Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 161 Candidates For The Secret Realm, The Pride Of The Su Family, A Young Girl Who Grows Up

Lu Qingge gently rubbed Su Changsheng's forehead.

Hearing that the Kunpeng inheritance is about to appear in the Kunpeng Academy, she was also a little shocked.

It stands to reason that this is not the time when the Kunpeng inheritance from the previous life appeared.

Although she did not participate in the previous life, she had heard related news.

Lu Qingge used to be an empress, so he naturally knew some legends about Kunpeng.

In the ancient times, the Thousand God Realm and the Three Thousand Heaven Realm once had a great war that affected the entire Xuanhuang World and even the Immortal World. All major races participated in the war, and countless taboo creatures were revived. Ten Evils represent the ten most powerful taboo existences.

They have the unique cultivation talents and extremely powerful physiques, they can go farther on the road of being the strongest, and their strength is at least comparable to that of the fairy master.

Thinking of this, she thought of a powerful race, the true leader of the Ten Evils——

real dragon!

Every real dragon will become an Immortal King in the end when it grows up, there is "Six Forty Zero", and its strength has reached its peak.

She has touched some traces of those existences, but it is a pity that she cannot trace them, it is too mysterious.

An ancient Ten Evils who can fight the Immortal King is not an existence that she, an empress who has not yet become a fairy, can explore.

Thinking that her husband had already been able to slay the quasi-immortal king, he immediately felt a lot more balanced.

"Husband, as the ancient Ten Evils, Kunpeng's inheritance is naturally extremely powerful, so don't underestimate it!"

"I remember that Kunpeng's inheritance treasure technique is one of the ancient Ten Evils treasure techniques. It is so powerful and extraordinary!"

Kunpeng, one of Ten Evils, has a complete inheritance of treasures. It can evolve into two shapes of Kun and Peng. It contains endless divine power, masters the power of the sun and the sun, and can exert Kunpeng's extreme speed. It is invincible with Realm.

The Kunpeng method is the real Immortal King-level Supernatural Power, known as the unrivaled magic.

Once cast, the sky and the earth will spin upside down, the universe will collapse, and the Immortal King will be invincible!

"The inheritance of Kunpeng is extremely precious, the husband should not be underestimated, and the family should try their best to get the inheritance!"

Daoxuan saint girl has a serious face, she has just married into the Su family, and she has already started to think about the Su family.

"Yes, but who should go?"

"The ordinary Tianjiao in the clan may not be enough to obtain such a great opportunity!"

"The inheritance of one of the Ten Evils is of great importance, we need to be cautious, don't be tricked!"

Yuxin said in a deep voice.

She used to be a king, so she has a long experience, and she can see the key at a glance.

Her memory is incomplete, and some horrible scenes flashed from time to time, but unfortunately, in order not to affect this life, she seemed to be beheaded by her own hands.

At this moment, Su Changge came running up and down, opening his arms.


Su Changsheng smiled and said with his arms around his daughter.

"Isn't there a candidate for this?"

Su Changge is his first daughter, who possesses the Indestructible Primordial Demon Physique. At this time, she also has the Great Saint Cultivation Base, and under Gu Qingge's strict training, "the foundation is extremely solid.

As the father's little padded jacket, he naturally knew what his father wanted to say, and said slyly.

"Mother, I overheard it all. I'm going to the Hunkun Academy to attend the Inheritance Conference!"

Lu Qingge was taken aback for a moment, he didn't even realize that he was being overheard, and stared at his daughter.

"Don't mess around, let your father decide!"

Su Changge stuck out his tongue and looked at his father expectantly.

She hasn't gone out for a long time, and she has long wanted to see the strength of those Hakka geniuses outside.

She has experienced countless trials and tribulations set by her mother, and she has reached the pinnacle in the Great Saint. She believes that her strength is no worse than that of her father at this time, or even stronger. She is not afraid of anything.

Everyone is silent.

Even if the entire Three Thousand Heaven Realm is counted, in the new generation with less than Hundred Years, Su Changge's strength is almost a blow to the latitude, coupled with his mother's rigorous training [she has been able to perfectly control her Cultivation Base at the peak of the Heavenly Saint.

Even, even if it is against Supreme, they can fight against each other.

Relying on the Indestructible Beginning Demon Physique, it is easy to defeat the Quasi Emperor, and he is not weaker than his father back then.

Although Su Changsheng said that he didn't want future generations to grow up in the greenhouse, but seeing his lovely daughter wanting to go, he also had this idea, but when he got here, he wanted to double-standard and didn't want her daughter to be harmed by Taiwan.

The outside world is different from his family. He has confidence in his daughter, but as a father, he is extremely reluctant.

The inheritance of Kunpeng is of great significance. One of the ancient Ten Evils must contain many dangers. How many people covet the treasure of Kunpeng!

Just when Su Changge was complacent and thought that he would be able to be born, a voice came faintly.

"Father, I want to participate too, I am also a new generation!"

Su Changge's face froze suddenly, and he turned his head to look.

Sure enough, it is own Little Sister, every day.

Wearing a fluttering white dress, her figure is swaying, and she is so beautiful that she shows a sweet smile and looks at Su Changge.

It was silent.

Su Ziyuan was only on Brother Su's body, and didn't notice at all that her daughter came by her side.


Su Yaoyao raised her forehead, she felt that her mother didn't love her anymore!

Su Ziyuan glanced at her, reluctantly left the embrace of her elder brother, and hugged her daughter

"Mother is here!"

After all, it is my own daughter, this is the crystallization of love with brother Su, so don't neglect it!

Su Yaoyao's monstrosity is no longer strange, the body of the Dao is close to the Dao, and the speed of cultivation is already abnormal, not to mention the blessing of Chaos Immortal Bone "Ten births are Quasi Emperor level


Horror boundless!

Now Su Yaoyao has reached the Cultivation Base of the Quasi Emperor middle stage, her strength is comparable to that of a Great Emperor, and even among the Great Emperors, her strength is considered outstanding, comparable to Qingdi first-level.

When he proves his way and becomes an emperor, he will definitely be another Heavenly Emperor!

This kind of Cultivation Base is much stronger than many aunts!

She is indeed a new generation, and if she goes to participate in the Hun Kun Academy's inheritance trial, she will definitely sweep away the younger generation of the present generation, and there will be an unattainable mountain on the younger generation of Myriad Gods.

Overwhelming the heavens, peerless elegance!

"Little Sister, you are too evil!"

"I will not allow you to go as a sister!"

Su Changge, who took a head off from Little Sister, had his arms akimbo.

"Sister, you must grow up quickly!"

Su Yaoyao was eccentric, with an innocent look on her face, which made Su Changge furious, her face puffed up, her arms crossed her chest, and those who didn't know thought that her sister was bullying Little Sister.

"Sister, don't be angry, Little Sister, I want to go out to play too!"

Su Yaoyao is also very distressed, the outside world is very prosperous, she wants to see it, but unfortunately her father does not allow her to be born, because she is too young and will be hated by others.

She just had the opportunity to go to 3.3 and she didn't want to let it go.

"How about we go together?"

Su Changge said in a low voice through sound transmission.

Su Yaoyao's eyes lit up, she nodded, and her eyes signaled her sister to come together!

"Father, just let us go!"

Su Changsheng saw that the two good daughters had calmed down and would live in peace, but he didn't expect that they were waiting for him here.

Their Talents are too enchanting, and it is extremely easy for some old monsters to covet them, but keeping them at home like this is not an option.

Facing his daughter's acting like a baby, he himself couldn't resist it!

Helpless can only sigh.

"Go, go, you can go!"

"Trojan horse!"

The two good daughters took a sip on his face, Su Changsheng laughed heartily, and he also thought about it.

Since he wants to go, then go, he believes that his own daughter can suppress all Tianjiao!

At this moment, a delicate figure rushed over.


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