Immortal Clan: From Marrying The Destiny Empress

Chapter 391 Harvesting The Infant Soul Fruit, The Call From The Bloodline!


Hearing the words "dragon blood grass", the black iron black dragon's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded his big head towards Chang Yue without even caring about the pain.

This scene looks cute and extremely cute.

It looked completely different from the way he looked when he was fighting the golden-winged roc just now!

"Look, little Jinpeng, this is the gap. You know how to fight and kill. Just watch Sister Changyue solve it in a few words. What a well-behaved little snake..."

Ji Huang on the side also jumped out when he saw this, imitating Chang Yue and touching the big head of the black iron black dragon, and dealt a heavy blow to the Wing Dapeng.

The golden-winged roc was immediately speechless when he saw this!

He rolled his eyes, glanced at Ji Huang and said, "That's Sister Yue'er's ability, what does it have to do with you?"

Ji Huang was speechless when he heard the words. He could only make a face at the Golden Winged Dapeng and stick out his tongue "five zero zero". He snorted coldly and turned his head away, ignoring it.

When Chang Yue saw the Black Iron Black Dragon agreeing, she also showed a satisfied smile on her face. Then with a wave of her hands, three dragon blood grass appeared in front of the Black Iron Black Dragon.

Looking at the crimson dragon blood grass in front of him, the Dragon Race bloodline in the black iron black dragon's body suddenly became active.

The Black Iron Xuan Jiao was also extremely excited, and his eyes gleamed.

"Here it is, I hope you can successfully change your life against the odds!"

Chang Yue smiled softly, touched the head of the poor little guy in front of her and said.

The black iron black dragon was just an ordinary black dragon when it was born. To be able to evolve to this point, it is unknown how much disaster it has experienced.

How difficult is it to completely evolve, to be reborn, to change one's destiny against the will of heaven and become that true dragon that flies through the nine heavens?!

There are countless hardships and tortures to go through, which can be considered pitiful!


There was a whimpering sound in the Black Iron Xuan Jiao's throat. He looked at Chang Yue gratefully, then glanced at the Golden Winged Dapeng and Su Changsheng. In the next second, he crawled into the ground with three dragon blood grasses wrapped around him.

There is an underground river beneath the ground, which is his true lair.

Now seriously injured, it must absorb the Dragon Transformation blood grass as soon as possible.

After sending away the Black Iron Xuan Jiao, everyone's attention focused on the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit on the floating island.

Standing next to the Infant Soul Fruit Tree, everyone discovered that the tree trunk, which looked like a pregnant woman's belly and was wrapped in heavy branches and vines, actually contained two fist-sized golden fruits.

The fruit exudes a faint golden light and looks like a baby. It looks lifelike and lifelike, just like a Perfected Being. A faint aroma fills the air, making everyone's souls tremble involuntarily.

Even the little golden man in Su Changsheng's eyebrows couldn't help but open his eyes and look at the Infant Soul Fruit.

Su Changsheng waved his arm, and a ray of fairy light burst out, directly striking the seal and prohibition.


A burst of violent energy exploded!

This spiritual formation is not very strong and can only block the early stage of True Immortal. For Su Changsheng, it can be broken with a finger.

The spiritual formation broke open, and the rich aroma became even stronger, making everyone's brows jump.

"This infant soul is indeed Divine Medicine that can enhance the power of the soul. Just smelling it makes people feel refreshed and refreshed!"

Gu Hongchen couldn't help but praise out loud, looking at the Yingying soul fruit with a look of surprise.

"It's a pity...there are only two..."

Su Changsheng said with a little regret, and then raised his hand to cut off two branches of the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit Tree and made them into wooden boxes. When he looked with his palm, the vine branches wrapping the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit were forcibly peeled away by spiritual power, revealing The two golden spiritual fruits inside were also enveloped in spiritual power and floated out.

Su Changsheng has also seen records about the Infant Soul Spirit Fruit in ancient books. This Infant Soul Spirit Fruit is extremely strange and must be isolated by wrapping it with spiritual power or an Infant Soul Spirit Fruit tree. Otherwise, it will gradually evaporate once it comes into contact with anything else, including the air. .

Carefully placing the two Infant Soul Spirit Fruits into the wooden box, Su Changsheng turned to look at the crowd and said, "There are only two Infant Soul Spirit Fruits, how should we distribute them?"

This thing is useful for anyone, it can enhance the power of the soul, which is rare in the world!

But unfortunately, there are only two.

"I don't need it, I already got the Fengling Liyu Fan before."

Gu Hongchen was the first to speak, almost without any hesitation.

Although she also wants to get an Infant Soul Spirit Fruit, this thing is also of great benefit to her. If she can take it, the chance of breakthrough in the future will be greater, "But she is not greedy!

Being able to come here is a huge help from Su Changsheng!

There were even several times when Su Changsheng saved his own life!

Along the way, they all got the chance to get treasures, but Su Changsheng didn't get anything...

This Infant Soul Fruit was perhaps the rare thing that Su Changsheng needed, so she decisively refused.

After listening to Gu Hongchen's words, the four people suddenly looked over in surprise.

In the face of such temptation, being able to refuse decisively, with principles and bottom line, also made several people couldn't help but admire him.

You know, this is as rare an existence as a fairy medicine!

Not to mention their relationship, even flesh and blood relatives and friends may turn against each other and fight each other!

The fact that Gu Hongchen could do this made Su Changsheng couldn't help but look at him twice.

"I don't need it either. I major in the physical body. The speed of the physical body is invincible. The power of the soul is not very important."

Golden-winged Dapeng also refused, he just wanted to feel embarrassed!

If Su Changsheng hadn't taken action before, the Infant Soul Fruit might have been destroyed.

Seeing this, Su Changsheng didn't show any pretense. Anyway, this kid had just been blessed, and the Kunkun Blood Transformation Pill was enough for him to rise.

The worst case scenario is that when you encounter an opportunity for a magical skill that is suitable for someone else, you can just help them get it yourself.

Turning to look at Ji Huang and Chang Yue, the three of them nodded slightly, understanding each other 3.6.

Su Changsheng smiled slightly and then put away the two Infant Soul Spirit Fruits.

I own the Myriad Tribulations Indestructible Original Demon Physique. As long as my soul remains, I am almost immortal. With this Infant Soul Fruit, my soul power will definitely increase dramatically again! This will give me more protection!

"Let's go..."

Putting away the Infant Soul Fruit, Su Changsheng looked into the distance, preparing to continue exploring one of the remaining nine palaces, but suddenly found Ji Huang on the side staring blankly deeper into the floating island.

Su Changsheng was stunned for a moment and said, "What's wrong?"

Ji Huang was still staring in that direction, his eyes a little blurry.

"There...there seems to be something calling me..."

Ji Huang spoke in a deep voice, that feeling seemed to come from her blood...

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