Immortal Cultivation: I Am A Human Being, Not The Human Clan!

Chapter 96 The Role Of Male Hormones (4,000 Words, Two Chapters In One)

Chapter 96: The Effects of Male Hormones (A 4,000-word Two-in-One Chapter)

Zhou Tianfeng watched as these departing female disciples, his mind sinking into contemplation, silently following behind the sect leader, Ming Yanshang.

The ambiguous attention he received from so many female disciples might not be solely due to his special physique and being a direct disciple.

When he first arrived at Jade Water Heavenly Palace, he found it strange that his master's wife, Fairy Shui Yun, had a favorable impression of him and treated him extremely well.

But at that time, Zhou Tianfeng believed that, given the relationship between his master's wife and his master, it was natural for her to have affection for him. He didn't think there was anything strange about it.

After arriving at Jade Water Heavenly Palace, those female disciples became overly enthusiastic towards him upon meeting. Even though he had the advantage of a special physique, the women in the Immortal Cultivation World shouldn't have been so excited. They were like wolves and tigers.

Later, the people he encountered, his senior sister Lin Wan, the sect leader Ming Yanshang, and even all the female disciples who looked at him, exhibited this kind of behavior, with a burning gaze.

The intensity of this burning gaze even made Zhou Tianfeng shudder. This was definitely not normal.

He was certain that it wasn't due to the special physique and status he possessed. Zhou Tianfeng could now be 100% sure.

Could it be that he naturally possessed a charm? But shouldn't this kind of thing only exist in women?

Wait a minute, it seems that Earth humans really do have this ability! No, no, it should be that all animals possess this ability, it's just a matter of strength.

This is also a hormone secreted by the human body called male hormones. Both men and women secrete this substance, and if the opposite sex smells it, it will make them infatuated.

At the same time, their fondness for you will be infinitely magnified. Scientists have studied this and, to put it simply, love is actually the result of hormones at work.

Although most humans scoff at this explanation, experimental data doesn't lie.

Zhou Tianfeng recalled a short video he had watched before transmigrating, which mentioned this case. Out of boredom and curiosity, he specifically searched for it online.

Scientists conducted an experiment where several female college students entered a bar together to see if any men would approach them, and they recorded detailed data on these encounters.

After a few days, these women were subjected to hormone stimulation, causing an excessive secretion of hormones, and they were then sent back to the bar.

The result was that they attracted even more attention from the opposite sex, and more people approached them.

For the sake of experimental rigor, scientists conducted the same test with a group of male college students and obtained the same data.

However, this experiment result still raised doubts among many people, so they conducted tests with twin sisters and twin brothers.

The two sisters looked exactly the same and dressed similarly, but one sister received hormone stimulation while the other did not.

Then the two of them entered the bar again, and the sister who received hormone stimulation received significantly more approaches than her sister, with a probability of 80%, nearly double.

Because of this experimental data, many perfume companies immediately seized the opportunity and launched a type of male hormone perfume, making a fortune.

In reality, how can you stimulate your hormones? The answer is simple: having a transcendent-level strong physique and a healthy body.

And if I remember correctly, the adrenaline rush I experienced was actually a kind of hormone surge to some extent.

When I first started fighting against the sect leader, Ming Yanshang, I used this adrenaline hormone surge state.

When I first arrived at Jade Water Heavenly Palace, I also had an adrenaline rush because I wanted to show Master's Wife. This may have caused a lingering scent of male hormones on me.

And my Master's Wife, as well as some other female disciples, directly or indirectly smelled this scent to varying degrees.

And this scent will definitely make the opposite sex have a strong liking for you.

Later, when I met Senior Sister Lin Wan, she was also attracted to me by this scent at first.

She still had that feeling of teasing me like an older sister, but later things started to go wrong, and she even treated me as her private possession.

So what is this?

But this is not right, you are Human Race, and I am a human too! Can my hormone scent also attract you?

Or is there some kind of connection in certain aspects?

"Why are you staring blankly?" Ming Yanshang looked at Zhou Tianfeng, furrowing her eyebrows.

This kid has been thinking about something since they entered the inner hall, even zoning out. She called him several times but he didn't respond.

"Um, Sect Leader Shishu! Disciple, disciple was thinking about something," Zhou Tianfeng snapped back to reality and quickly spoke.

"What are you thinking about? Tell me," Ming Yanshang asked with a smile.

"Disciple was reflecting on the sparring with the sect leader just now, trying to find out where I fell short so that I can do better next time," Zhou Tianfeng said.

I can't tell you that I suspect I have a powerful charm constitution, which has an overwhelming effect on you women, making you fall for me and lose your minds in minutes.

If I were to say that, the sect leader would definitely turn against me in minutes, and she might even suspect that her previous fondness for me was due to this constitution.

But in reality, hormones only play a supportive role. If you see an ugly person, no matter how strong the scent they emit, you won't feel anything.

So, after transmigrating, my physical appearance has undergone some kind of transformation, which is actually a good thing. At least I look more handsome and masculine than before.

"Is that so? Actually, you did very well just now. I was only able to suppress you because of my profound cultivation. Otherwise, I wouldn't have won against you," Ming Yanshang nodded and said.

More than just good! This kid completely suppressed me in terms of moves at the beginning.

He could perfectly predict my attacks every time. In front of him, I felt like I was being seen through.

But later, when I entered the Heavenly Rage Battle Body mode and he entered the Fire Spirit Body mode, his ability to predict attacks greatly weakened, or even completely disappeared. He just kept launching fierce attacks.

That's when I seized the opportunity to defeat him. Otherwise, the outcome would have been uncertain unless I shamelessly raised my cultivation to the peak of Nascent Soul or even Soul Cultivation.

So, you little brat, don't even think about reflecting on the battle result anymore. Your combat power now is basically unmatched among your peers.

"Sect Leader Shishu is joking," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"I am not trying to flatter you. I am just speaking the truth. Your talent for battle is truly amazing. You should develop it well in the future. This is your strength, a gift from heaven. You must cherish it." Ming Yanshang said.

"I will remember the teachings of the sect's senior disciple." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Alright! Let's get to the main point. You have been with our sect for over half a year now. Apart from our sect's techniques, Shui Yun senior sister has not taught you anything else. This time, at Shui Yun senior sister's request, I plan to teach you some sword techniques and spells. What do you want to learn?" Ming Yanshang said.

"What disciple learns is up to the master. I have no preferences." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Then I will teach you a set of basic Five Elements spells, as well as our sect's ultimate skill, the Flying Flower Sword Technique." Ming Yanshang said.

The Five Elements spells have varying strengths and weaknesses, and they are a required practice for all righteous disciples. As for the Flying Flower Sword Technique, it is the signature skill of the Jade Water Heavenly Palace. These two things must be learned.

"I don't mean to hide anything from you, but I have already been taught these basic Five Elements spells, as well as the Flying Flower Sword Technique, and even advanced techniques like the Falling Flower Sword Technique, the Moon Sword Technique, and the Jade Water Sword Technique by senior sister Lin Wan." Zhou Tianfeng said.

In short, senior sister has already taught me everything she knows, so I know it all too.

"What? She taught you everything? Have you really mastered all of them? You've only been here for half a year! Even if someone taught you all these spells and techniques, it wouldn't be something you could accomplish overnight. Don't go bragging, young man." Ming Yanshang lightly tapped Zhou Tianfeng's forehead with her hand and smiled.

In half a year, you have learned all the basic Five Elements spells, the Flying Flower Sword Technique, and even several advanced sword techniques. Are you kidding me? It took me nearly ten years to learn all of these.

"I have indeed been taught by senior sister, but I am not yet proficient. However, I have no problem practicing on my own." Zhou Tianfeng said.

I have indeed completely learned them, but it seems too unbelievable. So I'll be a bit more low-key.

"Then show me what you can do. If there are any shortcomings, I will give you some guidance." Ming Yanshang said.

"I will do as you command." Zhou Tianfeng assumed a stance and demonstrated the basic Five Elements spells one by one, intentionally making some mistakes in the process. He even failed to successfully cast two of the spells, and adjusted the power slightly.

"Not bad, not bad. Although you are still very unfamiliar with them, you have indeed learned them. Practice diligently in the future, and you will soon master these basic Five Elements spells." Ming Yanshang nodded and said.

She was quite satisfied with Zhou Tianfeng's progress.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior disciple. I will practice diligently in the future." Zhou Tianfeng said.

"Now, show me the Flying Flower Sword Technique and the Falling Flower Sword Technique, our sect's ultimate skills." Ming Yanshang said.

"I will do as you command." Zhou Tianfeng flew into the air and released his flying sword. The flying sword separated in the air, transforming into countless flowers, creating a magnificent scene. Then, it transformed into numerous colorful petals.

To be honest, this move was very beautiful when executed, and it had great power. But Zhou Tianfeng felt a bit awkward using it. It seemed more suitable for women, while men using it felt like a transvestite.

"Not bad, not bad. You have successfully executed the Flying Flower Sword Technique." Ming Yanshang said.

Afterwards, Zhou Tianfeng also imitated the Falling Flower Sword Technique, the Moon Sword Technique, and the Jade Water Sword Technique, but he didn't successfully release the latter two techniques. After all, he was just pretending.

"It's already great. Remember, the Feihua Sword Technique is the fundamental sword technique of our sect, and all the other sword techniques are derived from it."

"Senior Martial Uncle, I have something to say."


"The Feihua Sword Technique of our sect is very powerful, but when I use it, it doesn't look good. It even feels somewhat out of place. I want to learn other techniques. What do you think, Senior Martial Uncle?" Zhou Tianfeng said.

"You... You find our sect's sword technique not good-looking? You little brat, what are you joking about? Our sect's sword technique is the best in terms of appearance," Ming Yanshang said angrily, with his hands on his hips.

This little brat actually finds fault? Do you know that our Feihua Sword Technique is at the apex level among the top three sects?

"I know, but because it's too beautiful, when I use it, it feels somewhat out of place. If a woman were to use it, it would indeed be beautiful, but if I were to use it, it would probably just become a laughingstock," Zhou Tianfeng said.

"What's wrong with that? If it can kill enemies and win battles, then it's a good thing. There's no need to care about the opinions of other sects."

"Senior Martial Uncle, does our sect not have any other profound techniques? Like other sword techniques?" Zhou Tianfeng asked persistently.

"Hmm! Since you insist on learning, then take this jade token I'm giving you and go to the library to choose!" Ming Yanshang said.

"Thank you, Senior Martial Uncle, but my token can only access the third floor. Some powerful techniques are on the fourth floor," Zhou Tianfeng said.

The Jade Water Heavenly Palace library is divided into six floors. The first floor is accessible to outer disciples, miscellaneous disciples, and ordinary disciples.

The second floor is accessible to outer disciples with merits and inner disciples who have reached the Foundation Building Stage in their cultivation.

The third floor is accessible to outer guest disciples, inner disciples, and elite disciples who have reached the Harmonious Spirit realm in their cultivation.

The fourth floor is only accessible to outer guest elders and inner elders. Only those who have reached the Soul Cultivation level or above can enter.

The fifth floor is for the sect leader and peak masters. They are qualified to enter.

As for the books on the sixth floor, only the sect leader and the supreme elders are allowed to enter.

"Alright, but you can only stay for one hour. After choosing a sword technique, you can only look at the table of contents and not the content. However, I will allow you to go to the fifth floor, but I have to accompany you," Ming Yanshang pondered for a moment and said.

"I will comply." It seems that the idea of freely accessing the fourth floor is unrealistic.

But being able to enter the fifth floor to choose techniques is an unexpected joy.

"Okay, it's getting late today. Go back to your room and rest. Tomorrow, I will take you to the library," Ming Yanshang said.

"I take my leave." After bidding farewell to the sect leader, Zhou Tianfeng returned to his room.

Thinking about the peculiar effects of his hormone secretion, Zhou Tianfeng came up with a way to deal with the mysterious woman.

But first, he needed to confirm whether this thing would be effective against her.

(End of this chapter)

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