Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 179 Refining A Corner Of Immortal World, Kunpeng Is Still Alive? The Wave Of Holy Beasts!

The sun, the sun manifests the world, and releases bursts of immortal light around the Kunpeng nest, which is shocking.

"Is this the Immortal King inheritance?"

"It's too amazing, so vast, and the Good Fortune contained in it may be unimaginable!"

The True Immortals of the major immortal races stared up, with greed in their eyes, regretting that only young Tianjiao under the age of a hundred can enter.


A scream echoed, containing unwillingness and despair!

The immortal light of Kunpeng's nest condensed and wrapped a Great Emperor who wanted to smuggle away with the flawless immortal soldier, revealing a shocking murderous intent, which chilled True Immortal.

Even if an ancient Ten Evils-level Immortal King dies, it is enough to frighten the Nine Heavens, and those who offend the Immortal King's rules can only die!

Also, those who tried to block Celestial Secrets and entered Kunpeng's lair stopped. In this case, even they couldn't get any benefits.

They don't think they are much better than that one.

"This person is really arrogant, didn't you see that he didn't even dare to move True Immortal?"

"The method left by Kunpeng is to kill a Great Emperor casually. It is hard to imagine how strong this Kunpeng was before he was alive. It may really be a real Kunpeng who can fight the Immortal King!"

The voice of gloating at others' misfortune sounded, and at the same time, I was very fortunate to have this unlucky guy to find the way for me.

"Very wrong!"

With True Immortal speaking, he is so powerful that he is almost about to reach the peak. True Immortal opened his fairy eyes and tried to peek into the inside of Kunpeng's nest.


Kunpeng's nest trembled slightly, hundreds of millions of fairy lights erupted, and they wanted to kill 387, the True Immortal!


Several top True Immortals teamed up and hit the most powerful blow to barely stop Kunpeng's riot!

However, Tianjiao entered without any casualties, which shows that Kunpeng is indeed looking for an inheritor.

The eyes of several top True Immortals were horrified, but at the same time, they also saw some truths.

"I'm afraid, Kun's intention is to refine the Immortal World into it!"

Judging True Immortal guessed, his eyes revealing a deep sense of fear.

"It's a big deal, turning a corner of the Immortal World into a lair!"

"I can't imagine, what kind of Good Fortune will be bred in it?"

All the strong ones dare not move forward, for fear that the Kunpeng lair will riot again. At that time, there will be no top True Immortal to make a move, so there is only one dead end!

A Tianjiao went in and disturbed the Celestial Secrets here, allowing people to see some of the scenes inside clearly.

The vast and boundless fairyland is divided into Minor Worlds of different sizes by the Ceremonial Foundation Tree, Immortal Qi is hazy, not much better than Immortal World.

Even the Great Emperor is jealous, wishing to enter it and plunder Good Fortune!

It's a pity that these Good Fortunes belong to many arrogances, they don't dare to break into them by force, the prestige of the Immortal King's burial place should not be offended!

Immortal soil, ages old, vast and boundless, it is hard to imagine that this is just a cave.


Many Tianjiao want to enter the Kunpeng nest, they must pass through the boundless sea below.

The big waves shook the sky, and the waves rolled up.

The son of the Scarlet Blood Emperor Court, the son of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, with a dignified expression, hovers above the sea.

The sea area is not calm, and there is a crisis in it, as if there is life, and the breath that does not belong to this place is coming and surging, like a big mouth that bites people, slowly opening, revealing sharp fangs.

There are skeletons in the sea, the age is unknown, the age is long, and they are circled by the waves to reveal them.

However, it can be seen that the crisis in the sea originated from this. The true spirit in Kunpeng's lair appeared and possessed it to block the progress of many Tianjiao.

The true spirit transformed from the dead soul is transformed by Kunpeng's method, which is also a guardian and a test.

Being suppressed by Kunpeng's own Dao, he can only explode with the strength of many Tianjiao.

"What does Kunpeng mean by this move?"

Preventing the arrival of strong men over a hundred years old, but suppressing the strength of the true spirit, it seems to be detecting and fearing something.

Su Changsheng felt more and more that there were some unknown secrets in it.

The thought in my heart is getting stronger and stronger!

Not only for cultivating the inheritors, an Immortal King worked so hard and thought he had a big secret.

"Perhaps, Kunpeng is really not dead!"

The more Su Changsheng thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible, but if Kunpeng is not dead, then He made Kunpeng's nest manifest in the world, why is that? What He wants to do is hard to figure out, it has a lot to do with it!

His three daughters participated in the trial, so he had to think more about it.

The emperor's son of the Scarlet Blood Emperor's Court and the son of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning looked at each other, and soon formed an alliance. They have already entered the battlefield of Kunpeng inheritance, participating in the competition for the treasure art of Kunpeng inheritance, and they may face (adeb) opponents at any time.

Sure enough, around them, there were endless roars, the void was blurred, and one figure after another descended.

Appearing in the boundless sea, like them, most of them chose to join hands to advance and retreat together.

The Kunpeng nest is full of dangers, and they cannot tolerate their carelessness. Except for those extremely powerful immortals and Taoists, most of the Fang Gujing's Tianjiao are blocked in the boundless sea.


A big wave broke out, and the skeletons were possessed by the true spirits of the Eternal Realm, and the powerful aura shocked many arrogance.

The Scarlet Blood Emperor Son and the Holy Son of Absolute Beginning are considered to be the strongest among the many arrogances.

With the strength of the early stage in the Eternal Realm, he is not afraid to face these true spirits. Even if he encounters the middle stage true spirits, he can explode with powerful combat power and sweep away.

Otherwise, these geniuses are only a hundred years old, and most of them are at the peak of the Empty Void state. It is extremely difficult to fight against these Empty Void skeletons.

However, as the strongest members of the new generation of the Immortal Realm Hundred Years, their strength is beyond doubt and has already surpassed ten thousand tongues.

All of a sudden, various Supernatural Power Dao methods manifested, supporting many Tianjiao, advancing towards Kunpeng's nest in the boundless sea.

The rays of the sun illuminated the entire sea area, all kinds of mysteries, powerful spells Supernatural Power, treasures and secret treasures bloomed.

The broken bones and straight spirits are also liberated!

However, there are also some arrogances who fell after being attacked by the skeletons and true spirits on the top of the Eternal Realm.

There are many arrogances of all clans, and these dead arrogances are like a drop in the ocean, insignificant, blood spilled into the sea.

Looking down from a high altitude, the boundless sea area is like a picture scroll, with blossoming blood plums blooming in it.


There are also creatures in the sea, born from devouring bones, with a strong breath, and some ferocious beasts have actually reached the holy realm.

There was a gust of bloody wind, letting the sea water wash away the blood on his body.

Countless ferocious beasts smelled the blood, rioted, and killed in this direction, the momentum was extremely terrifying!

"This is a beast tide!"


"As long as you enter the Kunpeng nest, you will be safe!"

A Tianjiao yelled, no longer keep it, all the supernatural powers of various races, and the core treasures were all cast.

The bones of the treasure shattered, the rune soared to the sky, the sea water disappeared, and everyone was desperate.

Once surrounded by beast hordes, even the peak Saint will be overwhelmed!


They were stared at by a ferocious beast at the peak of the ancient realm, and their minds were dazzled!

The Son of Chiyue and the Son of Absolute Beginning joined forces to attack, not daring to be careless, this is an immemorial alien, very powerful.

Generally, a cultivator at the peak of the Eternal Realm will be enraged on the spot when they encounter it, even if it is a Saint, they have to deal with it carefully.

Everyone heard the collision here, and they stayed far away. They didn't want to be targeted by this powerful beast. If they were surrounded by the beast tide, it would be over.

"Crimson Blood Moon!"

"The Sacred Law of the Beginning!"

They didn't want to die here, they didn't even enter the Kunpeng nest, and they couldn't die here, their relatives were watching them.

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