Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 181: Ning Jiu Of The Ningxian Clan, The World's Arrogant Are Hard To Catch

"Holy beast!"

"It's still an ancient alien species, what a bad luck!"

When Tianjiao of all races saw these three people rushing towards the crowd, they were terrified!

"Don't come here!"

Some people yelled, and some were cruel, and several attacks were sent to the three of them, trying to stop them.

Chi Yue, Jiang Li, and Ji Rushi groaned inwardly, and joined forces to defeat the attack of the technique, but the speed did indeed slow down.

The holy beast behind them was close at hand, and the terrifying and tyrannical aura hit them hard in the heart.

"Jiang Li, Chiyue, you two resist for a while, I'll go rescue the soldiers!"


The two of them spoke in unison, their faces were as if they were blamed, even though they owed Ji Ru a favor, they didn't repay it in this way.

A cold snort came from not far from the sea area, and everyone was shocked.

Ning Jiu, a man who made Tianjiao feel "eight nine three" hopeless, an invincible opponent, and an unrivaled man.

The Ningxian clan has existed for a long time.

In every era, there will be an unparalleled arrogance in the clan, and in every era, only one person will walk the world, extremely conceited.

The Ningxian clansman in this life, that is, Ning Jiu, is regarded as one of the most powerful talents surpassing the Ningxian clan throughout the ages.

And he is indeed very powerful. He has already become a saint before he was fifty years old. He has no defeat in his generation.

Invincible, celestial posture, peerless, has almost become synonymous with him.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention. He folded his arms and folded his chest, and his gaze appeared here.

"A mere sacred beast dares to treat the human race like this, and you will die!"

Under his halo, the girl behind him tugged at the hem of his clothes, and said slowly.

"Young Master, this is an ancient alien species, almost invincible in the Holy Realm!"

The pupils of the young man shrank slightly, but when he saw the beautiful figure of the Su family not far away, he immediately felt proud when he thought of the explanation of the elders in the family.

With a wave of his hand, he said loudly.

"It's okay, let's see how Young Master slaughtered this ancient alien species!"

Seeing this situation, the three people in a state of embarrassment, their eyes lit up, they secretly said good man, and silently retreated behind everyone.

Ning Jiu made a move.

Raise your hand a little, and a bolt of thunder flew out, resplendent and dazzling, like a giant kun breaking through the waves, and smashing hard on the body of the ancient holy-level alien.


Under the blessing of sea water, the thunder quickly spread into a Realm, becoming an ocean of thunder!

The thunder light was shining brightly, illuminating the heavens and the earth, striking the body of the ancient alien species, and the smell of burning spread all over the place.


The immemorial alien roared and was enraged, and the target became this ant that made him suffer.

With a turn of the huge Qi and blood, all the scorched black color disappeared, and the dark scales reflected the thunder, and the power became more and more powerful.

Ning Jiu was a little moved. This ancient alien species is definitely the king of the alien species, almost no different from a divine beast. He felt the difficulty.

He punched out, shattering the void in front of him, blocking the front, devouring the thunder.

The ancient alien species roared and came out, its huge and sharp claws shattered the void in front of it, and grabbed Ning Wu.

The terrifying strength makes the void creak and is harsh and unpleasant. This is the pure physical strength of the beast, domineering and powerful.

Generally speaking, the physical body of ferocious beasts is stronger than that of humans, and saints of the same level dare not take it hard.

Ning Jiu smiled proudly, and her whole person changed, like an ancient god, with cold eyes and killing intent.

He is never weaker than a human body!

The upper half of his robe was torn apart violently, revealing his muscular and scarred muscles. These scars could not be erased even by the Saint-level Dao Law. It is hard to imagine what he has experienced.


The physical body pierced through the air, and punched out a punch against the ancient alien species. Layers of air waves vented crazily, forming ripples.

It directly killed a ferocious beast at the peak of the Eternal Realm that wanted to sneak attack, and shattered it to death on the spot.

Everyone's face changed, this body almost reached the peak of the Holy Realm, because it was too overbearing.

"Is this still human?"

The ancient alien looked shocked, but he believed that his family was unparalleled in body and never invincible.

"Arrogant boy, die!"

The ancient alien species went mad, the blood Qi of the flesh gathered its claws, crushed the void, and shocked the eyes of many Great Emperors

Fist to flesh, the scene is extremely dangerous, their blood stained the sea red, the blood of the saints caused the beast tide to riot

"Is that all you have?"

Ning Jiu blasted back the primordial alien species with one punch, with a look of contempt on his face, the shocking Blood Qi turned around and recovered his injured body almost instantly.

The immemorial alien race was impatient and didn't want to continue to fight with this perverted human race. The horns of his head glowed, and a terrifying aura that made even saints feel their scalps tingling erupted 0..

This is the Talent Supernatural Power of the ancient alien species, capable of destroying everything, piercing through nothingness, and burning the primordial spirit!

Ning Jiu had no fear and was very calm.

Light, the whole body's energy was mobilized, the law of thunder was smelted, and he raised his finger and poked it.


People heard a loud noise, which was deafening, and then the sea water in this area flowed backwards, and a bright light rose up, and the thunder finger flew out, piercing through the head of the ancient alien species!

The huge body crashed down and was submerged by sea water.

Everyone was stunned, especially Chiyue, Jiang Li, and Ji Rushi were shocked. Only they knew that Ning Jiu was so powerful that he didn't even take a dozen breaths. It beheaded.

Not only them, but even many strong men outside the boundless sea were shocked, feeling Ning Jiu's heaven-defying.

"As expected of the Ningxian clan walking in the contemporary world!"

Someone sighed.

"This seems to be Tai Ao, to die like this!"

The Tai Ao family is born with a different species and is powerful. Once born, it will kill millions of miles. It specializes in the physical body. It was once a powerful existence that surpassed the Heavenly Emperor.

An Ancient Great Emperor recognized this alien creature and exclaimed.

"Sister, I can suppress this person!"

Su Qingying wore a white dress, followed by Su Changge, who had transformed into a maid, and smiled faintly, showing her small tiger teeth.

Immediately, the entire sea area full of killings felt a sense of tranquility.

0.8 "It's so beautiful!"

Tianjiao exclaimed when he saw Su Qingying.

Ning Jiu's bright gaze was absorbed by Su Qingying in an instant. They had already appeared and saw Ji Rushi, the Changsheng Emperor who was driven into the sky by the holy beast. They didn't choose to make a move. Means, did not ask for help.

They are happy to hide themselves and keep a low profile.

"Little Sister, go, this person is so weak!"

Su Changge glanced roughly, except for Ning Jiu's strength, these people couldn't catch her eyes.

After all, even Su Qingying couldn't compare to her, and she wouldn't have much ability.

This is not her conceit, she has nothing to fear in the entire Su family except Su Yaoyao, a little monster.

"By the way, where did Yaoyao go?"

"Sister, Yaoyao Little Sister is stronger than us, so it's useless for you to worry.

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