Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 97 Profound Yellow Divine Body, Shooting

Chapter 97: Profound Yellow Divine Body, Execution by Spear

Zhou Tianfeng couldn't help but sigh. He really had a busy life!

I just wanted to quietly cultivate and grow, relying on my miraculous human body and the gifts from Mother Earth, until I become strong enough to come out.

But sometimes things don't go as planned! While I was cultivating in the Blood Shadow Sect, my third senior brother was captured, and our master had to flee with me and my second senior brother overnight.

Then I was handed over to the irresponsible senior sister, and was directly taken into the Jade Water Heavenly Palace for free, which wasn't bad.

After all, it's good to lean against a big tree for shade. I thought that the Jade Water Heavenly Palace, this giant tree, would shelter me from wind and rain, giving me enough time to grow.

But just when I had settled down, my second senior brother brought a thunderbolt out of the blue, and actually targeted me, a person at the immortal level!

Things are really unpredictable!

Well, let's think about the important matters now.

How to deal with that mysterious woman. Zhou Tianfeng currently has two ideas. The first idea is to use his saliva and blood to cultivate poisonous insects, poisonous flowers, and poisonous plants, and raise them in the form of Gu.

Find a way to create one or many unparalleled poisons that can bring down an immortal-level existence.

This thing will be his secret weapon against that mysterious woman, and must be carefully cultivated.

The second method is the temporary discovery of Zhou Tianfeng's adrenaline surge, which causes excessive hormone secretion. He can use his hormones to deal with this mysterious female immortal.

His current cultivation level is Foundation Building Stage, but the hormones in his body can affect the cultivation level of the sect leader, Ming Yanshang, who has transformed his body.

But in order to deal with an immortal-level existence, it would be best if his cultivation level is not too far from hers. He must become the lowest-level immortal, so that his hormones can have an effect on her.

Otherwise, if your life levels are not on the same level, how can you possibly attract the other person?

So, in the short term, Zhou Tianfeng really doesn't have a good way to deal with this mysterious woman.

A night passed without words.

Early the next morning, Zhou Tianfeng followed the sect leader to the Jade Water Heavenly Palace's library.

Compared to the Blood Shadow Sect's library, this one was much more luxurious, with pavilions and towers surrounding it, appearing extraordinary.

The sect leader, Ming Yanshang, personally came, making quite a commotion. In addition to the two disciples guarding the entrance, a woman in a green robe also walked out.

"Huaqing pays respects to the sect leader."

"Elder Huaqing, no need to be polite." Ming Yanshang smiled and replied.

"Is the sect leader here to visit the library?" Elder Huaqing asked.

In the library, there was always an elder guarding it at all times, with all the elders taking turns.

Each person's guard duty lasted for three years, and it would take about a hundred years for all the elders to rotate.

"Yes, this is Shui Yun's newly accepted direct disciple, the legendary Heavenly Rage Battle Body. I brought him here this time to select a secret technique from the fifth level, using my sect's contribution. I trouble Elder Huaqing." Ming Yanshang pointed at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

"I see. So this is Shui Yun's outstanding disciple?" Elder Huaqing looked Zhou Tianfeng up and down, nodded, and smiled.

"Disciple Zhou Tianfeng pays respects to Elder Huaqing." Zhou Tianfeng immediately stepped forward and bowed.

"No need to be polite. Practice well in the future and bring glory to our sect. Then, sect leader, let's unlock the restriction together." Elder Huaqing said.

"Of course."

The two nodded at each other, each taking out a jade talisman, and then casting several spells. After a beam of light, the restriction on the fifth level of the library was lifted.

"Go in quickly. You have one hour to choose a manual and bring it out." Elder Huaqing said.

In the library, there were no restrictions on the first level, as all disciples could enter and browse.

Starting from the second level, a jade talisman was required to enter. The fourth level required the presence of an elder to enter.

As for the fifth and sixth levels, only the current resident elders and the sect leader could open them together. The jade talisman given by the sect leader could only allow Zhou Tianfeng to freely enter the first three levels.

To enter the fourth level and choose a secret technique, one must contribute to the sect or have a Peak Master personally bear the sect's contribution.

As for the fifth level techniques, only the contributions of the sect leader or the Grand Elder could grant access.

Obviously, Ming Yanshang used his own contribution to give Zhou Tianfeng a small backdoor.

After the restriction was lifted, Ming Yanshang and Elder Huaqing exchanged a few more pleasantries, and then led Zhou Tianfeng into the library.

"Hurry up, kid. After opening this restriction, it can only be maintained for an hour. After an hour, it will automatically close." Ming Yanshang said.

After an hour, it would be quite troublesome to open this place again.

"Senior Master, do you have any suggestions?" Zhou Tianfeng asked as he looked at the books spread out before him.

"What do you want to learn? On your left, there are records of some rare sword techniques, some of which were created by experts in our sect. There are also some peerless sword moves passed down from extinct sects. A few rows behind you, there are records of the methods for refining divine weapons, but they shouldn't be of much use to you. The middle row of bookshelves contains records of explosive-type secret techniques, and the bookshelf in the front left contains records of forbidden arts. However, using these techniques will cause some damage to your body, so I don't recommend borrowing from there," Ming Yanshang patiently explained the contents of the fifth floor to Zhou Tianfeng.

Zhou Tianfeng nodded in response and walked towards the bookshelves. The books on the shelves were all covered in a layer of yellow seal.

These books, which recorded supreme martial arts, were all made of an unknown material that emitted a faint golden light.

Not made of paper or gold, Zhou Tianfeng recognized this material as Golden Thread Silk, an extremely rare material made from the silk of a creature called the Golden Spirit Silkworm.

Most sects would use this material to make battle armor or create some kind of whip-like Spiritual Treasure. However, Jade Water Heavenly Palace directly used it as paper for recording.

Zhou Tianfeng flipped through the books, but could only open the first page to see the table of contents and introduction. The actual content was completely hidden.

The anti-theft measures were done very well. Each book had a special prohibition, allowing you to only view the introduction and some basic information.

It was impossible to quickly jot down the contents for free.

Zhou Tianfeng looked through them and felt a bit overwhelmed. He wandered around for half an hour, not knowing which one to choose.

Because they were all Supreme Grade secret techniques or spells, Zhou Tianfeng was itching to make them his own.

"How about it? Have you made up your mind?" Ming Yanshang asked.

"Senior Master, our sect should have also accepted male disciples with special constitutions before, right? Are there any others with the Heavenly Rage Battle Body?" Zhou Tianfeng asked.

If there is something readily available, then it couldn't be better. If I keep looking, I won't be able to resist robbing this place.

"Your idea is quite good, just directly taking someone else's things. But unfortunately, my sect has never accepted a disciple of the Heavenly Rage Battle Body before," Ming Yanshang looked at Zhou Tianfeng and said.

We don't have it here, but the main sect does have such secret techniques. There was once a Heavenly Rage Battle Body who received the grace of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace and married a female disciple of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace.

In order to repay the Heavenly Palace at that time, this Heavenly Rage Battle Body left behind several secret techniques that he created in the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. However, only disciples of the same Heavenly Rage Battle Body can cultivate these secret techniques.

But they can't access the sect's library for now. They can wait until this kid's cultivation level is higher.

The main sect will naturally summon him over, and then they can take the opportunity to ask for it. As fellow Heavenly Rage Battle Bodies, only this kid can unleash the maximum power of those secret techniques. The main sect shouldn't refuse.

Or I can directly ask the main sect shamelessly, and they can also bring it over. Otherwise, I can find some time to talk to the main sect in the future. After all, it's just gathering dust in the library, so it's better to give it to this Heavenly Rage Battle Body.

"I see. Then what about other male disciples with special constitutions? For a battle-type constitution, the techniques or sword techniques he created should be suitable for me," Zhou Tianfeng asked.

"There is only one male disciple with an Earth Spirit Body, and one with a Profound Yellow Divine Body. The Earth Spirit Body is not very suitable for you, but the Profound Yellow Divine Body is. He created a set of Profound Yellow Spear Techniques, you can go and observe it," Ming Yanshang said.

"In that case, I will choose the Profound Yellow Divine Body's spear techniques as the sect's leader!" Zhou Tianfeng pondered for a moment and said.

The Profound Yellow Divine Body is also a type of battle-type constitution. Although it is slightly inferior to the Heavenly Rage Battle Body, it is still an Apex Level constitution. The techniques he created should not be lacking in any way.

"I understand." Ming Yanshang went to the back row of bookshelves and pulled out a golden book page from the bottom, handing it to Zhou Tianfeng.

"Thank you, Sect Leader Senior Uncle." Zhou Tianfeng respectfully accepted the golden book.

Clicking, the words "Profound Yellow Spear Techniques" were written on it in a lively manner.

"No need to be polite. This senior is a figure from seven thousand years ago. He cultivated for more than three thousand years and successfully ascended to the Immortal World. When you cultivate his techniques, you must not disgrace his reputation. Perhaps in the future, you may even meet the person himself," Ming Yanshang said.

Zhou Tianfeng was shocked to hear this. It turned out to be a technique created by a senior who had already ascended. It must be extraordinary.

"Sect Leader Senior Uncle, rest assured, I will definitely not disgrace the reputation of this senior. I wonder if this senior can deal with that mysterious woman?" In the future, when he meets this senior, he doesn't know if the senior can deal with that mysterious woman.

"Now that the things have been prepared, let's leave together," Ming Yanshang said, and with Zhou Tianfeng, they left the library.

After greeting Elder Huaqing at the entrance, they returned to the Sect Leader's Palace.

Sorry for the delay, I forgot to set up automatic upload.

(End of this chapter)

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