Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 390 Gap! The Obedient Black Iron Black Dragon!

A sudden change!

The golden-winged roc is enlarged!

He grabbed the black iron black dragon with his claws, but when he looked at the little insect that had opened its mouth to bite the infant soul fruit, he became angry!

"Damn it! When?!"

The face of the golden-winged roc suddenly darkened, and his expression was ferocious. The next second, the memory appeared in his mind, and he suddenly came back to his senses, remembering the action of the black iron Flood Dragon penetrating the ground just now.

With the cover of this and that blow, a spiritual clone was driven into the ground at the same time, and then the main body rushed out, giving the illusion of being exhausted and dying together, completely relaxing and paralyzing the golden-winged roc.

In addition, the little insect clone had no fighting power, the spiritual power fluctuations were extremely weak, and it was traveling deep underground. In such a fierce battle, the Golden-winged Dapeng naturally ignored it!

But this also made all his previous efforts come to nothing!

Once the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit is destroyed, what can he do even if he defeats the Black Iron Flood Dragon? Even if he eats it, it will not be half as good as the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit!

"Damn it! It's too late..."

Almost at the moment of discovery, the golden-winged roc immediately rushed out, trying to stop the little insect.


Even if he has the fastest speed in the world, it's too late now!

Seeing the little insect about to bite off the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit in one bite, the Golden-winged Dapeng's face turned gloomy to the extreme, extremely ugly!


Just when the little insect was about to bite the spiritual fruit, suddenly!

Xiao Chong's movements suddenly froze!

It seemed to be frozen for an instant, standing motionless in front of the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit!

Those sharp teeth are less than a millimeter away from the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit!

The black liquid flowing on the teeth is extremely poisonous. Once it is contaminated with the spirit fruit, it will be destroyed directly!


The golden-winged roc was shocked when he saw this. Before he could react, a slightly mocking voice came from his ears.

"It seems that even the golden-winged roc, which has the world's fastest speed, is sometimes too late..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar voice appeared in front of the infant soul fruit tree.

It’s Su Changsheng!

Su Changsheng looked at the ugly-looking Golden-winged Dapeng, couldn't help but reveal a gloating smile, and said leisurely.

At the same time, the imprisoned black iron black dragon clone also exploded with a bang, turning into a burst of spiritual light and completely dissipating.


Seeing that he had tried so hard to think of a way to kill both jade and stone but failed, the black iron black dragon suddenly let out an unwilling roar!

Although his body was covered with cuts and bruises at this moment, and he was caught in the claws of the golden-winged roc and couldn't move, his eyes were still fierce!

Listening to Su Changsheng's ridicule, Golden-winged Dapeng suddenly felt angry, but unfortunately, he did not dare to refute Su Changsheng, and what Su Changsheng said was also true.

He turned around and simply vented all the anger in his heart on the head of the initiator, Black Iron Black Snake.

Man, it is an honor for you to become my blood food..."

The golden-winged roc looked at the black iron Flood Dragon with sharp eyes, about to refine it.

But the next second, his movements were suddenly frozen.

"You...what are you doing?"

The golden-winged roc was frightened and turned his eyes to look at Su Changsheng.

The only one here who has such means is Su Changsheng.

"This little Flood Dragon has been cultivating endlessly and has been guarding this infant soul fruit tree for nearly ten thousand years. As soon as I come, I'm going to steal his love with a sword and kill him and eat him. It's too arrogant..."

As Su Changsheng spoke, Chang Yue also came to her side, looking at the Golden Winged Dapeng with a soft smile on her face.

"Let him go. After all, he is the Spirit Beast in the ancient heavenly palace. He is from the same sect..."

Chang Yue said, and the Golden-winged Dapeng realized that although she had left the Immortal Medicine Garden, this place was still the ancient heaven.

Speaking of which, this little bug is also from the same sect.

As soon as he thought about it, the golden-winged roc didn't hesitate, he let go of it directly and turned into a human form.


Glancing coldly at the dying black iron Flood Dragon, the golden-winged roc snorted coldly, obviously still worried about the fact that this guy almost destroyed the infant soul fruit just now.

Chang Yue and Su Changsheng also smiled helplessly and said nothing.

…Please give me flowers…

This guy is still a kid at heart, and everything is driven by instinct.

The black dragon had just inspired his hunting instinct, otherwise he wouldn't be so ferocious.

The black iron Flood Dragon was released and fell to the ground weakly, making a muffled sound and whimpering several times.

He has Spirit Communication. Although he cannot speak human words, his spiritual intelligence is not low, and he naturally knows that he is lucky enough to survive.

The fierce light in his eyes gradually subsided, and his huge body slowly shrank, looking at Su Changsheng and Chang Yue.

Chang Yue smiled tenderly when she saw this, then walked up to the black iron Flood Dragon, stretched out her palm to touch the head of the black iron Flood Dragon, and then pointed to the Infant Soul Fruit Tree in the center.

As Chang Yue pointed, the black iron Flood Dragon suddenly whimpered a few times, with a strong look of reluctance in its eyes, but it also knew in its heart that he could not hold on!

Not to mention that the golden-winged roc that wanted to eat him was no match for him at all.

It couldn't even see through the man who had taken action just now, and could even feel great fear from his aura!

Even though he was extremely reluctant to give up, he had no choice but to hang his head in despair and look extremely pitiful.

"I know it's not easy for you to guard that treasure for nearly ten thousand years, and I'm reluctant to part with it, but this Infant Soul Fruit is not very useful to you. How about we exchange it with you for some dragon blood grass?"

Chang Yue looked at the pitiful appearance of Heitie Flood Dragon and smiled softly, and then said unhurriedly.

Upon hearing this, the Black Iron Xuan Jiao, who was already dying, was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes that had lost their brightness suddenly brightened a bit again, looking at Chang Yue in disbelief.

Shock visible to the naked eye!

The Infant Soul Fruit has a miraculous effect on the power of the soul, but it is a ferocious beast and focuses on the physical body. Even if the soul is powerful, it has no special effect on him.

But dragon blood grass is different!

He has a trace of Dragon Race blood in his body, and his future training direction is to evolve into a real Dragon Race.

Once he takes dragon blood grass, the benefits to him will be absolutely huge!

Definitely worth it than the Infant Soul Fruit!


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