Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 100 Registered Disciple, Second Senior Brother Wants To Surrender To The Enemy

Chapter 100: Registering Disciples, Second Senior Brother Wants to Defect

Upon hearing Zhou Tianfeng's words, Wang Xiaobao was clearly disappointed. Is it still not possible? He had already put in a lot of effort, so why does Mr. Zhou still not think highly of him?

"Xiaobao, focus on cultivating well in the future. When my cultivation breaks through to the Soul Cultivation realm, I will accept you as a registered disciple," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I can't just casually accept disciples! First of all, my current cultivation is not enough. I am only at the Harmonious Spirit realm. You haven't even mastered anything properly, yet you want to take on disciples. That's impossible.

Secondly, and most importantly, Zhou Tianfeng is a disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. The Heavenly Palace only accepts male disciples who meet certain special physical conditions, and Wang Xiaobao is clearly far from meeting those conditions.

But it's not a problem for you to become a registered disciple.


It's like a sudden ray of hope in the darkness. Wang Xiaobao thought he had no chance, but Mr. Zhou has given him a glimmer of hope again.

"Haha, do you think I would lie to you? It's not that I don't want to accept you as a direct disciple, but it's because of the rules of the sect. The Jade Water Heavenly Palace only accepts male disciples who have special Body Refining qualities and at least High Grade spiritual roots," Zhou Tianfeng said.

So that's how it is. It's not that Mr. Zhou doesn't want to accept me, but it's because of the sect's rules! But it's still good to become a registered disciple.

"In fact, being an outer disciple is not bad at all. Look at those guest elders in the sect, their status is not much lower than the elders," Zhou Tianfeng patted Wang Xiaobao's shoulder and comforted him.

"The rules of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace are quite strict, but the benefits are indeed good. The treatment for outer disciples and those guest elders is not bad at all. I'm even thinking of joining here," Second Senior Brother nodded and said.

During this period of time, he had fully experienced how good the benefits of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace were. At least in terms of visual enjoyment, he was well-fed.

And every day, a group of beautiful women would appear in front of him. How could he not be tempted?

He was now a cultivator at the Soul Cultivation realm, considered a master outside. Naturally, he attracted the attention of some female disciples from the Heavenly Palace. Recently, several Harmonious Spirit realm elders and even a few Soul Cultivation realm elders had shown great favor towards him.

It can be said that as long as he nodded, he could immediately join the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and become a guest elder like Blood Shadow Ancestor.

He could sit on an equal footing with his master, or more subtly, become a guest elder. There was no problem with that.

If it weren't for the coercion of that mysterious woman, he would have surrendered. Being a guest elder, and then finding a beautiful wife, isn't that great?

But there's no other way! He can't afford not to do what the mysterious woman instructed him to do! However, it seems like she didn't say that he couldn't join the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. Should he find an opportunity to test the waters?

But if he really becomes a son-in-law, his master would be furious! He would be doomed in the future, with no hope.

If he joins the Heavenly Palace, the third senior brother will disappear, and the Blood Shadow Sect's legacy will be cut off.

"Senior brother, if you want to join the Heavenly Palace, there shouldn't be a problem, after all, you also have a special physique. The Extreme Yin Body is no joke. You don't have to start from the outer sect!" Zhou Tianfeng leaned against his second senior brother and said with a mysterious smile.

As men, how could he not understand his second senior brother? Back in the Blood Shadow Sect, there was no choice. They were all a group of men, with only two women, his sister-in-law and his niece.

Now in this place full of beautiful women, his second senior brother's heart is also stirred! Zhou Tianfeng has caught his second senior brother exchanging flirtatious glances with those female disciples more than once.

Apart from not having the same hormonal effect as himself, this second senior brother's overall conditions are even better than his, at least in terms of cultivation, he is at the Soul Cultivation realm, which is already a great advantage.

If he really wants to join the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, he can report to the sect leader and let him enter with his skills.

Ming Yanshang also mentioned this to him privately, expressing it in a tactful manner. If his second senior brother can join, there will be great rewards from above.

At that time, she and Zhou Tianfeng, as the recommenders, can receive very generous benefits from above.

"Cough cough! Master, the master will be angry." Nie Yingji coughed twice and said.

The suggestion from his junior martial brother made him excited. He's right, he's not just anyone now. In terms of cultivation, he is at the Soul Cultivation realm, and in terms of physique, he has the Apex Level Extreme Yin Body.

It perfectly meets all the conditions for joining the Yao Water Heavenly Palace. He doesn't need to start as an outer sect disciple.

Now the only thing he worries about is the Blood Shadow Sect's legacy and the matter of the mysterious woman. Moreover, the Profound Heaven Demon Codex he is currently cultivating will not lead to Ascension in the Immortal World, but in the Black Demon World.

"Senior brother, should you consider it? There are many benefits after joining." Zhou Tianfeng began a new round of persuasion.

"I won't hide it from you, junior martial brother. I do want to join, but you also know! If I join, our Blood Shadow Sect's legacy might be cut off!"

"This is easy to solve! Senior brother, think about it. With our talents, we will definitely be able to Ascend to immortality in the future. When our cultivation reaches the Heavenly Ascension realm, we can casually take in a few disciples and pass down the Blood Shadow Sect. Isn't it the same?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Let me think about it carefully! I'll give you a reply in a while," Nie Yingji said.

He could tell that his junior brother had been entrusted by the sect leader to act as a mediator.

The mysterious woman hadn't appeared for five years, and he didn't know what the situation was now! When she appeared again, he would ask her. If she didn't object, he would listen to his junior brother.

"Don't worry, senior brother. I'll help you pass the test set by our master. After all, even our sect leader has joined in, so we have the right to speak! Isn't that right?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Zhou Tianfeng knew what his second senior brother was worried about. That mysterious woman wouldn't care about such trivial matters.

When a powerful figure orders you to do something, as long as you complete the task they assigned, they won't bother with whether you join a sect or do other things!

Even if you go around killing and setting fires, as long as you complete the task assigned by the other party, they won't have the leisure to care about other matters.

"Hahaha, junior brother is right. Come, let's have a drink together. It's been a long time since the two of us had a drink," Nie Yingji said.

"Of course, I will accompany you to the end," Zhou Tianfeng replied.

The two senior brothers exchanged glances and smiled, then flew back to Jade Luan Peak together.

Under Zhou Tianfeng's instructions, the outer disciples quickly brought a table full of ingredients rich in spiritual energy, as well as the spirit wine brewed by Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

The two of them began to enjoy the feast. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, Nie Yingji finally asked, "Junior brother, there's something I want to ask you. Did you successfully refine the Hundred Poison Immortal Slayer Blade of our sect?"

"Haha, nothing can escape your eyes, senior brother! Indeed, as you guessed, a month ago, I successfully refined more than 100 kinds of mixed poisons, which are now applied to the Hundred Poison Immortal Slayer Blade," Zhou Tianfeng replied.

"Can I have a look?" Nie Yingji asked.

"Why not?"

Zhou Tianfeng extended his hand and activated the True Conversion technique. In the palm of his hand, he released the Hundred Poison Immortal Slayer Blade he had successfully refined. It was a small knife about the length of a finger, entirely jade green in color with blood-colored lines on both sides.

This knife was extremely small, only suitable for sneak attacks, and was a Supreme Grade Law Treasure.

"It's indeed a treasure. It is said that this treasure is small and exquisite, extremely fast when used, and impossible to defend against. Once it injures someone, they are bound to die. It can be said to kill without a trace," Nie Yingji commented as he looked at the jade green poison blade floating in Zhou Tianfeng's palm.

It's really a good treasure. I wonder if my cultivation of the Profound Heaven Demon Codex can withstand its power?

"That's right. After all, it's more than 100 carefully cultivated poisons. If you're injured by it, unless your cultivation reaches the Immortal Transformation realm, you won't have time to prepare an antidote," Zhou Tianfeng proudly said.

The proportions and configuration of these poisons were carefully adjusted by Zhou Tianfeng.

This treasure had just been refined, and he didn't know its specific power. Master's Wife had said that experts in the Immortal Transformation realm were definitely not afraid of this thing.

Why not let Ming Yanshang try its power another day? After all, he had the antidote and wasn't afraid of hurting her.

If he succeeded in knocking her down, then he could do whatever he wanted.

"Now that your poison blade is refined, what about the poison corpse? When will you start refining the poison corpse?" Nie Yingji asked with a hidden meaning.

As a professional in playing with zombies, he was very eager to see the Iron Armor Poison Corpse.

"Cough cough! Actually, I'm a disciple of Jade Water Heavenly Palace now. Playing with zombies would damage the reputation of the Heavenly Palace," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Junior brother, you're confused! If this poison corpse can be refined, its power will be even stronger than the poison blade."

"Senior brother, how about I give you that Iron Armor Poison Corpse back! I can help you poison it and refine it, and you can use it. I won't need it," Zhou Tianfeng suggested.

"Junior brother, what do you mean? There's no reason for senior brother to take back something he gave you. Besides, I can't use it either!"

"Senior brother, maybe you couldn't use it before, but now you might! With your Extreme Yin Body and the supreme divine technique you obtained, your resistance to poison should have improved a lot. There shouldn't be any problem controlling such a poison corpse," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"This is inappropriate. It was a gift from senior brother to you."

"Then I'll give it back to senior brother. Don't be polite, senior brother. That Blood Monster Ancestor, who knows when it will be successfully refined! Let's make do with this poison corpse for now," Zhou Tianfeng said.

Hearing the words "Blood Monster Ancestor," Nie Yingji's face suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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