Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 160 Is The Su Family On Par With The Immortal Clan? Ma'am, Let's Enter The Bridal

With Su Changsheng's strength, he crossed several divine realms with ease.

Pulling the Daoxuan Saintess, Star was behind her, thousands of people cheered at their feet, immortal light bloomed, and they were getting closer and closer to the Su family.

The Su family shook.

Many Su family Elders, strong men, and all the ancestors and wives were alarmed.

Especially the many powerhouses of the Su family, each of them looked excited, and the enthusiasm in their eyes could not be concealed.

Their ancestor, Ping Ding Demon Nest, has returned, beheaded the darkest Immortal, unparalleled in the world, and gained the upper hand against the quasi-Immortal king.

How terrible, how unbelievable!

Hundreds of millions of gods shrouded in light, and the breath was surging, cheering, welcoming the arrival of the ancestors.

The Su family's entire ray of light swept across the entire Chaos God Realm, announcing the return of the ancestors incomparably powerfully.

Not only the Chaos God Realm, but even other god realms in the Longevity Heaven Realm saw this scene from afar.

"Is the Su family still an ordinary imperial family?"

"I'm afraid this is already comparable to the fairy clan!"

"There are so many Quasi Emperors, and there is a terrifying existence comparable to a quasi-Immortal King

"This long-lived Heavenly Emperor is quite romantic!"

Many experts in the domain of the gods communicated secretly, amazed and lamented the strength of the Sioux tribe.

There are beautiful women, beautiful eyes looking forward, wearing five-color clothes, surrounded by immortal light, radiant, dazzling, and beautiful to the extreme, many saints and fairies are proudly waiting for one to return alone.

All exude amazing charm, full of temptation, so amazing that people can't move their eyes easily.

Any one of them appearing in the world will amaze one of the gods.

However, in the Sioux tribe, they appeared in groups.

The ones at the head are even more magnificent and beautiful.

It's a pity that they have already become wives, and all the good things are only concerned about one person, which is a pity.

The avenue is filled with light, and the light of the gods is flying. Su Changsheng came here holding the little hand of the Daoxuan saint.

Looking at each of the sisters with peerless looks, even though the Daoxuan Saintess was prepared in her heart, she was still uneasy.

Su Changsheng patted her little hand to comfort her.

The corner of Gu Qingge's mouth twitched, and he was used to seeing his husband bring another saint.

Slowly walked forward and gently arranged the robe for her husband, said coquettishly.

"It's cheap for you!"

Su Changsheng grabbed the latter's plain hand and teased.

"Madam, are you jealous?"

Lu Qingge didn't like him, he pinched the soft flesh around his waist, making Su Changsheng grin his teeth.

The girls in the rear smiled slightly, looked at each other in blank dismay, and rushed forward day by day.


The soft cry made Su Changsheng flustered. Surrounded by all the girls, he dragged Daoxuan saint girl into Su's house.

Everyone in the Su family lowered their heads one after another, not daring to watch this scene.

The sky is full of divine splendor, Immortal Qi is rising, in the exclusive place for the ancestors of the Su family, surrounded by Yingying and Yanyan.


Seeing Su Changsheng, Yuxin said with a grievance on her pretty face.

"The power of the slave family is still out of control. Do you want to accompany this saint, Little Sister, tonight?"

The tenderness in the eyes is flowing, wanting to be eaten in one bite.

Lu Qingge didn't give Su Changsheng a good look, and said lightly: "The debt you caused, you should settle it yourself.

Su Changsheng's head grew dizzy for a while, and the little face of Daoxuan Saintess was blushing, embarrassing.

Now that Yuxin has regained part of her power, she has reached the level of Great Emperor, and her breath is so strong that she can't control her power.

This is obviously jealous!


With a slap on Yunrun's plump buttocks, Yuxin blushed and stuck out her tongue to see that Su Changsheng was coming.

Hurriedly protecting her buttocks, she fled in despair.

"Your husband is so majestic outside, the sisters are all worried about you!"

"I didn't expect to hook up with a saint and come back!"

Lu Qingge held Daoxuan Saintess with one hand to comfort him, and teased Su Changsheng.

Seeing Lu Qingge's cold and beautiful face, Su Changsheng hugged her, lowered his head to punish her, and smiled softly.

"Madam's flying vinegar is overturned!"

Gu Qingge gave him a blank look, and pulled the Daoxuan saint girl away, not giving Su Changsheng a chance to get close to the latter.

The wives were all jealous, and Su Changsheng was also very helpless at this moment, but when he saw Gu Wushuang who was alone, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Ma'am, do you miss me?"

In the room, Gu Wushuang leaned shyly on Su Changsheng's chest, had loved him so many times, and made herself die every time, she naturally loved him very much.

The spring spirit in the beautiful eyes flowed, the breathing was heavy, and she said coquettishly.

"Husband, rest!"

The immortal light fluctuated, and the peerless battle was turbulent. One day later, Su Changsheng, who was comparable to the quasi-Immortal King, was gradually defeated.

Gu Wushuang's face was full of spring, thinking that he was better than this man.

Su Changsheng found the Daoxuan Saintess, a beauty close to Zijin's fate, held her little hand, and said sincerely while watching the sun and moon rise.

"How about we get married?"

Daoxuan Saintess lowered her head shyly. Faced with such blunt and embarrassing words, she could no longer refuse any request from this man.

...... Seeking flowers 0

The moment I rescued Own from the boundless devil's den, I could no longer accommodate any man in my heart, so I leaned lightly on Su Changsheng's shoulder.


The latter laughed and picked her up.

"Madam, let's enter the bridal chamber early!"

"Bad guy!"

Daoxuan Saintess patted him lightly, she was so glamorous for a moment, she walked towards the room amidst her exclamation.

The spring scenery could not be retained, all the girls spit secretly, and their pretty faces flushed.

Su Changsheng held a wedding, and all parties in the God Realm are no longer surprised, after seeing Su Changsheng's strength.

Don't dare to neglect, many powerful Great Emperor races came from the remote God Realm, just to see the existence of this legend.

In the next few days, Su Changsheng focused on taking care of Yuxin, tossing and tossing for a long time each time, and only letting her go under her tired begging for mercy.


Exchange Taoism with the women, spread his love, and immerse yourself in the tenderness with the seeds of life.

Time passed quietly, getting closer to the inheritance of Hun Kun Academy.

Under the reminder of Daoxuan Saintess, Su Changsheng didn't forget that there was such a thing.

"Husband, Kunpeng Academy involves Kunpeng inheritance, don't be careless!"

Su Changsheng, who was lying on Lu Qingge's legs, got up and straightened his expression.

"Almost forgot, thank you Madam for reminding me!"

He had promised Hunkun Academy Supreme that he would lead the younger generation of the Su family to participate.

"Kunpeng is rampant in the world, and there are legends in all major gods. This true spirit is one of the ancient Ten Evils, who once fought and killed the existence of the Immortal King!"

"Husband, don't let such an opportunity pass by!"

Su Changsheng nodded.

The younger generation of the Su family is powerful, and with the irrigation of many resources, they have not lost to any imperial family, so he is not worried about this.

Just take this opportunity to sharpen it. When he was young, although he was only a mortal, he dared to conquer the arrogance of all races and lead his family to a brilliant road.

Naturally, he didn't want the younger generation in the clan to become a delicate flower who only knew how to cultivate.

At that time, there is no Realm in the sky, and when you meet a real strong man, you will be torn to pieces.

This is also the reason why he sat and watched Lu Qingge train Su Changge harshly.

As for the inheritance of Kunpeng, Daoxuan Saintess had mentioned it to him before, so he also knew something about it.

It's just that there are many juniors in the clan, and they are all extremely outstanding, so he needs to care about it carefully, and can't favor one over another. .

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