Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 102 Su Xingyang, Genius Conference (Two In One 4,000-Word Chapter)

Chapter 102: Awakening, Tianjiao Grand Meeting (A 4,000-word chapter)

Lin Wan suddenly realized that the sect leader seemed to have played a trick on her.

She had taken the Soul Condensing Pill to break through to the Soul Cultivation realm, but it had been five years since then. What was originally planned to be completed in three to five days had taken a full five years.

According to reason, as a Late Stage Harmonious Spirit cultivator, with the assistance of a Soul Condensing Pill, it should have been a smooth breakthrough to the Soul Cultivation realm.

Why did she unknowingly cultivate for five years? It must be the sect leader's doing! The pill itself was indeed fine, but she must have secretly added something to it.

With this thought, Lin Wan immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and began to inspect her dantian and body. First, her soul had successfully condensed into a Yin Spirit.

Her mana was incredibly powerful, and her true essence flowed endlessly within her body. Her whole body was crystal clear.

There was no problem, not only was there no problem, but her condition was also very good, and her foundation was extremely stable.

Just then, the door to the room was opened, and Ming Yanshang, dressed in red, walked in. She glanced at Lin Wan and smiled slightly before speaking.

"Lin junior, you're awake. I just heard that you've awakened from seclusion, so I rushed over immediately. If you have any matters, I won't be able to explain to Senior Sister Shui Yun."

"Disciple Lin Wan pays respects to Sect Leader Uncle." Lin Wan's eyes flashed with a hint of resentment, but she silently endured it and bowed her head.

This sect leader is really a wolf in sheep's clothing, shedding crocodile tears. Could it be that she has already taken my junior brother?

How did I fall for her trick? What's wrong with that Soul Condensing Pill? Why is my mana so abundant and my foundation so solid after the breakthrough?

"Not bad, not bad, Lin junior, you really didn't disappoint me. Your cultivation is incredibly solid, and your foundation is extremely stable. It seems that my Soul Condensing Pill did help you a lot," said Sect Leader Ming Yanshang.

"Sect Leader Uncle, there's something I don't understand. With my cultivation, it should have only taken three to five days to break through to the Soul Cultivation realm. But why did I sleep for a whole five years?" Lin Wan immediately questioned.

"Lin junior, of course it's for your own good! Haven't you noticed that after breaking through to the Soul Cultivation realm, your Yin Spirit has condensed beautifully, your cultivation is abundant, and your foundation is incredibly solid?" Ming Yanshang said.

The Soul Condensing Pill given to Lin Wan was indeed without any problems. Moreover, it was a Supreme Grade pill, which was three to four times more effective than an ordinary Soul Condensing Pill. She had also added some awakening elixir to it, which could better stabilize one's foundation and achieve the Yin Spirit.

Such a good thing naturally comes with some cost! The cost is that the seclusion time will be slightly extended, but after cultivation is completed, the user's foundation will be incredibly solid, and their cultivation will be abundant.

"Sect Leader Uncle means that this Soul Condensing Pill is a King Level pill? My foundation is so solid, my true essence is incredibly abundant, all because I took a King Level pill. So, these five years, it's like I've cultivated for five years, right?" Lin Wan guessed the reason and asked.

"Junior, you guessed it right. The pill I gave you is indeed a King Level Soul Condensing Pill. As Senior Sister Shui Yun's eldest disciple, your talent is among the best among all the disciples. Naturally, I have to take good care of you as your uncle! Don't mention it," Ming Yanshang said with a proud smile.

I played a little trick. I gave you the best thing, a Supreme Grade pill, a true King Level pill.

It's a good thing that you spent a little more time stabilizing your cultivation. Can you blame me, your uncle, for that?

Lin Wan suddenly understood the actions of this sect leader uncle. Impressive, truly impressive. She was tightly controlled, filled with resentment but unable to express it.

Could she really say, "You made me seclude myself for five years, only to have my junior brother stolen from me?"

If she were to say that, she would only embarrass herself. The senior gave her a Supreme Grade pill to help her break through her cultivation and strengthen her foundation. How could she blame the senior?

"Thank you, Master Uncle, for your kindness. I will definitely repay you in the future," Lin Wan said, gritting her teeth and bowing her head.

This matter cannot be left like this. Just you wait.

"No need to be polite, my niece. With your breakthrough to the Soul Cultivation realm, you can be considered one of the top disciples in our generation. The future of our sect relies on you," Ming Yanshang said.

"Master Uncle is joking. With Senior Sister Yaoguang's beauty and talent, how could I surpass her? Senior Sister Yaoguang broke through to the Soul Cultivation realm more than ten years ago," Lin Wan said.

Among the disciples of this generation, there are many who are stronger than her! Not to mention her junior brother, even the senior disciple of the sect's leader is far superior to her.

This junior sister named Yaoguang entered the sect two years later than her, but her cultivation far surpasses her peers. She is even rumored to have an Innate Dao Body.

If it weren't for her junior brother suddenly appearing, the first person of this generation would undoubtedly be that junior sister.

Moreover, the other main peaks have also cultivated many outstanding disciples.

Before, she could only compare herself to them, but now, with the luck of obtaining a Supreme Grade pill, she was able to break through to the Soul Cultivation realm before them.

Becoming the second person of this generation to reach the Soul Cultivation realm.

"Hahaha! Just call her by her real name. I remember you had a good relationship with that girl before she left the mountain.

Why do you still call her Yaoguang? That's just her title in the Heaven Inspiring Army! Calculate the time, her term is about to end, and she will return to the sect. We will have to choose the next Light Shaking Star among us," Ming Yanshang said, giving Lin Wan a meaningful look.

As if saying, little girl, you might be the next Light Shaking Star, the Big Dipper Seven Star General of the next generation's Heaven Inspiring Army.

Upon hearing the sect leader's words, Lin Wan's body trembled. The sect leader, the sect leader, does he want her to leave the mountain and become the new Light Shaking Star of the Heaven Inspiring Army?

Her cultivation is indeed qualified, reaching the Soul Cultivation realm, but! But it seems against the rules! The timing is also wrong.

Every generation, the most outstanding disciples of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace will leave the mountain to become the Light Shaking Star in the Big Dipper Seven Star General. The minimum requirement for cultivation is the Soul Cultivation realm.

If there are no such disciples, an elder will be sent instead.

This position lasts for one cycle of the Chinese zodiac, and if the Heavenly Universe Dynasty offers generous conditions and the current Light Shaking Star is willing to continue, it can be extended appropriately, but not exceeding a hundred years.

Since the establishment of the Heavenly Universe Dynasty, for hundreds of years, the position of Light Shaking Star has always been held by disciples of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace without any deviation.

This position is usually given to outstanding disciples of the sect, not only to cultivate their own cultivation, but also to receive rewards from the Heavenly Universe Dynasty.

That junior sister with the Innate Dao Body only cultivated for one cycle of the Chinese zodiac, and her cultivation broke through to the Soul Cultivation realm. Naturally, the heavy responsibility of the Light Shaking Star fell on her shoulders.

But she only took on the role of the Big Dipper Seven Star General for a little over ten years. There should still be several decades before her term ends, right?

Why would the sect leader suddenly say this?

If Junior Martial Sister hadn't gone up the mountain, she would have been very willing to take on this important task. But now, for her, it's no longer just an important task.

"Senior Martial Uncle, doesn't Junior Martial Sister still have more than thirty years left in her term? How could it be ending so soon?" Lin Wan asked.

What does the sect leader want to do? Junior Martial Sister's term still has a long way to go, not even halfway through.

"Ah! Niece, you don't know! Your Junior Martial Sister's term in the Heaven Inspiring Army is ending early." Ming Yanshang sighed softly and said.

"Ending early? Did something happen to Junior Martial Sister?" Lin Wan asked.

It's not that something happened to your Junior Martial Sister, she's doing well. It's just that this time, we really have to select a new Light Shaking Star. Because your Junior Martial Sister has to come back! In another decade, the Spirit Star where the headquarters is located will host the Heavenly Pride Conference of the cultivation world, which is held once every 600 years.

Our Jade Water Heavenly Palace has a total of five spots for participants, with three candidates from the headquarters. Our side has been allocated two spots.

The two candidates for these spots have already been designated.

One is your Junior Martial Brother, and the other is your Junior Martial Sister. So we have to bring her back early for training, and in the end, we will send the two of them to the headquarters for collective training.

So there's no choice but to end her term as the Light Shaking Star in the Heaven Inspiring Army early. We plan to send another disciple there." Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

The Heavenly Pride Conference of the cultivation world, held once every 600 years, allows young cultivators under the age of 200 who haven't reached the Immortal Transformation realm to participate in the competition, which includes both individual and team events.

This grand event is held to facilitate exchanges among all the apex-level cultivation sects. At that time, all the young geniuses who have emerged in the Star Domains within the past 200 years will compete here.

The winners will receive generous rewards, and their sects will also receive huge rewards, which are directly distributed by the Immortal World.

The first-place winner of each Heavenly Pride Conference will receive a quasi-Immortal Weapon as a reward. Even cultivators at the Heavenly Ascension realm would be envious of a quasi-Immortal Weapon.

If you obtain a quasi-Immortal Weapon, even if your cultivation is at the Rising Dawn realm, cultivators at the Heavenly Ascension realm wouldn't dare to underestimate you.

Moreover, the one who obtains this quasi-Immortal Weapon is a genius, a genius with an apex-level special physique. Wielding a quasi-Immortal Weapon, they would be a formidable presence in the entire cultivation world.

All the young cultivators who consider themselves talented will enthusiastically sign up to participate.

Not to mention those astonishing geniuses. Our Jade Water Heavenly Palace achieved third place once, 7,000 years ago, which is our best result.

After that, several conferences were held, but the disciples from Jade Water Heavenly Palace never made it into the top ten.

During the last conference, she had the opportunity to participate, but her ranking wasn't very good. She didn't even make it into the top twenty.

This time, there is a Heavenly Rage Battle Body and an Innate Dao Body. It seems that the headquarters intends to redeem themselves.

If it weren't for my own insistence, I'm afraid the headquarters would have come to pick me up by now. After much persuasion, the headquarters agreed to pick me up in the last ten years, and two elders will accompany me.

Such a grand event cannot be delayed by a mere Heaven Inspiring Army officer, so the headquarters immediately issued an order to recall their disciple.

As for the selection of the new leader of the Heaven Inspiring Army, it will be decided by the sect leader herself. The headquarters will not interfere in such trivial matters.

"Master Uncle, are you suggesting that I leave the sect and become the Light Shaking Star of the Heaven Inspiring Army? Junior Sister still has several decades left in her term, and the grand assembly won't open for another century. There's still plenty of time!" Lin Wan anxiously said.

She was truly afraid of being sent out as the Light Shaking Star.

Although the Heavenly Universe Dynasty will provide her with a salary, and the sect will reward her, it means she will have to leave her junior brother behind, and she might not have any chance at all.

"There's no other way. Originally, we planned to send an elder to handle it, but the Heavenly Universe Dynasty insisted that we send an outstanding disciple. Coincidentally, you just broke through to the Soul Cultivation realm, so this matter falls on your shoulders. Get ready, we'll set off in half a month!" Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

"Master Uncle, disciple doesn't want to go. Can we change someone else?" Lin Wan knelt on the ground and pleaded.

The sect leader really had this idea. What should I do? How should I handle this? Unfortunately, my master is in seclusion at this time.

I can't ask the elders for help, what should I do?

"Currently, no other disciple has broken through to the Soul Cultivation realm. Lin nephew, this matter is up to you!" Ming Yanshang smiled and said.

Accept your fate, junior nephew. This matter is up to you. I have everything planned out!

If you hadn't accepted that Spirit Condensing Pill and hadn't reached the Soul Cultivation realm, this matter would have nothing to do with you. But since you accepted it, you have to do the work.

And for Lin Wan, it's also a good thing. She can gain valuable experience in the Heaven Inspiring Army.

She can also stay away from Zhou Tianfeng. Why not?

Upon hearing this, Lin Wan became anxious. How could this be?

If only she hadn't accepted the pill given by the sect leader, and hadn't rashly broken through to the Soul Cultivation realm. She knew the sect leader had ill intentions, and now she found herself in a difficult situation.

"Master Uncle, I just recently broke through to the Soul Cultivation realm. I'm really not capable!" Lin Wan pleaded.

"It's okay, I will bestow a High Grade Spiritual Weapon upon you, and you will only have a nominal position. The Blood Shadow Sect, the most powerful demonic sect, is practically nonexistent now. You don't need to worry about any danger."


"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to Master Uncle. I heard that Senior Sister has finished her seclusion, so I came to visit her." Just as Lin Wan didn't know what to do, Zhou Tianfeng's voice came from outside the room.

Junior brother has arrived!

Celebrating 2000 subscriptions, there will still be a 4000-word chapter tonight, and the next one will have 2500 subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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