Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 103 The Prodigy Stealing Special Skills At The Competition, Blood Monster

Chapter 103: Heavenly Pride Conference = Stealing Unique Skills, the Matter of the Blood Monster

Upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's voice outside, Lin Wan's face brightened. At the first moment of her awakening, her junior martial brother had rushed over.

Ming Yanshang, on the other hand, furrowed her brows slightly. Wasn't this kid supposed to go to Jade Luan Peak? Why did he come back so soon?

But it didn't matter that he had returned. She was the sect leader, and she had the final say in certain matters.

"Since Junior Zhou is here, come in. Your senior martial sister just woke up," Ming Yanshang said.

"Thank you, Sect Leader Uncle," Zhou Tianfeng said, pushing open the door to his senior sister's closed-door cultivation room and entering the inner chamber.

After entering the room, Zhou Tianfeng secretly assessed the expressions of the two women. His senior sister didn't look too good, but she managed to force a smile when she saw him.

As for the sect leader... Haha! She was a typical lady in front of others, a saintess, but behind closed doors, she was an old maid, a mature woman.

"Junior Martial Brother, congratulations to Senior Martial Sister. It's truly a joyous occasion that you've broken through to the Soul Cultivation realm," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior Martial Brother, you're being too polite. With your talent, it's easy for you to catch up to Senior Martial Sister's cultivation. I only managed to break through to the Soul Cultivation realm with the help of a spiritual pill. It was just a stroke of luck," Lin Wan forced a smile and replied.

What could her junior martial brother do now that he was back? He couldn't interfere with her plans to join the Heaven Inspiring Army and become the new Big Dipper Seven Star. That was something the sect leader had decided, and he had no say in it.

"Senior Martial Sister, how can you say that? With your intelligence and talent, you will definitely be able to ascend to the Immortal World," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Wan smiled knowingly and looked at Zhou Tianfeng in surprise.

"Junior Martial Brother, you... you've broken through to the Harmonious Spirit realm?" She hadn't paid much attention when her junior martial brother entered, but now she realized that he had unknowingly broken through to the Harmonious Spirit realm!

She had broken through to the Harmonious Spirit realm more than ten years later than her junior martial brother. He truly had exceptional talent.

"I also broke through by chance. Senior Martial Sister, you don't look too good. Is something bothering you?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

As expected, it was just as he had guessed. Even though his senior martial sister had awakened, the sect leader still had a second move to deal with her. He just didn't know what it was!

It seemed that before he arrived, the sect leader had put his senior martial sister in a difficult position.

Indeed, the old saying was true: an old ginger is spicier. The sect leader was superior to his senior martial sister in terms of scheming, methods, and cultivation.

His poor senior martial sister was tightly controlled by her, and now she wanted to control me too. I can't stand it!

"Junior Zhou, Senior Lin has broken through to the Soul Cultivation realm. According to our sect's rules, she needs to go to the Heaven Inspiring Army and serve as the Big Dipper Seven Star General for a century. In half a month, she will be leaving. Take this time to bid farewell to your senior martial sister. You probably won't see each other for a century," Ming Yanshang said.

"Oh! That's a good thing. Senior Martial Sister, why the long face?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

After all the fuss, it turned out to be this matter. The sect leader had indeed come up with a good idea. No matter what, she had to send off his senior martial sister!

For ordinary disciples, this is definitely a great opportunity to serve as the Big Dipper Seven Star General. Not only can they receive the salary of the Tianyu Dynasty, as well as spiritual stones and elixirs, but their own sect will also provide some compensation.

But for his senior sister, who serves as the Heaven Inspiring Army, the mortal enemy of their Blood Shadow Sect, and also as the Big Dipper Seven Star General, Zhou Tianfeng is extremely unhappy about this.

Back then, he confidently declared that he would eliminate all the Big Dipper Seven Star Generals of this generation!

No! He can't let his senior sister leave! If it were a normal time, it would be fine for his senior sister to go out and gain experience as the Big Dipper Seven Star General. But now is not the right time, she can't go now.

The three remaining Blood Monster ancestors outside will definitely cause trouble in the future. Their strength is hard to say, but Zhou Tianfeng estimates that at the very least, they are at the Soul Cultivation level, and there is even a possibility that they are experts at the Transcending Mortality realm.

Because even this sealed Blood Monster ancestor broke through the Soul Cultivation level without cultivation, who knows what the situation is with the three outside?

At the very least, their strength won't be weaker than this sealed ancestor.

Now, the outside seems calm, but it is definitely the calm before the storm. It is extremely dangerous for his senior sister to go out now.

"Junior brother, I, I..." Lin Wan was a bit at a loss for words for a moment. She didn't know how to say it. She didn't want to leave because of him, but how could she bring herself to say it?

As for finding another excuse, sorry, she couldn't think of one! The excuse made by the sect leader was seamless, and she really couldn't come up with a rebuttal.

"Senior uncle, I seem to have heard before that the senior sister who went to the Heaven Inspiring Army as the Big Dipper Seven Star General still has several decades left in her term. Why is there a sudden change?" Zhou Tianfeng asked calmly.

He needed to find a way to handle this, at least to understand what exactly was going on.

"Your senior sister, who serves as the Big Dipper Seven Star General in the Heaven Inspiring Army, has some important matters to attend to recently, so I made the decision to recall her and assign Lin Shizu to take over this important position," Ming Yanshang said.

Important matters? What important matters could there be? Could it be that the sect leader has already discovered that the three Blood Monster ancestors are causing trouble, and feels that his disciples are in danger, so he recalled her?

And then put his own junior sister in her place?

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean sending his senior sister to her death?

No, although Ming Yanshang has a strong personality and is very cunning, she treats her fellow disciples very well. She wouldn't do such a despicable thing.

Dealing with his senior sister before was just a clever move.

"Don't worry, the benefits in the Heaven Inspiring Army are very good. Your senior sister won't suffer any losses there. In the past, the most powerful sect in our demonic Dao Sect was your Blood Shadow Sect.

Now you know the situation of your Blood Shadow Sect. What danger could she be in? She will just gain some benefits by going there, and you better not cause trouble," Ming Yanshang said through voice transmission.

Seeing Zhou Tianfeng's eyes flicker and then look at her with a hint of suspicion, Ming Yanshang suddenly became angry. What kind of look is that? Suspicion mixed with disdain!

I've been so good to you and your senior sister, and you dare to look at me like this? Really, when I go back, I'll teach you a lesson.

Let's try Shui Yun's method and use the whip on this kid. According to Shui Yun, Xue Feng enjoys it a lot, but is also afraid of this move.

You two, as master and disciple, should have the same hobbies, right?

Seeing the fiery gaze from Ming Yanshang, Zhou Tianfeng suddenly had a very bad feeling.

What tricks does this girl want to use against me? With that expression on your face, I can't let Senior Sister leave even more.

With Senior Sister here, I can at least suffer less from your bullying. And now that I'm so angry, maybe Senior Sister will be willing to help me out of friendship.

"Master Uncle, what exactly happened? Why do you have to make Senior Sister leave? Could it be that there's something wrong with her body?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"This matter also concerns you. Since you asked, I'll tell you! After a century, the Tianjiao Conference of the cultivation world is about to be held. That's the situation," Ming Yanshang told Zhou Tianfeng everything about the Tianjiao Conference, the sect's orders, and some details about participating.

So that's how it is. The cultivation world's Tianjiao Conference has specifically named me and that masked Senior Sister to participate. This is a good thing for me!

With so many Tianjiao present, just by watching, I can learn a lot of good things! In these five years, my eyes and brain have been further strengthened.

Now, activate the adrenaline mode, overclock the brain, dynamically replicate the opponent's moves through visual perception. As long as I don't engage in intense battles, I can maintain it for a long time.

Participating is secondary. I fucking have to go and freeload. This is like falling asleep and having someone bring a pillow!

I was just worrying that I didn't have enough secret techniques! This Tianjiao Conference is a gift.

And if I win the championship, I can also get a quasi-Immortal Weapon. Zhou Tianfeng is no longer a rookie. He naturally knows what a quasi-Immortal Weapon represents.

I have a great chance of winning this championship. Experts in the Immortal Transformation realm cannot participate, but my Poison Blade is definitely a trump card!

"Master Uncle, rest assured, I will definitely take the first place in this Tianjiao Conference," Zhou Tianfeng patted his chest and said.

Lin Wan, who was standing aside, frowned when she heard this and immediately understood what Zhou Tianfeng wanted to do.

This junior brother wants to go and learn the secret techniques and spells of other participating Tianjiao. I have personally witnessed his abnormal ability to learn quickly.

"If you have confidence, that's good. If you can enter the top three this time, I'll be grateful. I don't expect you to take the first place. Although you have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and the Transforming Poison Spirit Body, the other Spirit Star Tianjiao are not easy to deal with. Even if you have the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, you can't be careless," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master Uncle, rest assured, I know what to do." With the Poison Blade in my hand and the adrenalized Heavenly Rage Battle Body, what Tianjiao can't be easily captured?

"Just do your best. Because of this, I have to bring back your Senior Sister and let Lin Shizhi take her place," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master Uncle, I think this is not appropriate. Senior Sister has just made a breakthrough and reached the Soul Cultivation realm. Her cultivation is not yet stable.

She should cultivate in the sect for a while, and besides, I think our Sect Master will probably come out of seclusion soon and will miss Senior Sister very much," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Don't worry, your Senior Sister's five years of seclusion is equivalent to consolidating her cultivation. As for Senior Sister Shui Yun, I will take care of it," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master Uncle, I remember you said before that when a disciple of our sect reaches the Foundation Building realm, they can go down the mountain for training. I am now in the Harmonious Spirit realm, so shouldn't I be able to go down the mountain for training? How about I go with Senior Sister?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"That's great, little junior brother. It's best if you go with me. We are siblings, so it's good to have each other," Lin Wan said with a smile upon hearing this.

"No! For the next hundred years, you cannot leave the sect. You must focus on cultivating and prepare for the Heavenly Pride Conference in the cultivation world," Ming Yanshang said with a frown.

What is this kid thinking? You are supposed to undergo training and cultivation with Cailin. How could you possibly leave?

"Senior Martial Uncle, the Heavenly Pride Conference will not be held until after another hundred years. I believe there is enough time," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Don't argue, this is not possible!" Ming Yanshang firmly rejected.

"Then why don't you choose someone else, like sending an elder over? I believe the Heaven Inspiring Army won't object," Zhou Tianfeng suggested.

"This matter has been agreed upon between me and the Heaven Inspiring Army. How can we casually change the chosen candidate?" Ming Yanshang said.

This kid is determined to keep his senior sister here. He's really something, wanting both the bowl and the pot.

The three of them remained deadlocked. No matter how Zhou Tianfeng tried to persuade, Ming Yanshang refused to budge.

Until the sky gradually darkened and it was nightfall, there was still no conclusion to the matter. In the end, Ming Yanshang directly quit and flew away on his sword.

Before leaving, he sent a message to Zhou Tianfeng, asking him to come to his room at night.

"Junior Martial Brother, don't say anything more. Senior Sister knows you have good intentions. Just stay at the sect and cultivate peacefully. After all, it's only a hundred years, and it will pass quickly," Lin Wan said.

"Senior Sister, rest assured, I absolutely won't let you leave at this time. I'll come to see you tomorrow," Zhou Tianfeng said before turning and leaving.

In the main hall of the Jade Mountain peak.

Ming Yanshang looked at Zhou Tianfeng with resentment and said, "Are you determined to keep her? What about our matter?"

I haven't done anything to you, have I?

"My goodness, things are not as you think. There are some things I need to tell you. Do you know about Blood Monsters?" Zhou Tianfeng began.

Although they were very old, these immortal women in the cultivation world were all extremely willful in terms of their personalities. Difficult to appease.

"Blood Monsters? I've heard of them. It was mentioned in the letter Cailin sent back. These creatures are said to be both like living people and like zombies. They can also turn ordinary mortals into their kind," Ming Yanshang said.

"When my master returned, he captured a Blood Monster ancestor, and there are significant problems with it," Zhou Tianfeng explained in detail about the situation of the Blood Monster ancestor.

He also mentioned his speculation that there are three more of these ancestors outside, most likely three indestructible monsters with at least the lowest level of Soul Cultivation, and possibly even Transcending Mortality.

"Is this true? The one who was sealed actually broke through to Soul Cultivation without anyone noticing," Ming Yanshang said, his face filled with shock.

"If you don't believe me, I can take you to see. The Blood Monster ancestor is with my second senior brother," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Let's go and take a look. If what you say is true, then this is indeed a big matter," Ming Yanshang said, furrowing his brow.

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(End of this chapter)

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