Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 101 The Unkillable Blood Monster Ancestor

Chapter 101: The Indestructible Blood Monster Ancestor

When Zhou Tianfeng saw his second senior brother's face suddenly change, he was also startled.

Could there be a problem with the Blood Monster Ancestor that he gave to his second senior brother?

His second senior brother's expression suddenly became very ugly!

"Ah, junior brother, you don't know. That Blood Monster Ancestor, let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it." Nie Yingji shook his head and said with a helpless expression.

"Did something happen? Second senior brother, why don't you tell me?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Now that you've asked, I won't hide it from you. That Blood Monster Ancestor, I originally wanted to refine it into a blood corpse. But no matter what, I just can't kill it without destroying its body. That's the situation." Nie Yingji explained the whole story to Zhou Tianfeng.

When he mentioned this matter, he was quite frustrated. In order to refine it into a blood corpse, he had to turn this Blood Monster Ancestor into a corpse first.

Then he would cultivate it in an extremely yin place for about ten years before refining it, which would be the best opportunity.

Now that he had the Extreme Yin Body, his body was already a gathering place for extreme yin energy. He didn't need to choose another place at all.

So five years ago, Nie Yingji had already taken action, thinking of killing this Blood Monster first, bidding farewell to his master after he came out of seclusion, and then leaving the Jade Water Heavenly Palace to refine the blood corpse.

But something speechless happened. The first step in refining the blood corpse was to turn this thing into a physical entity, and he couldn't do it!

He found it extremely difficult to kill this Blood Monster Ancestor! Even as a cultivator in the Soul Cultivation realm, he couldn't kill this Blood Monster Ancestor at all.

It seemed impossible to kill the Blood Monster Ancestor without destroying its body. Its regenerative ability was simply too abnormal.

What would be a fatal injury for an ordinary person was nothing to this Blood Monster Ancestor. Breaking its neck, even taking out its heart or cutting off half of its head, it didn't matter to the Blood Monster Ancestor.

Losing an arm or a leg was just a minor injury to it.

It would heal in no time, and with the replenishment of blood, its recovery speed would be even faster.

If you wanted to completely kill this Blood Monster Ancestor without destroying its body, it was simple. Cut it into countless small pieces and disperse them. He could do that, but it would be equivalent to destroying the good body and it would be impossible to refine a zombie.

He wanted to refine it into an excellent blood corpse, not kill it!

In the end, Nie Yingji could only reluctantly think of extracting the soul of this Blood Monster, separating the soul from the body, and killing it using this method.

However, when refining a blood corpse, if its soul was not nourishing the body, the power of the blood corpse would be reduced by at least half.

The same applied to other zombies. The power they could exert with or without the soul in their bodies was completely different. Once a zombie was refined, its soul and body would merge and could never be separated again.

If a corpse puppet was killed, its soul would scatter and not enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Although this would reduce the power of the blood corpse, it was a helpless move.

So Nie Yingji directly used the Soul Absorption Curse to extract the soul of this Blood Monster.

As a result, he found that the divine soul of this Blood Monster Ancestor was already completely integrated with its body, just like a zombie. It was impossible to separate them. He tried many methods, even some secret techniques from the Profound Heaven Demon Codex, but he couldn't separate the soul of this Blood Monster Ancestor from its body.

Nails of the Gate of Death, Soul Anchoring Stakes, he tried all of these, wanting to first fix the soul of this Blood Monster Ancestor and then see if he could separate it from the body.

But no matter what, no matter how hard Nie Yingji tried, he couldn't separate the soul of this Blood Monster Ancestor. Even sealing it had no effect.

There was simply no way. The soul and body were completely integrated, just like a corpse puppet.

Nie Yingji immediately confronted this Blood Monster Ancestor, using the Soul Refining Curse, wanting to directly destroy its soul.

After using the Soul Refining Curse, Nie Yingji could indeed kill it, but the body of this Blood Monster would also be damaged. If he killed its soul, it would be equivalent to destroying its body, which would be a loss for him.

In these five years, he had tried various methods and found that unless he completely destroyed the body of this Blood Monster Ancestor or completely destroyed its divine soul, he could only seal it and couldn't kill it.

"Such a thing actually exists. In that case, isn't this monster immortal?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

The more he listened, the more it sounded like a vampire.

"It's not exactly immortal. I have ways to destroy its divine soul or damage its body, but doing so can indeed kill it. However, the materials for the blood corpse would be destroyed, and what senior brother wants is its intact body."

He is in a very strange state right now, with his physical body and soul completely integrated together. This is a behavior that only zombies exhibit, but he is clearly a living being." Nie Yingji said.

"Is it impossible to separate the soul from the body? Or to destroy them separately?"

"It's useless. I have tried many times, using all the methods I could think of, but none of them worked." Nie Yingji said.

Wow! It seems that the Blood Monster ancestor that he and Second Senior Brother accidentally created has an incredibly strong vitality.

"In that case, Second Senior Brother, why don't you take in this poisonous corpse that I created? Let's not worry about the Blood Monster ancestor for now, just seal it away. After all, it can't cause any trouble." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"If that's the case, it's not a big problem. But Junior Brother, you don't know how strange this Blood Monster ancestor is! I couldn't help but want to completely destroy it several times." Nie Yingji said.

"Second Senior Brother, could it be that this Blood Monster can break free from the seal on its own?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"It's not just breaking free from the seal. Now, every few months, I have to check its seal. If I don't keep an eye on it, this Blood Monster ancestor would have escaped long ago." Nie Yingji said.

This was a strange phenomenon he discovered before. The cultivation of this Blood Monster ancestor was actually increasing continuously, which shocked Nie Yingji.

Damn it, this creature was clearly sealed and shouldn't have been able to wake up. But its cultivation was indeed increasing unknowingly, and it was even automatically attacking the seal. What is going on?

Now, this Blood Monster ancestor, while in a sealed and unconscious state, has actually broken through to the Soul Cultivation realm, just like him.

"This, how is this possible? Second Senior Brother, you're not joking, right? It can increase its cultivation while being sealed, and it keeps breaking through your seal?" Zhou Tianfeng's face changed, and he asked in shock.

"Exactly. This matter has also frightened me. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that such a terrifying monster exists in this world, and moreover, it was created by your Senior Brother." Nie Yingji said.

Its divine soul was suppressed by itself, even tortured by itself, its body was sealed by itself, unable to absorb any spiritual energy from the outside world, but the cultivation of this Blood Monster ancestor was rapidly increasing. What exactly is it?

"Senior Brother, why don't we quickly deal with this Blood Monster? I have a feeling that if we let it go on like this, it will cause a big problem. Let's forget about the materials for the blood corpse for now." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"It won't come to that. Do you think my cultivation will stagnate? Even if it breaks through to the Transcending Mortality realm, it will still be in a sealed state. I can handle it. How can you be content without understanding such a miraculous thing?" Nie Yingji said.

"Senior Brother, listen to my advice. This thing is emitting a strange aura all over its body. It would be best to destroy it completely, turn it into ashes." Zhou Tianfeng said.

This thing called the Blood Monster can allow oneself and senior brother to simultaneously obtain two types of innate constitutions, and it can also be sensed by the world's heavenly principles. It is definitely not something ordinary.

"Mm! Little junior brother, let's do this. Wait for a while longer, ten years, let's set it as ten years. If after ten years, I still can't find a way to kill him, then I will completely destroy his soul and scatter his ashes." Nie Yingji said.

"Alright, senior brother, you be careful. Just in case, it's best for you to check his seal every night, and absolutely no mishaps should occur." Zhou Tianfeng said cautiously.

"I am more concerned about this matter than you, junior brother. Rest assured, I understand." Nie Yingji said.

Currently, this Blood Monster's primordial body is sealed with three seals, and there are two seals on its soul. It also has a soul-stabilizing bead on its body and a soul-stabilizing needle on its head. Even the coffin it is contained in is sealed.

It is absolutely impossible to break through so many layers of seals without being noticed by oneself.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and silently remembered this matter.

Just as Zhou Tianfeng and his second senior brother were discussing the peculiarities of the Blood Monster...

Lin Wan, the senior sister who had been in seclusion at the peak of Jade Mountain for five years, successfully broke through to the Soul Cultivation realm and woke up.

After waking up, Lin Wan was very happy. Being able to break through to the Soul Cultivation realm at less than a hundred years old, she could now be considered a top genius.

"Sister apprentice, congratulations on breaking through to the Soul Cultivation realm." A female disciple at the door said as she looked at Lin Wan.

"No need to be so polite, may I ask how long I have been in seclusion? It seems like a very long time has passed, right?" Lin Wan asked with a smile.

"Reporting to senior sister, it hasn't been that long. From the time you went into seclusion until now, it has only been a mere five years. I will go inform the sect leader." The female disciple at the door said before turning and leaving.

Upon hearing that she had actually been in seclusion for five years, Lin Wan stood there in a daze.

What's going on? It took a full five years to break through to the Soul Cultivation realm?

Oh no! Junior brother!

Today, there will be 2,000 words released. Tomorrow, there will be an extra update, a long chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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