Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 359: Great Principle Immortal Sword, Are There Any Immortals Left?

The three women stood in the void, looking at the huge spiritual formation in front of them. They were a little helpless for a moment, and they all focused on Su Changsheng.

Gu Hongchen is already the strongest among the three women. She can't shake this formation even with her attacks, which is enough to show how powerful this guardian spirit formation is.

I'm afraid it will be very difficult even at the peak of True Immortal, even when the Immortal King comes.

But...with Su Changsheng here, the three girls didn't have much to worry about.

Unknowingly, Gu Hongchen was also assimilated by Ji Huang and Chang Yue.

I have almost blind confidence in Su Changsheng.

It seems that as long as he is here, there is no enemy that cannot be suppressed and no problem that cannot be solved!

As soon as the long-lost feeling of peace of mind appeared, Gu Hongchen was slightly startled. When Su Changsheng glanced over, he didn't dare to look at her and even looked away.

"If I guess correctly, this should be an ancient magic circle. Even if the Immortal King comes, he will have to use some means to forcefully break it open. Don't even think about it under the Immortal King..."

Su Changsheng opened his mouth to answer his questions, and when he looked at the powerful spiritual formation in front of him, his eyes lit up.

This formation is so powerful that it is almost one of the best among the formations he has seen so far.

However, this still couldn't stop him.

"You guys stand back."

Su Changsheng showed a faint smile on his face and said calmly.

The three women didn't hesitate at all, and flew back hundreds of meters to look at Su Changsheng.



A terrifying aura suddenly appeared and spread from Su Changsheng's body. It was extremely terrifying!

The moment he appeared, Gu Hongchen almost instinctively wanted to run away!


It’s as if my soul is trembling!

"What kind of fluctuation is this?! Why is it so scary!"

Gu Hongchen was immediately horrified, his pupils shrank suddenly, and cold sweat even broke out on his forehead. He looked at Su Changsheng's back in disbelief, his face full of horror!

I saw a flash of golden light in Su Changsheng's hand, and then a gray sword appeared in his hand.

The terrifying fluctuation that made her feel extremely palpitating came from this sword fetus.

This sword is not long, is gray, and has an inexplicable anomaly aura. If you don't look closely, you would think it is a wooden sword.

There were dense textures on it. Just when Gu Hongchen was about to explore it carefully, her soul was about to sink in an instant. She was immediately shocked and she hurriedly recovered and did not dare to look again.

"What kind of sword is that?!"

Gu Hongchen was covered in cold sweat and frightened!

Gu Hongchen felt an extremely anomaly terrifying aura from the sword, which seemed to be contaminated with great terror and was very ominous.

Absolutely no contamination!

This thought emerged in Gu Hongchen's heart, extremely strong, as if if he were touched, something extremely terrifying would happen and he would die miserably immediately!

It is hard to imagine how Su Changsheng could hold that sword in his hand without any harm.

This shocked Gu Hongchen extremely!


Su Changsheng held the immortal sword in his hand like an invincible Immortal King. He was not sloppy at all. He struck out with the sword seemingly casually, but in an instant, a panic-stricken sword light broke out and covered the sun and the moon!

It’s too bright and terrifying!

It split the sky and the earth, and the void was torn apart directly. A sword swept out, as if it was going to reopen this world!

This scene directly frightened Gu Hongchen!


But Ji Huang and Chang Yue seemed much calmer. It was obviously not the first time they had seen this scene.


As Su Changsheng moved the gray wooden sword, infinite golden sword light suddenly burst out.

A sword slashed out, instantly tearing a crack into the spiritual array.

The ancient spiritual formation that left them helpless was as fragile as a thin piece of paper in front of Su Changsheng.


Just when Gu Hongchen was still stunned and unable to recover from the shock, Su Changsheng's voice came to his ears.

"Why are you still standing there, go in and grab Divine Medicine! (chfg)"

Ji Huang looked at Gu Hongchen who was in a daze and reminded him loudly, then jumped into the crack.

Gu Hongchen watched the three people rushing into the spiritual formation, then swallowed hard, calmed down his turbulent emotions, and hurriedly followed them into the spiritual formation.

A burst of blazing white light flashed before his eyes, and then, a refreshing and rich medicinal fragrance that seemed to make people Immortal Transformation and immortality poured into his nose unstoppably.

"Wow! This is the Divine Medicine Garden!"

“It’s actually preserved!”

Ji Huang and Chang Yue made a sound of surprise, looking at the scene in front of them, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Gu Hongchen was still in a daze at this moment, and he had not recovered from the horror of Su Changsheng's sword just now.

My mind has long been filled with that dark-looking wooden sword and I can't push it away.

But as the strong medicinal fragrance flooded into his mouth and nose, Gu Hongchen's spirit suddenly became clearer.

"Is this the Divine Medicine Garden of ancient heaven?"

She murmured a little dullly, and she realized that a great opportunity had arrived.

This is an ancient and sacred medicine garden, hidden in the ancient formation and difficult to find.

Today, he was broken open by Su Changsheng's sword, which deeply shocked everyone.

Needless to say, the sacred herbs are dazzling, extremely bright, densely packed, and countless!

The aroma of the medicine was so strong that it was almost impossible to dissolve it. Just taking a few breaths made her feel relaxed and happy, her body was light, as if she was about to undergo Immortal Transformation and become immortal, and her life span seemed to be increased!

What surprised everyone even more was that in addition to the almost transformed humanoid Divine Medicine, they actually saw several Divine Medicine plants running, flying, and emerging in the spiritual soil, wary of the Divine Medicine plants that were watching them from afar. .

So amazing!

Any fairy medicine here is enough to reach Fengjiu Tianyu!

You will be robbed of your head by those big shots!

Even those old monsters who have been in seclusion for tens of thousands of years will come out of seclusion at the smell and snatch it at all costs!

"what is that?!"


Ji Huang saw something in the distance, his expression suddenly changed drastically, and he immediately spoke out.

Everyone looked along his line of sight, and they were also shocked, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

The void in the distance was hazy, as if there was a thick fairy mist, and a figure of a woman in white seemed to be vaguely visible.

The woman in white was surrounded by light and rain, as if the immortal mist had condensed. She was extremely sacred, as holy as a banished immortal and inviolable. Even though they were far apart, everyone still felt a little bit of the Immortal Dao aura.


"Is there anyone alive here? Or an immortal?!"

Gu Hongchen was immediately horrified and exclaimed in disbelief, unbelievable.

Ji Huang and Chang Yue on the side were also awe-inspiring, staring blankly, speechless.

Even Ji Huang, who had always talked a lot and had no inhibitions, was surprisingly quiet at this moment.

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