Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 360: Spirit Communication, Greedy Ji Huang

A strange scene emerged in the fairy medicine garden, shocking everyone.

The woman in white is as ethereal as a fairy, surrounded by fairy mist. She is sacred and inviolable. The light is raining down, and even though she is so far away, she can still feel her extraordinary.

"This shouldn't be a person, but a medicine!"

Su Changsheng's eyes were bright and fairy-like, and he looked at the fairy-like woman from a distance and said in a deep voice.


"This is actually a... medicine?!"

Gu Hongchen, who had always been calm and collected, was the first to lose his composure. He immediately exclaimed and looked at Su Changsheng in shock with disbelief on his face.

Ji Huang on the side was not promising at all, but his reaction was slow and Gu Hongchen got the better of him.

"It seems that the legend is not false. I didn't expect that this elixir garden really contains the elixir of Immortal Transformation!"

Chang Yue also spoke with shock on her face, unbelievable and extremely shocked!

The woman in white clothes is floating in the world, her white clothes are moving with the wind, her grace is peerless and flawless, her silver hair is blowing, her eyes are filled with mist, hazy and beautiful, "divine and transcendent."

It seems that it is not a human being, but has already been immortalized by Immortal Transformation.

The woman in white seemed to have noticed Su Changsheng and others. She glanced at them from a distance, calmly and indifferently, and then disappeared.

He disappeared from the sight of Su Changsheng and others very calmly and naturally, as if he had never appeared before.

After a brief moment of emotion, everyone finally calmed down.

But when Ji Huang and Gu Hongchen reacted, their faces were full of anxiety and unwillingness.

"Escaped! Escaped by the Divine Medicine! Chase him quickly!"

Ji Huang shouted urgently and started looking around.

Gu Hongchen also frowned, and his consciousness spread out, looking for the figure of the Divine Medicine.

But it's a pity that the concealment methods of Divine Medicine of that level are so incredible. How can they find it just by looking for it?

Not to mention Ji Huang and Gu Hongchen, even Su Changsheng has no trace of yam at all.

The concealment method is the best!

Even an ordinary Immortal King might not be able to compare.

"I can't find it. I can't find any trace at all. It seems like it just disappeared!"

Gu Hongchen searched for it, but couldn't find any trace, and immediately sighed with some disappointment.

But when I changed my mind, I calmed down and stopped being persistent.

That elixir obviously has Spirit Communication and has existed since ancient times. It has gone through countless epochs until now. Although it does not have very terrifying combat power, its ability to escape and hide is absolutely unparalleled in the world.

It can fly into the sky, escape from the earth, and submerge into the void, making it difficult to catch up.

And somehow, she felt that her memory about that medicine was starting to become blurry.

It seemed that he had inhaled a trace of the fragrance of the medicine, trying to erase the memory of that medicine quietly.

This is terrible!

You have to know that she is a True Immortal, but it is difficult to prevent the subtle changes, let alone Ji Huang and Chang Yue.

I am afraid that after a while, these two people will not remember that they have passed by an elixir that almost turned into a fairy.

But this boy, the provincial people feel sorry for him,

Su Changsheng naturally noticed the same feeling, but he only saw a flash of fairy light in his body, which even erased the divine ability in the medicinal fragrance.

"What a magical medicine..."

Su Changsheng was slightly surprised and couldn't help but show a look of admiration.

That rule, Divine Ability, is born and is extremely powerful. If it weren't for my special physique, I might not be able to resist it.

This memory will be erased.

"Okay, wake up!"

Su Changsheng turned his head and looked at the three women who were in a sluggish state, a little confused. He raised his hand and a fairy light followed the breath of chaos and entered the bodies of the three women, wiping out the rules contained in the poison.

The three women suddenly came to their senses and turned around.

But this elixir is indeed an elixir.

Although this rule can silently erase memories, it does no harm to the person himself.

Even the divine essence contained in the medicinal fragrance can transform people.

If a mortal smells it, he will be completely transformed and live forever! No disease or disaster!

Even the physique will be greatly improved, the seven orifices can be opened, the eight sounds can be opened, and the great opportunity will be given to practice immortality and enlightenment.

And even they will also get considerable benefits.

Meeting is an opportunity!

This is the elixir.

Even just being able to see it with your own eyes is enough to open your eyes.

"If my guess is correct, it is the legendary elixir of immortality, the most powerful immortal treasure Spirit Root!"

Gu Hongchen was shocked and spoke, remembering a few words in the ancient books of his family.

"If you take it, it is said to be immortal and immortal. Even if the soul is destroyed, the body will still be incorruptible and indestructible!"

…………Please give me flowers…………

"I didn't expect that this legendary elixir actually exists here!"

Gu Hongchen was so excited that his eyes sparkled with inspiration. He looked at the place where the woman in white appeared just now and couldn't move his eyes for a long time, even though there was no trace of the immortality elixir there.


When Ji Huang heard this, his throat became dry and he swallowed.

Then he started breathing frantically, sucking in the surrounding air.

"What are you doing?"

When Su Changsheng saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched and he asked with a wry smile on his face.

I saw this guy, like a dog, sucking the air crazily, which was extremely funny.

"I can't eat it, why don't you let me smell it?!"

"That's the elixir of immortality, it's hard to recover from!"

Ji Huang looked like you don't know what to do, shouted without looking back, and continued to drink like crazy.

Su Changsheng was speechless.

Although this approach is not completely ineffective, it is also too embarrassing.

Ji Huang drank crazily for a while, and immediately his body began to glow, with faint spiritual light surging. He felt that his body was light and transparent, and even his soul became clear.

"Good boy! It's really useful!"

Ji Huang felt the changes in his body and immediately exclaimed with surprise on his face.

At the same time, I also yearned for that elixir even more.

If ordinary people want to be immortal, they can only become immortals!

But it is so difficult to become an immortal. There are no immortals in the world!

Among billions of people, there is hardly one person who can live forever. Immortal Transformation Immortal Ascension!


As long as you take the elixir of immortality, no matter you are a mortal or a monk, you will immediately shine with the sun and the moon, coexist with the heaven and the earth, and jump out of reincarnation. Myriad Tribulations will be immortal, and you will never die!

If this kind of temptation, let alone them, is known to big figures and old guys in other big worlds, they will probably have to fight bloody battles at all costs!

Fighting to the end would be enough to trigger a war in several realms. Not to mention the ruins of the ancient heaven, even the ancient realm of chaos would be destroyed, completely shattered, blood would flow into rivers, and corpses would fill the entire Star Domain!

Fortunately, she is hiding here, and only the four of them have seen Kechen.

It won't cause huge shocks and chaos.


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