Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 98 Just A Discussion? Master, You've Had Enough

Chapter 98: Just a Friendly Sparring Match? Master, that's enough.

"The set of spear techniques created by the Profound Yellow Divine Body is incredibly powerful. With your Heavenly Rage Battle Body, the power could be even stronger."

As soon as he returned, Ming Yanshang began teaching Zhou Tianfeng the spear techniques created by the Profound Yellow Divine Body.

The Profound Yellow Divine Body itself is an extremely powerful physique, with the support of the profound yellow aura and special phenomena. In terms of power, it is even stronger than her Innate Fire Spirit Body.

The spear techniques created by this senior are already extremely powerful and domineering, especially suitable for Zhou Tianfeng's Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

Even if Zhou Tianfeng had chosen other techniques just now, she would have reminded him and ultimately made him choose this set of Profound Yellow spear techniques.

This set of spear techniques was created by a senior of our sect and has the most complete inheritance, as well as the cultivation experience and insights of this senior. It is currently the most suitable for Zhou Tianfeng's cultivation.

"I understand, Master Uncle. I will not disgrace the skills of this senior." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Let's see how long it takes for him to learn this set of spear techniques!

For him now, unless his cultivation and realm are insufficient, he should be able to learn any technique without taking too much time.

"Yes! As for this set of spear techniques, it contains all the moves and techniques from the Foundation Building Stage to the Heavenly Ascension realm. Go back and study it carefully." Ming Yanshang said.

Although this kid has good talent, Ming Yanshang estimated that he would at most be able to master the first two moves corresponding to the Foundation Building and Harmonious Spirit realms.

His own cultivation is at the Foundation Building Stage, and after activating the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, he is completely at the Ronglin realm. So it shouldn't be difficult for him to master these two moves, and then he can progress step by step.

"Master Uncle, speaking of using this set of spear techniques, do I need a spear-type Law Treasure?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"Do you want a Law Treasure from me now? It's not impossible, but first learn the first two spear techniques. After you learn them, I will prepare a High Grade Spiritual Weapon Law Treasure for you." Ming Yanshang nodded and said.

"High Grade Spiritual Weapon? Master Uncle, are you serious?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

Originally, Zhou Tianfeng only wanted a Middle Grade or Low Grade Spiritual Weapon, but he didn't expect Master Uncle to directly give him a High Grade Spiritual Weapon.

In the cultivation world, Law Treasures are collectively called Spiritual Weapons, including Low Grade Spiritual Weapons, Middle Grade Spiritual Weapons, High Grade Spiritual Weapons, and Supreme Grade Spiritual Weapons.

Above Spiritual Weapons are Treasure Weapons. In the cultivation world, if you want to refine a Treasure Weapon, your cultivation must at least reach the Rising Dawn realm.

To give me a High Grade Spiritual Weapon? The best Law Treasure of their Blood Shadow Sect is also a High Grade Spiritual Weapon. Why is it treated like a treasure?

When his senior brother went out before, Blood Shadow Ancestor only gave him one, and the one he inherited, the Hundred Poison Immortal Slashing Blade, is also just a High Grade Spiritual Weapon.

"Don't worry, this is personally refined by me. I provided all the materials. When the time comes, you can use it with peace of mind." Ming Yanshang said with a smile.

Consider it an investment in you.

If you want to refine a Low Grade Spiritual Weapon, your cultivation must reach the Harmonious Spirit stage. To refine a Middle Grade Spiritual Weapon, your cultivation must reach the Soul Cultivation realm. To refine a High Grade Spiritual Weapon, your cultivation must reach the Transcending Mortality realm.

To refine a Supreme Grade Spiritual Weapon, your cultivation must reach the Immortal Transformation realm. So for him, who is at the Immortal Transformation realm, refining a High Grade Spiritual Weapon is a breeze.

"I need some time to refine a High Grade Spiritual Weapon for you. During this period, you need to learn the first two moves. Otherwise, if someone takes away your Spiritual Weapon, it would be embarrassing." Ming Yanshang said.

"Master Uncle, rest assured, such a thing will never happen." Zhou Tianfeng said.

Who would dare to take away my treasure?

"During this period, practice with an ordinary Law Weapon!" Ming Yanshang said.

"Understood, Master." Zhou Tianfeng replied.

Can I ask Master Uncle to upgrade my Hundred Poison Immortal Slashing Blade?

The Hundred Poison Immortal Slashing Blade is only a High Grade Spiritual Treasure, tempered with various poisons, but it can only deal with cultivators at the Soul Cultivation and Transcending Mortality levels. To deal with the Immortal Transformation realm, he needs to improve its quality.

But this matter is not urgent. He will find an opportunity to ask in the future.

"You may leave now. Practice the spear techniques well. If you have any questions, come to me. Remember to come and spar with me every morning." Ming Yanshang said.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded and took his leave.

After returning to his room, Zhou Tianfeng immediately opened the Profound Yellow spear techniques and began practicing.

It only took Zhou Tianfeng one night to memorize the Profound Yellow spear techniques, as they were not difficult, apart from the basic mental formulas.

The real challenge lies in the seven ultimate techniques.

The first ultimate technique, Soul Piercing Thrust, requires a Supreme Grade spear Law Treasure as a medium, infused with one's true essence to deliver a powerful attack.

To perform this move, one must have at least the Foundation Building cultivation and possess an Apex Level physique.

Of course, cultivators specializing in body cultivation can also use it, but its power will not be as great without the support of a special physique.

Form Two: Cold Star Dots, this move is somewhat similar to the Flying Flower Sword Technique. It also uses Law Treasure to create countless cold stars in the sky, confusing the enemy and inflicting additional attacks.

However, in terms of power, this move surpasses the Flying Flower Sword Technique. To use this move, one's cultivation must reach the Harmonious Spirit realm. However, one's Heavenly Rage Battle Body can still be used.

Form Three: Misty Cold Snow, transforming the long spear into cold brilliance, attacking the enemy's vital points with lightning speed, instantly freezing the enemy's entire body.

To execute this move, one's cultivation must reach the Soul Cultivation realm.

Form Four: Reversing the Milky Way, swinging the spear body in the sky and descending from above, attacking the opponent like the reversal of the Milky Way.

This move possesses unparalleled momentum, emphasizing overpowering the opponent. One's cultivation must reach the Transcending Mortality realm to execute it.

Form Five: Snowy Moon in the Vast Sky, this is a group attack technique. The long spear is thrown, transforming into countless spear shadows in the sky, descending to attack the opponent.

One must reach the Immortal Transformation realm to execute it.

Form Six: Great Wilderness Heavenly Shadow, condensing a giant illusion behind oneself, coordinating with one's own attacks, with astonishing power.

This move requires the Rising Dawn realm to execute.

Form Seven: Heaven-Slaying, it is the most powerful move in the Xuanhuang Spear Technique. When used, it is enough to kill a master at the Heavenly Ascension realm.

One's cultivation must reach the Heavenly Ascension realm, combined with the most apex level physique, to execute it.

This set of spear techniques is very powerful, and the inventor also considered various situations before creating it. The difficulty of cultivation is not high, but not low either.

If you don't have a special physique, you can still practice it with specialized physical training, and you can barely use it up to the fourth move.

Zhou Tianfeng spent two days learning the first two moves of the spear technique.

These two moves correspond to the Foundation Building and Harmonious Spirit realms. Zhou Tianfeng can use the first move anytime and anywhere in his normal state, while the second move requires the activation of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

For the third move, Zhou Tianfeng only memorized the technique but did not start practicing it. This move corresponds to the Soul Cultivation realm.

If he activates the Heavenly Rage Battle Body and has an adrenaline burst, he should be able to use it reluctantly, but it would cause greater damage to his body.

It's unnecessary and not cost-effective.

In the following period of time, Zhou Tianfeng resumed his routine life.

He practiced the basic cultivation method of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace every day, as well as the Xuanhuang Spear Technique, and then sparred with the sect leader.

At the beginning, the sect leader still had some ladylike demeanor, but after the two became familiar, Zhou Tianfeng realized that the sect leader was definitely the most apex level in providing benefits.

Firstly, the sparring venue for the two changed from the martial arts field to the sect leader's private room.

Then, in terms of dressing, Zhou Tianfeng felt that the sect leader's clothing was gradually decreasing.

"When we spar, it's inevitable to have some physical contact, right? It's normal. But every time, Zhou Tianfeng would be aroused, but in the end, he couldn't vent his frustration, which made him uncomfortable.

And what about the sect leader? She would just ignite the fire but not help extinguish it! During this period, Zhou Tianfeng felt like he was about to explode.

"Cold Star Dots." Zhou Tianfeng swung the silver spear in his hand, transforming it into cold stars, attacking the sect leader.

Ming Yanshang lightly waved her hand and set up a fiery red barrier in front of her, blocking Zhou Tianfeng's attack, then she circled around to his back.

A sly smile appeared at the corner of her mouth as she kicked Zhou Tianfeng's buttocks.

Zhou Tianfeng retracted his spear to support his body, then used the force to swing it backward and turned to attack Ming Yanshang.

Ming Yanshang curved her lips, lightly tapped her hand, and resolved Zhou Tianfeng's attack. She also casually tore Zhou Tianfeng's upper garment, revealing his well-built upper body.

As the two fought, Zhou Tianfeng's upper garment had already turned into tattered cloth strips. Recently, Zhou Tianfeng's consumption had been a bit high with the Jade Water Heavenly Palace's magnificent disciple attire.

"That's enough! Ming Yanshang, what do you want?" Zhou Tianfeng planted his silver spear into the ground and said discontentedly.

Enough already! Damn it, I'm not made of clay. Are you teasing me like this?

"Hehe! What's wrong? After becoming familiar, you're calling me by my name directly? You're not even calling me Senior Martial Uncle anymore?" Ming Yanshang covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Is there anyone who teaches their junior disciples like you? Is there anyone who acts like an elder like you? Every day, I have to change my clothes when sparring with you. How many sets of clothes have you torn? You tell me." Zhou Tianfeng gritted his teeth.

Damn it! She usually behaves like a lady, but after getting close, Zhou Tianfeng realized that this sect leader was simply a little demon!

Or rather, a little devil.

"Hehe! When two people spar, it's inevitable to cause some damage. I didn't hurt you at all. I just tore your clothes, which already showed control. Do you want me to beat you until you're covered in blood?" Ming Yanshang said indifferently.

". Zhou Tianfeng.

Damn it!

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