Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 163 Immortal King Ran Zun, The Crisis Is Approaching

Every trace of Immortal Qi is as thick as a mountain, wandering in the Immortal Temple.

The Great Hall is like a majestic big world, connecting all Immortal worlds, majestic and majestic.

Under the light of Immortal, in the distant starry sky, from far to near, a creature appeared!

He has a majestic stature, entered this place, surpassed the Immortal channel, and came across a distance of hundreds of millions of miles, unparalleled in the world!

At a glance, it is hard to forget this powerful and boundless man.

The golden chariot under the seat seems to be slow, but in fact every time it is pulled, it spans a long distance.

Pulling the chariot is a huge bone creature, surrounded by dark matter, and its majestic aura can be felt from a long distance away.

The white bones are stained with blood, and the bone marrow is dark red. This is an Immortal Qilin, with a huge body, like a fairy city, with four hooves stepping on the Shattering Void, standing in the unknown, pulling forward!

This man, with domineering eyes scanning the sky and the earth, seems to make people experience Death Samsara time and time again. He is tall and straight, surrounded by Immortal aura, and has a peerless demeanor that spans the ages.

For a split second, the emissary of the Immortal Palace's heart was beating wildly, throbbing and uneasy, as if he wanted to escape!

"Is this the Immortal King?"

Raise your hands and throw your feet, almost crushing the world, breaking the eternal blue sky, this is an invincible posture, you can overlook the past, present and future, and live forever Immortal in the long river of time!

The void collapsed, and the golden chariot drew cracks in the void!

Here we come, this is the Immortal channel created by the King of Immortals, only the Immortal Temple can withstand this stalwart cross-border force!


The void roars, ghosts cry and gods howl!

The dark energy ahead rises and falls, and Immortal breath boils, that is the supreme king of Immortals, who wants to descend!

When the Immortal King approached, various visions appeared, such as the phantom of him landing in Nine Heavens, and the picture of killing a peerless master. Repression!

The golden chariot was covered with traces of swords, guns, swords and halberds, which were left by Supreme Being, but unfortunately they all died in his hands, and these marks were trampled underfoot as glory.

It was the first time for the emissary of the Immortal Palace to see the heroic appearance of such a person, his body trembled, and his heart was terrified!

And the quasi-immortal king on the side, bowed his head deeply, and had no choice but to surrender!

"Youpu pays homage to the king of Immortal, and sit down again!"

On the high platform of the Immortal Great Hall, that figure turned his back to them, arrogant and conceited, with indifferent eyes.

"The envoy of the Lower Immortal Palace has met Master Ran Zun!"

"Do you have any news about Su Changsheng?"

You Pu's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the envoy of the Immortal Palace.

He had one arm cut off when he fought against Su Changsheng, and that person was just a Heavenly Emperor. This was regarded as a great shame by him, and it was difficult for him to raise his head among the quasi-immortal kings.

Therefore, he was bound to suppress Su Changsheng and wash away his shame. That's why he came here as soon as he heard the news of Su Changsheng.

Seeing that the Immortals were interested in Su Changsheng, the envoy of the Immortal Palace relieved a little of the panic in his heart.

As long as they are useful to them, they will not easily kill themselves.

A burst of immortal light appeared in his hand, with the Immortal King's seal on it, the Immortal King cannot be defeated.

"Master Ran Zun, this is handed over to you by the lord of the palace."

The envoy of the Immortal Palace respected the Immortal King very much, but he did not dare to leave the quasi-Immortal King, You Pu aside, and said hastily.

"The Kunpeng Academy is going to open one of the Ten Evils, the Kunpeng inheritance, and I got the invitation because of my family."

"We have received news that Su Changsheng's daughter will also participate in the competition for the Kunpeng treasure. The ancient ancestor of Xiandian decided to do it when the Kunpeng inheritance is opened!"

"Su Changsheng will not just stand by and watch his daughter being robbed, he will definitely appear, and then the adults can step over and kill her!"

Youpu clenched his hands tightly, it was difficult to conceal the anger in his heart, he was full of murderous intent, but he also calmed down, all this depends on the meaning of the mortal master.

If the adults disagree, he has nothing to do!


Ran Zun crushed the immortal light on the decree of the Immortal Palace, raised his hand, and the decree opened, revealing the golden minister within.

"When the Kunpeng inheritance is opened, the Immortal Palace will open up a passage to the sunken Immortal domain, and please come to the fellow daoist!"

Then Zun smiled slightly, put away the decree, and smashed it.


Step into the golden chariot, envoy Immortal Qilin, and rush to the unknown!

Immortal messenger and quasi-immortal king, pay respects!

The whole Immortal Great Hall is very quiet, let the dark waves beating, the undercurrent surging, the Immortal Great Hall is very special.

The envoy of the Immortal Palace felt similar to the aura of the Immortal Palace. If the Immortal King level powerhouse comes again, he will definitely find that this thing has the same origin as the Immortal Palace!

"He is just a Heavenly Emperor, why can he explode with such a powerful force?"

Youpu has doubts in his heart.

If Su Changsheng hadn't been underestimated at that time, he would not have been so humiliated.

He even suspected that Su Changsheng had already reached the quasi-Immortal King realm, and he was only secretly lowering his strength.


"Su Changsheng was born in a small God's Domain, and has made it to this day with some opportunities. He really has some abilities!"

"..." It's a pity that he did too much and caused the ancient ancestor to be dissatisfied, so the ancient ancestor wants to kill him!"

"Master You Pu, don't worry, the day when Kunpeng's inheritance is opened, is the day when he will die!"

The envoy of the Immortal Palace sneered, with a ferocious expression on his face, he looked down on Su Changsheng from the bottom of his heart, thinking that Su Changsheng just had a little opportunity, nothing more.

What is called the Great Emperor is invincible, what is comparable to the quasi-Immortal King, all these are ants under the suppression of the Immortal King and the Immortal King!

There seems to be a nightmare in You Pu's heart, engraved with Su Changsheng's imprint, it is difficult to get rid of, if Su Changsheng is not killed, there may be a big problem.

Stop him from attacking the King of Immortals!

In the dark world, the Immortal kings are all ants, and they are disposable existences. Even the quasi-Immortal kings are not worth mentioning at all.

He has other plans for a Heavenly Emperor.

He guessed that if a Heavenly Emperor could span so many Realms, the power that would explode would definitely not belong to him.

If you get it yourself, then the king of Immortals is just around the corner, even surpassing ordinary Immortal kings!

Therefore (remarkable), Youpu spared no expense to exchange cups with the envoys of the Immortal Palace, each with his own thoughts.

The emissary of the Immortal Palace is extremely happy. After completing this mission, he will get a large amount of resources, enough for him to reach the top.

You Pu caressed the cup of the envoy of the Immortal Palace inadvertently with his finger, he laughed loudly.

"Thank you Xiongtai for sending such important news. After the reunion, there will be a big thank you!"

"The quasi-Immortal king and his own fraternity Zhan!"

The envoy of the Immortal Palace completely drifted away, his eyes squinted, and he didn't notice the disdain in You Pu's eyes at all.

"Brother You Pu, don't worry, it's just a little Heavenly Emperor, and the Immortal King will definitely be able to suppress him!"

He didn't notice at all that this was the domain of Immortals, a trace of Immortal Qi quietly entered his body, submerged in the depths, and would only erupt when he needed it the most!

"Just, I have one more question."

"I don't know, how to ensure that other Immortal Kings in the Xuanhuang Realm will not make a move?"

Youpu's tone was thick and harsh. .

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