she can receive partial cultivation from the Primordial Spirit imprints of the previous generations of Silver Dragon Clan Holy Maidens.

Although not much, with over a dozen Holy Maidens from previous generations, occurring once every hundred thousand years, their majestic power is enough to create a formidable Quasi-Emperor.

In addition, the Holy Maiden of the Sea God Palace can wield a treasure left behind by another Supreme. When in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, she can unleash the might of a Supreme.

The Dragon Maiden is the Holy Maiden of this generation in the Sea God Palace.

At the same time, this is her first time receiving the inheritance and officially becoming the Holy Maiden.

However, what troubles the Sea Goddess Empress is that the Dragon Maiden left the Sea God Palace alone two or three years ago and her whereabouts are still unknown.

If it weren't for the Primordial Spirit lamp, the Sea Goddess Empress would think that something happened to the Dragon Maiden.

"No, the Dragon Ancestor can't hold on much longer. Qing'er must become a Quasi-Emperor quickly in order to receive the Dragon Ancestor's inheritance!"

The Empress muttered to herself, her gaze becoming sharp.

Whether it is the power of the Sea God or the Silver Dragon Holy Maiden, both are indispensable forces of the Sea God Palace.

If one of them is lost, the power of the Sea God Palace will greatly diminish, and it may not be able to suppress the forces of the sea clans.

In addition, she also knows that the prince of the East Dragon Palace is ambitious and has long had ill intentions towards the Sea God Palace, wanting to rule over the Three Thousand Sea God Domain.

If the Holy Maiden is lost and only she remains, she may not be able to withstand the aggression of the East Dragon Palace.

"I must ask the Dragon Ancestor to make a move and deduce Qing'er's specific whereabouts!"

The Sea Goddess Empress stood up and prepared to go to the territory of the Silver Dragon Clan to invite the Dragon Ancestor.


Just at this moment, an immense wave of fluctuations swept through the Sea God Palace, shaking the countless palaces.

Immediately, numerous great formations in the Sea God Palace were restored.

In this sea area, terrifying formations were everywhere, divine light surged, and the aura of a Supreme stirred, as if a Supreme was reviving, suppressing the entire sea domain.


The entire Sea God Realm is trembling, countless sea creatures are filled with extreme fear, trembling and shivering, their souls trembling.


Within the Sea God Palace, numerous powerful beings are also alarmed. The Sea God Empress is especially furious and shocked. Her eyebrows are raised, and her gaze looks towards the outside world.

With her high-level Quasi-Emperor strength, she naturally sees through the barriers of countless formations with a single glance, and can see the truth of the outside world.

She sees a terrifying passage appearing outside the Sea God Palace, accompanied by a terrifying aura. Waves of powerful sea creatures are killing their way out.

Their aura is extremely terrifying, forming an extremely terrifying legion.

In front of them, there are more than ten figures, each one a Quasi-Emperor powerhouse, with overwhelming aura. Under the leadership of a black-haired youth, they arrive with great force.

"The experts from the Eastern Dragon Palace? Are they trying to declare war on the Sea God Palace?"

The Sea God Empress's expression changes abruptly, she is very shocked. Although the Eastern Dragon Palace is strong, it is much stronger than the Sea God Palace, but it is still impossible to destroy the Sea God Palace just like that.

Could it be that there is some other conspiracy?


Just as the Sea God Empress is shocked, the black-haired youth coldly laughs. He produces a golden dragon ball in his hand, which contains an extremely terrifying source of the Great Dao.

This is the treasure of the Eastern Dragon Palace, called the Dragon Emperor Pearl. It is a legacy of the Eastern Dragon Palace, similar to the authority of the Sea God, and can enhance the strength of the palace lord.

Only the current ruler can use it, and it can temporarily erupt with power close to that of a Supreme.

In the next second, the black-haired youth merges the dragon ball into his body, and a power comparable to that of a Supreme erupts. It sweeps across the boundless sea, even rushing into the heavens, spreading like many divine realms.

"The Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron, break this formation for me!" The black-haired youth coldly laughs. He raises his hand and points, and a giant cauldron appears in the sky, turning into a black cauldron that covers the sky. The emperor's might is unleashed.


The Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon descends, suppressing all things. In an instant, the entire formation of the Sea God Palace trembles violently, shining with divine light, radiating countless brilliance.

Within the formation, the majestic emperor's might comes crashing down, destroying everything. Countless formations are erased, almost being pierced through.

Even the Supreme formation is difficult to resist the suppression of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

At this moment, Ao Lin possesses Supreme strength and controls the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon. The power he unleashes has already reached the level of a Great Emperor.

This is an attack of the Great Dao!

It can kill gods and suppress demons, overpowering the Supreme, and annihilate the gods and demons of all realms. Even the peerless Supreme would not dare to directly confront it.

"Ah ah...."

"It's the power of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, a strong individual from the East Dragon Palace!"

"Why would the East Dragon Palace attack us? Are they trying to start a war?"

Within the Sea God Palace, countless powerful beings and creatures were filled with extreme fear, feeling their souls trembling under the might of the Extreme Dao Emperor.

Elders appeared one by one, all of them Great Saints, and some even Quasi-Emperors, their expressions filled with shock.

When they saw the Supreme Formation violently trembling, on the verge of collapse, everyone's hearts convulsed with fear.

That was the Supreme Formation that had protected the Sea God Palace for millions of years. If it were to be broken, the Sea God Palace would be in danger.

But under the attack of the Extreme Dao Emperor's power, they were unable to leave. Once they left, it would be certain death.

Beings below the Supreme level were simply unable to resist the fully unleashed might of the Extreme Dao. It was equivalent to a strike from a Great Emperor.

Who could withstand a strike from a Great Emperor?

Even if a Supreme were to come, they would have to avoid the edge of the attack.

Just at this moment, deep within the Sea God Palace, the Sea Goddess Empress appeared. She was incredibly beautiful, like a divine being, holding a deep blue scepter in her hand. With a distant point, an immense power of countless orders swept over.


Almost infinite in nature, at this moment, it gathered and emitted the power of a Supreme level, crazily pouring into the formation, easing the imminent collapse of the formation.

"Your Majesty Empress!"

"Great, the Empress has appeared, the Sea God Palace is saved!"

"Please, Your Majesty Empress, drive out and annihilate the thieves from the East Dragon Palace!"

Upon seeing the Sea Goddess Empress, who was peerlessly beautiful and seemed like a divine being, stabilizing the Supreme Formation with a raised hand, countless beings from the Sea God Palace cheered.

Within the Sea God Palace, the Sea Goddess Empress held a high prestige, akin to a figure of worship.

"Not good, Your Majesty Empress alone can't hold them back!"

"The power of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon is too strong!"

"What about Lord Dragon Ancestor? Can we ask her to take action?"

Compared to the cheering ordinary beings, a group of elders from the Sea God Palace were solemn at this moment. They could tell that the Sea Goddess Empress couldn't withstand the power of the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

If this continues for a long time, the Supreme formation will definitely break.

This made them extremely anxious, but they couldn't help much.

This is a battle at the Supreme level, only those who are also Supreme can intervene, they are too far behind.

"It's worthy of the Sea God Empress. With her intervention, it's really difficult to break through this turtle shell with just one or two attacks!"

Outside the Sea God Palace, he sneered coldly.

At this moment, he controlled the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron, with an overwhelming divine might, the Emperor's light descended, as if a Great Emperor had come to the world.

His terrifying Emperor's might made the surrounding Quasi-Emperors awe-inspiring, even the Supreme couldn't help but feel a chill.

The power of the extreme path is too strong, far beyond what the Supreme can compare to.

"Your Highness, please be careful. The Sea God Palace also has a Dragon Ancestor, who is also a Supreme!"

That Supreme spoke up.

He is a powerful Supreme from the East Dragon Palace.

"Don't worry, this time not only do we have the strong ones from the East Dragon Palace, but also reinforcements from other forces!"

Ao Lin said confidently.


Soon, as his words fell, several figures appeared, all emitting an overwhelming Supreme divine might.

There were two from the sea race and two from the human race.

"Your Highness, we demand one-tenth of the resources of the Sea God Palace!"

"That Sea God Empress belongs to me!"

As soon as the two Supreme from the sea race arrived, they spoke in a calm tone.

They were both powerful Supreme from the sea race, not members of many top-grade forces, but lone wolves.

"We are here on the orders of the Crown Prince to assist you in wiping out the Sea God Palace!"

The other two Supreme from the human race also spoke, their tone indifferent and without any respect.

As Supreme, only the Great Emperor can make them bow their heads.

"Alright, alright, alright, this Emperor agrees!"

Ao Lin smiled.

"What? There are still four other Supremes?"

"That's Wan Sha Supreme and Grey Jiao Supreme. How could they help the East Dragon Palace!?"

"It's over, is Heaven going to destroy our Sea God Palace?"

Within the Sea God Palace, a group of elders had pale faces. Even the Quasi-Emperor powerhouses couldn't help but feel fear at this moment.

The lineup of the East Dragon Palace was too terrifying.

There were a total of five Supremes, plus Ao Lin who wielded an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

In contrast, the Sea God Palace only had the Sea God Empress and two Supreme-level Dragon Ancestors.

The disparity was too great.

"How could this be..."

The Sea God Empress also felt a chill all over her body. Where did the East Dragon Palace get the ability to gather so many Supremes?

Especially the two Supreme-level members of the human race, they couldn't even be compared to the sea race.

"Fellow Daoists of the East Dragon Palace, do you really want to fight to the death with the Sea God Palace?"

The Sea God Empress felt heavy in her heart. She looked up and spoke to Ao Lin and the others.

Her voice reverberated in this sea domain.

Within the Sea God Palace, countless beings, including many powerhouses in the Sea God Domain, were watching and feeling nervous.

"Fight to the death? No, this seat wants to burn down the Sea God Palace. Either submit or perish!"

Upon hearing this, Ao Lin said indifferently.


In the next instant, the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron trembled again, rapidly expanding and pressing down on the entire Sea God Domain. Countless terrifying cracks spread rapidly, tearing apart the entire sea domain.

From the perspective of the outside world, the entire Sea God Domain is cracking, with countless super cracks appearing across the sea, almost tearing the entire Sea God Domain into countless pieces.


In addition, the overwhelming aura of the Extreme Dao is sweeping through without any reservation, rushing in all directions, sweeping across the three thousand divine domains, pushing the boundaries of heaven and earth.

The aura of a Great Emperor is so powerful that it can impact the entire heavenly realm and alarm countless divine domains.

Although the Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon is not as powerful as a true Great Emperor, if it were to unleash an attack of the Extreme Dao, it could also shake the three thousand divine domains and awaken countless powerful beings.

At this moment, countless powerful beings have been alarmed and are looking from afar.

However, they are too far away, even for a Quasi-Emperor to cross many divine domains.

Only some powerful beings close to the Sea God Domain can vaguely understand all of this.

And at this moment, above the Sea God Palace, there are also six or seven figures hidden in the depths of the void, calmly watching this scene.

Among these six or seven figures, three are extremely terrifying, emitting the aura of a Great Emperor, as if tearing apart countless paths and collapsing the fabric of space.

However, they have intentionally restrained themselves and have not erupted, otherwise it would definitely shake the boundaries of heaven and alarm the lands of countless divine domains.

"Will Su Changsheng appear?"

At this moment, one of the figures spoke.

He was surrounded by endless divine light, as if there were billions of divine nations surrounding him, extremely sacred.

He is Taiheng.

He is a Great Emperor invited by the divine envoy.

"Don't worry, according to what His Highness said, the Dragon Maiden of the Sea God Palace is Su Changsheng's wife. Now that the Sea God Palace is being attacked, he will definitely come to help!"

Beside him, a Supreme spoke.

In addition to the three Great Emperors, there are also several Supremes here, all holding a corner of the supreme formation diagram.

Once Su Changsheng appears, they will form an unparalleled formation to trap and kill the Great Emperor, trapping Su Changsheng, and then the three Great Emperors will join forces to kill him.

The reason for being so cautious is because Su Changsheng is too monstrous and his methods are heaven-defying.

Even if the three Great Emperors join forces, they cannot guarantee a hundred percent kill.

Therefore, they still need the Supremes to join forces to set up the formation.

Furthermore, this sea area may seem calm, but it has long been secretly marked with countless Emperor patterns by three Great Emperors. Once it erupts, it is enough to trap even a Great Emperor.

Under the joint efforts of multiple parties, it can be called a heaven and earth net, an extremely dangerous place.

It can be said that unless it is an extremely extraordinary Great Emperor like the Azure Emperor, or a great existence like the Heavenly Emperor, who can forcefully kill everything, otherwise, once trapped, there is only the path of being killed.

"Very well, next, we just have to wait for Su Changsheng to fall into the trap!"

In the midst of it, the Chaos Saint Lord also laughed. The aura he emitted at this moment was extremely terrifying, no less than a true Great Emperor.

Behind him, a vague chaotic figure could be vaguely seen, emitting an aura that surpassed that of a Great Emperor.

That terrifying power made both Great Emperors unable to help but take notice.

Even the Great Emperor of the Underworld was somewhat alarmed at this moment.

"The Chaos Great Emperor, is he really still a Great Emperor? This kind of power is a bit like that of an Immortal, isn't it?" he muttered to himself.

The Chaos Great Emperor.

This Great Emperor is also a powerhouse who is famous in the Three Thousand Realms. His combat power is extremely strong, and he has gone far in the realm of Great Emperors.

Although he is not as good as the Heavenly Emperor, he is still formidable and has the potential to become an Immortal.

Could it be that in the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Chaos Great Emperor found an extraordinary opportunity and became an Immortal through it?

If the Chaos Great Emperor has become an Immortal, then the evaluation of the Sacred Land of Chaos will have to change.

The Great Emperor of the Underworld pondered.

On the other side, in the Eternal God Realm, in a vast immortal palace, the Crown Prince stood with his hands behind his back, looking towards the location of the Imperial Palace, his gaze burning with intensity.

"I just need them to make a move over there, and this place will be ready too!"

The Crown Prince muttered to himself.

Around him, powerful individuals gathered, emitting terrifying auras. There were many Quasi-Emperors and several Supremes.

Furthermore, there was a figure standing there, appearing and disappearing, emitting the aura of a Great Emperor.

"The throne, it must belong to this Emperor!"

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