Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 105 See, Second Senior Brother, Hold On!

Chapter 105: Look, Second Senior Brother, hold on!

Looking at the true essence on this little girl's body, she should be that guy's disciple or granddisciple, right?

The cultivation techniques they practice are exactly the same! But with your vision, you can't tell how deep this guy is.

After glancing at Ming Yanshang, the mysterious woman looked at Zhou Tianfeng. At this moment, Zhou Tianfeng stood with his back to the mysterious woman, looking at Ming Yanshang with a concerned expression.

Did this kid's shoulder just tremble?

When Zhou Tianfeng's eyes met the mysterious woman's, his whole body tensed up. Just after entering Second Senior Brother's room, he saw the mysterious woman standing by the side.

Yes, Zhou Tianfeng saw her as soon as he entered the room. But strangely, Ming Yanshang, who was walking with him, seemed to completely ignore the mysterious woman and walked into Second Senior Brother's room.

Then, he had a conversation with his Second Senior Brother, during which Zhou Tianfeng's whole body was tense.

Wearing a strange purple armor, with purple hair and a stunning face, that's right! Zhou Tianfeng not only saw this mysterious woman, but also clearly saw her appearance.

According to Second Senior Brother's description, this woman's face should be blurry, but he saw it clearly.

The mysterious woman appeared to be in her early twenties, with a few mysterious purple patterns on the right side of her face. She had a pair of captivating eyes, with purple-red irises, and a strange purple pattern above her forehead.

How should I put it, the true appearance of this mysterious woman is very beautiful! Really beautiful, and it gives off an extremely enchanting and cold beauty.

Among all the women Zhou Tianfeng has seen since transmigrating, the appearance of this mysterious woman is undoubtedly the most deserving of the first place.

But now is not the time to admire beautiful women. The problem is why can I see her? It's not strange that Second Senior Brother can see her, because she came to find him. But why can I see her?

Could it be, could it be? Zhou Tianfeng suddenly had a bad premonition, that this mysterious woman seems to be planning to reveal everything, deliberately letting me see.

But that's not right either. Even if she confronts me, she definitely wouldn't reveal her true appearance. But I, I actually saw her true appearance!

No, I can't show any flaws. I have to pretend that nothing happened, absolutely cannot let her find out.

Zhou Tianfeng forced himself to calm down, overclocked his brain, controlled every organ in his body, and tried to lower his heartbeat as much as possible, so as not to arouse any suspicion from this mysterious woman.

It's really annoying. If Zhou Tianfeng had known that this mysterious woman would come tonight, he would never have come here.

"Ming Sect Master, do you know what is strange about this Blood Monster Ancestor?" Nie Yingji asked.

Upon hearing this, Ming Yanshang withdrew her jade hand and said very cautiously:

"It's really strange. He is clearly a living person, but his body is filled with yin, corpse, and blood evil energy. According to reason, if he is contaminated with these energies, and these energies are still growing.

There is a strong blood evil power in his body, as if it is uncontrollable, constantly emerging. I just used my true essence to suppress it, but this blood evil power actually backlashes against my cultivation." Ming Yanshang said.

"Indeed, that's true. The blood evil energy in his body is inexplicable. It keeps emerging from his body. If I hadn't found a way to absorb some of the blood evil energy, his strength would be even stronger, and he might have already broken the seal." Nie Yingji said.

The reason why he didn't want to destroy this Blood Monster Ancestor was also because he was absorbing the blood evil energy from the Blood Monster's body to enhance his own cultivation.

This Blood Monster Ancestor, the mysterious blood evil energy in his body seems inexhaustible and has greatly helped his cultivation of the Profound Heaven Demon Codex.

"But the problem lies here. He is clearly like a rootless water, his true body is sealed and he can't absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

And my Jade Mountain is also a paradise on earth, with abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but there is no yin and evil energy for him to absorb. So where does the blood evil power in his body come from?" Ming Yanshang asked.

You're asking me, I don't know either!

If I knew, I would have dealt with it long ago, Nie Yingji thought to himself.

"Ming Sect Master! Since you can't figure it out either, then let's seal it for now! I'll figure out how to deal with him later." Nie Yingji said.

Originally, he wanted to keep this Blood Monster Ancestor and absorb the blood evil energy from him at all times for cultivation. But now that the old lady is interested in this guy, he has to hand him over!

"Mr. Nie! In my opinion, why not hand over this Blood Monster Ancestor to our sect? I can promise you the position of an elder. An inner sect elder, not an outer sect elder." Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

This thing is very peculiar, some of the old fogies in the main sect might be very interested in it. Handing it over will surely bring generous rewards.

Zhou Tianfeng, upon hearing this, rolled his eyes. This girl wants to freeload again. If my second senior brother joins in, he can already become an inner sect elder. Are you kidding me with this promise to take away his Blood Monster Ancestor?

"That's not necessary. This Blood Monster Ancestor is still very useful to me. I don't want to hand him over for now. Thank you, Sect Master Ming, for your kind offer." Nie Yingji shook his head and said.

"Let's not even talk about the fact that the lady wants this item. Even if she doesn't want it, I wouldn't hand it over. Just absorbing the Blood Fiend Qi from this guy's body for cultivation would benefit me greatly!

"Mr. Nie, why don't you reconsider joining our sect? There are great benefits to be had. Our sect has two Peak Masters, and Miss Yunying is still unmarried. You, Mr. Nie, are a young talent with an unparalleled Extreme Yin Body, a contemporary genius. I can introduce you to my sisters, who will surely be impressed by your charm," Ming Yanshang said.

"Cough! Master Ming's kind intentions, I understand, but for now, let's put this matter aside! Let's put it aside for now!" Nie Yingji coughed twice and said.

This matter does indeed have a lot of appeal to him. His master, the Blood Shadow Ancestor, married a Peak Master after joining the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. If he could also marry one, it would be wonderful.

But there's no way, he can't give up this Blood Monster Ancestor! That lady, she's someone he really can't offend, so he can only reluctantly let it go.

"Are you really not considering it? If you have any difficulties or if you want any treasures, just speak up. As long as our sect can do it, there's no problem," Ming Yanshang said.

Could it be that this kid thinks the Peak Masters are a bit too old and wants younger disciples? What should he do about this? How can he explain it to his other two sisters?

After learning that Xue Feng's second disciple has an Extreme Yin Body and is at the Soul Cultivation level, his two sisters became interested in him and specifically asked him about it.

After all, the future development of the Extreme Yin Body is promising, and Ascension to the Immortal World is not too difficult. It can be said to be the best choice other than Zhou Tianfeng.

"Master Uncle, since my second senior brother is unwilling, let's forget about it! This Blood Monster Ancestor is sealed here, what could go wrong?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

This girl's strength is impressive, even Zhou Tianfeng was shocked. And the two Peak Masters from the Yunying family actually have designs on his second senior brother!

They really want to completely take over our Blood Shadow Sect, don't they? They say they'll introduce a Peak Master to my second senior brother, what a joke!

Although the sect leader has a lot of power, it's not to the point where he can freely arrange a marriage for a Peak Master. It's definitely the two Peak Masters who took a liking to my second senior brother first.

That's why the sect leader came as a mediator.

The Extreme Yin Body, coupled with the cultivation level of Soul Cultivation, is still quite attractive to them.

The mysterious woman next to him frowned when she heard this and looked at Ming Yanshang with a disdainful look.

Truly worthy of that guy's disciples, even their methods of recruiting people are the same.

Tch! You and your disciples, all so cold and aloof, like Divine Maidens high above, but everyone knows what kind of people you are.

You rely on these methods to deceive some men, right? Truly corrupt, just like the sects in the Upper Realm, the sects in the Lower Realm are the same.

Just you wait, one day I, the lady, will go to the Immortal World and find an excuse to bring you bad luck.

Those men treat you like treasures, but I don't treat you like that.

"You find an excuse to make them leave quickly," the mysterious woman impatiently transmitted her voice to Nie Yingji.

"Master Ming! Joining your sect is something I can consider, but I can't hand over this Blood Monster Ancestor," Nie Yingji said.

"In that case, let's forget about the Blood Monster Ancestor. If you're willing to join our sect, that would be even better. Tomorrow, I'll bring the portraits of my two sisters for you to see," Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

"Cough! I just said I would consider it, consider it," Nie Yingji said.

"Are you considering which sister to choose? Don't worry, my two sisters are both beautiful, they are first-rate beauties," Ming Yanshang said with a charming smile.

"Me, me!" Nie Yingji swallowed his saliva.

I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore. No wonder my master couldn't handle it, and my junior brother couldn't handle it either. Who can handle this?

"After becoming the husband of our sect's Peak Master, you can enjoy the same treatment as the Peak Master. You can freely access the Scripture Pavilion, and all the sect's scriptures are available for you to read.

The cultivation resources are also provided by the sect, and once you break through the Transcending Mortality realm, you can even choose a Supreme Grade Spiritual Treasure for your protection."

Zhou Tianfeng was sweating profusely as he watched from the side, while the lady standing there had a face that had turned pale and terrifying.

Just take the offer, sect leader!

I'm not angry, I'm not angry. They're just ordinary disciples from the mortal realm, I won't argue with them.

Wait until I go to the Immortal World, Yao Yunyue, wait for me! This time, I will definitely surpass you.

(End of this chapter)

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