Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 180 The Tianjiao Of The Changsheng Imperial Court, The Benefits Of Being Close To The Su Fam

It has only just begun, and the bloody feces have already stained the battlefield red, kicking off the prelude to the competition for Kunpeng's inherited treasure!

In the blink of an eye, the number of ferocious beasts and ancient alien species around them surged, the sound of fighting was loud, and the living space of the geniuses of all races was squeezed.

Although there is still some distance between Tianjiao, they are still densely packed, and they are almost squeezed together by the beast tide.

At that time, there will be no bones left.

The scene here is clearly displayed in the eyes of the strong~.

The leader of the two Quasi Emperors, the Scarlet Blood Emperor Court and the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, saw their own emperor's son, and his son was ambushed by such an immemorial alien species, and he felt a deep worry in his heart.

This is the strongest person in the new generation of their two major forces, with the appearance of a Great Emperor, who can inherit the orthodoxy in the future and will rule over the existence of thousands of gods.

If they fall here, the emperor, the wrath of the Saint Lord, they will not be able to bear it!

The ancient alien species at the peak of the Eternal Realm was about to step into the Holy Realm. It was so powerful that it attracted the attention of many Great Emperors as soon as it appeared.

"It's a pity, this Tianjiao will be helped!"

"This kind of ferocious beast, which can be called Semi-Saint, is definitely not something they can deal with."

Someone spoke in a regretful tone, and the Quasi Emperor, who was leading the team from the two major forces, felt almost chilled, and was already thinking about how to explain to his own emperor, Saint Lord.

"It's time to work hard!"


The two Tianjiao suspended secret treasures above their heads, and released holy-level killing methods. The pressure was bursting, and the void was distorted. The two fought to the point of madness.


The sea water transpired, and a huge vacuum appeared in the sea area, which was then filled with sea water.

"It should be over!"

The Red Blood Emperor quickly recovered his injured body and said.

The Holy Son of Absolute Beginning showed a dignified face, and he had a premonition that something was wrong, so he shouted loudly.



At the same time, an angry roar came from the mist, and a pair of scarlet eyes emerged.

"How is it possible that a holy-level secret treasure can't kill a beast at the peak of the ancient realm?"

The people watching the battle were amazed.

A Great Emperor glanced at it and revealed the truth.

"It can be beheaded, but it is blocked by something!"

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a ray of divine light rushed into the night, squatting at the peak of the Eternal Realm and hiding in the cave of a different kind of fierce beast.

"Haha, you two are sorry, I stole your prey!"

The Holy Son of Absolute Beginning, the Son of the Scarlet Blood Emperor looked at the person, eyes reveal grateful.


"It's actually able to kill the beast at the peak of the Eternal Realm with one blow!"

"This person is definitely an enemy!"

Some Tianjiao exclaimed, while others replied dignifiedly.


"It's actually the pride of the Emperor's Court!"

The faces of the Scarlet Blood Emperor and the Absolute Beginning Holy Son turned red. They were unexpectedly rescued by people from the same Changsheng Heaven Realm Overlord level force, the Changsheng Emperor's Court.

They knew that Jihuang, the current emperor of the Changsheng Imperial Court, had Bloodline from the Zhenhuang clan, who was his wife!

And this Tianjiao is not a descendant of Ji Huang, nor is he a descendant of the Longevity Great Emperor of the Changsheng Emperor Court, so he cannot be called the emperor's son.

However, this Chosen of the Longevity Emperor's Court is powerful, and in the Semi-Saint Realm, he is much stronger than them.

This is all because Ji Huang became the wife of the Su family, and the Changsheng Imperial Court received the resources of the Su family, so the new generation faintly overwhelmed the Scarlet Blood Imperial Court and Holy Land of Absolute Beginning.

If this situation is not improved, then the Changsheng Emperor's Court will surpass them as the overlord-level forces and stabilize them for countless years in the future.

Although I feel helpless in my heart, I still thank the other party for their cupped hands, and I can only bury some humiliation in my heart.

"Oh, how dare you accept the big gift from the two of you!"

"Presumably, if I don't make a move, the two of you can easily kill this beast!"

"Sorry, I was rude!"

The genius of the Changsheng Emperor's Court, with a pleasing expression on his face, apologized again and again.

This made them turn green and red for a while. Originally, the new generation of the Changsheng Emperor's Court was not as good as them, but now with the help of the Su family, the Changsheng Emperor's Court's strength improved by leaps and bounds as if they had taken a strong medicine.

The distance between him and them was widened in one fell swoop, and now he surpassed them by a lot. How could they accept it easily?


They all snorted coldly, turned their heads away, and didn't want to pay attention to this lucky guy.

The three of them have been fighting each other for many years, both openly and secretly, all wanting to surpass each other. The relationship between them can't be said to be very good, but here, they will definitely not fight to the death.

"Ji Rushi, you'd better be like this all the time!"

"Brother Chi is right, we owe you a favor this time, and I'm afraid we will pay it back next time!"

Ji Ru laughed out loud, feeling very happy today, seeing these two deflated, he was still very comfortable.

Putting on an appearance of being as lonely as snow in life, he looked at them lightly and said.

"Then I will wait quietly!"

As soon as the words fell, the sound of the sun mixed with the sound of boundless fire rolled in.

0…ask for flowers…………


"I want you to die!"

The surface of the sea was churning, waves of waves were pushed up into the sky, and an unknown beast with a size of hundreds of feet appeared before people's eyes.

Three-legged and six-headed, with blood-red bone spurs on the top of the head, the cold light catches people.

The shiny black scales are all over the body, the ferocious mouth is opened, and the eyes are like mountains, staring at them.

With red eyes, he spit out a mouthful of fishy wind, and said angrily.

"Dare to kill my son, seek death!"


"This is a holy beast!"

"Run away, the beast horde is coming!"

Ji Rushi, Chi Yue, Jiang Li, and the three of them changed their complexions drastically, and their bodies trembled suddenly under the pressure of the terrifying breath.

"I said, why is the secret treasure useless? It turned out to be blocked by this guy!"


Chi Yue, Jiang Li yelled, his face frightened.

They still have the strength to fight against the peak of the Eternal Realm. Now, except for Ji Rushi, who else has this ability to rival Saint.


The coercion of the holy level stretches across the boundless sea, and the fluctuations here spread.

"Hey, is that unlucky guy who actually provoked such a big guy?"

"When the coercion of the holy level came out, all the Tianjiao seemed to be silent and silent."

Not far away, Tianjiao chuckled, gloating.

"Being targeted by Saint-level ancient alien species, they will shed their skin even if they don't die!"

"It's so daring!"

But they couldn't laugh any longer, and the three of them actually rushed towards them, closely following the holy-level ancient alien.

"Damn it!"


Coincidentally, in order to protect themselves, all Tianjiao passing by cursed and shot immediately.

This holy beast doesn't know how to distinguish between people, it kills whoever it meets, it's extremely domineering.

"Damn it people, too cunning!"

The holy beast was furious. These three ants were weak, and their ability to escape was indeed extremely strong. They tossed and turned in the boundless sea.

It can't hurt them at all!

With a random claw, it smashes a Tianjiao, and it roars to the sky!


"Damn it!"

"This beast is summoning a wave of beasts!"

The three of them looked at each other with solemn expressions. Although most of the beasts in the beast tide were weak, their speed in the sea was not slow at all, and they were still a long way away from Kunpeng's lair.

They decided to lead this holy beast to his door!.

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