Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 129: The Great Tribulation Appears, Immortal King, Three Great Emperors

The Crown Prince's eyes were burning.

He had been waiting for this day for far too long, recruiting many helpers in order to ascend to the throne. He even spared no effort in offering great benefits.

All of this was for today, to become the Emperor and ascend to the supreme throne.

"Elder, I will need your help later!" With this thought in mind, the Crown Prince looked towards the terrifying figure shrouded in the aura of a Great Emperor, speaking respectfully.

This Great Emperor was the envoy of the Divine Clan, said to be the strongest in their clan.

Such a grand gesture made the Crown Prince wary.

To invite not just one, but two Great Emperors, the power behind the other party must be extremely formidable.

It could very well involve the level of the Immortal Clan.


The Great Emperor responded calmly, gazing at the Imperial Palace with deep and profound eyes, revealing a hint of surprise.

"That Emperor is in a very poor state. Even if he doesn't need my help, he might not last another hundred years. But even so, he refuses to pass on the position to you!"

He chuckled lightly, looking at the Crown Prince with a playful tone.

"No wonder you're so anxious!"

"Since he refuses to give it, showing such favoritism, then I will personally take it!"

Upon hearing this, the Crown Prince's brows twitched, but he quickly calmed down, speaking in a calm tone.

He no longer referred to himself as the Crown Prince, but as the Emperor, clearly having made up his mind.

Even if it meant regicide!

Even if the other party was his own father.

"You are ruthless!"

Upon hearing this, the Great Emperor didn't mind, giving a slight smile as his gaze fell upon the Imperial Camp.

From beginning to end, he didn't pay any attention to this trivial matter.

If it weren't for the grand plan of their clan, he wouldn't even bother giving the Crown Prince a second glance.

"Your Highness, do not forget your promise!" The envoy of the divine race spoke up.

She was dressed in a golden divine robe, radiating a dazzling divine light. Her face was flawlessly beautiful, like an immortal deity.

"Don't worry, the imprisoned emperor will not forget!" The Crown Prince smiled.

On the side, the gazes of the several Supreme beings shifted, their thoughts varying between shock and seriousness.

They were all forces that the Crown Prince had gathered.

Some were powerful figures from a certain faction, some were the strongest individuals from certain forces, and there were also forces from the Crown Prince's own maternal tribe.

Each one of them was experienced and knowledgeable, but they found it difficult to discern the origins of the divine envoy and the mysterious Great Emperor.

This shocked them, as they didn't know where the Crown Prince had found these helpers.

"Your Highness, news has come from Ao Lin's side. They have officially launched an attack on the Sea God Palace. It won't be long before they break through and occupy the Misty Cloud Sea God Domain!"

At this moment, a Quasi-Emperor appeared. He glanced respectfully at the Great Emperor and then reported to the Crown Prince.

"Very good. Once Ao Lin makes a move, Su Changsheng should also be ready to act!"

Upon hearing this, the Crown Prince's eyes lit up, and an excited expression appeared on his face.

As long as Su Changsheng went to the Sea God Palace, he would fall into the trap they had set.

By then, with the three Great Emperors making a move and the large formation trapping and killing him, even if Su Changsheng had heaven-defying power, he would only have a dead end.

On his side, he also had many helpers, including another Great Emperor. They could also incite a rebellion, quickly seize the Imperial Court, and ascend to the throne.

Everything was proceeding according to his plan.

In the True Saint Continent, in the Su Family's main hall, many powerful individuals had already arrived.

"I have long heard of Ancestor Changsheng's name. Today, I finally have the chance to meet you. Truly impressive, it astounds me!" A captivating voice rang out, and Daoxuan Holy Maiden sat in the main hall.

She wore a pink fairy dress, very glamorous. Her appearance was also extremely beautiful, seemingly young and tender, but her eyes carried a mysterious and profound aura.

Around her, there were also groups of powerful individuals, including members from the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple and the Chaos Kun Academy.

"Holy Maiden, you flatter me. I wonder what brings the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Dao and the esteemed members of Chaos Kun Academy to our Su Family this time?" Su Changsheng, who was seated beside her, smiled calmly. This time, he had rarely changed into a white robe, his black hair as dark as ink, with a lingering immortal aura.

His face was peerless, and as his gaze shifted, a divine light appeared, making him resemble an unparalleled immortal.

A crowd of powerful individuals nodded in agreement, acknowledging the extraordinary presence of the True Immortal, a rare sight in the mortal world.

"I have come this time to inform His Highness Changsheng of a matter. Within the True Saint Continent, there is a sealed demonic cave. According to the calculations of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple, the seal on the cave is about to loosen, and a large wave of demons will surge out, sweeping across the continent and even threatening the divine realm!" explained Daoxuan Holy Maiden.

"A demonic cave?" Su Changsheng furrowed his brows upon hearing this.

With his current strength, there shouldn't be anything in the True Saint Continent that could escape his notice.

Thinking this way, a vast divine sense silently covered the entire True Saint Continent. After carefully inspecting it, Su Changsheng was astonished to discover a peculiar place.

"Interesting!" After carefully sensing it, Su Changsheng revealed his surprise.

No wonder he hadn't noticed it before.

That place was extremely well-hidden, with an unparalleled seal and a supreme treasure suppressing it.

The fluctuations emanating from it surpassed even that of a Great Emperor.

At the very least, it was left behind by a True Immortal and deliberately concealed, presumably to prevent it from being destroyed.

If it weren't for his deliberate perception, even Su Changsheng would have missed it.

No wonder he had never noticed it before. After all, Su Changsheng had never thoroughly investigated the True Saint Continent.

"The so-called demonic caves have existed since ancient times, even in the primordial era. They are mysterious and terrifying. It would be more accurate to call them gateways!" Seeing Su Changsheng's reaction, Daoxuan Holy Maiden mistakenly thought he was unaware and explained with a solemn tone.

"These gateways connect various large worlds. These worlds once invaded the Xuanhuang Great World in the distant ancient and primordial eras, but they were repelled."

"Now, they are stirring again, about to cross over and invade. At that time, it will be an unprecedented catastrophe. I suspect that the demonic cave in the True Saint Continent is likely a gateway to another world!"

"For this reason, I plan to delve deep into the demonic cave, eliminate the demonic tide, and reinforce the seal, at least delaying the pace of their invasion," continued Daoxuan Holy Maiden.

Her words caused the faces of the people present to change, and the experts from Chaos Kun Academy felt a heavy burden in their hearts.

They also knew this, so they planned to open the Holy Academy early and let the Kunpeng inheritance be born early, hoping to cultivate an invincible powerhouse.

"Other great worlds? Please enlighten me, Holy Maiden."

Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow, and his expression became serious. He thought of Gu Qingge.

It seems that she will encounter a calamity in the future.

It should be noted that she is a future Empress, possessing the strength of a Heavenly Emperor Grade, not much weaker than him now, but she still perishes in a future battle.

Now thinking about it, that should be the calamity caused by the invasion of other great worlds.

"Your Highness Changsheng, do you know that outside of this Xuanhuang Great World, there are many other great worlds, among which several are terrifying. One of them is the Dark World!"

"That Dark World is said to be on par with the Immortal World, with an immortal king who can fight and conquer Immortal Kings. It is the main force invading the Xuanhuang Great World!"

"In addition, there is another great world called the Chaos World, inhabited by the Chaos Divine Clan, equally terrifying. These two great worlds are the main forces invading the Xuanhuang Great World."

"The battles in the ancient and primordial eras caused countless powerhouses in our world to fall, and even the World Tree that connected the Immortal World collapsed!"

"The Demon Abyss in the True Saint Continent should be one of the passages connecting to the Dark World. Of course, it is also possible that my speculation is wrong, and it should be a remnant world left behind half a year ago!"

"But regardless, this Demon Abyss should be eliminated. I came here this time to destroy it!" The Holy Maiden explained.

"I see. Thank you for clarifying, Holy Maiden!" Su Changsheng nodded in understanding.

Looking at the Holy Maiden, he couldn't help but admire her.

The Demon Abyss in the True Saint Continent is obviously unrelated to the Holy Maiden, but she still came to resolve it, risking danger. It is evident that she values all living beings greatly.

"Your Highness possesses extraordinary strength and unparalleled talent. In the future, you will be on par with Immortal Kings and become one of the main forces in our world!"

"I hope you can grow quickly!" the Holy Maiden continued.

"The Holy Maiden values me greatly. I am somewhat surprised!" Su Changsheng was a little astonished. He didn't expect the Holy Maiden to value him so much.

But considering that the Great Saint Ranking is ranked by the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple, "it is understandable."

"Your Highness has this qualification!"

Upon hearing this, the Holy Maiden smiled, her lips pursed, stunning and captivating.

"Your Highness Changsheng, the academy will soon open the Holy Institute, which includes the inheritance of the Kunpeng. If the Su Family is interested, they can send their young talents to participate!"

On the side, the silent expert from Chaos Kun Academy took the opportunity to speak.

"Kunpeng? I understand!"

Su Changsheng raised an eyebrow, another astonishing opportunity, but it should have nothing to do with him.

Strictly speaking, he was no longer considered part of the younger generation, but he could let Changge or Yaoyao participate.

Hmm, whether it's Changge or Yaoyao, this is a downgrade in terms of strength.

Su Changge has the cultivation of a Saint King, coupled with her physique, she can even fight against a Great Saint. This is already quite despairing for the younger generation.

As for Yaoyao, she is even more ruthless, with strength comparable to a Great Emperor. Even the son of an Immortal King would be dumbfounded.

Thinking of this, Su Changsheng chuckled, somewhat looking forward to that scene.

"Your Highness, we should also leave!"

After chatting for a while, Daoxuan Holy Maiden stood up to bid farewell. However, when she stood side by side with Su Changsheng, she appeared extremely petite, only reaching his waist.

"I wish Holy Maiden a smooth journey and look forward to meeting again!"

Su Changsheng smiled and clasped his hands.

"Thank you for your blessings, Your Highness!"

Daoxuan Holy Maiden also clasped her hands, a smile appearing on her face, very beautiful and charming.

Such a beautiful woman, even though she looks young, Su Changsheng couldn't help but be moved.

"Um, Holy Maiden, I have a question to ask. I wonder if the Holy Maiden is married? Can you consider me?"

After thinking for a moment, Su Changsheng asked.

This statement stunned Daoxuan Holy Maiden directly, and her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

A group of experts from Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple were also shocked.

"Your Highness! You scoundrel, I'm leaving!" Soon, Daoxuan Holy Maiden came back to her senses. Her eyebrows raised, her face slightly red, seemingly embarrassed.

Then, she turned and left, her footsteps hurried, looking somewhat disheveled.

Seems like there's some drama?

Upon seeing this scene, Su Changsheng thought to himself.


Just at this moment, in a distant realm unknown to many, a mighty and majestic Emperor's aura surged forth, causing a commotion among the people present.

Extreme Dao aura?

Everyone present was shocked.

Even the hurried footsteps of Dao Xuan Holy Maiden came to a halt, and she frowned as she looked towards the distance.


Su Changsheng was also somewhat surprised, and a vast divine sense quickly emerged, spanning across three thousand realms, covering the past.

Soon, Su Changsheng understood everything, including various conspiracies.

Sea God Palace was under attack.

In addition, there were three Great Emperors hiding in the shadows. Were they trying to make a move on him?

With Su Changsheng's current strength, such inferior traps couldn't deceive him at all.

"Bad people, Sea God Palace is in danger!"

At this moment, the Dragon Maiden also rushed in from outside, her face showing panic as she shouted to the sky.

Upon hearing the Dragon Maiden's shout, everyone present looked at her in surprise.

Dao Xuan Holy Maiden furrowed her brows and began to calculate.

"Bad person, you promised me that you would take action!"

Upon seeing Su Changsheng, the Dragon Maiden's eyes lit up, and she rushed straight towards him, shouting loudly.

If it were before, the Dragon Maiden would naturally not be afraid, thinking that she could handle the crisis in Sea God Palace.

But this time, she sensed the aura of the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron, which was the Emperor Weapon of the Eastern Dragon Palace.

If Supreme wielded an Extreme Dao Emperor Weapon, her methods might not be able to solve the problem.

That's why she was so anxious.

"Little Dragon, don't worry. I already know about the situation in Sea God Palace. I will go and resolve it!"

Su Changsheng comforted, "Your Highness, you must not!"

At this moment, Dao Xuan Shengnv, who was in the midst of calculating, had a change in her pretty face and showed a look of shock. She immediately exclaimed, "Your Highness, this battle is an ambush. There is more than one Great Emperor lying in ambush for you!"

Upon hearing this, everyone's faces changed drastically.

Long Nu, who was already somewhat panicked, turned pale and became very anxious.

More than one Great Emperor?

It must be known that Great Emperors are extremely terrifying existences. Each one is incomparably formidable, capable of dominating countless divine realms and overlooking a whole realm. They are nearly invincible.

But Dao Xuan Shengnv actually said that there is more than one Great Emperor lying in ambush for Su Changsheng?

"Impressive, Sacred Maiden, truly impressive with your divination skills!" Su Changsheng was somewhat astonished.

Dao Xuan Shengnv's cultivation level is only at the Quasi-Emperor realm, yet she was able to deduce the ambush within the Sea God Palace. It was truly unimaginable.

It must be known that Great Emperors are unfathomable. Even if a Great Emperor exists, it is difficult to deduce the existence of another Great Emperor at the same level.

Not to mention that there are three Great Emperors in this case, and they have set up an ambush together. Even Great Emperors themselves would find it difficult to detect.

Yet Dao Xuan Shengnv was able to deduce it with her Quasi-Emperor cultivation.

No wonder she is the Sacred Maiden of the Heavenly Dao Sacred Temple.

"Thank you for the reminder, Sacred Maiden. I have understood!" Su Changsheng smiled faintly and spoke calmly.

Such demeanor made the strong individuals present sigh in admiration.

Truly deserving of being the number one anomaly of all ages.

Facing the ambush of several Great Emperors, he could remain so calm. This peerless demeanor is truly superior to even genuine Great Emperors.

"Your Highness, I am not joking. Please do not take risks!" Seeing Su Changsheng's indifferent appearance, Dao Xuan Shengnv's pretty face turned serious, and she earnestly warned him.

"Bad person, you shouldn't go!" At this moment, Long Nu also grabbed Su Changsheng's sleeve. Her eyes were red, and tears gathered in her eyes as she spoke in a childish tone.

"Fool, if I don't go, then the Sea God Palace will be in danger!" Seeing Long Nu in this state, Su Changsheng was speechless.

"But I don't want anything to happen to you!" the Dragon Princess sobbed.

Upon learning that several Great Emperors were ambushing Su Changsheng, the Dragon Princess was filled with fear.

She was afraid that Su Changsheng would be in danger.

It wasn't that she didn't care about the Sea God Palace, but in her heart, Su Changsheng was more important.

Although it was selfish, that was indeed her first thought.

"Don't worry, who am I? I am Su Changsheng, just three measly Great Emperors, killing them is not difficult!"

Upon hearing this, Su Changsheng felt warmth in his heart, understanding his position in the Dragon Princess's heart, which had already surpassed the Sea God Palace, but he still shook his head.

His tone was very calm.

As if those were not three Great Emperors, but three Supremes that could be killed at will.

Such arrogant words shocked all the powerful beings present.

Who in this world would dare to say such things?

Treating three Great Emperors as if they were nothing, even the patriarch of the Everlasting Immortal Clan would not dare to say such things!

If it weren't for Su Changsheng saying this, everyone would have couldn't help but scoff.


Even Daoxuan Holy Maiden was stunned, she also didn't believe Su Changsheng's words at first.

Killing three Great Emperors?

Only extremely powerful Great Emperors, such as the leaders of the major Immortal Clans or the Heavenly Emperor, could do that.

But soon, she reacted and wondered how Su Changsheng knew the exact number of Great Emperors.

You see, even she could only vaguely deduce that there was more than one Great Emperor setting up an ambush, but it was difficult to accurately speculate how many.

But now, in this situation, Su Changsheng seemed to know more than her.

Could it be that Su Changsheng really had the terrifying strength to deal with three Great Emperors?

Daoxuan Holy Maiden couldn't believe it.

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