Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 99 How Disrespectful! Poison Blade Training

Chapter 99: Great Disrespect! The Poison Blade is Perfected

"Hehe! Disciple asks for Senior Uncle's guidance." Zhou Tianfeng's lips curled into a cold smile as he opened his arms and pounced towards the sect leader.

I can't stand it, I can't stand it!

The current attire of the sect leader, Ming Yanshang, is quite enticing, with a low-cut top revealing her snow-white shoulders, a long skirt that exposes her midriff, and a pair of beautiful legs faintly visible beneath the hem.

However, to Zhou Tianfeng's disappointment, his attempt to pounce on her was thwarted. Instead, he was slapped away by the sect leader and crashed into the opposite wall.

"You little brat, how dare you disrespect me, the sect leader." Ming Yanshang pretended to be annoyed.

For some reason, every time this brat gets angry, there is a stronger pleasant fragrance emanating from him. That's why she always ends up tearing Zhou Tianfeng's clothes.

And that's why she exhausts him to the point of collapse.

"Today, I will commit a great act of disrespect." Zhou Tianfeng stood up and declared.

His head is about to explode now, but unfortunately, no matter how impatient, determined, and teeth-gritting Zhou Tianfeng is, he can't even touch the corner of the sect leader's clothes. Instead, he becomes a plaything in Ming Yanshang's hands.

Ming Yanshang looked at Zhou Tianfeng's frustrated expression and burst into laughter.

This brat is quite amusing. Several times, she has made him furious, and even now, he still wants to pounce on her.

As for what he wants to do when he catches her, is there even a need to mention it?

But the gap in cultivation is there. It's not like you can do whatever you want. The initiative is in my hands.

I can tease you a bit, provoke you a bit, but if you want to get serious, well, let's just say it's out of the question.

Although I have taken a liking to you, little brat, if you want to be my partner, wait until your cultivation is on par with mine.

However, the progress in dealing with this brat is smoother than she imagined. He surrendered and disarmed himself much faster than expected.

She hasn't even used her two ultimate moves yet, and this brat can't handle it. In order to deal with him, Ming Yanshang specifically learned a few sets of seductive fairy dances.

Then, she pretended to be dancing alone and let him catch glimpses of her, or when she was bathing in the spiritual spring on the back mountain, she let him see some things.

As a result, these two ultimate moves haven't even been used yet, and this kid has already revealed his true colors. He truly lives up to being a disciple of the Demon Sect, as he really has no resistance in this aspect.

In the future, I'll have to train him more. His self-control is really lacking.

Half a day later, Zhou Tianfeng, exhausted and lying on the ground, had used up all his strength but still couldn't even grab a corner of the sect leader's clothes.

Zhou Tianfeng is truly speechless now. What do you mean? With your teasing, I've already surrendered, but when it comes to the crucial moment, you leave me hanging!

So, do you actually want to or not? If you don't want to, why do you keep tormenting me and leaving me in this state of uncertainty?

Say that you want to! But then you don't let me have my way? Is there anyone who torments people like this?

"You daring brat, do you know the consequences of attempting something inappropriate towards me?"

"I'm already lying down, so do whatever you want! I'll be honest, I did want to do something inappropriate towards you. If you dare, go ahead and report it to the Elder. If you have the guts, you'll ruin my cultivation and expel me from the sect," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Do you think I won't dare? If I report this to the Elder, you'll have your cultivation destroyed and be expelled from the sect," Ming Yanshang said, pretending to be angry.

"Do you dare? If you dare, then wear this outfit in front of me. If you have the guts, wear this outfit and walk around, see how the outer and inner disciples look at you.

I'm not afraid. Go ahead and tell the Elder about this. I don't care if you ruin my cultivation!" Zhou Tianfeng said without backing down.

He now understands everything. This sect leader can't bear to let him go. Come on! Suck up all the pheromones on my body!

Ming Yanshang's eyes widened, and he raised his right hand, hitting Zhou Tianfeng's head hard.

"Deserving of a beating! But considering our identities and the difference in cultivation, if you want to become my Dao companion, I'll give you a chance. Within 300 years, raise your cultivation to the Immortal Transformation realm, and I'll agree to anything you ask," Ming Yanshang came to Zhou Tianfeng's side, squatting down and speaking.

"Tch! Within 300 years? You're underestimating my Heavenly Rage Battle Body. I don't need that long. At most 100 years, or even less than a hundred years, I'll surpass you," Zhou Tianfeng rubbed his sore shoulder and sat up.

With my cultivation speed, within a century at most, I'll break through to the Soul Cultivation realm, or even the Immortal Transformation realm.

The speed at which my body absorbs spiritual energy is currently at the level of Supreme Grade Spirit Root, but my stomach's digestion capacity and other various abilities guarantee that my cultivation speed will only get faster.

"You're quite confident. Alright, then go for it! I'll protect you now, and after you become an immortal, you'll protect me," Ming Yanshang nodded in satisfaction. Having ambition is a good thing.

The two of them chatted for a while longer, and after Zhou Tianfeng regained his strength, he got up, put on his new clothes, and returned to his room.

Time has unknowingly passed, and in the blink of an eye, it has been five years since Master's Wife went into seclusion, and Zhou Tianfeng has been trained by this sect leader for five years as well.

Silly and sweet senior sister has also been in seclusion for five years.

In these four years, Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation has successfully broken through the Foundation Building Stage and entered the Harmonious Spirit realm. Currently, his cultivation is at the early stage of Harmonious Spirit.

His cultivation speed once again exceeded the expectations of the sect leader. Now, if the sect leader wants to defeat him, they must raise their cultivation to the Soul Cultivation realm.

Zhou Tianfeng's strength, as well as the various abilities of his body, has progressed far beyond the imagination of this sect leader.

First of all, his adrenaline burst mode. Even if it is only activated for half an hour now, his body will not bear too much burden.

The power of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is even more superior. Now, when the Heavenly Rage Battle Body is activated, he can barely reach the combat power of the late stage of Harmonious Spirit. However, it is not like before, where he could directly advance to a higher realm.

However, on top of that, if he combines it with the adrenaline burst mode, Zhou Tianfeng can barely maintain it for five minutes.

Under the double combination, his combat power can compete with an early stage Soul Cultivation expert, but once the time limit is over, he will become a lamb to be slaughtered.

But with a cultivation at the early stage of Harmonious Spirit, in the case of using all his trump cards, he can barely confront a cultivator in the Soul Cultivation realm, and even have the possibility of killing the opponent. Zhou Tianfeng is proud enough.

Yes, now Zhou Tianfeng has the trump card to kill cultivators in the Soul Cultivation realm, and even if a cultivator in the Transcending Mortality realm is hit, they will also face life and death.

The reason for this is that his Hundred Poison Immortal Blade has finally been successfully refined. Zhou Tianfeng has successfully become immune to hundreds of types of deadly poison.

During these five years, besides practicing the Profound Yellow Spear Technique and being teased by the sect leader, Zhou Tianfeng's greatest focus has been on the medicinal field outside the sect.

The poisonous flowers and grasses there have completely grown, and Wang Xiaobao's cultivation has also reached the late stage of Qi Condensation.

Zhou Tianfeng has also started to cultivate the poisonous insects that were attracted by the poisonous flowers and grasses.

All the attracted poisonous insects have been collected by Zhou Tianfeng, and he has fed them his blood and saliva. Then, he let them kill each other in a way of nurturing, cultivating a transcendent-level poisonous insect.

For this matter, Zhou Tianfeng also asked for help from his second senior brother. Now, he and Wang Xiaobao are helping him cultivate poisonous flowers, poisonous grasses, and poisonous insects.

On this day, after bidding farewell to the sect leader Mingyan, Zhou Tianfeng flew to the medicinal field on his sword. At the same time, a black blood-colored figure descended from the sky, and his second senior brother also flew over.

His second senior brother is completely different from five years ago. With the cultivation of the Profound Heaven Demon Codex, his current cultivation is enough to match a cultivator in the late stage of Soul Cultivation.

Coupled with various secret techniques, the Soul Cultivation realm, his second senior brother is absolutely invincible.

"Mr. Zhou, and Mr. Nie, Xiaobao has successfully prepared a poisonous pill according to your instructions." Wang Xiaobao saw the two approaching and immediately greeted them, speaking up.

A few months ago, Zhou Tianfeng gave him an alchemy furnace and gave him some pill formulas, then let him try to refine the poisonous pill.

If the poisonous pill can be successfully refined, he will be given some formulas for spirit pills to try refining.

The spirit pill formulas of the Blood Shadow Sect are somewhat different from those of the orthodox sects.

Orthodox sects purely use various spirit medicines to refine spirit pills, while the Blood Shadow Sect, due to limited resources, needs to use some non-toxic parts of poisonous flowers and grasses as an auxiliary when refining these spirit pills.

After all, after removing the toxic parts of these poisonous flowers and grasses, they are all highly nourishing substances that cannot be wasted. Using them to refine spirit pills is the best choice.

Therefore, in terms of poisonous flowers and grasses, the Blood Shadow Sect, a demonic sect like this, is much stronger than those orthodox sects.

This kid can refine good poisonous pills and handle these poisonous flowers and grasses well, so he can try refining some spirit pills.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and took the poisonous pills that Wang Xiaobao had refined. The quality was good enough to knock down a cultivator at the Foundation Building Stage without any problem.

Having him learn alchemy and poison techniques was indeed the right choice. Wang Xiaobao is very talented in this aspect, and he is also serious when learning things.

"Xiaobao did a good job. Here are a few pill formulas for you to try refining these basic spirit pills." Zhou Tianfeng handed over several formulas for low-level spirit pills to Wang Xiaobao.

"Haha, this kid did a good job. He is very talented in using poison. Junior brother, why don't you consider accepting him as your disciple?" Nie Yingji walked over and said.

Wang Xiaobao's eyes lit up at the side, looking at Zhou Tianfeng with anticipation.

He really wanted to become Zhou Tianfeng's disciple.

"Second senior brother is joking. I am only at the Harmonious Spirit realm now. How can I have the qualifications to accept disciples? Let's talk about this later." Zhou Tianfeng shook his head and refused.

It's not that easy to accept disciples!

(End of this chapter)

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