Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 361 The Human Spirit Divine Tree And Dan Immortal Palace Appear!

The chaotic fairy mist gradually dissipated, and the fairy medicine had long since disappeared. However, the three women were still in shock and could not calm down for a long time.

"Okay, don't think about it. It's a fairy medicine. It would be weird if it could be easily obtained by others. If you want to be destined, don't force it and leave a knot in your heart."

Su Changsheng opened his mouth and enlightened the three of them.

After many people have seen the treasure, they feel depressed and trapped for the rest of their lives. In the end, they fail to obtain the treasure and have problems with their cultivation.

The gain outweighs the loss!

"Indeed, that is a magic medicine...

Before Chang Yue and Gu Hongchen could speak, Ji Huang, who was sniffing the lingering shadow left by the elixir of immortality, stopped, with a look of loss on his face, looking at the place where the elixir of immortality disappeared, and sighed melancholy.

Seeing this scene, Su Changsheng was speechless.

He raised his hand and knocked the melon on his head.

"Two three zero" "Cang!"

There was a soft sound, and the guy's head was indeed empty.

"Yeah! What are you doing?"

Ji Huang's head hurt, and he immediately covered his forehead and looked at Su Changsheng angrily.

"What do you think that is?"

Su Changsheng did not answer, but pointed directly to a magnificent hall at the end and said.

After hearing this, everyone noticed that there was such a huge building in the fairy medicine garden.

It was a building with a round sky and a square place, like an alchemy furnace, standing between heaven and earth, flowing with inexplicable Tao Yuan.

"That is......"

"Dan Immortal Palace!"

Ji Huang and Gu Hongchen were shocked almost at the same time, their beautiful eyes filled with indescribable shock.

"I didn't expect that the Immortal Palace would be preserved..."

Chang Yue looked at the main hall in the distance with a look of surprise.

After all, the Immortal Palace is so important that it will inevitably become the target of attack and destruction by the invaders.

But I didn't expect it to be preserved. I don't know how many people died for this elixir Immortal Palace.



Before everyone could fully recover from the shock, the void opened silently, and a terrifying slash immediately struck the four of them.


Su Changsheng's expression suddenly turned cold, his eyes flashed, and he took action instantly.

Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron suddenly appeared, drooping down endless chaotic energy to envelope herself and the three women.

"Bang bang bang..."

The Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron shook, and a huge roar suddenly exploded, resounding throughout the sky and the earth.

The three women watching this scene were all frightened and their pupils could not help but shrink.

This slash was extremely anomaly, silent, and terrifyingly powerful. It was able to shake Su Changsheng's Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, which shows how terrifying it is!

If Su Changsheng hadn't taken action just now, Ji Huang and Chang Yue would have been robbed, and even she would have been seriously injured!

"What is this?!"

Gu Hongchen frowned and exclaimed with fear in his heart.

"It should be the void slash formed by the large formation here. It is very powerful, so be careful."

Su Changsheng's eyes were filled with fairy light, he looked at the void around him, and reminded him loudly.

The slash just now could easily seriously injure a True Immortal realm expert.

If caught off guard, even True Immortal may be killed, which is indeed terrifying.

Coupled with the protective circle on the outside that is enough to block the Immortal King, it seems that the survival of this fairy medicine garden is not a fluke.


The three women nodded heavily, all staring at the surroundings with vigilant eyes, but no one had any intention of retreating.

After all, it is a great blessing in front of them!

The Immortal Medicine Garden is so attractive that even if they know they will die, many people will still want to take advantage of it.

What if it succeeds?!

That is an incredible opportunity!

As far as the eye can see, except for the elixir that disappeared into the void, there are countless spiritual herbs here!

Bright, lush, flowing colorful mist, bright and eye-catching!

It is spraying with endless auspicious clouds and light rain, which is extremely attractive and gorgeous.

"Chi chi chi․......"

A series of terrifying slashes appeared randomly and came towards the four people, but fortunately they were all blocked by the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron.

But even so, the three women were still frightened.

Because even the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron is constantly making ripples.

The main reason was that the barrier looked too weak, as if it would be broken through at any time, which made the third girl feel palpitated.

However, Su didn't care at all, not even afraid.

"Every step of the way is killing people here, but fortunately, many of the magic circles are broken and incomplete. It seems that there has still been a shocking battle here, and it has been affected..."

Su Changsheng frowned slightly, his eyes sparkling with fairy light, looking around and coming to a conclusion.

What's even more terrifying is that Su Changsheng saw endless corpses under the elixir garden!

There is even a True Immortal corpse, and Emperor Realm monks have several islands.

Densely packed, the entire Immortal Medicine Garden is almost built on top of a thousand tombs.

Seeing this scene, Su Changsheng could not help but frown slightly, but he did not say anything or tell the three women.

Under the protection of the Mother Qi of All Matter Cauldron, the four of them moved forward cautiously, collecting the Divine Medicine herbs here.

"That's the Human Spirit Ancient Tree?!"

Suddenly, Ji Huang was startled and stared at an old tree in the distance.

It is said that as long as one of the fruits it bears is eaten, it can bring people to the realm of Ascension without any side effects.

However, this is only useful for monks under the Great Emperor Realm.

But it is still incredible, and can span a large realm, or even several realms!

Even if a powerful person at the top of Supreme eats one, he can directly break through the shackles and reach the Great Emperor Realm.

This is simply the most suitable opportunity for Ji Huang now.

Ji Huang was surprised and quickly rushed to the ancient tree to pick it.


Just when it was approaching the ancient tree, a sword energy rushed into the sky, and the runes in the void suddenly flourished, densely packed into 2.2 hemp, intertwined into a network, and terrifying murderous intent suddenly appeared.

Ji Huang was immediately shocked!

The murderous intention appeared too sudden and terrifying, and the speed was too fast. When she reacted, the terrifying slash was already less than half an inch away from her.

She couldn't dodge an attack of this magnitude!

He only had time to turn his head and look around, watching the terrifying slash tear through the void, rapidly enlarging his pupils with an unparalleled aura of destruction, and Ji Huang's mind suddenly went blank.


At this moment, only this thought came out of his mind and occupied Ji Huang's entire brain.

She didn't even have time to mobilize her spiritual defense. With this blow, she would definitely be cut into two pieces!

A real death threat!

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