Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 312 Taiyin Sacred Body And Nine Phoenix Sacred Body!

There was a flash of light on the ladder, causing ripples in the space. Gu Hongchen was immediately wrapped in a ball of light and teleported to the top of the ladder.

Her trial was over.

White Dragon Disciple!

Even in the glorious ancient heaven, it is an extremely important training object. Of course, this is just a test of talent and aptitude, just the foundation.

In terms of perseverance and opportunity, Gu Hongchen is obviously extraordinary.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become one of several True Immortals in the broken Xuanhuang Great World.

Almost standing at the top of the pyramid of the entire era!

However, Gu Hongchen himself didn't seem very satisfied with the result.

His brows were slightly furrowed, and his cold face was full of solemn displeasure.

She turned out to be just a disciple of the White Dragon!

Chang Yue and Emperor Realm were all core disciples, but he was actually only a White Dragon disciple, not even a Golden Dragon disciple.

Could it be that this guy also has some kind of special physique?!

Gu Hongchen was surprised and had some guesses.

After all, Chang Yue was an existence who once stood beside the ancient Heavenly Empress, so how could it be that simple.

Looking up at Chang Yue, Gu Hongchen's original thoughts were suddenly startled and a little dazed.

Because Changyue was surrounded by Su Changsheng in her arms at this moment, and the two were hugging each other. What made her feel even more unbearable was that Su Changsheng looked at her with a smile on his face.

Although Gu Hongchen didn't know what happened, he immediately turned his head away from the two of them.

Changyue naturally felt Gu Hongchen's arrival, and immediately adjusted her mood and broke away from Su Changsheng's arms.

He glared at Su Changsheng with some anger and shyness, then looked at Gu Hongchen.

"Congratulations, White Dragon Disciple, you are famous all over the world even in the ancient era!"

Chang Yue's reddish eyes revealed a hint of admiration as she looked at Gu Hongchen and said.

Gu Hongchen's face was still cold and indifferent, like an iceberg, keeping strangers away, and did not answer Chang Yue's words.

She knew that Chang Yue had no other intentions, but this guy himself was a core disciple, but he said that he was already famous as a White Dragon disciple. Gu Hongchen had always been proud, so he felt a little uncomfortable at this moment.

Of course, she was not targeting Chang Yue, but she was dissatisfied with herself!

at this time.

The ladder that had been quiet for a while emitted a loud buzzing sound again.

All I saw was an overwhelming golden brilliance bursting out, and the entire sky and the ladder turned into a bright golden color.

A beautiful figure appeared from the ladder and jumped into the air. With a voluptuous and sexy figure, it was Ji Huang with a face full of excitement.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to Ji Huang, and then the eyes of Chang Yue and Gu Hongchen suddenly shrank.

Only a huge golden light pillar was seen, suddenly rising from Ji Huang's body, as if penetrating the sky and the earth!

And outside the golden light pillar, there was a golden dragon roaring, circling and rising into the sky!

The golden dragon is huge, lifelike, mighty and domineering, and sacred and inviolable!

"Golden Dragon Disciple?!"

The majestic roar of the golden dragon suddenly sounded between heaven and earth, as if it was announcing to the world!

At this moment, the expression on Gu Hongchen's face suddenly froze. After a long while, a look of disbelief and horror appeared in his deep eyes.

It was hard for her to accept it!

"He is actually a disciple of the Golden Dragon. This Ji Huang, who is not even the Emperor Realm, is actually a disciple of the Golden Dragon. He is one level higher than me. How is this possible?!!"

Gu Hongchen's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Changyue's level is higher than hers, and she can still accept and understand it, but Ji Huang is one level higher than her, and she is really depressed!

"This girl......"

Su Changsheng was not surprised at all. Looking at the excited figure in the air, his eyes were full of doting.

Ji Huang is originally the Purple Gold Soul, the legendary Nine Phoenix Sacred Body. If there is enough opportunity in the future, he can even transform into the Body of the Immortal Phoenix!

What is Immortal Phoenix?!

That is a terrifying existence that can turn a world into ashes and be annihilated with just one vibration of its wings!

The terrifying existence destined to become the Immortal King!

Such heaven-defying talents and qualifications mean that the bloodline has not yet fully awakened and transformed, otherwise it would definitely be more than just a Golden Dragon disciple.

Even becoming a core disciple is no surprise.

But Gu Hongchen obviously didn't know this.

At this moment, she only felt that she had received a huge blow!

I originally thought that I was the strongest among the four, except Su Changsheng, and my talent was naturally only second to the monster Su Changsheng.

After all, in the broken world of the Xuanhuang Great World, she became a True Immortal by herself!

But who would have imagined that now he is at the bottom?!

Even Ji Huang from Supreme Realm is one level higher than me!

This made Gu Hongchen doubt his life for a while and became extremely depressed.

"That guy is Nine Phoenix Sacred Body. As for Chang...

"Let me tell you another secret, she is Taiyin Sacred Body!"

Su Changsheng noticed Gu Hongchen's confusion and heavy thoughts, and immediately showed a mysterious smile, smiled and walked close to Gu Hongchen and whispered.

Hearing this, Gu Hongchen was shocked and his pupils suddenly shrank!

The horror and shock in my heart were even more outrageous than when Ji Huang was promoted to a Golden Dragon disciple just now!

"You said she is Nine Phoenix Sacred Body, but she is not Taiyin Sacred Body?!!"

Gu Hongchen was completely shocked at this moment!

The shock and disbelief in my heart is almost beyond words!

Nine Phoenix Sacred Body!

According to rumors, 140 only appeared a few times, but every time it was born, it shocked the entire Xuanhuang Great World!

In the future, he is destined to become the Supreme of the human race!

There was one person among them who also stepped into the True Immortal realm and was extremely powerful!

Being called the Fairy Phoenix Girl!

Unexpectedly, the lively and out-of-the-box guy in front of me, who has a mind like a little girl, is actually the Nine Phoenix Sacred Body!

But compared to Nine Phoenix Sacred Body, Chang Yue with a gentle smile on her face shocked her even more!

The Taiyin Sacred Body is more terrifying and ethereal than the Nine Phoenix Sacred Body!

Almost only exists in legendary ancient books!

But there is no doubt that it is extremely powerful. It can communicate with the bright moon and stars, control the power of the lunar moon, and has unparalleled combat power!

Gu Hongchen, who was still a little dissatisfied at first, was so shocked that his knot in his heart was immediately opened.

If these two people are Nine Phoenix Sacred Body and Taiyin Sacred Body, then she really can't compare.

She does not have any special physique that defies the heavens. She just relied on chance and hard work to practice, and through countless lives and deaths, she got to where she is today.

And they don't even need to deliberately practice hard. As long as they continue to practice normally, when the time comes, they can easily achieve her current achievements.

There is no comparison at all.

However, after pondering for a moment, the shock on Gu Hongchen's face dissipated, replaced by a free and beautiful smile, and he spoke lightly.

"Then I really don't regret losing."

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