Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 379: Corpse Puppet Evolves, Golden Immortal Puppet Appears!

The golden-winged roc fought with ten corpse puppets. It was so powerful that it seriously injured one corpse puppet and knocked them all back.

However, after being defeated one after another, the ten corpse puppets suddenly stopped in unison, and then formed a strange formation. Silver light poured out from the feet of the ten people like silver snakes, and then they were all connected together to form a mysterious formation. picture.


The moment the array was formed, a corpse puppet suddenly let out a low roar from its throat, as if commanding the other nine corpse puppets. Immediately, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the nine corpse puppets had Silver light and strands of golden spots poured out together and began to converge towards the corpse in the center of the formation.

"Is this...evolving?!"

Ji Huang looked at this scene and sighed with an expression of great surprise.

Obviously, no one expected that this corpse puppet would be so intelligent, that it could evolve even if it knew it was invincible.

Soon, the silver brilliance dissipated, and a little golden light gradually emerged. A moment later, a bright golden light burst out, shooting straight into the sky and the earth, dazzling and bright!

The corpse puppet whose head was split open by the golden-winged roc's claws before has now recovered from the injuries on his head. What's even more terrifying is that this guy's whole body is now glowing with bright golden light.

Not only the bones, but even the skin 803 and the withered flesh and blood all turned golden at this moment!

"This guy's breath......"

"I'm afraid this is already the legendary Golden Immortal puppet!"

Gu Hongchen stared at the golden corpse in the field, which was completely different from the rotten and dry corpse before. He couldn't help but shrink his pupils, showing a look of horror, and said in a deep voice

Golden Immortal Puppet, this is a Legendary Level existence that only exists in ancient books.

Even in ancient times, this kind of thing was extremely rare.

Just because its refining is too difficult, not only the materials required are hard to find in the world, but the flames required for refining are simply not available to ordinary people.

Even the leader-level power cannot be refined.

What's more, the price paid for refining the Golden Immortal Puppet is already very luxurious if it is used for practice.

Resources are so rare, who would be willing to use their hard-earned resources as corpse puppets?!

Therefore, anyone who can own such a corpse puppet is either rich or noble!

Moreover, the country is extremely wealthy, and the Golden Immortal Puppet is the foundation of a top power, which cannot be possessed by an individual at all.

And now, a Golden Immortal puppet has appeared in the ruins of the ancient heavenly palace!

If this spreads out, I'm afraid the entire Xuanhuang Great World will be shaken!

Countless top forces, even True Immortal families like them, will fight for it with all their strength.

Just because this Golden Immortal puppet is as powerful as the True Immortal Late Stage powerhouse!

What's even more terrifying is that once this guy recognizes his master, he will be able to give orders and obey his orders.

He is not afraid of death, knows no pain, and has no idea what death is or what fear is. His only goal is to obey his master's orders.

Just imagine, who wouldn’t want to have such a dream combat power?!

If he hadn't known how difficult this Golden Immortal puppet was, Gu Hongchen would have been tempted to take action.

Once this Golden Immortal puppet is successfully subdued and brought back to the clan, it will surely make the Gu clan even more powerful!

Chang Yue looked at the Golden Immortal Puppet. At this moment, due to the sacrifices of the other corpse puppets, the Golden Immortal Puppet's originally dry and black skin had become plump again.

Even a waterfall of black hair grew out quickly, revealing its original appearance.

Looking at the face of the person in front of her, Chang Yue was already extremely shocked.

She stood there blankly, looking at the corpse, and she choked for a moment.


"You are actually the ancient head?!"

" did you become like this?!"

At this time, the frightened shouts of the Golden-winged Dapeng came out. At this moment, whether it was Ji Huang, Gu Hongchen, or Su Changsheng, their pupils shrank, revealing a look of surprise.

Obviously, both Golden Winged Dapeng and Chang Yue knew this Golden Immortal puppet.


The Golden Immortal puppet is just a corpse puppet, and its consciousness has long been wiped out. It only relies on the master's last order and relies on instinct to cling to the past.

At this moment, his strength has skyrocketed, comparable to the terrifying powerhouses in the True Immortal and Ninth Layer realms. Coupled with the body that looks like it is made of gold and stone, his strength is terrifying. Even the golden-winged roc feels a strong threat at this moment.


In the field, the Golden Immortal puppet showed his original handsome but slightly stern face, but his eyes were still empty and his expression was as numb and mechanical as before.

The sole of his foot stomped the ground, and a terrifying force suddenly exploded. The ground exploded instantly, and countless cracks spread rapidly like spider webs. His figure was already like a cannonball. With a pop, the air exploded and appeared in In front of the golden-winged roc.


A terrifying sonic boom exploded in the air instantly, and a terrifying fist glowing with golden light was blasted out, driving directly towards the face of the golden-winged roc.

The golden-winged roc was still in shock that the person in front of him was Gu Long. It wasn't until the terrifying fist set off a terrifying fist wind and bombarded his face that the guy suddenly came back to his senses.

The arms that were originally covered by golden wings turned into golden armor, became a little twisted and deformed at this moment, and fell off directly in the next second, falling to the ground.

The crossed arms slowly opened, revealing the gloomy and struggling eyes of the golden-winged roc.

Gu Hongchen was shocked. The golden-winged roc had an astonishing bloodline, and its body was so strong that it was almost immune to water, fire, and swords. It was unrivaled!

Fortunately, the golden-winged roc was blown away directly. Otherwise, if it were torn apart by the crack in this space, even it would probably suffer considerable injuries.

Where the fists and arms collided, the space instantly shattered, revealing a series of ferocious and terrifying space cracks that penetrated people to the extreme!

The golden-winged roc frowned, and his expression had become extremely ugly, completely losing the joking and ruthless expression before.


In a state of confusion, the Golden-winged Dapeng only had time to cross his arms in front of him and resist the Golden Immortal Puppet's punch.

"Ancient head! You..."


The golden-winged roc was directly punched out of mid-air by the Golden Immortal puppet, and his body hit the ground like a meteorite.

But now, Madoka was punched by this Golden Immortal puppet until she vomited blood?!

"This guy... is actually injured..."

The golden-winged roc dug its feet heavily into the ground and plowed the ground for hundreds of meters before it could stop its retreat.

At this moment, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him, he felt a little at a loss for a moment.

The huge dull explosion resounded through the sky and the earth, and the terrifying aftermath spread out, even making the void ripple!

The solid rock ground suddenly exploded into a huge deep pit, gravel flew and cracks spread.

What shocked Ji Huang and others was that a trace of blood suddenly appeared on the corner of the Golden Winged Dapeng's mouth.

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