Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 162: The Daughters’ Plan, The Immortal Temple Messenger In The Dark Immortal Domain

It was her and Bai Yuege's daughter, Su Qingying.


"Qingying, is the training over?"

"Yes Daddy!"

Su Changsheng is full of joy. It has been a long time since I saw my lovely daughters, and I miss them very much!

Su Qingge perfectly inherited her mother Bai Yuege's petite and cute personality, gentle and clingy, she is Taiyin Sacred Body.

Capable of absorbing the extremely pure power of the yin between heaven and earth, once Great Completion is outstanding, it is like a fairy walking in the moon palace.

At this time, her Cultivation Base has reached the peak of Saint, and her strength can be reversed against Saint King, which is considered extremely outstanding among the younger generation.

Thinking of this, Su Changsheng's heart moved slightly, and he laughed:

"Qingying, how about giving you an experience?"

Su Qingying said crisply.

"I listen to daddy!"

"Ah! my daughter!"

Hearing Su Qingying's waxy voice, Su Changsheng was filled with joy, and kissed his tender little cheek.

"I made a decision!"

"The Inheritance Conference of Hun Kun Academy will focus on Su Qingying and Changge!"

On the side, Su Yaoyao became anxious, looked at her father and said.

"Father, what about me?"

Su Changsheng smiled and touched her little head, and said.

"Yaoyao's talent is 25 outstanding, and her special constitution is no longer suitable for participation!"

"However, you can protect your sisters secretly, don't act lightly!"

Su Yaoyao was full of joy, she thought her father was eccentric, but now she thinks that her father still loves own, she doesn't care about the inheritance conference, as long as she can go out and have a look.

Su Changsheng looked at Yaoyao and showed a smile. He planned to wait for Tiantian to thoroughly prove the Great Emperor, and then really let him walk in the world.

After all, the Chaos Protoss and the Dark Immortal have shown their traces in the Xuanhuang World one after another, which seems to indicate that turmoil is coming.

He naturally didn't want his daughter to be in danger.

After driving away the happy three daughters, I was left alone.

Only Yingying and Yanyan are left beside me, and there are waves of spring water.

Su Changsheng showed a smile, and immediately turned into a hungry wolf, pounced on this group of charming beauties, and never cared about family affairs!

All the girls screamed, Su Changsheng separated the world and covered the Celestial Secrets!

Even the step of entering the room is avoided!

Falling into the tender country...

"Father and mother are doing that again!"

Feeling the isolation at home, Su Yaoyao, Su Changge, and Su Qingying blushed, and they didn't dare to disturb them, so they left quickly.

"Little Sister, mother said that the ancient Ten Evils are very powerful, do you know the details?"

Su Yaoyao was aroused by Su Changge, but unfortunately she didn't know, her eyes moved slightly.

"Let's go, let's ask those seniors who have practiced in seclusion for a long time. They have lived away from the world for a long time and are old. Maybe they will know something that we don't!"

Su Changge's eyes lit up!

So the two hit it off immediately, and pulled Su Qingying to visit those Quasi Emperors and Supremes with a long history in the Longevity Realm.

Even, the Great Emperor who returned from the ancient Immortal Realm was also in the ranks of their visits.

As a result, they really recovered something useful!

Usually, only before the Kunpeng falls, will it leave its own inheritance secret realm, called the Kunpeng nest.

The Kunpeng's nest is contaminated with the breath of Kunpeng, which is extremely miraculous, and the plants planted will become Spiritual Herbs.

If it is discovered by others, it will definitely cause chaos and people will fight for it.

What's even more shocking is that every creature killed by Kunpeng will be transformed into Kunpeng's wealth, Immortal.

Once Kunpeng falls and leaves behind inheritance, then these true spirits will become natural guardians.

It is not easy to obtain Kunpeng's inherited treasures!

They don't want to disappoint their father, and this is their first battle in the WTO, so they must not fail!

Su Changsheng's three daughters showed up everywhere in the Longevity Realm, causing many Great Emperors to secretly have headaches, and they couldn't afford to offend them, so they had to tell each other well.

At the same time, I also envy Su Changsheng, who is strong in himself, and even brings his descendants to the world.

It's just that what they don't know is that what they can see is just an accident under the cover of Su Changsheng's supernatural power.

Su Changsheng rubbed his sore waist, looked at the jade legs hanging on his body, swallowed, and walked out of the room carefully.

Immediately, he felt extremely refreshed. In order to have more offspring, he still needs to continue to work hard.

If the existing wives are filled, the family will grow bigger and bigger!

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, and Yin Changsheng turned around and went back to the room.

In the room, the charming voice sounded again.

The black abyss spewed out darkness, and all kinds of colorful auras rushed to spread the infinite dark aura, infecting the surrounding gods along the edge of the dark world, making the darkness even more intense.

Black light thorns Shattering Void, explore unknown lands.

The sinking Immortal domain is also hazy at this time, the interior is no longer dark, it is illuminated by Immortal light, and it is extremely strange under the cover of darkness.

"Is this the Immortal domain?"

A figure shrouded in chaos stares at the Great Darkness. This place is too strange. Immortal aura exists in the Great Darkness, which shows that darkness and Immortal have the same origin.

At this time, the quasi-Immortal King with arms of different colors received the call and went to the Immortal Temple,

He lost an arm, and now it has grown back, and he is still a little uncomfortable, but he is very active in this trip.

I heard that the visitors from Xuanhuang World are going to deal with Su Changsheng, he wants to meet him!


The light emitted from the Immortal domain was so intense that it made the darkness even weaker. The Immortal light that flew out illuminated the surrounding area and covered this place.

The breath of the quasi-immortal king hit the dark abyss, opened the gap, and he walked in by himself!

Sink the Immortal domain.

There is a terrifying aura in the dark abyss. When the Immortal aura erupts, it seems that an ancient world is opened, and some creatures want to rush out and escape.

It's a pity that it was quickly submerged and assimilated!

A huge, vast, immoral hand stretched out, grabbed the creature, and dragged it back into the darkness.

Seeing this scene, the figure hidden in the chaos trembled.

If it is not necessary, he is not willing to come here, it is too weird and terrifying.

"That is a primordial spirit, full of immortal light, extremely pure!"

He was shocked, seeing with his own eyes that the primordial spirit was assimilated, polluted, and turned into a dark creature, and grinned at him.

This scene was too terrifying, he didn't dare to look at it, he just wanted to end this trip soon.

Walking through the darkness, if it weren't for the protection of special secret treasures, he might also be infected and turn into a black 227 dark creature.

The huge cages held endless dark creatures, full of tyrannical and terrifying aura.

It made him startled and shocked, he had never seen such a scene before, and his heart was full of doubts.

If they match up, is it possible to defeat such a strange existence?

Fortunately, the purpose of his trip is to deal with Su Changsheng. The so-called enemy of an enemy is a friend. He believes that Immortal Domain will not reject him.

Immortal received the messenger, seeing him like this, he couldn't help but have contempt.

These existences who claim to be bright and practice immortality will eventually prostrate at the feet of the Immortals.

One day, the brilliance of Immortal will illuminate the realm of thousands of gods, the realm of thousands of heavens!

Taking this visitor from outside the domain, he walked slowly to the depths of the Immortal domain, and was actually received by the King of Immortal himself.

I heard that the Immortal King was furious when the Devil's Nest lost!

An ancient Immortal Great Hall towering into the clouds and standing in the darkness appeared before the eyes, letting the people shrouded in chaos breathe a sigh of relief.

If you continue to look at it, he may soon fall into darkness.


Full of years and ancient, the Great Hall that seems to be forever lingering in the long river of time has manifested, making the eyes of the receiving messenger crazy, wishing to replace this person and enter it to "bath in the Immortal brilliance.

"Go in, the Immortal King is waiting!"


The spirit of Immortal condenses the brilliance of the long ranks, leading the man shrouded in chaos.

"I, the messenger of the Immortal Palace, have met the Immortal King!"

The dark Immortal was hazy, and the empty Great Hall, after looking at it for a while, slowly receded.

A dazzling Immortal light illuminates!.

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