Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 378 Xiaojin Stood Up Again, Corpse Puppet Spirit Array!


In front of the gate of the ancient palace, a terrifying gust of wind howled, and dense, almost invisible wind blades swept out. Wherever they passed, even the thick stone door or the hard rock ground, were cut into horrible cracks. crack.


That slashing attack left no trace of the corpse at all!

The golden-winged roc's pupils shrank slightly when he saw this, and a look of surprise could not help but appear on his face.

Obviously, he did not expect that this corpse puppet would be so strong, which exceeded his expectations.

Seeing the nine spear rays stabbing Shattering Void Kong, constantly dilating in the pupils, it will turn him into a hornet's nest in the next second, and the golden-winged roc has no choice but to explode!


I saw the golden light flashing in the eyes of the golden-winged Dapeng, and the terrifying spiritual power surged all over his body, and his whole body was wrapped in bright golden light.

In the next second, the left leg that was clamped started to spin suddenly.

The huge golden wings swung out to protect his body, and at the same time, they collided with the stabbing silver spear.

"Bang bang bang bang"

A huge muffled sound suddenly resounded, very fast, and connected together. If you didn't distinguish it carefully, you would even think that there was only one sound.

"When this guy fights, he doesn't..."

Su Changsheng casually glanced at the Golden-winged Dapeng, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up slightly, and he praised it.

If the golden-winged roc were to resist these nine silver spears, even if his bloodline was strong, he would definitely not feel comfortable and might even be injured.

But this guy actually used the extremely fast rotation to chop the side of the silver gun with his golden wings very cleverly, directly changing the direction of the silver gun's attack, which was quite a bit like using force to fight.

The eight silver spears on the ground were pushed away by the golden-winged roc in an instant, all heading in different directions, grazing the body and stabbing him.

The silver spear above the head was directly probed by the claw of the golden-winged roc, and it was directly knocked down!


The golden roc claws collided with the silver spears, and a huge explosion exploded like thunder, and the shock wave spread in all directions!

The golden-winged roc is now glowing with bright golden light, its wings are huge, flashing slowly, and extremely arrogant, just like the golden roc above the nine heavens. Immortal Venerable!


He stepped hard towards the corpse puppet's head at his feet again. This time, he directly used his talent Divine Ability.

The soles of the feet directly revealed their true bodies, and the terrifying roc claws were extremely sharp, with golden light blooming, like five heaven-shattering divine spears, densely packed with runes, and they fiercely clawed at the corpse puppet's head.

This blow was extremely terrifying, leaving no trace behind!

Even a frightening and powerful person in the True Immortal Realm of Perfection might not be able to escape death if caught by this claw!


The ground that had already sunk into a big pit exploded again.

Centered on the corpse puppet's head, shocking cracks spread like a spider web, and the earth roared and shook, as if it was collapsing!

At the same time, the golden-winged roc pressed the corpse puppet's claws above his head and suddenly grabbed it, grabbing the pole firmly in the palm of his hand, with fierce eyes and "swung it fiercely towards the dry ground." Go down!


Another huge explosion shook all directions, and the ground exploded!

The corpse puppet was directly hit on the ground by the golden-winged roc, and the extremely hard rock ground exploded instantly, sending smoke and dust into the sky!

"Wow! This guy is really fierce when he fights!"

Seeing this extremely brutal scene, even though he didn't want to, Ji Huang couldn't help being shocked, and Yuan Tan praised it.

This guy does have the ability to be arrogant and domineering!

Faced with the siege of ten corpse puppets in the True Immortal realm, he still managed to gain the upper hand. It was so cruel and terrifying that it was really shocking!

Gu Hongchen was equally shocked, his eyes flashed brightly, and he remained silent, staring closely at the battle.

"Hmph! Is this all you have?! You really disappoint me..."

The golden-winged roc's brilliant golden wings that covered the sky and the sun flickered slowly, and flew into the air unhurriedly. Looking down at the ten corpses on the ground, the face once again showed that arrogant look that looked down upon the world. His posture was vague.

Seeing this scene, Gu Hongchen and Chang Yue were speechless.

This scene is somewhat familiar, but this guy is too focused on eating and not fighting, right?!

Do you think you can do it now?

Su Changsheng on the side looked at the golden-winged Dapeng who stood up again, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up with a smile.

This guy is quite interesting. "But he seems to be a little... arrogant?!"

After the smoke and dust dissipated, the corpse puppets seemed to be aware of the power of the golden-winged roc and did not rush to continue attacking.


There were dull sounds from the ground, and the two corpses embedded in the ground by the golden-winged roc actually got up again.

One of them had five extremely clear claw marks on his head, and even his facial features were cut open, exposing his bones.


What made everyone's pupils shrink was that the bones were actually golden!

It exudes a faint golden light and seems to be covered with dense mysterious runes.


Seeing this scene, the Golden-winged Dapeng's expression also changed slightly, and his eyes became a little more solemn.

He had never seen this corpse puppet before. He thought it was the hidden descendant of old man Gu Long.

But isn’t the sturdiness of this corpse puppet too exaggerated?!

He couldn't even scratch a claw of his own Divine Ability!

You know, even an ordinary True Immortal Immortal Spirit Weapon may not be able to withstand the power of that claw.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect that Immortal Palace is not only good at refining pills, but its method of refining corpse puppets is also so unpredictable!"

Su Changsheng's eyes were bright and he couldn't help but admire the corpses.

But at this moment, something that shocked everyone (King Qian) happened again.


I saw the ten corpse puppets suddenly letting out bursts of deep roars from their throats, hoarse and harsh, extremely unpleasant to hear.

But as the sound came out, the ten corpse puppets moved together, their bodies flashed, and in the blink of an eye they formed a strange formation!

"What's this?!"

"Don't these guys know anything about Body Integration, Spiritual Arrays or anything like that?!"

Ji Huang looked at the Anomaly movements of the ten corpse puppets and suddenly screamed in horror, and once again displayed the power of his crow's mouth.

I saw ten corpse puppets standing in a specific position. In the flash of silver light, they began to form seals quickly. The next second, energy like silver snakes suddenly burst out from their bodies. came out, and then turned into rays of energy under the horrified gaze of everyone, and they were all connected.

Finally, a formation pattern was formed on the ground...

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