Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 313: With The Nine Dragon Emperor's Robe Added To My Body, I Actually Became The Lord O

The golden dragon soared into the sky, and Ji Huang, whose face was full of excitement, was also wrapped in a golden ball of light and came to everyone's eyes.

As soon as Ji Huang appeared, he rushed in front of Chang Yue, with a smile of excitement and joy on his pretty face.

"Sister Changyue, I am a disciple of the Golden Dragon!!"

"Golden Dragon Disciple! Haha... It seems that my talent is not bad after all!"

Ji Huang has always looked careless, but in fact he was very dissatisfied with his own strength.

When encountering any danger, not to mention fighting side by side with Su Changsheng and Chang Yue, they can't even protect themselves.

She has to be protected by Su Changsheng Spirit Partitioning who fights desperately every time!

This made her extremely annoyed and even anxious. After all, she also wanted to help and didn't want to be Su Changsheng's scapegoat.

But no matter how hard she practiced, even if she made rapid progress, she couldn't catch up with everyone else.

The opponent in every battle is either the True Immortal realm or the Immortal King realm!

But she is just a Venerable Realm. It sounds like the Supreme of the human race, but after entering the Xuanhuang Great World, she is nothing at all.

If it weren't for Su Changsheng's protection, she wouldn't even be qualified to be an opponent of those enemies.

Any finger could crush her to death.

This feeling was so bad that it once even made Ji Huang wonder if he really had no talent and was not suitable for practice!

But today, she finally felt proud.

Even Gu Hongchen, who is in the True Immortal realm, is just a disciple of the White Dragon, but she is a disciple of the Golden Dragon, one level higher than Gu Hongchen!

This at least shows that she is not without talent, but that Su Changsheng is about to become a pervert!

But there is still hope that we can catch up with him.

As long as she practices harder, one day, it will stand side by side with Su Changsheng and fight together!

Instead of always hiding behind Su Changsheng, watching him face many dangers alone, but he can't do anything.

Thinking of this, Ji Huang became even more excited.

While dragging Changyue and shouting, he waved the golden dragon token in his hand, as happily as a child.

"What? A mere Golden Dragon disciple is drifting away? He has no ambition..."

Su Changsheng glanced at Ji Huang with a pretended disdain and said.

The smile on Ji Huang's face suddenly stopped when he heard this. He turned around and glared at Su Changsheng, then ignored him and continued shouting excitedly with Chang Yue, ignoring Su Changsheng.

When Chang Yue saw this, her face was full of doting and helplessness, and she smiled happily.

When Su Changsheng saw Ji Huang ignoring him, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched and forced a forced smile.

"This girl is really crazy. How dare you stare at me?!"

After muttering to himself, Su Changsheng didn't say anything else. Seeing Ji Huang so happy, he was naturally very happy too.


"Why don't you have a rating?"

At this time, Gu Hongchen on the side suddenly thought of something and looked at Su Changsheng with a surprised look on his face and asked.

Hearing this, everyone looked towards Su Changsheng, and even the excited Ji Huang became quiet.

"That's right! Didn't you also pass the ladder? Why is there no movement?"

"Could it be..."

"It failed..."

Ji Huang immediately seized the opportunity, with a gloating sneer on his face, and looked Su Changsheng up and down. His eyes seemed to be asking, are you really not good at this?

Feeling the suspicious eyes of the three women, Su Changsheng was speechless.

He tried hard on his own, but in the end he came out as Yun Lingxiao. After the battle, the trial ended inexplicably, and there was no rating whatsoever.

Logically speaking, they are all Golden Dragon disciples anyway, right?

Gu Hongchen stared at Su Changsheng. She had always been paying attention to this monster. She watched him rush up the last thousand steps without any pressure, but in the end there was no movement.

However, she did not believe that this monster would fail.

She would rather wonder if the Immortal King's treasure ladder to heaven is broken than doubt the guy in front of her.

Chang Yue also looked at Su Changsheng. Although she knew what happened, she was also confused as to why there was no rating.

Could it be that something unexpected happened?

Just when Su Changsheng didn't know how to explain it, suddenly, Su Changsheng suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something extra in his sea of ​​consciousness.

It was a ball of bright golden light that appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness at some point. It was quietly floating there, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura.

Su Changsheng was slightly surprised, his mind moved slightly, his consciousness poured in, and he was suddenly stunned.

"This is.....…"

"Inherited Jade Seal?!"

Su Changsheng was shocked.

That golden ball of light was actually an ancient jade seal shrouded in a rich black and yellow aura.

Like ancient glazed jade, the sky is round and the ground is four inches wide. At the top, among the dancing dragons and phoenixes, is an extremely exquisite palace carved, which looks like a miniature version of the entire heavenly palace.

And underneath, there are eight big characters imprinted on it!

"The Lord of the Heavenly Palace, commands the heavens."

The eight big characters exuded inexplicable terrifying pressure. Su Changsheng's spiritual consciousness could easily be absorbed into it.

When Su Changsheng's spiritual consciousness took the initiative to contact the jade seal, a strong suction force suddenly came out from it.

Immediately afterwards, extremely bright golden light suddenly burst out from it.

In an instant, Su Changsheng's whole body glowed, accompanied by the sound of dragons and phoenixes.

Golden dragons, fire phoenixes, black turtles, white tigers, unicorns, Taotie, etc., many mythical beasts and ferocious birds surged out from the jade seal and shot straight into the sky!

The entire ancient heaven is shaking and glowing!

The incomparably loud sound of the bells roared like nine Heavenly Sovereign bells, shaking all directions!

A terrifying vision suddenly occurred!

Su Changsheng is actually wearing a gorgeous nine-dragon imperial robe, wearing a purple gold crown, exuding terrifying coercion, suppressing the world!

It seems as if the entire Heavenly Palace is being stepped on by Su Changsheng at this moment!

Supporting Su Changsheng's meteoric rise!

"This is..." (Wang Liao Zhao) "This is actually the jade seal inherited from heaven!!!"

"Is Changsheng becoming the Lord of Heaven?!!"

Chang Yue was horrified, her beautiful eyes filled with unbelievable shock!

She never imagined that after tens of thousands of years, Chang Shang would become the Lord of the ancient heaven!

Inherit the jade seal and recognize the master, the heavenly dragon surrenders, and the nine dragons expand the sky!

From this moment on, Su Changsheng is the new Lord of Heaven after the ancient Emperor of Heaven, Empress Yun Lingxiao!

Even though the ancient heaven has long been withered and ruined, without any disciples, its foundation is still there!

The number one force in ancient times was so glorious and prosperous that it once rocked the entire Xuanhuang Great World. No force dared to compete with it!

Even if it is destroyed, its foundation will never be lost to any existing immortal Wang Family!

Su Changsheng became the Lord of Heaven. In this ancient Heaven, he was an omnipotent existence!

Will rule everything in the Heavenly Palace!

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