Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 182: The Chosen Talents Fight For The Front, Su Yaoyao's Anger

Suddenly, Su Changge turned his head, and with a twitch in his heart, he looked at an unimpeded team.

There are seven or eight people, they are the descendants of Xiandian.

The followers of the descendants of the Immortal Palace are all extremely powerful, and they are all the pride of heaven who was defeated by him.

Spontaneously follow him and become his follower.

Su Qingying and Su Changge's gazes were extremely tacit, and at the same time they looked at the black-robed man surrounded by people in the line of descendants of the Immortal Palace.

A strange color flashed in Su Qingying's eyes, her big eyes were twinkling, they were really cute.

She spoke to Su Changge through sound transmission.

"Sister, don't you think this man in black is familiar?"

"Well, a little bit!"

"Is that the fairy from the Su family?"

Someone recognized Su Qingying and exclaimed.

With Su Changsheng's great strength and reputation, the status of the Su family has also risen, making people jealous. When they learned that this is the daughter of Su Changsheng from the Su family, everyone had an idea in an instant.

"The heir of the Su family has never been exposed in the world, so he must be inexperienced in the world!"

"Brother said it well!"

"I'll use my appearance to lure her, and I'm not afraid that she won't give in obediently!"

"No, I've watched it for a long time. After she came here, she has been watching the battle between Ning Jiu and the ancient alien species!"

"Could it be that she likes Ning Chuan's 03 type?"

"No, I think she likes the weak!"

The descendants of the several great immortal clans communicated secretly, nodding their heads from time to time, and showing meaningful smiles from time to time.

Among the immortal clans, apart from the ancient ones such as the Gu family and the Ye family, some newer immortal clans do not have a deep background, and the disciples in the clan are mixed, so they have crooked ideas.

"In short, the customer depends on his ability!"

They did this for Su Qingying herself and the beautiful maid behind her, and for the sake of becoming the son-in-law of the Su family and gaining the favor of Su Changsheng.

Su Qingying and that maid are both beautiful, beautiful, and inexperienced in the world. This matter kills two birds with one stone, and once it succeeds, it will be a sure-fire deal.



The heirs of the various immortal clans all tried their best to show their magnificence and strength in front of Su Qingying and Su Changge.

Some are personable, some are unparalleled in evil and charm, some are lonely and independent, and they only smile for Fairy Bo.

Some people followed Ning Jiu's example and took the initiative to confront the beast tide and fight against the holy beasts!

It was brilliant and dizzying, which made the two women a little confused.

"Sister, did they take the wrong medicine?"

Su Changge glared at her, motioned her to stop talking, and kept commenting on the acting skills of these descendants of the fairy clan. If it was an ordinary woman, she might be taken away by these people soon.

After all, these people have no shortage of True Immortal heirs, regardless of Pi Xiang's strength, they are all extremely brilliant!

"Just in time, these people resisted the beast tide, Little Sister, let's go!"


Su Qingying covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

These descendants of the fairy clan are powerful, and they beat the holy beasts in the beast tide back again and again. When they saw Su Qingying smile, they immediately sold out even more.

Little did they know, they opened up a passage invisibly, leading directly to Kunpeng's nest, which saved them a lot of trouble.

Seeing that these people were working so hard, Gu Wuxian didn't want to disturb their elegant mood, so he curled his lips slightly to express his disdain, and followed closely behind his cousin.

Ning Jiu was stunned by Su Qingying's smile.

"Is she smiling at me?"

"Young Master, don't dream, take this opportunity to go!" His attendant girl tugged at his sleeve.

Ji Rushi shook her head and said to the other two.

"Look, this is the charm brought by Miss Su. You are lucky to see her today!"



The two spoke in unison again, showing disdain on their faces, but the envy in their eyes betrayed them, the emperor of the Su family, they couldn't accept it.

Ji Rushi didn't care about the weak denunciation of the two, swaggered and followed.

Su Yaoyao also saw the two sisters, the secret treasure of the dark Immortal world is really useful, it can shield her true strength, and let him pretend to be a Great Saint of the dark clan "but many True Immortals are not aware of it.

Her current status is special, and it is not easy to explain to the two of them, so she has to adapt to the situation. She has not found out what is the purpose of Xiandian's move?

"My lord, we need to find a chance to get rid of this Su family!"

The descendant of the Immortal Palace said indifferently, eyes reveal a fierce light, and a hint of greed flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that the man in black didn't speak, but just stared at the Su family, he instantly understood that he wanted to share a share of the pie with him, damn it!

"My lord, by then that Su Qingying will belong to you, and the maid will belong to me?"

Su Yaoyao's expression was a little weird, is it really okay to discuss with her so blatantly how to deal with the two sisters?

Anger arose in her heart, showing her murderous intent. Under the powerful aura, everyone in the Immortal Palace was shocked. Even the descendants of the Immortal Palace couldn't bear it, and they were horrified.

However, when he got up, in his opinion, it was obvious that he was targeting the Su family, which proved that Master Heipao had agreed to acquiesce.

"Are all the people in the dark world so powerful!"

"Fortunately, I am not hostile to these existences, otherwise it will make people sleepless at night!"

The descendants of the Immortal Palace were under great pressure, but fortunately, this killing intent quickly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never happened.

"At that time, I will make a move!"

Su Yaoyao lowered her voice, it sounded like it was coming from Nine Nether Yellow Springs, it was suffocating and frightening.

She agreed, and when the time comes, she will kill them with her own hands!

Of course, the descendants of the Immortal Palace didn't know that the obliteration Su Yaoyao said was aimed at her own party.

"Thank you, my lord!"

The descendant of the Immortal Palace was overjoyed and thought that the matter was settled. Although he couldn't feel sorry for everything, that maid was even more extraordinary in his opinion. The man in black was blind and short-sighted!

Like a shooting star, he led the crowd towards Kunpeng's nest and licked his lips at the departing children of the Su family.

The descendant of Xiandian said sadly.

"You guys can't escape!"

Under Su Yaoyao's sleeve robe, she clenched her fists tightly, wishing she could beat him down now.

"Look, that's my son, born with the looks of a Great Emperor, worthy of a Hundred Years, and capable of blasting a holy beast! 520"

"You are looking for trouble!"

And Su Changsheng, who was above the void, fixed his eyes on the audience shortly after Longnu left.

Under the coercion of True Immortal, the two Great Emperors glared at each other, but they had no choice but to listen to the old guy and brag about his family's heir.


"Is this unbearable?".

A faint wave swept across him, almost peeping at him, making him shiver.

Everything he does cannot escape his gaze.

The two well-behaved daughters were so amazing that he felt that Xiaobaicai had grown up, and when he looked at the man in black, he had a weird expression on his face.


He naturally intercepted some sound transmissions and found some clues.

The two Great Emperors made a move, and the fight was fierce for a while, everyone thought that their own emperor was invincible!

It made the surrounding Great Emperors look sympathetically, and even True Immortal's eyes revealed strangely, looking at the many strong men behind him, causing many strong men to look away.

That True Immortal sighed, he can't be like that chattering old man, bragging about his younger generation, don't be shy!


"So what, I can't compete with my son at all, but he can be smashed easily!"

But soon, he showed a smile, covering up the fluctuation, and did not let it detect it.

He cursed secretly in his heart, but on the surface he still listened respectfully, nodding his head from time to time, as if agreeing very much.

With True Immortal's shot, the duel was stopped, their faces were slightly cold, and they almost touched Kunpeng's nest again.

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