Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 104 Bargaining, The Mysterious Woman Reappears (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 104: Bargaining, Mysterious Woman Reappears (Please Subscribe)

I've heard about this Blood Monster ancestor, Ming Yanshang, from my senior disciple before.

But according to my senior disciple Cailing, this thing won't amount to much. The so-called four Blood Monster ancestors are just cultivators in the Spirit Transformation realm.

As long as the Heavenly Universe Dynasty is willing to send troops to exterminate them, these things won't last long.

But today, listening to this kid, these four Blood Monster ancestors are not inferior to those special Body Refining cultivators, and even surpass them! First of all, this immortality is absolutely difficult to deal with.

It's a pity, though. This thing is nothing more than a monster, emitting a demonic and sinister aura all over its body. Otherwise, it could have been used for our own purposes.

"I can take you to see it, but I need to explain one thing first. My second senior brother has an Extreme Yin Body.

He is extremely skilled in refining corpse puppets. If it weren't for the purpose of refining this Blood Monster ancestor into a puppet, my second senior brother would have crushed it to pieces long ago. So don't have any ideas about this Blood Monster ancestor," Zhou Tianfeng said cautiously.

This matter must be guarded against! This sect leader, to put it nicely, is trying to recruit talents. To put it bluntly, she is extremely cunning. Before, she made me find a way to recruit my second senior brother, which would benefit her.

"What are you thinking, you little brat? Do you think I can steal your second senior brother's things? But speaking of which, how did you handle the task I gave you? Is there any sign of him relenting?" Ming Yanshang asked.

The Extreme Yin Body is also an exceptional physique. Since it has been discovered, we can't miss it!

Anyway, Xue Feng's brother-in-law and your disciple have already joined our sect. It shouldn't be too difficult to recruit another junior disciple, right?

"I've talked to my second senior brother about this. He's somewhat tempted and has shown signs of relenting, but I'm afraid he won't pass the test of our sect leader," Zhou Tianfeng said.

As long as he surrenders, leave the rest to me. His cultivation has already reached the Soul Cultivation realm. If he joins our sect, we can't let him casually choose a master.

Let him serve as an inner sect elder. I'll report this matter to the sect headquarters. By the way, how old is he?" Ming Yanshang asked.

If he's around the same age, I can report it to the sect headquarters again. This kid is also a candidate for the Heavenly Pride Competition.

"Don't even think about it. My second senior brother is already over 200 years old this year. After a decade, he'll be over 260 years old. He won't be able to participate in this Heavenly Pride Competition," Zhou Tianfeng immediately understood the sect leader's intention and said.

"I see! That's a shame, but it doesn't matter. With his Extreme Yin Body, if he can join our sect, it's already a great gain for us.

There are still many good things we can obtain! It's best to settle this matter before your Master's Wife comes out of seclusion, otherwise... Shui Yun and your master will also get a share." Ming Yanshang said.

Hao Zongpai's benefits, she is familiar with it. Shui Yun has already received great benefits before, and now it's her turn.

"You keep talking about great benefits, what exactly are they? Don't just fool me into doing things for you." Zhou Tianfeng rolled his eyes and said.

"What do you mean? You've received great benefits, and you're still acting cute here! Aren't I your greatest benefit? In the future, as the head of my sect, I will devote myself to you. Aren't you satisfied?" Ming Yanshang said with hands on her hips.

"You can eat a meal messily, but you can't talk nonsense. You're just trying to take advantage of me. I haven't received any benefits yet. Bring my second senior brother in, you have to give some substantial rewards, otherwise I won't help anymore." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You little bastard, do you know how much resources you consume when you cultivate? Just your bottomless pit-like appetite is equivalent to the consumption of more than ten direct disciples. How much spiritual food have you eaten in our sect over the years? Don't you know it yourself?" Ming Yanshang angrily said.

"You, a Heavenly Rage Battle Body, consume spiritual pills and stones for cultivation, which is several times more than an ordinary person. I can tolerate that. But you eat so much, it's outrageous. Over the years, several medicine fields have been turned into planting spiritual fruits and vegetables just to satisfy this kid's appetite. Originally, two mountain peaks used for training outer disciples and ordinary disciples have also been greatly transformed. Some Spirit Beasts have been raised, otherwise it wouldn't be enough for this kid to eat. Three meals a day, each meal is several times more than an ordinary disciple, and no one else does that. If it weren't for her, the sect leader, covering up for this kid, there would have been a public outcry long ago.

But it seems that this kid can fully absorb the spiritual materials he eats. Even if he has the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, it shouldn't be so excessive, right?

Could it be because of his Transforming Poison Spirit Body? Or is there something special about this kid?

The more I get to know this kid, the more I realize that there are big problems with him. A simple Heavenly Rage Battle Body wouldn't have such extraordinary performance.

"Cough cough! You also said that the consumption of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is several times that of an ordinary physique, and the higher the cultivation level, the more it increases. It's normal for me to consume more resources when I cultivate. Isn't it?" Zhou Tianfeng said without blushing or skipping a beat.

He hadn't noticed it before, but after a few years, he understood.

His stomach seemed to have undergone some kind of change, and the absorption and transformation of spiritual food had reached a terrifying level.

The reason why his cultivation level can improve so quickly is also thanks to his iron stomach!

The ability to absorb spiritual energy in my stomach is much stronger than that of the Human Race in this world. Fortunately, this world does not have any constitution like the Devouring Heaven, otherwise it would cause unnecessary misunderstandings!

"You still have the nerve to say that? After you came to my sect, you haven't achieved anything, but you have consumed a large amount of cultivation resources, several times more than an ordinary direct disciple. Isn't that considered compensation?"

"You can't put it that way. Which sect doesn't provide cultivation resources to its disciples in advance? When I achieve success in my cultivation in the future, I will naturally repay the sect. We shouldn't rush, and you shouldn't change the subject. Let's make it clear first, you can't take away Senior Brother's Blood Monster Ancestor after he joins our sect. I won't give up any of my benefits." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You heartless brat, alright, I promise you. We'll see what the sect says, and then you can make a request, as long as it's not too excessive." Ming Yanshang said speechlessly.

This brat is really greedy! But his personality is quite similar to mine.

We really are a perfect match, according to this brat's theory of being cunning.

Yes, that's right, we are both cunning.

"Deal! I'll take care of Senior Brother's matter." Zhou Tianfeng immediately promised.

"Alright, now take me to meet your Senior Brother and that Blood Monster Ancestor, don't dawdle."

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and led the sect leader Ming Yanshang on his sword to the location of Senior Brother.

Jade Luan Peak, Senior Brother's room was surrounded by a purple barrier. The mysterious woman stood here, while Senior Brother knelt on the ground with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, it's been a long time. May I ask the purpose of your visit?"

"One is to check your cultivation, and the other is to ask for something." The mysterious woman spoke.

Ask for something, could it be asking for my head?

"I don't know what Your Majesty wants, but as long as I have it, I will offer it with both hands."

"I want the Blood Monster Ancestor in your room." The mysterious woman said.

Fortunately, fortunately, she doesn't want my head. Wait a minute, why do you want this Blood Monster Ancestor?

"?? Your Majesty, you, you want my Blood Monster Ancestor? He is just an ordinary Human Race variant monster, although he is somewhat special, how can he catch your attention?" Nie Yingji asked.

"My affairs don't need your questioning. Just hand him over to me." The mysterious woman said.

While Nie Yingji was talking to the mysterious woman, two sword lights flew in from outside, it was the sect leader Ming Yanshang and Zhou Tianfeng.

"Senior Brother, are you here? I came to see you." Zhou Tianfeng shouted.

"This! Your Majesty, can you temporarily leave?" Nie Yingji's face changed, he glanced at the mysterious woman with a hint of embarrassment, and said.

"Hmph! Just let them in, I don't want to be seen, they won't be able to find me." The mysterious woman coldly snorted.

Nie Yingji nodded and got up to open the door, welcoming Zhou Tianfeng and Ming Yanshang in.

"Greetings, Jade Water Heavenly Palace Sect Leader. I have been talking here for a while and haven't had the chance to pay my respects to the Sect Leader. Please forgive me!"

"No need to be polite, sir. You can stay here as long as you like. If you find the environment here good, you can join our sect as an elder. If there are any female disciples you are interested in, feel free to speak up." Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

"Cough cough! Sect Leader is joking." Nie Yingji blushed and said with a hint of embarrassment.

Is the sect leader really this straightforward? It's making him feel a bit embarrassed.

"Senior Brother, I brought the Sect Leader here this time to see the Blood Monster Ancestor we captured." Zhou Tianfeng said directly.

"It's fine to let you see." Nie Yingji calmly glanced at the mysterious woman, who didn't show any reaction.

With that, Zhou Tianfeng, along with Ming Yanshang, came to an inner room where a huge coffin was placed. The Blood Monster Ancestor was sealed inside.

The brass coffin was covered with talismans. Nie Yingji cast a spell to open it, revealing a young man in his thirties lying inside. This person was the Blood Monster Ancestor, Bai Zhan.

"Sect Leader, please take a look. This is the Blood Monster Ancestor, currently sealed but his cultivation has been continuously improving." Nie Yingji said.

Ming Yanshang nodded, walked in front of the Blood Monster Ancestor, observed carefully, and even placed her jade hand on his forehead, using her true essence to probe.

Suddenly! Ming Yanshang's brows furrowed deeply, and even a fine sweat appeared on her forehead.

At the same time, the mysterious woman's eyes also glanced over.

(End of this chapter)

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