Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 106: The Secret Reaches Heaven And The Immortal Knows

Chapter 106: Listening in the Dark, Immortals Know

Nie Yingji didn't know how to respond for a moment. What does the sect leader mean? Didn't he hear what I just said? I said I would consider it, but he's treating it as if I've agreed.

"Senior Martial Uncle, in my opinion, should we give Second Senior Brother some time to consider?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

This girl is too impatient. I hope she didn't scare Second Senior Brother.

"This has nothing to do with you, go play elsewhere," Ming Yanshang said with dissatisfaction, giving Zhou Tianfeng a glance.

You have no eyes, can't you see that I'm about to take down this kid? Why are you causing trouble at this time? Just watch quietly.

"Ming Sect Leader, as I just said, please allow me some time to consider. Let's not discuss this matter for now. Please don't misunderstand," Nie Yingji finally took a deep breath and said.

If it weren't for the lady standing next to him, he would have agreed immediately. But with her there, he couldn't.

"In that case, let the gentleman consider it for a while. However, I will send the portraits of my two sisters to the gentleman tomorrow, or they can personally come to meet the gentleman," Ming Yanshang said.

Zhou Tianfeng was speechless at these words. What kind of sect did he join? Are the women in this sect so desperate?

Is she trying to capture the three of us at once?

The three of them chatted for a while, until Second Senior Brother saw them off, and Ming Yanshang left with Zhou Tianfeng on her sword.

Before leaving, Zhou Tianfeng's whole body was tense. He didn't dare to look at the mysterious woman, afraid that she would suddenly attack and capture him.

It wasn't until they were leaving that Zhou Tianfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He slumped into Ming Yanshang's arms.

"Hey, hey, hey, you brat, don't try to take advantage of the situation. What do you mean?" Ming Yanshang pushed Zhou Tianfeng away, her face full of displeasure. If you want to take advantage of me, wait until your cultivation is on par with mine. Right now, I'm the one who can take advantage of you.

"It's nothing! I just stood in the room for a long time, so my feet are a bit numb," Zhou Tianfeng stood up, took a deep breath, and said.

You were quite passionate when talking to my Second Senior Brother just now, but you don't know the pressure I'm under.

Sometimes having good eyesight and seeing things you shouldn't see is also very uncomfortable. I wish I could be like you and not see her at all.

Speaking of which, how does this mysterious woman hide herself? Why can't Second Senior Brother and Ming Yanshang see her, but I can clearly see her?

It is certain that the other party did not intentionally let him see her and reveal herself in front of him, Zhou Tianfeng can confirm this.

Because after hearing Ming Yanshang's words, the mysterious woman's face clearly became unpleasant, and she looked at Ming Yanshang with disdain.

Zhou Tianfeng could tell from that very contemptuous look that the woman was definitely not thinking anything good.

So now the question is, how does she hide her presence? Does she directly create an illusion with magic, making both Second Senior Brother and Ming Yanshang unable to see her, or is it an optical invisibility technique?

Thinking of this, Zhou Tianfeng wanted to ask Ming Yanshang about it. After all, she is a cultivator in the Immortal Transformation realm and should know something. He wanted to ask her discreetly.

Maybe he could find out how this woman hides herself, so he could determine whether his eyes saw through the illusion, the optical invisibility, or directly saw through her magical essence.

But just as the words were about to come out of Zhou Tianfeng's mouth, he swallowed them back. If he asked now, it might alert the mysterious woman. After all, she is a figure at the level of an immortal! He couldn't take that risk. Perhaps he could find another way to approach the topic.

"Hey, what's wrong with you today? Didn't we agree to persuade Second Senior Brother to stay together? Why are you causing trouble for me?" After returning to their residence, Ming Yanshang looked at Zhou Tianfeng and asked.

He had already settled everything, but who knew this guy would cause trouble for him, and if it weren't for him, he could have obtained the Blood Monster Ancestor.

"After all, he is my Second Senior Brother. If he doesn't want to do something, I don't want to force him," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That sounds nice, but I know you well. You must be hiding something from me," Ming Yanshang narrowed her eyes and said.

This guy's behavior today was really strange. He was visibly nervous when they entered his Second Senior Brother's room. Although he pretended well, after spending so much time with him, she could still see through it.

Especially when they left, he almost stumbled and was hesitant in his words.

Zhou Tianfeng didn't say anything and calmly approached Ming Yanshang, placing his finger on the back of her hand.

He lightly tapped in a rhythmic manner, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, seemingly without a pattern, but containing the universe within.

But on the surface, it appeared as if Zhou Tianfeng was taking advantage of this sect leader.

Ming Yanshang felt the tapping on the back of her hand and suddenly her expression changed. This technique was a secret code that this guy had taught her before.

This rhythmic tapping, sometimes fast, sometimes light, each tap represented a meaning. Putting them together would form a complete message.

This is a very cryptic language, according to that kid, it is used to transmit information to ensure it is not discovered by enemies.

Why is this kid speaking in this manner? Are there enemies?

"How could I possibly hide anything from you? You're overthinking it. Why don't you change into something hot tonight and show it to me?" Zhou Tianfeng blinked his eyes, leaned close to Ming Yanshang, took a deep breath, and said, smelling the fragrance on the other person.

(Someone is watching, I can't speak openly with you, use the secret code.)

"Sure, do you want to see black stockings or white stockings? By the way, you haven't told me a story tonight!" Ming Yanshang also showed a hint of coquettish smile, looking at Zhou Tianfeng.

(Who is the other person? Are they from the demonic path or the righteous path? How did you discover them?)

This is a secret language agreed upon by the two of them, only they can understand and comprehend its meaning.

But if others were to see it, it would appear as if the two of them were flirting.

"Then let me tell you about how the Celestial Immortal is paired. The celestial fairy in the sky falls to the mortal world, where mortals cannot recognize the true form of immortals. In the end, she falls for a mortal cowherd." Zhou Tianfeng said.

(Don't act recklessly, the other party is a celestial being of the highest level, a female immortal. I discovered her, but you didn't. She is here for me.)

"The story you told is completely made up. There is no fairy descending to the mortal world, and the pairing of the Celestial Immortal is fake. How could a fairy fall for a mortal boy?" Ming Yanshang said.

(Impossible, how could it be a celestial being? Celestial beings cannot easily descend to the mortal realm, let alone secretly infiltrate our sect. Even if you have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, she shouldn't be interested in you, right?)

"I have told you about the pairing of the Celestial Immortal before. If you don't like listening to it, then let me tell you a story about the Monkey King causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace."

(I am telling the truth. I know you don't believe me, but listen to what I have to say.)

"Then go ahead, tell me how the Monkey King caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace!" Ming Yanshang said.

(You're serious, is there really such a powerful person lurking in our sect? Tell me more carefully.)

"Listen carefully, it is said that in the end of the Eastern Victory Divine Continent, Patriarch Subhuti accepted this monkey demon as his disciple and named him Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. He obtained the Sea-Calming Needle from the Dragon King of the East Sea and his own life and death book from the King of Hell. From then on, he jumped out of the Three Realms and was not among the Five Elements. The Dragon King couldn't tolerate this kind of arrogance and directly reported it to the heavens." Zhou Tianfeng said.

(The other party has a significant background and acts lawlessly. It would be best for us to report this matter to the Immortal World before she causes any trouble. She is not from our realm.)

"This story is not bad. Alright, I enjoyed listening today. You may rise now!" Ming Yanshang said.

(I will consider what you said as the truth, but I cannot report it immediately. I need to prepare something and it will take time.)

"I will take my leave, Master." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Everything he did today was very risky. This time, he completely revealed the whereabouts of this mysterious woman to the sect leader.

Based on his analysis, this female immortal clearly knows about the upper realm sects of Jade Water Heavenly Palace and is very disgusted by them.

Ming Yanshang is only a cultivator at the Immortal Transformation stage. Even if he says something wrong, he shouldn't offend her.

The woman showed a disgusted expression and a contemptuous look. There is only one possibility: she knows about the upper realm sects of Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

If we can't deal with you, I will let the higher-ups handle you. Jade Water Heavenly Palace should also have a presence in the Immortal World.

In that case, I will report you directly to the Immortal World.

After seeing the two leave, Nie Yingji finally breathed a sigh of relief. Really, it was a huge test for him just now!

"Your Majesty, you can come out now. My junior brother and Master Ming have already left." Nie Yingji said softly.

"Hmm! Don't disturb me, let me take a look." The mysterious woman's divine sense followed Zhou Tianfeng and Ming Yanshang to the sect leader's residence.

After hearing the cheesy conversation between Zhou Tianfeng and Ming Yanshang, she felt a layer of goosebumps and showed a very disgusted expression.

However, she quite enjoyed the story of the Monkey King causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace. Why didn't they finish telling it? She was slightly curious about the later story of the Monkey King.

Seeing that there was no useful information, the mysterious woman retracted her divine sense.

"It's best for you to have little contact with this sect. They are not good people from top to bottom. Be careful not to be devoured until not even bones are left. Besides, you are going to Ascend to the Black Demon World in the future, so don't get involved with them." The mysterious woman looked at Nie Yingji and said.

Damn it! It seems that this lady opposes me joining Jade Water Heavenly Palace! It looks like my good fortune won't come true.

"I understand, Your Majesty. I don't know what use you have for the Blood Monster Ancestor? Also, why does he occasionally emit a bloody aura?" Nie Yingji asked.

"Do you want to know?"

(End of this chapter)

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